"Outside, outside, outside!"

"Got it!"

I approached the net as the setter set an impeccably perfect set towards me. The practice game was going perfectly and one last point will settle this match. I jumped—Suddenly, a meteor of unimaginable weight hit me and latched on. The ball dropped on the court.

"Argh! What the hell?" I screamed angrily as I futilely tried to remove the insufferable Thing from my back.

"XueXue…," the Thing purred, "Why are you sooo late? I've been waiting since forever…"

I glared at the Thing as it smiled sheepishly; I was hoping to burn a hole through its annoying thick head. I seem to be doing that lately but no matter what I do, Jin XiYun just seems to be immune to common sense.

All around, I hear my teammates groan in frustration. It had been a long day and we were all exhausted. One last point would've released us all from practice.

"Jin XiYun! We know that you're insanely in love with Xue, but please refrain from molesting our ace when we're practicing," my captain stated exasperatedly, "Not to mention that you also destroyed a perfect set." Her set had been beautiful, the best we've seen today, and she does not appreciate anyone killing her sets. Tough luck.

"I'm not in love with Xue! She's my best friend for god's sake!" Yun pouted, "Besides—"

Before Yun could finish, he was already sprawled face first on the ground as a innocent tennis ball rolled away from him.

"Damn right you're not," a deep and resonating voice came up from behind me said.

I smirked to myself. Ah, he's here.

Yun looked up fearfully at the looming figure behind me and recoiled.

"Stop harassing my sister," My twin brother growled menacingly. He then proceeded to pull me towards him and wrapped a protective arm around me. Squeals could be heard from my teammates all around the court. I even heard some hollers from the perverts who watch every single girls' volleyball team practices from the bleachers.

I rolled by eyes but gave an appreciative glance at my brother as Yun whimpered in a corner.

"Xue, is your practice over?" My brother asked and he threw his jersey over me.

I looked at my coach and she gave a nod. My brother took no time to drag me out of the gym after grabbing my gym bag and his tennis bag. I gave a quick nod to my teammates and coach, not paying any attention to my depressed friend in the corner. As we walked out the gym, my teammates (and coach) giggled about something that sounded suspiciously like 'twincest'.

As we walked in sync in the hallways, I stole glances at my brother. It's no wonder that the girls, even some boys and teachers, adore him. My older twin by 9 minutes, Lee DongJun, is one of the "Flower Boys" of our university campus. The most famous member of this unofficial group is, of course, our Chinese Literature professor, Min GuiWen but since he is rumoured to be homosexual, most fangirls just settle for staring at his face. My brother, on the other hand, is currently single and the target of 99.99% of the female beasts at our campus. To most girls, he is the "perfect prince charming". With his sharp features, fair skin, and "electrifying" eyes, as his oh-so-in-love-with-Jun fans call them, who wouldn't fall for him? He is also the star of the tennis team and currently places first in his Business course. But what keep the fangirls attached are two things. First, his apathetic aura when dealing with such people. Sure, he's polite and all, but he also gives off his signature "flirt-all-you-want-but-I-won't-care" vibe. The second, to my dismay, is food for the fans. The fangirls get their daily dosage of "Junism" from one thing: Taipei University's Twincest.

As you can see, Jun is very protective of me. If he finds out that a guy deemed unworthy by him shows interest in me, he will literally and very efficiently kill that person. So far, only one guy is stupid enough to keep provoking him. Most of them usually back off after a near death experiences with falling flowerpots and unexplainable bruises. Of course, Yun doesn't love me that way; he's just a very stupid and idiotic friend but Jun doesn't seem to understand his playful clingy-ness.

Now that I think about it, not many have tried to approach me after the first couple of incidents. Some boys do try to grab my attention though. I suppose that they're trying to get closer to Jun through me. But it's strange; Jun will generally be friends with you as long as you don't grope him every time you're near him. Besides, they don't need to give me flowers and chocolates when they do pull such tricks. Doing so won't make you closer to Jun but have him hate you more instead.

"Xue, did you not hear what I asked?"

Jun's voice pulled me from my thoughts. I looked at him and smiled.

"Nope. I was just thinking about you and your highly amusing fangirls. So, what were you asking?" I continued to smile.

Jun gave a shudder. The only things in the world that scares the great "Jun-sama" are fangirls.

"Xue, please don't remind me of them. Today, another back up player handed in his resignation form because his girlfriend broke up with him for me. I don't even know who she is," he sighed, "And I was asking what you want for dinner."

I mused. That was the third one this month. His record had been five within the first two weeks we arrived at the University. During that month, a total of seven girls broke up with their boyfriends to join his fanclub.

"That's the third one this month."

He grimaced.

"You're losing your touch."

He raised his brows.

"I would rather keep my team members and the respect of the male population than keep my 'touch'."

"You know, many would want your face and body. You should be grateful."

"Speak for yourself," Jun muttered.

I laughed.

"How can I be compared to you? Honestly Jun, you don't have to make me feel better."

He again raised his eyebrows and sighed while shaking his head.

"Never mind. You'll understand one day. So, what do you want for dinner again?"

"Omurice. And we have some leftover side dishes and vegetable from yesterday."

"Sure. I was thinking about the same."

"About the same? My dear brother, you are losing your touch." I laughed as we continued to walk home.