Author's Note:
This is a respond to a challenge by Mockingjay Rose. Basically, the challenge was to write a story where Tsuna somehow made it to a parallel world and his guardians didn't know him. (Insert other details here. Heh.)
So this is how I'm gonna put a story for that.
No, this is not a romance. (I suck at that.) But I sure made it look like they're in a parallel universe. And hey, before you judge that this character is so-not-in-character, mind you, PARALLEL universe. Something new will be there; there will be the same details, but not the exact replica of each other.
I'm pretty sure there will be mistakes somewhere in here – grammar mostly.
Reviews, comments, questions are welcome. Suggestions, hmn, let me hear it.
Title: Hitman Reboot
"Is this the moment where I tell you to leave and save yourself?" The raven-haired guy smirked and pulled out his tonfas in a second. He and his companion, at that moment, were surrounded by delinquents. Messing with other high school students weren't their intention but thanks to their arrogance and their unfailing nature of attracting fights, a few impatient people just want to break hell at them. The enemies cornered them within the Namimori School grounds, right at dusk.
"Yeah, and this is the time where I tell you I'm sticking with you." The other grinned back, taking a trident out of nowhere. His dichromatic eyes turned serious, the red one marked with changing characters.
"Kyoya, guard my back." Mukuro's grip tightened around his trident. It wasn't because of fear. This was that time again. To fight. And he won't deny the satisfaction he got from taking people down.
"Like you'd need my help anyway." Hibari replied, his tonfas ready to strike. It wasn't apparent on his face but, like Mukuro, he was eager to fight. And what Hibari said was true. Neither of them needed anyone's help. In their own ways, they were invincible.
The intent delinquents didn't even try to bargain with them. They belittled the seemingly lone two rats thrown in a den of snakes. They started to attack with various weapons in their hands – variety of pocketknives and switchblades, baseball bats, metal rods, and some even were confident to fight with their fists. They moved in a battle cry. At that time, evening fell; street lights trailed their legacy of light.
Tsuna watched from one of the Namimori school buildings. This was new, he thought. He never expected Hibari working with Mukuro. Tsuna almost smiled at that but the cuts and bruises both his guardians were taking didn't escape his eyes. His worried gaze shifted on his two guardians. He saw the illusion Mukuro imposed in the field. In the eyes of the enemies, their companions were long done in the ground. That they were losing from just the two of them. He was also using his trident well, like a death god, adept in taking souls from the Earth. Hibari, on the other hand, struck anyone who appeared in front of him. Back attackers were not given mercy.
Tsuna was expecting the enemies to retreat but they did not. He wondered why they were trying so hard to take his two men down like they were the most unforgivable criminals the world could ever have. He knew their efforts were in vain. His guardians would never lose.
But the ground shed with blood disturbed him. Was it real? Or, was it Mukuro's illusion? This has to end, Tsuna thought. Illusion or not, he couldn't stand the violence and the pain he was seeing. He couldn't understand the point of all that fight.
Tsuna turned to his hyper mode. With both hands ignited with flame, he flew down the scene.
Everyone halted upon his descend. The enemies shook in fear as if they saw a monster in spree of slaughtering. It was then, it seemed, that they notice their bloody and gloomy surrounding – the blood in every corner of their sight, the almost lifeless body of their companions, and the fierce force emanating from his guardians. Mukuro's illusion was still well-founded.
Just by that, as if struck by a hard realization, they scampered like rats.
He sighed as he returned to the normal him. He faced Mukuro and Hibari who gave him a grudging look. And he, the Vongola Decimo couldn't escape the feeling of dread with the presence of either of them. How much more of the both? He gave them an awkward smile.
"Who are you?" Hibari asked with his tonfas still prepared to fight. His wary eyes directed at him.
Mukuro grinned, not lowering his guard. But he was obviously fascinated with Tsuna. "I know a few people who can use flames like that. You're from Vongola, aren't you?"
Tsuna frowned at the unfamiliarity. It was different. Something felt different; and then he remembered he wasn't supposed to be in Namimori, or in Japan. He was in Italy, with the whole Vongola family for the inheritance ceremony. He was even to refuse the position. Yes, still, he was having second thoughts. But he wasn't totally giving up in the position. Just that he wasn't ready yet. Forget about the inheritance ceremony but the situation now got him stupefied.
Tsuna noticed Mukuro's eyes return back to its normal dichromatic look accompanied by the return of the normal surrounding of the Namimori School grounds.
"I'm dreaming," he spoke softly. That must be it, he thought. He was just dreaming. Convincing his self was just easy, after all, that all he had to do was slap his self in front of Hibari and Mukuro. They watched him in bewilderment. Futility at its best, Tsuna just ended up embarrassing his self.
"The hell do you think you're doing?" Hibari interjected with a sarcastic smile.
"He's waking his self up, it seemed," Mukuro replied, putting away his trident in a puff.
Hibari also kept his tonfas, and raised an eyebrow. Tsuna flinched.
"It's what I do when I get sleepy in Sawada-sensei's history lessons," Mukuro continued. He turned to Tsuna. "I'm right, right?"
Tsuna just gave Mukuro a confirmatory smile. But Tsuna didn't let past hearing his surname. "This Sawada-sensei you're talking about, could it be Iemitsu Sawada?"
"Nope, it's his wife who we're talking about. She's the nicest teacher you could ever have but she's not cut out to be a teacher. She should just retire and be a housewife. Right, Hibari?"
"I don't care about that."
Tsuna couldn't help but side-wonder. Mukuro was different. But Hibari was more like still Hibari, except that he was working with the mist guardian. Where was he, really? Was he drugged? Or did Byakuran play another joke on him. And where was Reborn? He was just with him a while ago. When did he end up in there anyway? He was still dreaming, he thought to himself; and before he let that sink in, a sudden gush of memory played in his mind.
He was about to enter that door – to make his self known to all the Vongola. He heard the social noise inside, the fresh jazz music being played, the anxious breaths of his guardians, and the one that bothered him more: his footsteps. He was moving forward. He looked at his storm guardian on his right. There was a cool excited smile playing on his lips. Yamamoto was behind them, with his sword on his back. He gave him a reassuring look. That made him guilty. He actually decided to refuse the title. Just for a while, he thought. He turned to his other guardians – Ryohei gave him a nod; and Chrome, in place of Mukuro, gave him an anxious smile. Hibari, who was surprisingly present, had Reborn sitting on his shoulders, and as usual he was without care of whatever was happening. He was just looking forward for his battle with Reborn.
And when he set foot, a lot of confetti welcomed them as with the crowd of applauses and a cry of cheer for the new Vongola boss. Everyone he knew in the mafia was there.
The young Spanner and Irie Shoichie approached him with pride. "Vongola, this is for you." And they shot a spot light at him. A violet ray emanated from it. He didn't know what it was for but it felt cold, and it felt like he was being torn apart but there was no pain. In fact, he felt pleasant. He saw Byakuran ran in his direction, his face basked in surprise of something that shouldn't happen. "Stop that, Irie!" Byakuran shouted.
And then he was there – on the rooftop of Namimori School. He started to feel cold. He clenched his fist and open. Closed and open, like it was something that would make him feel his self.
"Are you okay?" Mukuro approached him.
In an instant, Tsuna grabbed Mukuro's collar. "What do you know about Vongola?" He didn't understand what was going on with him. But he must know what was going on in that world. He considered being transported to a parallel world. Byakuran, Irie and Spanner were capable of that. As for the reason why he was there – he didn't know. The look in Byakuran's face before he got to that parallel world made it clear that it was an accident.
"Hey, calm down. I can answer your questions but you wouldn't like messing with us."
Tsuna considered that and let go of his grip. Mukuro fix his clothes. "It's a mafia group."
"And you're involved with it?"
Hibari cleared his throat.
"It's alright, Hibari. We can trust him. We could just finish him if ever he does something bad." Mukuro's words brought shivers to Tsuna. "Yes, we're part of the Vongola. In fact, we are the guardians of the tenth Vongola heir."
"I see. Another similarity," Tsuna commented which brought confusion to the two but disregard it as one of his crazy yapping. "So who's this heir you're talking about?"
"We haven't seen him yet, and it seems like he's missing."
Tsuna frowned. "Missing? I'm just here."
"Hibari, Mukuro." A familiar voice called their attention. It was Bianchi. "The Ninth will be happy for the job you've done." With a perceptive smile, she went behind Tsuna and held his shoulders. He twitched, remembering that anything this woman touch will just turn to poison, or be poisoned.
"Bianchi, what a surprise. You wanted to see me?" Mukuro flashed his most majestic smile that you could almost see stars falling from the skies.
Bianchi smiled back and ignored Mukuro's greeting.
"What job are you talking about?" Hibari asked with his hands now crossed over his chest.
"For finding the heir." She replied.
Mukuro's smile vanished from his face. Both he and Hibari stared at Tsuna. And Tsuna, on the other hand, couldn't read what was behind those eyes.
Alright, alright. There was it. Uh, I played around with some words. Sorry, I'm just a kid. (not really.)
Haha, and in the end, I was able to drop a hint of MukuroxBianchi. And no, that's not the story. I just saw that at the last minute. Anyway, that's not the focus on it.
Well then, 'til the next chapter.