AN: The dreaded chapter 13 (dun dun dunnnn), the bad luck where things start to go badly, but for whom? Me and my success, hopefully not. For the characters? Well you'll just have to read and see for yourself! Anyways sorry about the long wait, but I have good news! I have finished the IB program! Now I have a lot more time to write so despite this chapter being a bit shorter than I wanted hopefully the next one won't take very long. I'm thinking maybe a week or two, but anyways heres my recently formed tradition of ranting before the chapter so enjoy!
Rant Begin!
Rant Over
Chapter 13 The Betrayal
Last Time
As the kages were clapping Hiruzen suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed on the ground. "HOKAGE-SAMA!"
Present Time
Naruto and Team 7 stood outside of the Hokage's personal treatment room as a doctor walked out.
Naruto immediately spoke "Sensei! (1) Is Hokage-jiji gonna be ok?"
The doctor only sighed and adjusted his clip board, "I'm afraid not, he suffered a stroke, and after some testing we discovered that he has developed a brain tumor that has developed more quickly than I have ever seen before. I'm afraid that he might not have that much longer to live. Your sensei is in there with him right now, you may speak with him after he's done but I warn you, you might not like what you see."
The genin (haven't been promoted yet) nodded their heads in understanding as the doctor left and went down the hall.
Inside the Room
"This disease isn't natural is it Orochimaru?" said Hiruzen in a manner that it was more of a statement then a question.
"Yes, it appears that Danzo is already making his move. He has made sure that this incident can't be traced back to him. Plus he has trapped the civilian council members in a genjutsu and has found ways to persuade almost all of the ninja council, mostly by threats, so that he will become the Hokage after your passing. I've already had Kimimaro, Kabuto, Anko and the rest of my agents work on finishing the project that I started awhile back, originally it was to strengthen Konoha but now it will serve to be the location for it's eventual saving."
Hiruzen nodded, he had made sure to keep no written documents of Orochimaru's project so there was no risk of the information falling into Danzo's hands.
"I'll get my students and prepare immediately, should I send them in?" asked the sannin.
"Yes I'd like to have a word with them before my passing." said the dying Hokage. Orochimaru nodded before walking out and sending in his students.
Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke entered the room as Orochimaru stepped out to give them some privacy.
"Jiji..." Naruto stated as he saw the state of his grandfatherly figure. Gone was the man who despite his age projected an aura of strength and safety. Now he looked like a frail old man who would break easily.
"Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke listen to me." Said the Sandaime in a serious tone causing them to give him their full attention. "Their is something happening within the village, and no matter what happens trust your sensei more than anyone else. Now I'm tired and would like some rest." Finished Hiruzen as he closed his eyes.
Nodding the three students left the room and saw their sensei standing outside the room leaning on a wall. He tossed them each a scroll and said, "Use these sealing scrolls to seal up anything you can't live without. We'll be going on a long term mission and won't be back for a long time. Naruto tell Haku the same, we'll all meet at the entrance to training ground 44 once your prepared, but don't delay too long and don't tell anyone what you are doing understood?"
The three genin looked at their sensei quizzically before remembering what the Sandaime said and nodded.
Time Skip 30 mins later
Hinata had just finished sealing up her belongings and was about to head off to the training ground before she heard what sounded like her father. She could tell be his voice that he was not very happy. Curiosity getting the better of her she crept down the hall way and peaked into the room that her father was in. The door had been left open a crack so she could see inside.
"Hiashi please reconsider I'd hate to resort to drastic action." Spoke a man covered in bandages. She also noticed her grandfather standing a short ways behind her father.
"I already told you no Danzo! I will not support you on becoming Hokage. I don't care if you threaten my wife knowing that if I cave a worse fate awaits my daughters and all the other females in the clan. The Hyuga are excellent at spying Danzo I know about your plans to impregnate strong females and bloodline wielding kunoichi to increase our strength in the future! For the last time my answer is NO! GET OUT OF MY COMPOUND!"
Danzo sighed, "Seems you are stubborn, perhaps negotiations will be better with your successor." Right as he finished a sword burst through Hiashi's chest. Hinata covered her mouth as tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she saw who had done it.
Her grandfather was the one holding the blade. "Father... why?" gasped out Hiashi.
The aged Hyuga merely smirked, "This is simply fate Hiashi, Danzo has promised me that the Hyuga will prosper under his reign." he spoke as he pulled the blade from his sons chest and watched the body crumple to the floor.
A ninja jumped from the roof dressed in kumo shinobi attire and was handed the bloody blade before being struck in the chest and killed instantly.
"Shame that Hiashi was assassinated by kumo in an act of revenge for what happened all those years ago." spoke Danzo.
"Yes, indeed it is." Finished the Hyuga elder now clan head once again.
Hinata unable to watch anymore did her best to run away quietly while tears flowed freely from her eyes.
Just like Hinata Sasuke had also just finished his packing before he made a quick trip to the secret Uchiha meeting place that contained the tablet that talked about the Mangekyou Sharingan. After memorizing it quickly with his Sharingan he went to head to the training ground before he heard voices from above him.
"The guards said the the Uchiha returned but we can't seem to find him." spoke one of the voices.
"If we can't find him Danzo-sama will be most displeased." spoke another.
Sasuke grit his teeth knowing who Danzo is. He knew he was outmatched against multiple Root shinobi. He knew there were at least two inside the building and who knows how many more outside.
Leaning against a wall for a moment he felt it push back slightly almost making him fall over. Recovering quickly as to not alert the shinobi above to his location he saw that the wall had slid back almost looking like a door. Sliding to one side he realized that it was one of the clans secret evacuation tunnels that were built in case of an invasion. Entering the small passage way and closing it behind him he made his way toward training ground 44.
Naruto and Haku were the first to arrive at the training area, neither having a whole lot to pack, Haku especially since he hadn't been in the village for very long. Only things he really made sure to bring was the Kubikiribocho and his spare hunter nin mask. Naruto only really sealed up his life time supply of instant ramen (gotta remember the important things).
Naruto was quite shocked when Hinata practically tackled him with tears running down her face.
Sasuke stumbled into the clearing a few moments later panting for breath as if he was in a dead sprint the whole way here.
Concerned Naruto turned to Hinata who was now sobbing uncontrollably, "Hinata whats wrong?"
It was a minute before she could tell her story of what happened. At the end all of the shinobi present were in shock over what happened. They then turned to Sasuke who explained what happened at his compound.
He had barely finished his story when their sensei dropped into the clearing, "It seems they are moving faster than we initially thought, we need to get out of the village now! "As you've probably figured out by now Danzo is currently attempting to take control of the village, and he is most likely going to succeed. The Hokage's disease was not my chance. I still haven't figured out how he was able to transmit something like that to the Hokage but that doesn't change the fact that it happened. I was hoping to be able to wait to tell you this after we reached our destination but it seems that my calculations were off. All four of you are targets, for one being my pupils and loyal to the Sandaime, and secondly and most importantly for your bloodlines. They wish to turn all of you into breeding stocks to make the village stronger."
The four young shinobi cringe at the thought before Naruto spoke still holding a crying Hinata, "So what are we gonna do? Go on the run?"
"No I have been working on an under ground secret project, I'll give you the details later but it was originally supposed to be a branch network of Konoha with secret bunkers scattered across the shinobi nations with the main headquarters being located in Rice, but due to the circumstances it is now going to be independent.
Nodding the four genin stood up and followed their sensei.
They had just made it outside of the wall when a kunai impacted into the tree next to Naruto's head. "Shit! We've been spotted this just got more difficult!" spoke Orochimaru.
Seeing that they were being pursued by 8 anbu in plain white masks, Naruto withdrew Shin Ryu before pointing it at the ROOT ninja and pumped a ton of chakra into the blade before shouting, "ROAR SHIN RYU!" as he yelled the command dozens of flaming blue dragons burst from the blade. Each anbu now had at least six seeking dragon fireballs trying to roast them.
Four tried to jump behind trees only for one to blow up the tree and the other to impact straight into their face, killing them instantly. Due to the loss of their previous targets the remaining anbu now had at least ten flaming dragons to contend with.
The remaining anbu worked together to erect a four layered earth dome around them. The dragons impacted with it and while the dome was in bad shape with all but the last layer and bits of the second rubble, the four anbu were still alive. They lowered the dome only to realize that the shinobi they were pursuing were no longer within their sight.
Hinata can you use your Byakugan to see if anyone is still following us? Asked Sasuke.
Nodding she activated her Byakugan as the veins around her eyes bulged. Taking a look behind them she saw that their weren't any enemy shinobi pursuing them.
"No only four of them survived Naruto-kun's attack and the remaining four have lost track of our location."
Nodding the five ex-Konoha shinobi jumped through the trees toward their destination.
Back in Konoha Danzo cursed as he found out about the Sannin getting away with four bloodline wielders, three of which were the only ones in the village.
He had plans of making them impregnate several women so they could receive more shinobi with their abilities.
Cursing at having to change his plans. He knew the snake Sannin would be a problem but he had underestimated the snakes espionage skill. Clearly he somehow figured out his plans.
Quickly coming up with a lie that could turn this into his favor he summoned all the jonin in the village for a meeting.
Once everyone minus Kakashi showed up he began, "I come to you this day with sorrowful news. Today in an act of spite for not being chosen as Hokage once again, Orochimaru of the Sannin betrayed the village and kidnapped his students plus the ice user they brought to the village."
Gasps of shock and horror, and a few cries of disbelief were heard before Danzo raised his hand and silenced them. "I now declare Orochimaru of the Sannin an S-rank criminal, his students will most likely have been brainwashed into thinking us the enemy so I will place them each as A-rank criminals with a capture Alive tag."
Some of the shinobi questioned the high ranking but then remembered who their sensei was and nodded in agreement.
Our favorite team plus Haku was currently still heading towards Konoha's shared border with Rice country. Once they were over the border they could rest easy as Konoha shinobi would be unable. They had slowed down their pace to keep from getting winded should they encounter enemies. While they were jumping Naruto turned to Orochimaru, "Sensei, how come only a few shinobi chased us, I would have thought there would have been more."
Normally you'd be right, but due to what is going on in the village Danzo couldn't risk bringing normal shinobi into it yet, it would cause to much suspicion to turn toward him. The shinobi that came after us are probably the ones he sent to ambush Naruto and Haku and tracked them outside of the village." Nodding in understanding they continued their run towards the border.
They ran into some bandits at one point but they were quickly taken care of by Haku who wanted to test his abilities with his old masters blade. The results were devastating and the fight only lasted about 2 minutes before all the bandits were bisected, frozen, or some combination of the two. One guy was even totally frozen before being shattered (basically what he did to Gato).
After Haku got his practice in and took a small break to eat some ration bars, the 5 shinobi set off again for their destination. While they were sitting their Hinata gained a panicked look on her face as she got very pale, "Hinata whats wrong?" Naruto said worried.
Tears began too appear on the corners of her eyes, "Hanabi, I forgot about Hanabi." now the tears were practically water falls coming from her eyes. "What if they try to do terrible things too her?"
Orochimaru seeing his only female students distress put a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Relax Hinata nothing bad will happen to Hanabi. In order too keep the Hyuga clan under control they need to have an heir, Neji is ineligible because he has the caged bird seal, so since Hanabi is the only remaining heir. Since you've left she will be raised to be a figure head puppet leader of the clan. While not the best outcome they can't afford for her to go missing or have anything bad happen or else the Hyuga clan would potentially fall apart, be suspicious and investigate the cause, or worse have a internal war to decide who the next clan head is. Despite your grandfather's annoying focus on fate, he will not do something that would hurt the Hyuga clan.
Hinata still a bit shaken up but clearly much calmer, and no longer on the verge of attempting to break back into Konoha just for her sister, she sat back down. "We'll rescue her at some point right? I just know they are turning her against me as we speak."
Orochimaru nodded with a kind smile on his face, Sasuke smirked, and Naruto gave her a thumbs up, "Don't worry Hinata-chan we'll return your sister to you when the time is right! Thats a promise of a lifetime!"
Unable to speak Hinata let tears run down her face with a smile, and she nodded her head in agreement thankful to have such an amazing team.
"I can't imagine being in a team with anyone but you guys! Imagine if we had that pink banshee fan girl on our team!" said Naruto with a laugh as Sasuke shuddered.
"Don't even joke about that Naruto, I'd probably be on the verge of suicide or abandoning the village to get away from her!" said Sasuke
Feeling a bit left out of the topic Haku decided to throw in his two cents, "I might have died on the bridge taking Kakashi's Raikiri for Zabuza."
Everyone just turned to look at Haku, "Bro thats kinda dark don't you think? I'm sure that would never happen!" said the always optimistic Naruto.
Haku wasn't totally convinced but nodded anyways since the blonde wouldn't be persuaded otherwise. They then decided that they had spent enough time resting and needed to get moving again before anyone else could catch up to them.
Thankful that Danzo couldn't spare many of his ROOT to pursue them due to the potential of people rising up against him or opposing him as hokage.
The four that had survived Naruto's Hunting Dragon Bullets had tried to pursue them again only to be taken down by Orochimaru in mere seconds.
Orochimaru just appeared in front of them and cut three of them down before they could react. The final one had tried to escape to the village for reinforcements only to be reeled in by a Bansho Tenin curtesy of Naruto, and then killed by a Jyuken to the heart. After burning the bodies they continued their trip to Rice country.
After a few days of traveling they stopped by the edge of a forest. As they took a slow trek through the forest, no longer fearing ROOT shinobi due to having crossed the border days ago, they began to notice how as they went deeper into the forest the volume of the natural wild life seemed to increase. Naruto's eyes seemed to widen for a second before turning to his Orochimaru, "Sensei, the animals seem to be continually casting some kind of sound based genjutsu. My Rinnegan can see through it but its taking a lot of focus."
Orochimaru chuckled slightly at his students revelation while thee others looked somewhat shocked. "Yes, that is the work of a combination of my snake summons and Jiraiya's toad summons. The genjutsu hides the true nature of our new village, one that not even Danzo knows the location of. Tossing the trio headbands, they took of their leaf ones and replaced it with the new ones which held the emblem of a musical note. As they did Naruto no longer had to strain his eyes to see through the illusion, and Sasuke and Hinata's vision blurred for a moment and before clearing up to show them in front of a swamp. Orochimaru performed a hand sign as a path made of stone burst up from the depth of the swamp leading to a hatch cover that leads underground (2). Out of the tunnel came a pale man with two purple dots on his forehead and a redhead who was carrying a flute.
Orochimaru and the other then turned around and held out his arms and said, "Welcome to your new home! The Village Hidden in the Sound!"
Japanese refer to doctors as "Sensei" as a sign of respect.
Think of the Dai Lee's secret entrance to their secret base in Avatar: The Last Airbender Book 2
AN: In other news, I would like to apologize profusely to those who voted for Tenten in the Sasuke pairing poll I held. My original plan had them not leaving the village so early so it might have worked out... But with the recent fleeing from the village I just don't see how it's really possible anymore. Soooo I will be switching to the girl who won second place and is a lot easier to write the pairing for... Kin Tsuchi! Again I apologize for the switch. To be honest I might have him have two girls with the other being a personal favorite. Shion! I just always wondered what kind of eyes a child of those two would have. Plus it would be pretty easy to write about too. Thats a pretty big maybe though so don't go getting up in arms about it since for that I'd actually need to think of a way to incorporate her into the story, and for those that know me I'm pretty lazy.
So hopefully it won't be too long this time! I'll see you again in chapter 14. So till then happy reading!