Sideswipe's optics slowly flickered online after his third attempt to power them up. His systems rebelled at his commands; his processor felt slow and sluggish, and his servos were simply not responding. Onlining his optics didn't do him much good, either. All he could see were the dark grey blankets of his berth.
He tried moving his servos again, only to realize his wrists were bound at his back. That send a nervous little thrill down his back-struts. Why was he restrained, if he was in his room? Why did he feel so heavy and tired and... hot... and filled? He shifted his legs over the berth and he /felt / it, felt the thick something that had been shoved in his valve while he'd been in recharge. It suddenly made sense why he felt so slow and heavy. He should have known by now not to trust his brother after they'd had one of their little 'arguments'. Sunstreaker would resort to whatever he thought fitting to try and make his twin stop being such an idiot, including stealing sedatives from Ratchet's medbay to put him under for a while. Because, really, who in his right mind would prank Ultra Magnus and think he would get away with it?!
Most of the time Sunstreaker's punishments were as innefective as Prowl's, but still the golden mech tried. Sideswipe was in the middle of thinking what the slag his twin could have planned for him this time, struggling against the wrist-bounds to test their strength when the door slid open and his brother walked into their room. He barely had time to realize that Sunstreaker had pulled a little something from subspace before he was assaulted by a sudden wave of pleasure; the slagger had gotten himself a fragging remote-controlled vibrator! Biting his glossa to stiffen his whimper Sideswipe twisted his helm to look at Sunstreaker, his optics darkening a shade or two at the slowly building desire within his systems. "And I thought I was the kinky one. I like this side of you, Sunbeam," he purred, earning himself a dark glare from the golden warrior. The vibrations in his valve were still not enough for him to lose coherency, but they were still driving him insane with his steadily rising charge. And the look on his brother's face promised a world of sinful pleasures...
Sunstreaker ignored him in favor of walking past his brother toward his desk, grabbing the chair by its back and dragging it to the side of the berth. He then proceeded to lift his brother from the berth and, ignoring his protests, sit down on the chair and arrange his brother so he was laying over his lap, his chest-plates resting over his thighs with a golden servo keeping him down, and his aft up in display.
It was an absolutely undignified position, and Sideswipe made sure to let him know just that.
Still, Sunstreaker ignored him. Not like he could push himself away with his arms restrained as they were. He'd end up sprawled on the ground if he did, and Sunstreaker's hand moving over his aft did feel kind of nice. Sunstreaker's lips curled into a smirk as his digits reached his twin's opening, sliding into the tight passage around the vibrator and growling in approval when the its flexible walls rippled and squeezed around his fingers. Sideswipe moaned, his back arching and hips moving to press back into his brother's fingers... before they withdrew, and he found his panel being manually closed again, trapping the still slightly vibrating toy within the slick, hot port. "What the slag, Sunny?" The red mech pouted, venting heavily to cool his overheating frame, and gasping when the vibrations suddenly picked up, sending wave after wave of wonderful pleasure running through his frame. A whimper left the crimson twin's lips, quickly followed by a yelp when his twin's hand suddenly smacked his aft-plating. It didn't necessarily hurt, but it had been... unexpected. And the blow had made him jerk over his brother's lap, which had in turn made the vibrator press against the most sensitive nodes on top of his valve...
...had the slagger planned it all along? Sideswipe wouldn't put it past him; his twin was rather devious when he felt like it.
"Are you seriously going to spank me, Sunny?" He asked, his voice thick with lust and no small amount of amsusement. "Do you really think this will—ah!" He yelped again and shuddered as another blow landed on his aft, the sting registering as both pain and pleasure making him moan and drop his helm in obvious surrender. He wasn't sure how this was supposed to convince him of keeping from pulling pranks in the future, but Sideswipe knew better than arguing with Sunstreaker when he was in a mood... besides, why would he argue when every sharp slap over his aft kept sending more of those delicious waves of pain/pleasure raking over his frame?
Sideswipe's aft was burning and overly sensitized when his twin decided to give him a short reprieve after a series of sharp, succesive blows landed on his aft, and he gasped when the black digits traced unintelligible patterns over the dark plating. His hips rocked over his twin's lap the best his perilous position allowed, and he let his valve cover slid open in a desperate attempt to entice him to do something!
Sunstreaker chuckled huskily, licking his own lips as the scent of his twin's lubricants reached his olfactory sensors, but managed not to act out on his sudden desire to just take him. Instead he let his digits graze over the soaking edges of Sideswipe's valve, pressing the vibrator just slightly deeper into him, before resuming his assault on his brother's aft. A wave of heat spread through Sideswipe's body with each new swat, the sting adding to the wonderful pleasure caused by the little toy's vibrations against every sensitive node within his valve, ripping loud, breathy moans from the red warrior as he was mercilessly pushed towards the edge of release...
...and after he fell, crying out his twin's name as his valve clutched and spasmed around the toy greedily, he heard the sound of Sunstreaker's panel clicking open and felt the vibrator being pulled out of his valve before he was shoved onto the berth and pinned down by a heavy, strong, warm frame. And he realized, after something thicker and hotter pushed into his valve, that he seriously needed to slag off his twin more often, if that meant being on the receiving end of this kind of punishments!