One Big Happy Family

Six months later, Riley's feelings had hardly changed.

His adoption had come just a few short weeks before his seventeenth birthday. One could say that it was perfect timing, in fact, all things considered. The adoption process had been even longer this time, but it was more than worth it to finally see the words "Riley Daniel Hide" in ink. To hear the judge approve the adoption, and feel the warm embrace of his parents, holding him tight as if they'd never let go. His parents, it was such a strange thought after never having it for so long, but he loved it.

There was, of course, a celebration following the proceedings. Though Riley had thought of keeping it small, his parents had invited the entirety of his friends from both Brackston and Jasper for a small barbecue. As odd as it was, it wasn't the worst idea, he'd come to learn that Ironhide was one of the few Autobots that could cook, and he was quite good at it too. The Autobots present, as always, stuck to Energon, not that they could actually eat anything else. Riley was simply taking everything in, from his adoption to the excitement that seemed to fill the air following it.

If Riley hadn't been completely stunned, he would have minded the fact that Ironhide was hugging him tightly every five minutes. Or that Chromia was slightly doting over him constantly in front of his friends. But right now all he really wanted to do was hug them, and show them off, and frankly, all he wanted to do was just proudly say they were his Mom and Dad. "Guess who?" He heard from behind him as hands moved over his eyes, drawing him out of his thoughts.

"Hey baby."

Riley turned around to face May slowly, that had been the other big change in his life. His first relationship, something he never thought he'd ever have the chance for. Surprisingly even Ironhide couldn't scare off the tough-as-nails daughter of Flare-Up, and even more surprisingly both his parents liked her, a lot. Kissing her gently on the lips, he smiled brightly, she could only smile back at him happily. "So how does it feel?" May questioned, grinning more, Riley shrugged "Oh come on, I know that you're feeling something." She noted.

"Like the luckiest guy in the world." Riley replied "And trust me, I think I am. I'm adopted, I'm here... I've got you." Riley shrugged "What else could I ask for...?" He questioned.

May grinned back at him, but as their lips were about to meet again, Ironhide cleared his vocal receptors. Riley rolled his eyes at his now adoptive Father absently, turning his head towards him. "You two should come up for air sometime." He grunted "There isn't anyone around to distract me anymore." He teased.

Riley laughed a little, letting go of May, and settling for draping an arm around her. Indeed, it was getting late in the afternoon, and everyone had left. Chromia was over waving the last of the guests off, and Ironhide had packed up his barbecue yet again. "He's right." May smiled, then turned to Riley "I really should get home too." She noted.

"Ye need a ride, Maybelle?" Ironhide offered.

"Nah, I'll walk, thanks Ironhide." May smiled, and kissed Riley on the cheek "Congrats again, babe."

Riley watched with his hands in his pockets as May took off down the path. He sighed happily, what he said had been true, in his mind, he was the luckiest kid in the world. Ironhide smiled a bit, picking Riley up and hoisting him onto his shoulder slowly, he turned his optics to Riley. "Why must you two be too good a couple?" Ironhide playfully pouted "I looked forward to scaring your prospective dates off." He noted.

"Dad." Riley groaned.

"Hey, I didn't scare her off, did I?" Ironhide questioned "Not that I didn't try." He added quietly.

As Chromia came up the path, the disapproving look on her face told him that he didn't approve of the latter comment. "Do I need to talk to you about playing nice again?" She questioned, giving him one of her classic "looks" "Or are you trying to make another bad joke?" He added.

"I'm completely innocent, I swear." Ironhide held his hands up in defeat "Come on, he's my son now, it's legal. If I want to be overprotective, I will be." He put his hands on his hips slightly, shaking his head a little "He should know I'm overprotective by now." He added.

"You mean like how you handled my last parent-teacher conference?"

"I'm still not talking about that." Chromia sighed quietly.

An engine grabbed the attention of all three slowly, Ironhide having just moved to set Riley back down. It was all Ironhide could do not to wonder who would be out there this late, and for a moment, he thought someone may have left something at their home. Yet as he scanned the car, his optics narrowed, and he took a deep breath inward. "Why don't you two go inside for a minute? I'll be right back." He noted, letting his cannons slide out "I need a moment." He added.

"Ironhide..." Chromia began quietly.

But Ironhide didn't listen, he was already down the pathway enough that the car was in view. As it came to a stop, he inwardly debated whether or not to blow the car up, but the less-angry half of him took over, and allowed Mason Darrow to get out of the car. "Get off my property, Darrow." Ironhide breathed in and out deeply "I thought I made it clear I wanted you out of his life as soon as you signed that paper. And shouldn't you be in rehab?" He questioned.

Mason was silent for a moment, but cautiously approached. Ironhide's cannons shifted a bit as he noticed something in his hands, he tilted his head silently, as if curious. "I'm not here for long, or to stay. I'm just passing through." Mason cleared his throat a bit "Steve told me that today was the day of his adoption." He paused a moment before asking "Did you...?" He began.

"What do you have in your hands?" Ironhide grunted.

As he got closer, Ironhide got a good look at the wrapping paper taped around it. To his own surprise, he felt himself lowering his cannons, a little surprised, shocked even. "Call it a half-adoption, half-early birthday present." Mason shook his head a little bit "I uh... I just wanted Riley to know even if you don't want me around. I'm thinking about him every day."

They were both silent for a moment, and Ironhide half-expected alcohol to fill the air. To his surprise, there was none, and Mason didn't show any signs of intoxication. Slowly, he activated his holoform, and took a few steps forward, taking the box from him gently. "It still doesn't explain what you're doing out of rehab." Chromia's voice caught both of their attentions as she came to the front door, leaning against it, she didn't look happy to see him either.

"They discharged me, actually. I got clean about four months ago." Mason told them quietly "Got a steady job now, a wife..." He nodded to the car, where they both could see a young woman in the passengers seat, watching them carefully "We're actually moving nearby, because my office is moving. But not in Bruckner, we're living a few towns over." He looked Ironhide in the eye "He doesn't even need to see me. Just... Give it to him?" He questioned.

Ironhide was stunned for a moment as the man set the present in his arms, and turned to walk back to his car. To say the least, both Ironhide and Chromia didn't understand what had just happened. The Mason they had heard so much of would have demanded to see him, thrown insults, do anything but be... Kind. Taking a look down at the gift, then up at Mason, he sighed. As he looked over at Chromia, he raised an eyebrow slightly, and for a silent moment, they each knew what the other was thinking.

"Mason..." Ironhide spoke up, the man stopped and turned his head for a moment "We still have a little cake left inside. Maybe you and your wife could join us... For just a couple of hours." He slowly smiled a bit as Mason looked at him, it was clearly his turn to be stunned "I think this gift, and your message, would mean much more coming from you yourself." He noted.

As Ironhide set the present into Mason's arms slowly, the man couldn't help but smile. Ironhide let his holoform disappear, heading for the home as Mason retrieved his wife from the car. Though he didn't hear what Mason was saying, he could only imagine that he had made him a very happy man. Little known to any of those involved, Riley watched them from the downstairs window silently. He allowed a smile to curve on his lips, and a sigh of utter relief escape him. Though his new life was going to take some getting used to, it was, by all means better than he could imagine.

And though he knew Ironhide was uncertain, he knew that within time, perhaps, Mason would fully be a part of it too. As the man stepped into the house, Riley turned and smiled, taking in the sight of Mason, Ironhide, and Chromia, his family, all in one room, getting along. At least for the moment, Riley had what he had wanted, what he had always wanted...

One big happy family.


A/N: And so ends the story of Torn Sparks! :) I want to thank everyone who read, reviewed, favorited, and alerted this story. It was a pleasure to write, and I hope you all enjoyed the read!