I Won't Leave
Summary: When Beast Boy transforms into the Beast the last time, he goes after Robin instead of saving Raven. The Boy Wonder promises to stay with Beast Boy when said Beast uncharacteristically threatens the Titans. While in custody, Robin does not try anymore escaping attempts, thinking that he'll be able to turn the changeling back to normal if he didn't anger him. Little does he know, Beast Boy can't transform back without a cure.
Note: As you can see, I'm adding in one-sided Adonis/Robin. So there will be several situations where Adonis may or may not be able to have his way with our beloved Boy Wonder.
Disclaimer: I only own the plot. I don't own the Teen Titans otherwise their sixth season would be normal, Robin would be the damsel, and Cyborg would still be a total badass. I love shipping Robin!
Jump City...
A heavy silence hung through the air as Robin sat cross-legged across from Beast, quietly eating the chinese food the animal being had somehow aquired. The raven didn't look up at the other, who he could hear messily eating his food. Though he dared not look up, Robin could feel green eyes burning into him, watching him like a hunter.
The younger stopped his movements as a wet nose sniffed at his cheeks. A hot tongue dragged acrossed his jawline, making him look up at the green monster. His eyes were wide with fear. The beast pulled back his tongue and licked his own lips before giving the other male a wide grin,
"Sorry, you had some food on your face." Beast explained to the startled teen.
Before he could go back to eating, the Boy Wonder had found himself in the older male's lap once more. Once he was settled there, Beast went back to eating his ribs. Though a little comfortable, Robin did not want to be sitting right where he was. Nothing against Beast Boy, but the bird did not want food in his hair. As his furry green friend ate, Robin once again felt his companion looking down at him. This time, Robin looked back up. The action caused the other to purr and nuzzle into the younger's neck again,
"How do you like your meal?" Beast asked.
A blush rose to Robin's cheeks as he noticed the hint of seduction in the other's voice and simply nodded, too shy for words. Beast smiled at his would-be mate's shyness, swiping his tongue acrossed his sharp teeth. His little bird was beautiful. Beast licked acrossed the younger's face. This action caused Robin to lower his food and look up at the elder,
"Lemme guess. More food on my face?" Robin asked.
Beast just chuckled and nuzzled his beauty, "Something like that."
'Yeah, right.' Robin thought to himself. His food was gently taken out of his hands by big paws as he was suddenly turned around to face the green beast once again. The Teen Leader mentally chuckled as he was licked from chin to temple as Beast let out a groan. He commented on how good the human scent smelled, comparing it to Paradise. Whatever that was. Or rather, where ever that was. He smiled in content as he laid down in Beast Boy's lap, letting the supposedly older male groom and caress him sweetly. Then, a thought came to mind,
"Um, Beast Boy?" Robin asked almost inaudibly. The touching stopped as bright green eyes looked down upon him.
"I've been thinking...exactly how long have you liked me?" the acrobat asked.
The wolf being let out a chuckle that reverberated in his chest, causing Robin to feel the vibrations just underneath of his skin,
"Let's see...about two years? Maybe almost three?" he replied.
The raven haired boy was almost stunned. The green teen had had a crush on him for that long? The team wasn't even together for that long! One would think that being the protégé of the World's Greatest Detective, would've made Robin aware of things like that. How had he missed the signs? Unless...they were never too outward until now. Come to think of it, for the past year and a half, Beast Boy hadn't really shown any signs of longing or crushing. He just seemed...chill. Like he really didn't care for the Boy Wonder as anything else but a team leader. It actually seemed like Beast Boy didn't even like him as anything but a teammate. This was truly shocking,
"But...but the team wasn't even together for that long!"
"No, but you and your mentor were all over the news and the tabloids. I even followed you when you were apart of Young Justice."
'Oh.' Robin thought, "But I'm still sort of apart of Young Justice."
"Oh, I know. And frankly, might I suggest trading our Aqualad for their Kaldur Aqualad?" Beast asked with a smile.
The Boy Wonder couldn't help but smile back and even chuckled, "I'll take it under consideration."
Another hearty laugh, "What would it take for me to persuade you?"
"I can think of a few things. But you'd have to use your imagination." Robin said with a smirk.
Beast nodded, "Oh." then his eyes went wide in realization, "Oh..."
Robin nodded.
"I didn't even know you had a dirty mind, Boy Wonder."
And that's the end of this chapter. I personally like adding in the fact of the whole YJ universe and I'll often add it into the Teen Titans universe (Considering I'm a fan of Dick Grayson and I don't like when the Robins grow up so fast.) I'll update ASAP.
P.S. Thank you for all the favs, reviews, alerts, follows and support and I'm glad you all like this story. You guys are my inspiration and motivation :)