I do not own Young Justice.

Nightwing had been staring at the screen for two hours; trying to find proof, that these crimes were connected, proof that could not be brushed off as coincidence. So far he found the obvious: all the crimes had occurred at roughly the same time and all by teen super villains operating as groups. This was unimportant except for the sheer number of them. 247. There had been 247 crimes committed at the same time all by teen super villains, in groups. Each group had a least tree at most five. It added to 993 teens possibly working together. Not proof of a connection but more than enough to warrant looking for a one.

Just as Nightwing was about to give up for the night and go home to get some rest it happened. There was a blinding flash of white light. Then there was a figure standing in front of Nightwing in bright silver armor and an almost glowing silver trench coat. Dick readied his escrima sticks to fight noticing the room was much brighter than it had been. "Who are you," Dick barked at the figure. "How'd you get in Mount Justice?"

The figure remained calm, unthreatened by the 18 year old holding none lethal weapons. "Relax, I'm here to help." The figure assured in a calming tone.

"If you're here to help, answer the questions."

"Very well, I am Silver Lion a hero. I've stayed under the radar in order to learn more about the criminal underworld." The figure said. Dick just realized how large he was as he spoke, at least 5 inches taller than superman and more muscular. "I can enter almost any building on the planet in the same manner I arrived hear, it is similar to zeta beaming. Now please put down you're weapons I wouldn't want you hurting yourself."

Dick let his guard down uneasily. "Ok, so what do want to help with." He asked pointedly.

"You're right about the crimes they are connected. And more of a threat than the Team or the League are capable of handling, on your own."

Dick scowled. "Then why are you telling me and not the League?"

"Because the league has grown argent they won't hear me out."

"Fine, tell me."

"It's a group of teen super villains as you suspect. They're led by a 17 year old but that's all I know of their leader. I don't know their whole plan but I do know that their first target is to take down the League." Nightwing nodded for him to continue. "They're building an army. No, they've built an army. The only reason to do that is to declare war. And the only way to fight a war is with an army of your own. That's what you need to do build on army of heroes and quickly. Get this to the League as quickly as you can." He handed Nightwing a flash drive moving for the first time since his arrival.

The room burst into light again blinding Nightwing temporarily. Then the room was empty except for Nightwing and the computer the faint glow from Silver Lion gone. Dick stared at the small flash drive in his hand.

A/N: I will need a lot of OCs for this so, send me some the first ones I get will most likely get a bigger part in the story. I will take OCs with however much detail you give, but if you send me an OC please send one hero and one villain. Any info not given about an OC I will make up as needed. Thanks please review. Please pm me the OC.

-The Silver Lion Strikes