Hey everyone! I'm finally back! I've had no time and absolutely no inspiration lately, but I figured I might at least try. There's no harm in that, right?

Anyways, we're going to be skipping over the long boat ride home from Sinnoh. Instead, we'll have our two heroes arriving at the docks and their trip home. Sorry to disappoint you if you expected something significant to happen on the boat or even if you just wanted to see what would happen there. Another btw, Ash is 11 and Brock is 14 right now in this story. We can't exactly tell their ages since they never seem to change (damn writers), so I'm giving them ages.

On with the story! :)


"Hey Brock, I'm here!"

The man smiled as he saw our resident hero running up to him, frowning when he saw the egg incubator.

Pointing at the incubator he asked,"Where'd you get that Ash? You didn't have it last night."

"Actually, I did. It was just in my bag. I found it in the forest. Now c'mon Brock, we gotta get to the boat."

"Alright Ash! Just wait up, you don't even know which one it is!"

Exasperated, Brock ran right after his companion to make sure he didn't get lost.

Present Time...

Running off the ship, Ash started jumping in excitement.

"It's great to be home! Don't you agree Brock?"

Next off the gangplank came Brock. He was slower than Ash but just as excited to be returning home.

"It really is great to be back. I can't wait to see my family again, even if it has only been two or three months. You ready to head on home there buddy?"

"Oh yeah! Most defiantly! I've been waiting two weeks for this!" barely containing his excitement, Ash started running off in the general direction of Pallet Town.

Calling out in distress Brock yelled,"Hey, wait up!" and ran after Ash once more.

By the time Brock had caught up to Ash, he was breathless and about to fall over. Yet there Ash was standing tall, trying to remember which way to go. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers with a bright look on his face. Then took off again in another direction, heading for the paths that would take them home.


"Why does he have to be so energetic?"


And so, Brock took off again, trying to catch up to our resident hero.

"ASH! Wait up!"

Hearing his friend's cry, Ash stopped running and turned his head.

"What's wrong Brock?"

"You gotta slow down Ash. I can't keep up."

Rubbing the back of his head sheepishly with a slight blush on his face Ash said,"Sorry there Brock. I just got a bit ahead of myself there. I'm all excited to get home."

"I can see that. Now why don't you work on containing your excitement for once?"

"I can try, but I doubt this will get anywhere. Besides, with how fast I was running, we're already almost half way home!"

"I see that Ash but if we keep going like this, I'll pass out from exhaustion. And you wouldn't want that because then who would cook you a delicious lunch when you got hungry?"

Finally giving into Brock, Ash slowed down to a steady speed. After all, the best way to get to Ash, was through his stomach.

Walking down the paths of the Kanto region brought back many memories of their first adventures together. Some, were just better left unmentioned. Especially, when it came to Brock...and girls. At least back then they had good old Misty to harp on him for it. Then there was May. But after May, came Crogunk. And we all know that the toad Pokemon defiantly wouldn't be leaving her trainer's side any time soon.

Other times were just plain weird. Team Rocket and their schemes to take Pikachu were moments that built trust between the trainer and his Pokemon. Some schemes were underhanded and sneaky and others just plain awkward. Nonetheless, they made for memories they'd all cherish. They'd be stories to tell their children and their children's children when the time came and nothing could have made the two former trainers happier.

Soon though, they'd be making even more stories and legends of themselves as Ash became a ranger and Brock as he became an operator and part-time breeder. They still had their whole lives ahead of them after all. Ash was still 11 with his birthday only three months away and Brock was 14. There was nothing stopping them from fulfilling their dreams and saving the world time and time again.

Who knows, what destiny has in store for our two heros?