Rainclouds threatened from a distance as the Huntsman led Belle across the bridge to the massive castle. She'd heard that King Leopold's castle of white stone and golden turrets was one of the most beautiful castles in the land. But now the gleaming white was an ominous black and the turrets were sharp, shiny metallic points.
There was fear - oh yes, she was afraid – but the unfathomable love for her husband drove her to take every step across that bridge with a courage she hoped would not abandon her once inside the castle walls.
The Huntsman came up short just before the entrance, and he turned to her sharply, asking in a hushed voice, "Are you sure, lady?" His eyes pleaded for her to answer no, for her to urge him to take her from this place.
Belle was determined. With her mission incomplete, she knew she could not abandon it now. "I am sure" she replied, rather breathless.
The Huntman bowed his head in defeat. "I cannot guarantee your protection once you enter this place" he murmured to the ground then trudged through the vast doorway, two guards in hideous armor ready to close the massive metal doors behind them.
She followed him through a maze of corridors, up many stairwells, and finally to a set of stairs she supposed led to a turret. All the while, Belle tried desperately to not shake, keeping her mind on the image of Rumpelstiltskin holding their precious newborn child. She barely noticed the aching of her feet as they entered the luxurious expanse of a room.
A statuesque figure stood at the balcony, a shimmering, onyx dress coiled about her feet.
Queen Regina.
"Leave us," the Queen commanded, her voice full of authority and malice.
The Huntsman bowed and for the first time since Belle met him, he seemed to cower as he made haste down the turret stairs. Belle's heart pounded in her chest. She was alone with the woman her husband feared would bring the greatest harm to her. Alone, without her husband or even the Huntsman to protect her.
This woman, this so-called Queen, could strike her dead in a flash of magic. But Belle loved her husband and she'd face dragons with shiny black scales and malicious intent without blinking an eye if it meant finding him and bring him back to their comfy little world at Dark Castle.
Spinning gracefully on the balls of her feet, Queen Regina faced her, blood red lips smirking in satisfaction. "I've been expecting you."
Storybrooke was probably one of the least threatening places Belle had ever seen. This new world was fascinating with the horseless carriages and other strange things her husband labeled technology. She held Aida protectively to her chest as they drove to the home that had waited for them for nearly three decades. Rum informed her they would need a car seat – the one baby item she did not recognize – and many other things a newborn required. He'd take care of it all.
Rum stepped around the horseless carriage – the car he informed – insisting to be her gentleman as he opened the door for her and helped her out. His hand strayed for a brief moment to Aida's soft head, and Belle smiled warmly as she met his eyes. With a hand on the small of her back, they trekked the walkway and stairs to the front door of the house.
"What an unusual color," Belle commented with a curious gleam in her eye.
Rum harrumphed, unlocking the beautiful stained-glass door. "Unfortunately, it was not my choice."
"I like it."
Rum nodded at her satisfaction then pushed open the door, swooping an arm across the threshold with a little bow of the head. "Your castle, my lady."
Belle giggled like a schoolgirl at his playful gesture, delighted that the impish part of her husband was still there, if only in small pieces. "Thank you, kind sir," she played along, curtsying slightly.
His firm but gentle hand rested at the small of her back again as she stepped inside, Belle's eyes wide and curious at what greeted her. The organized chaos of the foyer and adjoining dining room was so similar to Dark Castle. Rum always liked his things, he'd made that clear from a very earlytime in their deal, and this house was no less filled with treasures.
"We're going to have a lot of putting away to do before Aida can walk," she remarked, slowly taking in every shelf and table as she walked into the next part of the house.
"Yes," Rum agreed without hesitation. "Some things may need to go to the pawnshop." He led her to the staircase and said with a bit of urgency, "I want to show you something."
Belle held Aida close as they ascended the stairs, Rum's hand resting again at the small of her back. They entered a bedroom one door down and Belle gasped softly at what awaited her. A pure white bassinet sat beside a smooth, honey oak rocking chair. There were toys as well, plush stuffed animals of all kinds and carved wooden toys with pull strings, sat displayed on a rustic toy chest. A mobile, adorned with fireflies and dragonflies hanging from golden strings, dangled from the ceiling.
Belle turned to him, eyes glistening. "You had to pass this room every day for 28 years?"
Rum wiped a fallen tear from her cheek, and she could tell he was trying desperately to not drop the mask to reveal the anger and pain he'd held for so long. "Having false memories did not take away the reality that you and Aida weren't here. I knew I had lost my wife and child even if no one else did."
"Except for Regina" and the words felt like poison on Belle's lips. She did not wish the former queen any harm, only that she would disappear from their lives and stay away forever.
"Let's not speak of her, dearest" his voice was quiet but his eyes held absolute rage for the scheming woman.
A quick feeding gave Belle the opportunity to try out the rocking chair. Rum suggested they move the bassinet and rocking chair into their bedroom – which Belle had yet to see – later that evening. He mentioned calling a man named Dove that he'd employed for some jobs, but Belle waved away the idea, reminding him how she pulled down the curtains he so deliberately nailed down and that they could easily relocate a couple pieces of furniture to the next room.
Aida seemed comfy in her new bed, tiny fists held close to her face as Belle smiled down at her for several moments before venturing to find her husband. The bedroom next door was theirs, and that's where Belle found Rum, seated on the bed staring intensely at the floor. She walked in slowly, arms wrapped about her chest. Rum jerked up at her sudden presence, but the surprise was fleeting and he gave her the smallest of smiles as she sank down on the bed beside him.
"I think Aida likes her bed," Belle said, laying a hand on his knee.
Rum nodded. "Good. She deserves a bedroom fit for a princess, as does my wife deserving a home fit for a queen."
Belle scooted closer to his side until their hips touched. Rum wrapped an arm around her, her head resting on his shoulder. How she missed being held by his warm embrace. "I don't care if we live in a tiny cottage in the middle of a forest, as long as we're together." She closed her eyes as she felt Rum's lips press against her hair, both of them savoring each other. This was the first time they'd truly been alone, no nurses or visitors or their own baby.
"I'll never leave you again, Belle" Rum's voice was thick and full of promise. "Never."
Belle pulled back enough to meet his eyes, and found such love, such devotion in those brown depths. "I know." Her heart quickened as Rum leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. They'd shared a few chaste kisses at the hospital when the door was locked and all was quiet, but never anything this deep.
Rum slid his palm around her neck, drawing Belle closer as they explored and became familiar with one another again. He pulled her onto his lap, and they were so close it felt as if they would fuse together. Every minute they were separated, all the heartache laid inside their chests, was pour out in this kiss - a benediction of the True Love they shared.
Minutes or hours - they lost track - past as Belle sat upon her husband's lap treasuring every touch, every kiss, every word of love, knowing nothing could ever keep them apart again.