A/N: OMG! I'm updating a day early! I feel so accomplished right now, you guys have no idea. I really hope you guys enjoy this last piece of writing for this story. I had so much fun planning everything out and writing each chapter. Plus, your reviews made the experience that much more enjoyable. You all were so kind and hilarious with your comments. I LOVE YOU! Thank you so much for sticking with it til the end. I will be forever grateful.
This is from Caroline's POV & be warned, there is fluff.
I could feel my heart beating erratically, one moment it was pacing normally, the next it was pattering faster than ever before. My breathing kept alternating between moments of relaxation and bursts of anxiety. I'm a mess; a happy, ecstatic, nervous mess. I focus my eyes on the view outside, crystalline blue waters surround a splendid mass of white sand beaches as servers dressed in a combination of white and emerald green walk back and forth: setting up chairs, fixing table cloths, arranging flowers. I take another deep breath, calming myself down for the thousandth time, hoping this time I can last in this relaxed state for longer than a minute or two.
"How are you doing?"
A voice comes from behind me, as the door to my room opens slowly. I turn around to see Rebekah wrapped in a beautiful turquoise dress, almost as vibrant as the ocean behind me.
"I'm dying!" I reply, smiling back at her and interlacing my fingers nervously.
Her smile widens as she walks towards me, one hand reaching out to me. "Just breathe. You've been preparing for this for a year now, it's going to be fine."
I nod, running my hands through my hair as I pull a chair in front of the mirror on top of the dresser. I'm still in my robe, afraid that if I put on that dress again for the fourth time, I'll do something to ruin it before it even gets a chance to see the light of day. A second later, there's a knock at the door. Rebekah opens it, peeking out and making sure that no one can look inside. She's been taking her Maid of Honor duties more than seriously.
Her head tilts and she smirks, raising her eyebrows for dramatic effect. "The hairdresser's here."
"Okay." I reply, finally realizing what great of a job the make up artist had done on my face. She somehow managed to make me look flawless without heavily sedating my face with makeup.
Rebekah clears her throat, "I'll back in a few minutes. I'm gonna go check on that dear brother of mine and see how he's doing." She pauses for a moment before continuing, "And I'm also going to make sure everything else is running smoothly."
"Thank you. For everything." I look at her with grateful eyes and she beams at me before nodding and shutting the door behind her.
I pull out the catalog picture of the hair style I had chosen months ago. We'd already had a test trial to see what it would look like on me but I didn't want to take the chances that the hairdresser had forgotten all about it. How many brides had she worked on between then and now? My hair would be parted from left to right and pinned up only from one side, held up by a gorgeous rhinestoned hair piece that my mother had given me. It was a family heirloom and had been worn by my grandmother and then by her when she got married. Rebekah had presented me with the idea of adding some white small feathers to it in order to make it 'pop' more. I loved the idea but had to get my mother's approval first, which wasn't a difficult task.
The rest of my hair would cascade down in full, rich waves. Luckily my hair type worked quite well with that. The hairdresser props up the picture of the model on the crevices of the mirror and begins working on my hair. She starts asking me questions that instead of calming my nerves only intensifies them. I find myself fully retracing my relationship with Nik as I tell her about the day we met and how tumultuous our relationship became without giving away too many details. Some things aren't worth retelling.
"How did he propose?" Her question is surprising, considering I had met her once before and she hadn't bothered asking me then.
I raise my eyebrows and smile, unable to contain my glee as my memory takes me back to that day.
"I still can't believe something so astounding and beautiful like this exists." I said, stretching my arms overhead, bringing them down and placing them behind my head as I stared at the magnificence of the Eiffel Tower in front of me.
The sun was beginning to set and I knew the structure would be lighting up any second now. We remained still and in the same place as countless of people passed us by, many stopping to take pictures or just simply take in the sight before them.
Nik smiled, looking at me like I was crazy but with those adoring eyes I never got tired of seeing. "I can't believe it either." He replied, his gaze glued on me.
I gave him a playful punch on the side and he pretended like it really did hurt, causing me to laugh and continue to punch him even more. His laugh was contagious and only incited me further. He finally put his arms around me, taking me in for a long embrace and I buried my face against his chest, the smell of his cologne awakening all my senses. The air was beginning to feel more frigid and even though we were dressed for cold weather, it still seemed to penetrate the fabric down into my skin. I turned my face towards the Tower, still holding onto him, and my smile widened as it lit up, emanating a golden glow, with the dark gray night sky behind it.
"Can you believe it's been over three years?" He whispered, with his mouth against the side of my head.
I looked up at him, smiling from ear to ear. "And I've never been happier." I placed my hands around his neck, running my fingers over his hair. "I love you."
My lips pressed against his, the heat was electrifying and I welcomed his warm breath as he parted my lips with his tongue. His kisses were something I knew I'd never tire of, the way his full lips clung on to mine, how his fiery tongue always found new territory to explore inside my mouth, but more than anything how just a single kiss could render me helpless to his every touch.
We slowly pulled away, still breathing against each others' skin. "We have reservations, love." He said, as if not having any wouldn't have stopped us. Nik looked down at his watch, eyeing the time and pressing his lips in a straight line. "Well it's a good thing the restaurant is only about a block away."
I raised my eyebrows seductively just to see how far I could push his buttons. He laughed and shook his head. "Dinner can wait. Can it not?" I purred.
He blinked a few times, looking up at the sky before shutting one of his eyes as if something had fallen in it. "Do you really want to make love in the rain?" He teased.
"Do I..." I replied flirtatiously, pulling on his scarf.
I snapped my head up, noticing tiny specs of water falling from the sky at a rapid rate. What started out as only drizzle, quickly turned into a heavy downpour. I screamed, pulling my coat overhead and cursing for not having an umbrella or even just a hood. Nik grasped my hand and we ran towards the first building across the street. By the time we got underneath it, we were both soaked. His curly blonde hair was now dark brown and dripping with water and as much as I tried to cover mine, it had been useless. We both looked at each other and laughed, seeing how vulnerable we had been to a simple little act of nature.
"Where the hell did that come from?" I asked incredulous at how fast it had escalated.
He tucked my hair behind my ear, smiling. "That was a rush, wasn't it?"
"Yeah, and now my hair's a mess and our clothes are damp. We can't go to dinner like this." I replied, running my hands over my coat and touching underneath to check if my clothes were as wet as they felt.
Nik's face went sour. "But we have reservations."
I eyed him suspiciously, "We can always reschedule, maybe for tomorrow!" I tried to cheer him up, he was taking it a little too hard.
He sighed loudly, "I'm starving." His sweet sad puppy face came in at just the right time.
I rolled my eyes, knowing very well I just couldn't say no to him whenever he did that. "Fine." I relented way too easily and without protesting.
He lit up immediately, taking a hold of my hand as we walked towards the restaurant, seeking cover from the rain as much as we could. I looked at the restaurant's facade, it looked way too fancy and classy for me to be dripping with rain water. We were greeted at the door and showed inside. Nik checked us in and we didn't even wait a minute before the hostess took us inside to our table.
I walked with my head lowered as I tried not to notice the looks people were probably giving us. It wasn't until we reached the room where we'd be sitting that I looked up. My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped when I saw everyone. My mother got up from her seat, as did my father, and I almost went into a full sob when they walked towards me and gave me a hug. It had been a long time since I'd seen them together ever since they divorced. I had so many questions that my tongue couldn't process any coherently. My only response was laughter and I placed my hand over my mouth as I looked around. Rebekah was there, Elijah, Kol, a few close friends Nik and I had made back in New York, and Esther. I looked at her and she relinquished a warm smile. That was the most genuine gesture she'd ever given me and I gladly accepted it. My heart was beating fast and my brain was scattering to make sense of it all. I went around and hugged everyone.
"Oh my God, I..." My words were cut short, I didn't even know what I was saying. I shook my head in surprise, "I had no idea you guys were all here. But I'm beyond happy," I paused, "Not to mention confused."
I turned around with my hands on my hips, Nik had a bit of explaining to do. But when I took a look at him, explanations were the last thing on my mind. My smile disappeared and instead my mouth parted in shock and disbelief. My eyes must have been as wide as saucers and I felt a rush of emotions overcome me as tears threatened to abandon my eyes.
Nik was down on one knee, his hair wet and messy but his smile as charming and sweet as ever. Those cute, adorable dimples were marked on his face as he held on to a tiny black box between his fingers. I noticed the restaurant was dead silent, all the attention was on us as he slowly popped the box open to reveal a stunning, three-stone diamond ring. It was gorgeous and perfect and almost blinding.
"Caroline Forbes," He said in his husky British accent, "Will you marry me?"
I placed both hands over my mouth and slowly slid them over my cheeks as I began to shake my head up and down.
"Yes!" I exclaimed, "Of course I will marry you!"
The restaurant came alive once again, everyone at our table was cheering and clapping and I could hear Kol hollering like a madman and Rebekah squealing like a schoolgirl. Nik slid the ring onto my finger; it was the perfect size. He came to his feet and took me in his arms, showering me with 'I love you's before taking me in for a kiss.
That night was one of the most unbelievable ones since we'd been together. We arrived at our hotel room, practically clawing at each others' clothes. His mouth moved so fast between my lips and my neck that my breathing sounded desperate and lacking as his hands ran rampant over the bends of my body. I slipped off his jacket and quickly rid myself of my clothes, watching him as he did the same. We laughed and giggled with every touch, until he had me moaning and scraping his back with my fingernails. He knew just the right way to touch me, to provoke me to the point of torture and that's what made our nights so deliciously unforgettable. He was talented with his hands and he knew perfectly well just how to please me and make me beg for more.
His mouth trailed over my body and his tongue came out to play precisely when it needed to. I arched my back, feeling his lips getting closer to my belly button and then I clamped on to the sheets as his tongue made contact with my inner thighs. I couldn't keep myself from quieting down, it was too good to be enjoyed in silence. He brought his hands up to my chest, kneading at my soft skin with his fingers, touching those little points of pleasure on my breasts that made my core ache with want. His head came up from between my legs and he looked at me with those devilish eyes as I nodded. He went back down, his tongue moving around in an articulate dance that could only be described as explosive.
"That is the sweetest story!" The hairdresser exclaims, given I had omitted those last few details.
I smile wide, suddenly feeling so much more confident and at ease. "Yeah, he's an amazing man." And I feel my cheeks go light crimson.
I look at myself in the mirror, my hair falls to one side in large, thick waves and the hair piece on the opposite side balances it out perfectly. She spritzes a bit of hair spray over my locks carefully before setting it back down on the dresser.
"All done." She says proudly, looking at me through the mirror. "You're a beautiful bride. I'm sure he's going to be stunned when he sees you."
I thank her for the compliment and her astounding work and she begins clearing her things and packing everything in its respective cases. Rebekah comes back to the room just in time for me to change into my dress.
"Oh my god! You look beautiful! Your hair is perfect." She grins.
"Thank you Bekah." I come to my feet, a permanent smile on my face. "I feel so much better now. I'm nervous, but mainly just anxious. In a good way." I chuckle.
After a few minutes, the hairdresser leaves the room. Rebekah takes the plastic bag off the dress and unhooks it from the hanger. I slip off my robe and she helps me put it on without messing up my hair and makeup. It slides onto my body, hugging each curve to perfection even before she zips it up. I walk over to the full length mirror on the other side of the room. Rebekah brings my diamond necklace over and places it around my neck, handing me the matching earrings. My dress is long and flowy from the bodice down with ivory-colored flower accents along the waistline that make my breast perk up and my waist look tiny. The flowers continue onto the one strap over my left shoulder, which is also adorned with tiny rhinestones that sparkle like diamonds with any hint of light. The dress fans out over my feet and its many layers make it look fuller than it really is.
Rebekah places a hand over her mouth, "You're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen, Care." Her voice is full of sentiment and sweetness as she fans her eyes with her hand as to keep herself from crying.
"Thank you." I reply, satisfied with the reflection staring back at me.
I can hear the music playing and as I peek through the side of the hotel wall, onto the beach, I can see everyone is already seated. Our wedding is small, only family and very close friends are present. Rebekah gives me one last hug and a nod before she waves her flower bouquet in a reassuring gesture and walks around the corner to make her way down the aisle and take her place.
The bright rays of sunshine touch my skin and its warmth is so welcoming and comforting that I enjoy soaking it all in. If I weren't in such a tropical place, I would have thought it was the middle of July and not December.
"You look amazing, Caroline." My father's voice comes up behind me and I turn to give him a smile as he squeezes me tightly.
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think our relationship would be built up to a point where I'd be happy to have him by my side on the most important day of my life. But he was here now, and for that I was thankful.
"Thank you, daddy." I replied with a cheery smile.
The initial tune of the "Wedding March" catches my ear and I purse my lips nervously, knowing it is time. "That's our cue." He says, placing his arm up for me to hold on to it.
I smile, grabbing on to him as we round the corner and begin walking towards the beach. The walk begins to feel endless as soon as my feet touch the sand. My sandals sink in immediately and I'm grateful for not choosing to wear anything with heels. The aisle is comprised of stones and red and white rose petals. I smile at the people seated, they're all beaming at me with wide eyes and I suddenly feel like Cinderella walking into the Grand Ball.
My eyes look up ahead at the man waiting for me at the end and I feel my breathing hitch. Nik lightly bites down on his lip, not taking his eyes off of me for one second. He's dressed in a light taupe suite over a cream-colored shirt. His striped tan and coffee tie sits under his collar and a single white rose boutonniere clings on to his left pocket. His lips form a sweet smile, and his eyes gaze upon me adoringly as I get closer to him. The waves behind him seem to move slowly and calmly over the white sand and the palm trees sway smoothly in the breeze. I feel like I'm gliding, almost floating, with each step I take.
When I finally reach him, my father shakes his hand and gives me a kiss on the cheek before placing my hand on Nik's. The minister smiles at both of us as he addresses the guests. I only have eyes for my soon-to-be husband and he seems to to only have eyes for me. He leans in towards me as the minister is speaking.
"You're the most stunning woman I have ever seen." He whispers, causing a light hint of warmth to radiate over my cheeks.
We've been through a lot and endured so much, but I somehow always knew that I'd one day be with him like this. I smile at him and it's not until I hear his name that I snap out of my blissful state.
"Nik, you did write your own vows. Correct?" The minister asks and my head snaps up, suddenly the vows I had been practicing for months, escaping my thoughts.
Nik takes my hands in his, the corner of his lip forming a half-smile as his eyes burn into mine and he begins speaking the words I'd only been dreaming about until now. "I, Nik, promise you, Caroline, that I will be the most loving, loyal, and adoring husband. I promise to cherish you and protect you, and above all, give you my unconditional love and support. I'll be your days and nights when you need them filled, your spark of life in the darkness, and your hope when you're down and out."
I smile wide and take a deep breath before I begin, "I, Caroline, take you, Nik to be my husband, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the man you will become, and falling in love a little more each day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us."
Heat flows through my body and I know it's not just the sun beaming down on us that's making me feel this way. I feel my heart beating incessantly as I look into Nik's eyes. His always mysterious gaze is now perfectly clear and transparent to me and I feel like I can see into his innermost being.
"The rings..." The minister says in a low voice, as Elijah digs through his pockets to pull out the pieces of jewelry. We each take each other's and proceed with the ceremony.
Nik holds my right hand with his left and places the tip of my finger inside the band. His voice comes out, smoothly and lovingly, "Through this ring, I accept you as my wife, now and for all time." The band glides down in a perfect fit.
I take his in between my fingers with care and proceed. "I give you this ring, as I give to you all that I am, and accept from you, all that you are." I slide it onto him carefully and glance up once again, beaming.
The minister starts speaking again and Nik and I smile at each other gleefully. My breathing has now returned back to normal even though my heart still skips a beat every now and then.
"I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." It's those last words that make my chest flutter uncontrollable, causing me to go into another blissful stupor.
Nik holds on to my hands and we lean into each other, our lips touching as if for the first time. In the background I hear the sound of crashing waves, accompanied by clapping and cheering but it quickly becomes silenced by the sound of my beating heart against my ears. I smile against his lips, continuing to nip at them.
"Forever and always." He mutters and I repeat his words, sealing our promise with another tender kiss.
For those of you wondering if I will continue writing K/C stories: YES! I love these two so much not to write anymore stuff. Please leave me one last review ;) Also, feel free to follow me on Tumblr (lostinmysticfalls). Until next time! xoxo