Blaine and Kurt are sitting down to a celebratory dinner at Breadstix with Finn, Rachel, and Sam. The other glee club members are out having their own little party at Mr. Schues' apartment. After dinner the five friends will all head out and join their friends, or so they think. As the check comes Blaine offers to pay for everyone's dinner for being a jerk, but Finn splits it with him since he was partially to blame. Sam just stared at Blaine, he was still angry about his comment during rehearsal about him being "for sale."

Blaine plats a kiss on Kurt's cheek and whispers into his boyfriend's ear. "I love you so much, and when we get to the party I think we should stay for ten minutes, leave and go get a room."

Kurt smiles, but then he stumbles backwards. Blaine steadies him for a moment, giving him a concerned look. "I'm ok, just a little dizzzzzzzz…" His eyes roll back into his head. Blaine and Finn barely have time to grab him before he collapses onto the ground.

"KURT!" Finn and Blaine call to him, shaking him to get him to open his eyes.

Rachel pulls out her phone and dials 911. "Hello! Yes…My…My friend just collapsed."

Within minutes a nearby ambulance responds and rushes Kurt to the hospital with Finn riding with him. Blaine was angry he couldn't go due to not being family and there not being enough room. Sam is the only one holding himself together and so he takes Blaine's car keys from him.

"What are you doing!?" Blaine demands.

Sam leads his friends to the car. "I'm the only one calm enough to drive right now. The last thing we need is for the three of us to end up in the hospital too."

"He's right Blaine!" Rachel says getting in the backseat, while Blaine gets in the front next to Sam.

Blaine hates not being in control right now. "Fine," he growls, "but step on it!"

With that Sam puts the petal to the metal and speeds after the ambulance. Rachel calls Mercedes and informs the rest of their friends what has happened. Blaine keeps himself together long enough to call Burt and Carole.

As they pull up to the hospital they find Finn standing outside the entrance of the emergency room. Rachel gets out and runs out to hold him, seeing that he's crying uncontrollably. Blaine and Sam aren't far behind her when they see Finn push Rachel away. He looks at Sam and then to Blaine, shaking his head vigorously. Tears streaming down Finn's pain stricken expression tell them all they need to know. Kurt didn't make it and was now gone from this world.

Sam catches Blaine before he can hit the ground and pulls him in for a hug, letting him wale into his chest. His entire world has shattered completely with no hope of ever repairing it. To Blaine life was meaningless without Kurt in it. He couldn't even begin to think about what life is going to be like, but he could only think it would be empty and void of color, especially Dior gray.

Sitting inside they wait for Burt and Carole to arrive. Sam sees them and is about to go tell the tragic news when Blaine grabs onto his arm, unable to let go. Sam sits back down and Rachel volunteers quietly. She approaches Kurt's parents and the only audible sounds that can be heard are their cries, begging God to bring him back.

The rest of New Directions arrive and once again Rachel tells them everything. Finn cries as his mother holds him and Burt squeezes his hand. Blaine is different from all the others in the room now. His eyes are vacant and hollow, his face void of all emotions. He just keeps his grip on Sam's arms, not wanting to let go. Sam in a strange sense understands why Blaine is feeling this way. He can see that the immensity of the pain is too great for him to deal with right now and letting go of Sam would mean letting go of everything that he has left; which to Blaine, in this moment, is almost nothing.

As time passes people begin to head home. Will and Emma leave just after all but Rachel, Sam, Finn, Blaine, Burt and Carole have gone. Burt, Carole, and Finn each were taken back to see Kurt's body to say goodbye, before they would begin to make arrangements for his funeral. Blaine hadn't budged, so that meant Sam couldn't leave, and Rachel didn't want to see Kurt that way, she wanted to see him when he was properly dressed and looking much more Kurt-like.

"Come on, let's go home." Burt finally says with his voice heavy and full of sorrow. Carole takes him by the hand and gives him a look of love that somewhat eases his pain.

Finn stammers to his feet with Rachel supporting him as he looks over at Sam. "Come on Sam, you can ride with us." He says in a rasp, remembering that Sam is staying at his house during the school year.

Sam looks at Finn, knowing he needs to be a good friend and be there for him, but Blaine won't let him go. "Uh, if its ok with you guys, I think I should take Blaine home."

"I think that's a good idea." Carole says sweetly. "Just call one of us when you're ready to come home and we'll come get you."

"I'll do it!" Rachel volunteers.

Finn looks at Rachel looking lightly hurt. She gives him a look letting him know she knows what she's doing. She kisses his cheek softly and pulls him in for a tight hug before they leave. As they walk out the doors and Rachel turns and tells Sam to call if he or Blaine need her to get them anything.

"Thanks Rachel, I will." Sam says flashing a halfhearted smile.

Blaine's grip loosens, but his hand travels down Sam's arm, stopping at the hand. He takes hold and squeezes it. "You can cry if you want to." Blaine says not taking his eyes off the spot on the wall he's been focused on for the past few hours. "I know you haven't cried yet, and I know you and Kurt were kind of close, so you can cry if you want to." Blaine's voice is almost monotone as he speaks.

Sam turns and looks at the boy next to him. He can feel every bit of anguish and torture his mind is putting him through. He knows that watching Kurt collapse, seeing the ambulance taking him away, and then finding out he lost the love of his life, must all be playing on a loop inside Blaine's mind right now. "I'm ok for now. Thank you though."

"I'm sorry." Blaine says, blinking for the first time in ten minutes.

Sam is taken aback by this. "Sorry for what?"

"For what I said in the choir room earlier today, I'm sorry. I was angry at Finn and I haven't been feeling like I was really part of the team…just Kurt's boyfriend, and I took it out on you. It wasn't fair of me to do that." Blaine finally turns his head to face Sam.

Sam can see the tears welling up in Blaine's eyes. "Blaine, it's ok, I forgave you already. I knew you didn't mean it. I'm sorry I almost threw a punch at you."

Blaine's face is becoming stained from the tears streaming down his cheeks. "Kurt, he told me to apologize earlier, and said that I was being the biggest jerk in the world to you. He said I had no right to say those things to you, and he was right. When you went to wash your hands at Breadstix, he told me to apologize again, but I lied and said I had already done it." Blaine sobs and has to stop and catch his breath. "I can't believe I lied to him about that."

Sam moves out of his chair, not taking his eyes off of Blaine. He squats down to eye level. "Blaine, it's ok. You don't have to apologize for any of it. You're human."

"But to Kurt I was perfect." He sobs again. He can't help himself and he throws his arms around Sam and cries into the crook of his neck.

Sam just stays there for a minute, letting Blaine cry. Blaine pulls back and wipes his tears away with the sleeve of his shirt. "Thank you for staying with me, Sam. I think I'm ready to go home now."

Sam nods and takes Blaine home.

Back at the Hudson/Hummel residence Finn is lying in his bed, holding onto Rachel for dear life. He hasn't spoken a single word since they left the hospital. Rachel runs her hand across his chest, feeling the beat of his heart. She gazes up at his face and sees he's thinking intensely.

"Hey what's going on in that head of yours?" She whispers playfully, hoping he'll smile.

He turns his gaze towards her. She can tell he's uncertain of what he wants to say, but she gives him a look of encouragement. "Is it wrong that I'm angry at him?"

"Who? Kurt?" Rachel says assuming. "Why you you be angry with Kurt, he didn't know about the heart defect…no one did, so I don't see how you can be angry…"

"Not Kurt," Finn says cutting her off. "I'm upset with Sam."

This confuses Rachel. "Why would you be upset with Sam?"

Finn sighs heavily. "Because he didn't come home with us, instead he stayed with Blaine."

"I see, well Sam's just trying to be a good friend for Blaine. Blaine was latched onto him tighter than a lock on a bank vault. You can't really blame him for staying behind to make sure Blaine is going to be alright." Rachel kisses him before sitting up.

Finn raises himself up on his forearms. "But, Kurt was one of the first people to be there for him when he was homeless last year. Why wouldn't he want to be with Kurt's family?"

Rachel shakes her head. "Don't you get it? He is with Kurt's family, just not all of them." Finn looks confused. "Blaine was the love of Kurt's life, and even though Sam and Blaine had a disagreement today, him being there for Blaine, may be his way of thanking Kurt for everything he did for him last year."

She kisses Finn on the cheek when her phone goes off. She checks the text she's just received from Sam.

SAM: Taking Blaine home now. I'll text you when I need a ride.

Rachel types quickly on her phone so she can focus on Finn.

RACHEL: OK, just let me know when you're ready to come back home and I'll come get you.

How is he btw?

Her phone buzzes almost instantly.

SAM: I will thanks.

He's doing as best as he can be. He finally spoke after you guys left, so I'm not too worried about him now.

She types one last reply.

RACHEL: He's strong and will pull through. I'm glad you stayed with him, but I think Finn needs you too, so call him later if you end up staying the night over there.

Sam responds again, she reads the text and puts the phone away.

SAM: Tell him I'll call him ASAP. Just don't want to leave Blaine alone. Thanks Rachel.

"Sam's going to call you later. I have a feeling he's going to stay the night at Blaine's." Rachel says placing her hand on top of Finn's.

Finn looks out at his open bedroom door. He can see into Kurt's room and expects him to walk into it any second. He sits up completely and wraps his arms around his girlfriend as he begins to cry again.

"Why did this happen?!" He sobs.

Rachel doesn't know how to answer him. Instead she just holds him and allows him to cry until he falls asleep in her arms, before drifting off herself.

Sam walks Blaine up to his room and helps him get ready for bed. He removes his shoes, shirt, and slacks, leaving Blaine sitting on the edge of his bed in his boxers. Sam finds a pair of pajama bottoms and a tank top and helps Blaine put them on. "I'm sorry, Sam." He whispers because his voice is nearly gone from all the crying he did on the way home.

"Stop apologizing Blaine, this wasn't your fault." Sam says looking up at his face.

Blaine shivers and Sam takes a seat next to him on the bed, wrapping an arm around his friend. "I feel so helpless right now. I've never felt like this before…not even when I got beat up."

Sam holds him tighter, resting his head on top of Blaine's. "I know, Blaine. I know. It's just going to take time for that feeling to go away, and I'll be here however much you need me to be."

"Thank you, Sam." Blaine says calming down.

Sam helps Blaine get tucked in. He shuts off the light and is about to walk through the doorway. "Where are you going?" He turns and sees Blaine sitting up in bed.

"Oh I was going to go sleep on your couch, downstairs." Sam says thinking Blaine wanted to be alone at this point.

"Oh, I guess I was thinking…" He trails off.

Sam walks over to him. "What is it Blaine?"

"I was just…" Blaine feels slightly embarrassed and is fairly certain Sam will understandably tell say no. "Will you stay with me tonight? I'm afraid to sleep alone. I … I promise I won't try any.."

"Blaine I trust you. I know you'd never try and molest me. Now scoot over." Sam says smiling, knowing this is what Blaine needs right now. He looks up as he kicks off his shoes.

"Kurt, I miss you buddy. I promise I'll help get Blaine through this somehow." He thinks to himself before climbing in the bed with Blaine.

Blaine at first keeps his distance, but once he falls asleep his body is drawn to the warmth of Sam's. Sam smiles down at his friend just as the first tear he's shed all day dwindles down his cheek.