Time seemed to freeze in that moment for both of them. Her eyes became wide with shock at the situation they now found themselves in. All she had wanted was for him to stop teasing her and to get her book back, and this was the result, she couldn't wrap her senses around it.
His eyes were as wide as hers with the same wave of shock, if not, even more so, she noted. But behind that, there was another emotion raging behind those gold speckled eyes that she couldn't quite place though, but whatever that unidentified emotion was, in the look he was giving her, it caused a flush of fire to rise to her cheeks.
With the intensity of his gaze for those short seconds, they caused that uncontrollable urge to surge its way back into her limbs, her body refused to listen to her better judgment. She slowly brought her free hand up and gently brushed the stray waves that fell across his brow, letting her slim fingers glide down the side of his discolored cheek.
In the back her mind her better sense was still telling her she should move to get out of the position they found themselves in, but her limbs failed to react to the message her head was trying to send them. With her action she noted, if it was even possible, his eyes grew wider with shock. But she didn't have the time to really comprehend her action, because the next thing her mind registered was that she was no longer looking down into those dark eyes, but up.
It had happened so fast the air had barely reentered her lungs from her last breath, before he took what little was left in them.
His lips were urgent with a desperate kind of need as he brought them down soundly against hers, his lips were soft and warm as they took in hers regardless of his fervor, he was more gentle with this kiss, but it was no less desperate. His hands were trembling as he brought them up to cradle the sides of face, tangling his fingertips in her dark waves. She didn't understand how the situation changed so drastically in a matter of a few short moments, but she couldn't control the jump her heart tempo took on, as his discolored lips glided across hers, and when her mind finally aloud her to catch up on the situation, she returned his kiss with an urgency of her own. Her eyes fluttered closed as her veins seemed to fill with the same fire from the last time their lips met, every nerve ending in her body was tingling with these amazing sensations. She felt enveloped in his warmth as he hovered above her. His pointed teeth then grazed against her lower lip and she couldn't help the audible sigh that escaped her to pass between them. Though, she wish she had..
Because whatever spell had come over him seemed to break, as his lips froze against hers, and his entire frame went rigid above her. She saw recognition dawn on him and he pulled away quickly, and stared down at her with a mixture of horror, confusion and anger. After a moment he settled on anger to be his primary. Anger, and.. pain?.. Was that a glimmer of pain she saw behind his dark eyes?
She unconsciously brought her hand up to rest gently on his chest, causing him to hiss under his breath. He jerked up and away from her touch as if her fingers burned him. He squeezed his eyes shut tight, as he spoke through clenched teeth.
"...Why?..." "Why do you continue to play these games with me?.. I swear.. I can make you regret it."
He thought she was acting, of course he did.. Believes she has ulterior motives to her every action.. Thats why she had decided to take things slow, and what did she do? that exact opposite, wisdom not followed.. She felt like mentally kicking herself. But she also felt her resolve take place. Refusing to let him believe every action was a play for vengeance, brought on by a plan for deception.
She looked at him squarely, never breaking contact eye to eye, and with her stern demeanor in place refusing to let him see hesitation or fear inside her. She knew thats what he wanted.
"I'm not, playing a game."
His gaze didn't break with hers as she claimed her innocence to his consist , she honestly didn't expect what had happened next.
She let out a small audible gasp in surprise, But regardless of the amount of shock she felt she still refused to feel any of the fear he wanted to instill in her when he gripped his hand around her slim throat, delivering a slight pressure.
"With a simple squeeze of my hand." He snarled. "Thats all it would take."
After the initial shock wore off, she continued to look at him calmly despite his threats. She knew there was a war raging in him, but she also knew his threat was empty. She just wanted him to understand that she was not afraid of him, and that all her actions were honest.
He didn't let on, as to what he was feeling, but she shocked him with her calm state in her new situation as his fingers twitched against her skin.
How was she not be quaking with fear? Anyone in their right mind would be begging, crying, or screaming for mercy from him.. Why could he not understand this woman?..
"If your so afraid of me, then do it." She spoke softly. "Because no matter what I say or do, you refuse to trust me."
In that moment she didn't care what he thought of her, she let all the sadness she was feeling shine through, He looked into those glassy, crystal blue eyes of hers and he felt a tightness in his chest take place. He suddenly released his grip on her and backed away quickly putting a much needed space between them. He started to feel nauseated and disgusted with himself for grabbing her in the first place. He just couldn't bring himself to believe her, he could not afford to trust anyone, it was impossible..
His thoughts were running wild as he turned on his heel and left her, and the situation behind him, making his way back to his dark solitude within his castle walls.
All he did was cause her pain. He took her away from her family and friends, her home.. made her a slave, took away every ounce of her freedom.. He only did everything that would make her hate and despise him.. So how? How could he believe anything she said or did was not in effect to betray him? She didn't owe him anything.. He could not trust, or believe her..
..But he wanted to.. By God, he wanted to.. And it was becoming so hard, she was making him feel a weakness he just could not afford.
Bringing her here might have been the worst mistake of his dark life..
Long time no write, I'm sorry. I don't have the time I use to.. And I'm not a very good writer to have unending ideas.. But this is for a review I received a few days ago, TendernessOfTheHeart, Im sorry lol I love that you like the story enough to give me the kick in the butt I needed, and I hope it doesn't disappoint. I promise I try to keep up with steady updating :) THANKS TO ALL who R&R, your support means a lot!