Circle of Life

Chapter One

Elizabeth was at the hub when Alexis showed up, she put down the phone and waited for the woman to speak. "Where is Jason? Sam is in labor, and once again he is no where to be found."

"I have no idea, do you want to try his cell phone or to reach Sonny?" she asked getting ready to dial the number for the woman.

"I already called him, he said that Jason is on his way." she snapped then turned around and said to Monica who was hurrying their way. "Where is Jason?"

"I don't know." Looking up at the nurse working the hub, she grimaced when she saw it was Elizabeth but still asked her to try and reach Jason.

"I HAVE ALREADY TRIED THAT!" Snarled Alexis. "Sonny, Spinelli, Michael and even Carly. No one has seen him or heard from him since this morning."

"Ms. Davis." Kelly Lee came into the hallway and said "Have you talked to Jason yet?"

"He isn't here." she said frustrated. "Are you sure that I can't sign."

"It doesn't matter any longer, it is now critical." she said then ordered the incoming nurse and pediatrician to help her get Sam to the OR.

When Monica went to follow them, Alexis stopped her and said "I am going, you find your son."

Meanwhile down in the ER, Matt Hunter was trying to get the helmet off the motorcycle accident victim. "What happened?"

"He was riding out the old cliff roads, the man behind him said he suddenly swerved, then stopped and reached up and grasped his head then collapsed. That a car coming the opposite way, ran into him, tossing him into the air." reported the medic.

When the helmet was off, Matt grimaced and ordered the nurse to page Monica Quartermaine.

The chief of staff rushed down to the ER and saw her son laying there, unconscious then asked Matt what was going on. "He has scrapes and bruising but that isn't why I called for you."

"Oh my god, did he hit his head?" she asked shocked.

"No." he said then telling her what the medic reported, he continued on after half a second. "Dr. Quartermaine, when the man who called 911 got there, Jason was disoriented, he was asking what he was doing out on the cliff roads. He didn't believe the man when he said that he had seen him riding a motorcycle. Then told the man, his name was Jason Quartermaine."

Monica gasped, in shock at the news then asked him to call Patrick. "I would but he went into the city with Emma. Robin and he had purchased tickets to Beauty and the Beast. He won't be back until Wednesday at the earliest. I don't know what hotel he is staying at and he deliberately left his cell phone here."

Furious, recalling that the widower had warned her about this, Monica snapped for him to find his brother, "My son needs him."

"No." said Matt simply. "Monica there are other doctors who can treat Jason, right now, Emma needs her dad. She has already lost way too much as a result of your son's medical issues."

Stiffening, wanting to order him to do so, Monica hurried back to where Alexis was now pacing and said "Jason had a bike accident, he is unconscious down in the ER."

"When is he going to grow up, now that he is a father, he needs to stop running around riding that bike, shooting people, playing super hero." Hearing someone scoff, she turned to see Mac standing there. "I know, he isn't going to, but he should."

"I am not even going to bother." Mac snapped, shaking his head, wanting to point out that he had been a father to Jake, but had pushed the kid off on Lucky Spencer to go and keep playing hero, but now that it was Sam's kid, they expected him to change who he was. "Monica, I know you have a lot on your plate, but I really need to speak to you about a real big medical mixup."

Seeing her surprise at the words, he said "Alexis, you can come if you want to but no speaking, just listening."

When the two of them were seated in the privacy of the waiting room, he rolled his eyes when he heard Alexis say that doing this would take her mind off her daughter, that changed when the rest of the crowd was brought in.

Seeing John Zachara, Steven Webber, and several men wearing cheap suits, badges and guns, Monica said "I want that man out of my hospital."

When Elizabeth and Carly entered, both curious as to why the other was there, Mac told them he needed them to sit down and listen to what he had to tell them. "I just got off the phone with the Attorney General of the United States. Dr. Webber, do you care to share with everyone what he told me?"

Groaning, he said "I put in my notice a few years ago at Memphis General, but before I could come home I was approached by the FDA and the FBI. They wanted to mess with my medical files a bit and then for me to do something."

"Continue." spat out Mac.

"I was to make it look like I killed off a patient, in truth the man was not going to make it, he was too bad off. Maggie who is a bit of a gossip was to be in the ER on the day it happened. She believed that she helped me take this man's organs illegally."


Hearing Elizabeth's shock, he winced then continued "The FBI then paid for my move to Port Charles, I told them I didn't need the money, but they didn't want me to spend any of my own money, they wanted me to look dirty in case someone came calling on me."

"Okay, now the other idiot." Mac said scowling at John Zachara.

Gulping in shock at all that had gone wrong that day, John said "During the ball and fire here at the Hospital, I was approached by the Treasury department. They had a lead into counterfeit money and drugs being exchanged for illegal organs."

"So the two of you were working together?" asked Carly furious with her lover.

"No." John said glaring at Steven.

Steven returned the glare then said "Not in this lifetime."

"NO actually they weren't and the keystone cops that were running the two men had no idea that any other agency was working the Port Charles angle." said Mac disgusted. "Today was the big take down, the only thing is, the FBI showed up to take down Mr. Zachara, and the Secret Service showed up to take down Dr. Webber."

"OH MY GOD!" said Monica getting what had been going on. "And the person really running the organs and drugs?"

"More than likely after the rather impressive display of idiocy today that person or persons goes so deep underground that we never catch them." Mac said looking at the two men and then at the rest of the people in the room. "There is more, but that was what you needed to be told."

When Carly went to confront Johnny, she was told he would speak to her later. "No, you will speak to me now."

"Carly, I am not Morgan or Corinthos, you don't order me around." he snapped, already in a dangerous mood and more sick and tired of being sick and tired of Port Charles than he cared to admit. "Don't speak to me like that or you won't like my response."

"Oh really?" she said smugly. "You will speak to me or you won't be sleeping with me ever again."

With a shrug, he looked at her and said "Is that supposed to be a threat, what do you think you have some golden box that everyone wants. Yeah, you were fun, but you aren't all that. Grow the fuck up."

Stung, she said "No, I know you were starting to care for me, I know you were, you weren't faking the day we spent with Joss."

"Carly, my only interest in your daughter is in her health, I was responsible for getting the kidney that worked for her. I was glad that I was for once able to use all that crap going on for good." he snapped then groaned when he realized what he had just confessed.

"What are you talking about, her kidney was from Jason's son Jake." she reported.

"Carly actually it wasn't." said Johnny. "I don't know why, but the kidney from the Webber boy didn't match, but the agency told me to get one for her. That is all I know, not why nor where the kidney came from."

"Wait, what did... oh god, what happened to my son's organs?" cried out Elizabeth grasping her stomach, ready to throw up at what she was thinking.

"Elizabeth, no, it isn't like that." said Steven gently as he reached out to support his sister, only for her to shake his hands off. "Listen to me. Please."

"No, no, just stay away from me, all of you." she said spinning around, sickened at what she was being told. Leaving the area, she went to the hub, saw Epiphany speaking to Mac Scorpio then with a nod, left the area to go up onto the roof.

Alexis walked back to where she was waiting for the news about her grandchild only to see Kelly Lee walking slowly her way. "What is it?"

"Sam is doing fine, unfortunately, this will be the only child she ever has. We had to do a hysterectomy." she said then after hesitating continued. "Alexis, the little girl is in critical condition, she has some very serious medical issues that I can only discuss with her parents. It is going to be touch and go for at least a few months, if she makes it that far."

"Kelly, where is Dr. Levins?" asked Monica.

"On the phone, we ran a few tests, this little girls organs might need to be replaced and without a sibling bone marrow match, she doesn't stand a chance. Alexis, you might need to talk to Sonny, we might need to exhume her first child, there is a chance of getting marrow from her."

Shivering at the macabre of all of that, Alexis hesitated when she saw Kristina and Molly had arrived. Giving them the news, all of it, Molly said "But Jason has to wake up, he has to be here for the birth of his child, for the miracle of finally being a father."

Mac who had approached, needing to talk to Monica about the accident that Jason had had, scoffed again and walked off, sick to death of these people forgetting Jason was already a father, of a child he had walked away from for the losers in his life.

Kristina frowned at what she heard him muttering about hypocrites and decided that her mother deserved better than that loser. Turning she heard what her mother was saying and frowned when she heard her talking about needing to speak to her dad. "Why do you need dad?"

"Because Kelly said that we might not be able to wait for Sam to wake up to get permission to exhume her first daughters body. So I need to have your father do it."

"Why would Uncle Sonny... oh, is he going to do it on the down low?" whispered Molly. "Is he going to have to slip in and steal the body?"

"No." said Monica with a slight smile at the younger woman. "Since Sonny was the father of Sam's first child, he-"

"What?" asked a shocked Molly.

"WHAT!" was the louder more angry tone from Kristina. "My DAD had a child with my SISTER?"

Alexis closed her eyes, hoping she would never have to tell this but sat the two girls down, said she would call Sonny then explain.

Meanwhile Molly pulled out her iPad and began typing, her eyes getting wider, glistening with tears while on the other side of the room, Alexis was arguing with Sonny about the sanctity of disturbing the body of his daughter.

Kristina heard Molly muttering, no, no that can't be true, then saw her sister turn white then look at her and said "Did Sam really sleep with my dad too?"

"No, wait, what are you talking about?" she said then ripped the tablet out of her sister's hands and read, her own shaking so bad as she skimmed through the articles that Molly had found. Gulping hard, she looked at her mother who was coming back to where they were sitting and said "Is the reason that Ric moved out because you caught Sam and him having sex?"

Shocked, almost feeling her knees giving away at the disillusionment in her daughter's eyes, Alexis said "Yes, I am sorry you had to find out this way, but Sam made a mistake, I have moved past it."

"You may have, but I haven't." snapped Kristina standing and then looking at Molly who was clearly devastated, "Do you want to come with me?"

"I don't think you should be driving." said Carly softly from where she had been sitting off to the side, her own bad news running like ticker tape in her head. "I need to get out of here, how about we all go someplace, peaceful to escape."

Alexis wanted to protest, but neither of her children even looked at her as they gathered their things and

left with Carly.

Down in the ER at the end of her shift, Elizabeth was walking out the door with her two sons, her mind on all she had learned when she heard what Matt Hunter was telling someone on the phone. "Yes, like I said, Jason stopped his bike on the side of the road, grasped his head and was hit."

There were a few moments with nothing more than nods, then he said "No, there wasn't a head injury. But he told the man who stopped to help that his name was Jason Quartermaine and claimed there was no possible way he had been riding a motorcycle."

Elizabeth hesitated then saw the way that Monica was standing outside of a hospital room looking like a rabid pit bull and just continued to leave. There was nothing she could do for Jason at this point and she didn't want to get into another battle with the COS, especially not one her children would witness.

Sonny hung up the phone, went to the living room and made the sign of the cross at the idea of disturbing the dead body of his infant daughter. Hearing the sound of his name being called out, he stood and walked to the door. "So who are you today?"

"Would you trust my answer?" she asked then with a sigh said "My doctor wants me to check myself into a hospital in New York. I am going to go."

"What about your businesses?" he asked. "Is Olivia going to run them for you?"

"No, she is coming with me, Ewan wants one familiar person who knew both Connie and Kate." she said with a oddly elegant shrug. "I sold Crimson out to Todd Manning's ex-wife and the hotel, well in a fit of revenge, now that I know the truth, I turned over to John Zachara."

Seeing him begin to posture, Connie came back out and snarled "Oh get over it, and if you are interested, yes, he is bigger."

When the little man in front of her puffed up in anger, Connie gave a cold laugh and said "Oh shut the fuck up, Sonny. Its always all about you, you can never put anyone else first. Either way, little man, at least I know once I am integrated, you well you won't ever get close to Kate again. Because just in case your pea brain hasn't figured it out, this is really Kate's feelings which where hidden beneath the gloss and glamorous outer shell."

"I know that you are trying to hurt me, but Kate and I, what we have..." he tried to speak only for Connie to laugh bitterly.

"Keep dreaming, Sonny. You are nothing more than an uneducated thug wearing suits you got because Luke Spencer let you take over Frank Smith's business and Jason Morgan protected. Hell, do you even remember when you tried to walk away. You couldn't do it then made such a mess of things that the Russians almost burnt this town to the ground, then you oh so brilliantly paired up by marrying Claudia Zachara the woman who hurt your own kid."

With that, she gave him a look over then said "Sonny, you are nothing without someone stronger propping you up and some woman there for you to denigrate until they are either as crazy and bitter as you or insane. Well guess what, this time it won't be Kate."

Walking away, Connie saw him standing there, and heard him calling out that he still loved Kate and just shook her head, some people just didn't get it.

Alexis was sitting next to an unconscious Sam while a silent Kelly Lee checked her patient when she had an idea. "Jake, they can take the marrow from Jake's body."

Monica who had come back not sure how to tell Sam the news, looked at Alexis and said joyfully. "That's right, Jake can save his little sister."

Not wanting to give them false hope, and more importantly not wanting one of her closest friends to deal with the pain of them asking, hesitated and then looked at Dr. Quartermaine. "Monica, we have a problem."

"What kind of problem, this is perfect. I will call Elizabeth." she said reaching for the phone, only for Kelly Lee to stop her. "Wait, I thought she buried Jake, she didn't cremated him or anything."

"Tell her, we can pay her." said Alexis only for Kelly to really shudder at the tackiness of the woman.

"LISTEN TO ME!" she ordered. "Before you do anything, you both need to listen to me. Monica, what is Jason's condition, when will he wake up?"

"Dr. Maruchi and Dr. Hunter concur, it won't be for a few days." she said "But surely as Jake's grandmother, I should be able to-"

Alexis said suddenly "No, but Lucky can, he is listed as the father."

"Will both of you listen to me. Jake won't be a match." she spat out. That got their attention. "Now both of you need to back up and let me speak. I am hoping I am doing the right thing, but Sam had a DNA test done on her child. Jason isn't the father, his twin brother was."

"Jason didn't have a twin." said Monica blinking. "I was there when Susan gave birth, waiting along with Alan."

She didn't mention that Alan and she were arguing full out when that happened, but she would at least know if he had a twin.

"I don't know the details but I do know that when we ran Jason's against the baby, it came back as having the same genetic markers but there was enough of a variation for there to be doubt. Sam brought back a sample from that artist Franco and that proved to be a perfect match. 99.9 percent." Kelly said.

"Sam slept with Franco." stuttered Monica in shock.

"Sam was raped." stated Alexis. Seeing the woman's shock she said "Turns out that Heather Webber sold off this Franco to Betty Franks."

"That isn't possible, she wasn't in the delivery room." said Monica. "I want to rerun those tests and to have tests done against Jake Spencer's DNA test."

"You can't do that without Elizabeth's permission." Kelly said but realized that Monica was not going to wait. Shaking her head, she called Steven Webber who said "Let her, she will find that Jake isn't a match."

Steven turned to the head of the New York City FBI office and gave him the news. "I want you to deal with this woman, I have to go tell my sister what you just told me."

"I promise, we will find out the truth, I didn't tell you because I didn't want you distracted." he stated. "Or out for vengeance."

"Someone cut up my nephew for parts, thanks to your agencies not talking to one another we didn't get the man and now I have to tell my sister who has had the worst time over the last few years, this news?" he asked in disbelief.

"I am sorry, Dr. Webber. I know what your sister has been through." he said then asked about the other "What about your mother?"

"I will find out what she really did." he said then went to see his girl friend who slapped him across the face then gave him the news she was going back to New York with Kate/Connie.

"I am truly sorry, Olivia, but I didn't tell my sister, let alone anyone else." he said then watched her pack up what she had at his place and leave.

Dante meanwhile was down at the station, annoyed by the way that John McBain was speaking to his wife and himself. "You have no right to talk to us this way."

"Maybe not, but I do." said Mac entering, ready to deal with yet another one of his officers going around the bend. "Ronnie Dimestco is dead, we have no proof other than the word of Lulu here, a civilian. I asked Detective McBain to look into things."

Gritting his teeth at how he was being talked to, Dante saw Milo being released and asked what was going on. "Jason and McBain came to blows when he was visiting Sonny earlier. McBain there landed a punch on Jason, arrested me for breaking the fight up."

"When was this?" asked Mac then looked at McBain and ordered him to give a play by play. Hearing what he had to say, Mac called over and spoke to Matt Hunter. The doctor said "But Morgan didn't hit his head, he was only hit."

"Yes, the forehead and above the ear." Mac told him.

Saying thanks in a distracted tone, Matt went back to looking at the x-rays then called Monica Quartermaine again. "I need to show you something."

When the woman had joined him in the ultrasound room, she asked why they were there. "Because of this."

Showing her the scan's taken from Jason in a consecutive order. He said "See right here, this spot was blue, no activity. Here, this is the scan from when Jason was brought in after his car accident. Now compare the two."

"The blue area, it is almost twice as large." she said just as Maruchi joined them.

"I called New York and a specialist at the Mayo clinic, they are positive that this is the part of the brain where memories are stored." he said then showed them another blue spot. "This is where your ability to tell right from wrong is decided. And this spot, is where structure and relationships are stored. Plus the tree structure. Where A added to B added to C makes D."

"Monica, after the original accident, everything collapsed, then slowly rebuilt itself with everything except memory and the ability to know right from wrong. Now look at the scans from 2008. If you look they are the same. This is the scan from after the accident."

"Now, this is the odd part, Jason didn't hit his head enough in that accident for this type of damage, but the accident did loosen something in his brain." said Matt. "I called Patrick, he is consulting but if what we think is true, then he isn't needed."

Monica looked at him then at Dr. Maruchi. "What do you think?"

"Sometime between late 2008 and 2011, Jason had a very serious brain injury, one that wasn't treated. Now Sam told you that he was hurt in Mexico a few years ago."

"Yes, but that it wasn't serious. Jason hates to be in the hospital." said Monica. "So I am sure that after he was checked out he left. I will find out what the hospital was from Spinelli, I am sure he can access the file."

"I already called him." Matt hesitated, he had seen how Monica had stood up for Sam during Jason's surgery. "He said that they never went to the hospital. That they took care of Jason's gun shot wounds and came back."

Monica looked at the scans, then shook her head no, if Jason hadn't gotten into that car accident, he would have eventually died as his brain was shutting down. "Why is this only coming up now?"

"When Patrick operated the first time, it opened a pathway. The reason he was acting so volatile, his brain is trying to repair itself but with so many emotions controlling him, he couldn't or didn't realize what he needed. When Robin's drug protocol was injected, it was blocked by the clots."

"The clots that Patrick operated on?" she asked.

"Yes, but his brain has only slowly been healing. Today he got into a fight with John McBain, I think when that happened, as strange as it is going to sound, knocked some sense into Jason, or at least unblocked the pathways and the protocol is now flowing through his body."

"So, Jason's memories, they will all come back?" she asked hopefully.

"I am not sure at the extent, but as you can see from the latest scan, the oldest areas of damage are showing up as red and yellow and no longer blue." said Maruchi. "Slowly but surely Jason's damage is correcting itself."

Elizabeth sat there numb as she heard what Steven was saying. "Helena Cassadine, she had my son cut up."

"No, she had Lucky's son cut up." he said flatly. "She went after his body because she thought he was Lucky's son. Jesus, Elizabeth, it had nothing to do with you, nothing to do with Morgan's business. It was about the god damn Spencers."

Shaking her head no, wanting to deny it, she looked at him, the bleakness in her eyes clearly showing she was in denial. "I-no, it can't be."

"Elizabeth, what the hell did you think, that Helena would forget about Lucky being a Spencer? That she went after Luke and Laura's kids, but would benevolently leave Lucky's alone?" he asked harshly. "Were you living in some kind of dream world?"

Steven watched as his sister looked at him, then at the file in her hands and suddenly threw the file across the room, reached for the photos on her mantle and smashed them, then began to pick things up and throw them all over the place shouting no, no. no.

Pulling her into his arms as she began to sob, repeatedly punching herself in the chest as she fell apart. Slowly she began to quiet down, saying oh god, oh god, oh god. "What have I done?"

"You had help." he said softly. He hated to do it, but he needed for her to face the truth before the FBI came over to speak to her. "Jason was not without guilt. Hell even our parents had a part in this mess."

"No, this is all on me. I started this lie, this horrible terrible lie and it is my fault that my son w-was..." She couldn't even say it.

"Hell no, Elizabeth Luke is a drunkard and he hit Jake, that is his fault. I had no idea what I was getting into when I agreed to take down this ring. I had no idea how big of a mess it was. Helena is the one who did what was done." Steven didn't want to continue but said "Elizabeth, there is more that I have to tell you."

Closing his eyes, he said "When I learned that Helena was in town at the time of the accident and knowing that that was when you had the DNA tests ran, I uh had them reran."

"Let me guess, Nik is Aidan's father?" she asked bitterly.

"No, Lucky is Aidan's father, but you aren't his mother." he said gently. Seeing her look at him then begin to say she had given birth to that little boy, he said "I reran them again and had the FBI run them again since I was told yesterday what was going on. There is no doubt that while legally you are his mother, biologically you aren't."

Hearing her gasp, he said "No one can take him away from you. Not even Lucky."

Sitting back down on the sofa, she asked wearily "Is there anything else? Or is this it?"

"That is it. I will go and get the boys at Grams place. I want you to do me a favor, please?" he pleaded with her. "Don't blame yourself, or solely yourself. Lucky, Luke, Jason, hell even I am to blame just as much if not more than you are."

"I have to tell Jason when he gets better, he deserves to know." she said softly.

"HELL NO, he deserves nothing. Or did you forget his wanting to cut your son up himself to save Carly Jack's little girl, he didn't even show you an ounce of compassion, why should he deserve any from you." he snapped

"Elizabeth, his whore had surgery to be able to have children on your son's birthday mere weeks after his death. After what you told me she did, you owe him nothing. I get that you feel guilty. Elizabeth, he did so much to hurt you and yes, you hurt him too. You might want to tell him, even need to, but honestly I have no sympathy for Jason Morgan."

At General Hospital the next day, Matt was not happy to find out that Alexis Davis was stalking him. "Ms. Davis, I told you, there is nothing I can do. Mr. Morgan has to wake up on his own. Just like your daughter."

"Sam needs him." she said wiping her tears as she recalled that Kelly Lee wasn't positive that Sam would wake up. "His daughter needs him."

The little girl was not doing well, the tests that Monica had ran showed the same thing that Kelly had told her, that there were some genetic markers that matched Jason, but he wasn't the father of her baby. The thing was, the markers were for a half sibling, not twins so that had her curious.

Calling Steven Webber, demanding her come to the hospital, she fumed when he told her that he would be there when he got there, not a moment sooner. When he did show up it was almost noon. "Where have you been? A baby's life hangs in the balance."

Looking at her, he simply said "With the FBI who are trying to determine what your daughter in law knew about the second kidnapping of my nephew."

Seeing her start to speak, he picked up the file and reading it scoffed in disbelief then his eyes narrowed as he recalled seeing his mother with Sam a lot. Putting it together with what the FBI told him, he decided to keep his mouth shut about what he suspected, instead he asked her "So, you are looking to save this little girl. What about Kristina Davis Corinthos, has anyone thought to test her?"

There was a moments silence then Monica's jaw dropped as she got that there had been another way all along. Making a call since she knew the other girl had been avoiding her mother's calls, she told the young girl what was going on. "Fine, I will be tested."

Hanging up, she looked with bitter but more adult eyes at her father then said "I have to go to the hospital."

"I will come with you." he said gently reaching out to try and comfort her, only for it to be rejected.

"Don't bother. As far as I am concerned, I am an orphan." she said her mind on all she had heard from Carly, then her father. To her it was nothing more than excuses, nothing more than a way for them to explain their bad behavior and Sam's.

At the hospital, the blood was drawn and when she saw her mother starting to enter, she asked the head nurse to keep her out. "I will, Ms. Davis, your daughter wants privacy."

Alexis started to protest, but she heard the Code Blue and rushed back to Sam's room only to be pushed out of the way as they brought in the crash cart and soon had her oldest child brought back to life. Leaving, she saw John McBain in the hallway and snapped "What are you doing here?"

"I know you don't trust me, but I consider Sam a friend." he said as compassionately as he could.

"My daughter would be much better off without you in her life." she snarled. "I would like you to leave."

John went down the hallway and saw Matt Hunter speaking to Mac Scorpio and went to speak to them only to be questioned by the younger man about his fight with Morgan. Asking why, he was told that it was medically relevant and that he couldn't answer. Explaining what had happened, he saw the other man leaving then asked Mac Scorpio what was going on with the FBI being in town.

"We were apparently in the middle of a black market organ ring and they were trying to bring it down. Unfortunately, instead they were bringing down each other's sting operations, not the actually criminals." he said with a sigh. "John Zachara was working for the Treasury department and Steven Webber for the FBI."

John went to discreetly make some calls and to get caught up by his friends on all that was going down. Hearing what they had to say, he said "I could speak to this Webber woman, if that would help."

Getting a non-committal answer, he left the hospital, hoping to be useful. Stopping at the human resources department, he soon got Elizabeth's address and drove over to the very nice cottage and was knocking on the door. "May I help you?"

"Elizabeth Webber, my name is John McBain, I am with the FBI. I was hoping I could speak to you for a moment." he asked the woman who looked pale and upset.

She stared at him for a moment, then thought about the promises she had made to herself in the middle of the night, not to take any more crap from anyone, not to be any one's pushover and then said "I think you need to come in, there are a few things we need to get straight."

Blinking, he followed her in and saw the mess. "Do you need help?

"From you." she asked staring steadily at him. "No. Sit down."

When he had she went to the fireplace and picked up a photo of her sons and one of each of them individually. Setting down across from him, she said "These are my boys, Cameron, Jacob and Aidan. Do you have children, Mr. McBain."

"Yes, a son, Liam." he said then deciding she needed bonded with, took out the latest photo and showed her. "My son, I didn't know I was his father until about six months ago."

"What happened?" she asked then listened to his story about Natalie and crazy Marty. He unknowingly gave her what she wanted as she let him speak. "So, this Marty, where is she?"

"Dead." he stated.

"Do you wish that wasn't so?" she asked.

"I regret my part in what caused her to go so insane, but no, she hurt my son." he said with a steady expression.

"Well since you so kindly spilled your guts, let me tell you about my children." she said then showed him Cam's latest photo. "This is my son Cam, his father was a man by the name of Zander Smith..."

John was in shock as she finished telling him about Richard Lansing, DA. "How did he get to be DA?"

"This is Port Charles, being a criminal isn't exactly something that gets you banned from that position." she said with black humor. "Do you know who Ric married next?"

Seeing he didn't, she said "Another sometimes-DA, Alexis Davis." Telling him about the marriage, then about what had ended it, she didn't tell him anymore or less than what had been common knowledge. "That came out at Jason's trial for the death of Lorenzo Alcazar."

John made a mental note to read the file as she lifted another picture. "This is my son Aidan."

Telling him the whole story, she didn't spare herself as she told him everything but that Aidan wasn't hers biologically. The kidnapping by the freak Franco. "The worst part, all that knew he was a threat, not a single person thought to tell me so that I could protect my children."

Then with a shaky hand, she lifted Jake's photo. From his conception to his birth, she filled him in on everything including Carly and Sonny's part. But mainly how Sam had reacted. "Anyhow, I was a fool and let everyone convince me that saving Lucky was my job."

"No one, not even a child can save another person's soul." he said.

She then told him about the kidnapping, then about the woman who had had her son. Never mentioning Sam by name, but telling him that someone had watched and did nothing as a mentally unstable woman had watched her child be grabbed then had come to visit her and tell her that it made them alike that the woman who had watched, her child was dead.

"Someone told you your child was dead?" he asked aghast at the idea. "What kind of cold hearted person would do that?"

Then she told him about someone hiring two men to threaten them in the park, even that Sam had rescued them. When she saw him nodding in approval at Sam's help, she waited for a moment then said "My son was kidnapped again, a few years later, by the Russians that Sam and Lucky were investigating. Interestingly enough, he was rescued by Sam."

"It sounds like you don't like Sam." he said.

Now came the moment she could ruin the other woman, but she didn't take it, "No, I don't."

"May I ask you why?" he said sitting back a little in the chair. "Is it because Morgan married her?"

"Not hardly." she said with a cool smile. "See, the Jason Morgan she married, I wouldn't trust him with my heart if my life depended on it. I am fine being occasional friends."

When there was a moments silence, she looked at him then said "John, you seem like a very nice man, go home, go be with your family. I won't let you use me for whatever it is you are up to. I have been used enough in my life."

"I am not trying to use you." he said offended.

"May I ask you a question, if you answer honestly, I will give you something." she said. When he nodded she asked "What possible friendship can there be between an honest cop and the married wife of a mobster. Especially when that wife has the history Sam McCall has."

"What history?" he asked.

"Well if you want to find that out, I suggest looking some place other than the Internet because I am quite certain that by now, you have met Mr. Spinelli." she said standing then leading him to the door. "Now, I would like you to leave."

"But I didn't answer your question." he asked blinking.

"Oh but you did." she said with a smile, then when he had walked out her door, closed it. "You have no idea just how much you gave me. Mr. McBain."

Calling around, Elizabeth soon had Natalie Lord on the phone. "Look, I hate to intrude in your business, but I am from Port Charles, New York. If you love the father of your son, get up to Port Charles."

"Why?" asked the puzzled red head while her annoying uncle and his wife were arguing off in the corner with their daughter. Taking the phone to the patio, she was surprised to hear the other woman laugh then say that her husband was about to be pulled in by a succubus.

Back inside, she looked at Starr who was arguing with her parents, then at her mother. "Blair, I want to go to Port Charles with you."

"Well that is a lot of help." said Todd as he looked at Natalie. "What are you going to do but chase after John?"

"I just got the strangest call." she said then explaining said that the Caller ID said blocked.

Blair wasn't fond of the idea, but said "Fine."

Monica sat down outside of the room as Matt Hunter had Jason put back into the machine. This time his brain showed an almost eighty five percent healing rate. "He should wake up soon."

"Thank you Matt." she said and went back to check on her daughter in law. There, she saw Heather going toe to toe with Alexis and separated them, reminding the two women that this was a hospital.

"Heather, what are you doing here?" she snapped.

"I ordered her here." said Steven glaring at his mother's smirk. "Tell them the truth, now."

"Okay, Okay, I was only having a little fun." she sniped. "You are such a killjoy."

"What is she talking about?"

"Alexis, Franco isn't Jason's twin, he is his half brother. Nothing more nor less. Franco's father, by the way is Mitch Williams." he said tired as he looked at the three women. "Ask Tracy, she knew."

"What?" exclaimed Monica. "Why didn't she tell anyone?"

"Care to guess who Mitch was married to at the time?" he asked annoyed with the whole situation. "Either way, Franco is the father of Sam's kid. And I talked to Kristina on the way up her, her blood will work to save Sam's kid. Dr. Abrams took her in to operate already and Dr. Levins has Sam's kid waiting."

Walking away as the two women were grinning at one another, he really wanted to tell them off but instead just went to find out why Patrick Drake had been blowing up his phone. Hearing what the man was saying he grimaced then said "Either way, Jason is still married to the whore, whether or not he was not in his right mind."

"You have to tell Elizabeth." stated the brain surgeon.

"No, I don't. You can do so when you come home." he said then filled him in on everything except that Elizabeth wasn't Aidan's mother.

"Oh god, poor Elizabeth." said Patrick stunned at the news.

"Elizabeth has asked me to join her when she tells Luke this afternoon." he said curious as to her tone. She had gone to see the boys at their grandmother's house and had been a bit bitter when she talked to him about the older woman.

Mac Scorpio was not liking what he was hearing as John Zachara explained that he had been convinced that the Russians were involved in the black market organ ring until Agent Rainer had convinced his superiors that they weren't. "Anyhow it was his people that sent us to looking at Steven Webber."

Tossing down his pen, Mac looked at the annoying man whose phone kept ringing. Snapping at the man he asked "Am I keeping you from something?"

"No." he answered then explained "Carly Jacks is blowing up my phone wanting me to come over, I told her yesterday, I am not a dog, I don't do orders from anyone. She wasn't happy to be told that it was over. I would turn it off but am expecting a call."

"Fine." he said "So you have been working for the Treasury Department since February 09."

"No, they thought I was working for them, but all I was doing was stringing them along at first, because they weren't fulfilling their end." he said hesitating then he told the man. "Trevor had some contact with the Russians, I was looking into it. A man whose name wasn't Russian but they kept stonewalling me."

"What name?" he asked then sat up in his chair and asked him to repeat that.

"Cesar Faison." he said "Trevor was working for him and had a few times in the past."

"When?" he asked writing down the dates then realized why the first one bothered him. "The Black and White Ball, then two months later. There is something familiar about these dates."

"I tried to track the dates down, but they didn't mean much to me." he said then hearing his phone ringing saw it was the call he was waiting on. Getting his answer, he looked at the man across from him then said "My father is dead, he took a dive off my penthouse last night. After a visit from two men."

Taking out the feed from his hidden camera, he showed the man. Mac gulped then said "The one on the left is someone I know."

"Interesting." he said with a shaking of his head.

"I am going to a meeting at the Haunted Star." he said. "With Luke and a few others, I need you to meet me back here at four o'clock."

"Why would I do that?" he mocked.

"Because I know someone who has a whole lot of information on Cesar Faison." he said darkly. "And we all need to talk."

Jason was still asleep when Alexis got the news that Sam was waking up. Seeing her child's confusion, she gently gave her the news. Sam's eyes watered, then she asked to be taken to her little girl. Once in the critical care unit, she was wheeled next to the incubator and saw the surgical scar. "I want to hold my little girl."

"When she is well enough to be held." said Dr. Levins who explained the complicated nature of her illness. "Sam, I need to ask you some questions and for the sake of your child, I need you to answer as truthfully as you can."

Nodding, she looked at the baby that had come from inside her and was the child of the man who had attacked her then at him. "What do you need to know."

"First, have you drank any since your pregnancy."

"Before I found out I was pregnant, I had a glass or two." she said fearfully.

Nodding that he heard he asked her about her upsets during the pregnancy. Then about how much training she had had as a parent.

"Why?" asked Alexis a bit offended by the question.

With a heavy sigh, the man took off his glasses and said "Your little girl is a very sick child, it is going to take a long time and she is going to need a lot of specialized medical care. You are going to have to be patient, she isn't going to catch on as fast as other children. There is a possibility of significant brain damage."

"What?" she asked then looked at the little girl. "No, that isn't possible, she is supposed to be perfect. I need her to be perfect."

"I am sorry, Ms McCall." he started to explain only for Alexis to interrupt and say her name is Mrs Morgan. "Fine, either way, your daughter is going to have issues with bonding. There is also the possibility of physical issues that will require more surgeries as she grows older."

"No, that isn't possible." said Sam getting upset and looking at her mother. "Where, where is Jason, why isn't he here?"

"Like I said, he is in a coma." stated Matt when he arrived after being paged along with Monica who had been sitting with her son. "Sam, Jason had an altercation with John McBain, that caused him to get a headache and allowed the drug protocol to flow throw the damaged areas of his brain. Its good news, I promise."

Sam's mind was whirling as what he was telling her filtered through her pain. "Wait, you are saying that the damage in Mexico... did something to his brain. You must be wrong, surely I would have noticed a drastic alteration of his personality. You are wrong."

Showing her the scans, using layman's terms, Matt patiently went through it again and when Sam once again said he had to be wrong there was almost a desperate tone to her voice that caused Monica to frown. "Sam, don't worry, this is good news."

Sam didn't say a word as Monica told her that she would have Patrick speak to her as soon as he arrived back, then when the older woman had left, Alexis asked. "What is it?"

"Nothing." she snapped, her mind on what Matt said about Jason. "Its nothing."

"I have to head home and check on the girls now that you are awake. Kristina stayed the required two hours after the surgery to save your daughter but she went home after that."

"Tell her I said thank you, I wish she had come to sit with me, I would thank her in person." said Sam, her mind on all she had learned and needing to, more like hoping to be told that Matt was wrong.

Alexis left, then seeing Spinelli subtlety questioned then geek and then walked away. She was wrong, what she was thinking, she had to be. Then Alexis reminded herself that Jason had married Sam, that that was a tie that couldn't be broken. After all her daughter had been through for the man he owed her, whether or not brain damage had caused them to get back together, he owed Sam.

Mac sat down looked at Steven Webber, then at Elizabeth while Anna Devane and Luke got extra chairs for Dante and Lulu. "Its your show, Elizabeth."

"I had two talks with the FBI today." she said with a look around the table. "They told me something rather interesting and I felt that all of you deserved to be told too."

The man entering looked at the group then presented his findings. When they all began to speak, Elizabeth stood up and lifted the photo album she had brought with her and slammed it on the table. "Now I talk, all of you listen."

Looking at each of them, Elizabeth said "Dante, you are here for Lulu so please, do me the favor of not interrupting, you weren't here for most of this and I have a little talk in mind for you too. One that I think your boss will find most interesting."

When Lulu started to speak, something in Elizabeth's eyes made her stop. "Now as you just heard Helena is the reason the body in my son's grave isn't him. So from here on out, I have repaid back any debt I have ever owed any single Spencer, I have repaid it in full and with way too much of my soul."


"Shut up, Luke." she said in a deadly tone. "You, you drunk bastard ran my son down and instead of having the decency to admit it, you have tried to change the name of the bar like you were erasing my son from existence. You and your games with Helena have cost me way too much. I am done. Cross the street if you see me coming. Lulu don't even think of throwing what happened with Nik and Lucky in my face. Lucky stood me up all those years ago, leading to me being in that park. Then he had the balls, the BALLS to tell me when I slept with Nik how he missed that broken little girl."

Luke gulped, clearly that hadn't been his cowboys's finest hour.

"He slept with my sister while engaged to me, yet wanted to berate me for doing the same to him." she said without taking her eyes off Lulu who started to protest but once again stepped back. "He slept with Maxie Jones in exchange for drugs, he slept with Sam McCall even after learning what she did to my children. Claimed she should be forgiven for having a moment's weakness. Fuck that, apparently everyone else in this town's moments of weaknesses are to be forgiven except mine."

When Dante began to speak, Elizabeth's angry eyes pinned him to his chair. "Not a word. I want to know, Mac, since when is it Police department policy to let suspects in a hit and run help with the case?"

"It isn't." he said frowning when he saw her anger.

"Really then why the hell was Sam McCall who had reason to hate me, to hurt my child involved in the investigation into his hit and run?" she asked never taking her eyes off Dante. "I am waiting for an answer."

"She shouldn't have been." Mac said quietly. "Do you suspect she had something to do with the accident?"

"Honestly if I had known she was on the street and that you hadn't found evidence on Luke's car, yes, but Mac it wasn't an accident, a drunk, a known drunk got behind a wheel of a car and drove over my child. Now at the time, the grieving mother who blamed herself forgave that drunk. Well not now, I want to press charges against Luke and I checked with my attorney, I know that you can do it."

When he agreed, she didn't hesitate then said "And Luke, if you run, when you return, I will kill you myself and there isn't a jury in the world that wouldn't let me off. Not if I make public your past. We both know it. And when add in how your daughter got a way with murder, how your son whored himself out for drugs, how he stole police property and then lied about being the hero regarding Manny Ruiz. I will go to the papers, I will make every single dirty deed public if you don't face up to what you did."

"How d-" Lulu was shut up this time while Anna looked at her old friend with a sad expression on her face as he tried to claim not to have been drunk that it had been a simple accident.

"Like hell it was, Luke." Elizabeth said. "And don't go calling Lucky, to get him to change my mind. I will have him in a jail cell right next to you."

With that, she stood then looked at the various people in the room. "Helena fucked with me for the last time thanks to you Spencers. Mac, I swear to god, even with all that Maxie is going through, if you don't get a conviction, I will burn her down too and let me tell you, she has done a lot worse things that simply getting Lucky pills, something to sleep on, or not to sleep on."

Walking away, she heard Luke and Lulu talking to one another then heard light footsteps. "Anna, don't you dare compare what happened to your daughter to what happened to my son."

"I won't." she said looking at the young woman she found herself wondering more about. "If you ever want to talk."

"I will talk to someone else, someone not connected in any way to the Spencer family." she said in a final tone. "Anna, one thing."

When she looked at the beautiful secret agent. Then asked "You know John McBain, right?"

Nodding, she said "Yes."

"Warn him, tell him if he comes-"

Mac's phone went off and he saw it was General Hospital. Answering it, he hung up after a few minutes then said "Sam McCall's baby is missing."

Elizabeth watched them leaving and went to get her boys. She felt for Sam but was not going to get involved. No one deserved to have their child go missing like that."