Rick wakes up before his alarm goes of, a new day on a new school to make new friends. This isn't his old school anymore, but he's happy he knows kate, his best friend, they met each other when they were babies because of their parents. He fell in love with her a few years ago but was afraid to tell her. She's his everything, his light in the dark, and soon he's going to tell her but now isn't the right time. She just got out if a terrible relationship with josh.. god he wanna punch that guy in the face! How can someone cheat on his beautiful kate? Its 7 am and his alarm goes of, at the same time someone calls him, its kate.

"Hii beautiful!"

"Hey ricky, would you mind to walk with me to school today?"

"No ofcourse not! But then you have to sit beside me in the classes!" he says with a big smile on his face, he know shes going to be okay with that.

"sounds like a plan, are you picking me up in 45 minutes?"

"yes, see you than katie "

"byee rick"

God he loves that girl! She's his one and done he's sure about it!

'' im in love with Rick'' kate tells her parents and her cheek gets red

'' You WHAT?'' jim asked

'' Omg sweetie, i knew this day would come, you two are made for each other!'' johanna said with a big smile on her face

'' it's not that i just know it mom, i know it for a long time, but i didnt want to agree with my feelings for him, you know because of the fact rick and i are friends since we were babies..'' kate's cheek get more red

johanna starts laughing '' kate we knew this day would come, but why are you with josh as youre so in love with rick, cuz kate we have never seen you like this about a boy ''

'' i dont know mom, i think im afraid that rick doesnt feel the same and i try to hide my feelings for him to date with josh, i dont really like him, rick is my one '' she says and turns her head away so her parents cant see her cheek is getting even more red than it already was.

'' Kate i think you just have to go for rick, we never saw you like this about a boy before and we are sure rick feels the same about you'' jim says grinning

'' NOOOO, there is no way youre going to talk with him about my feelings for him, thats my job! '' she says mad mad at her dad.

someone knocks on the door, kate runs to the stairs but she's to late her dad already opened the door for rick.

'' Hii rick, come in '' jim says with a big smile on his face

'' Hiii jim, thank you! everything okay with you?'' Rick asks when he walks in

'' Yes im fine rick thank you, but there is something i wanna talk about with you'' Jim says with a even bigger smile on his face than he already had

Kate hears the words and she wished she could just turn her dad of. God she's going to kill him for this.

'' Yes tell me jim where do you wanna talk about? '' rick says smiling

'' Are you in love with kate? '' Jim asks and he sees ricks face getting red

'' Okay jim, i'm going to be honnest with you, im going to tell you something i didnt tell anyone else, not even my mom, Yes im in love with kate, and not just a little bit, she's the most important person in my life and i really really love her, i'll do everything to make her happy! '' rick says blushing

'' HE WHAT? omg omg omg omg he feels the same, omg what do i have to do now? '' kate tought she could jump from happiness, the boy where she was in love with ( not just a little bit ) was is love with her too ( not just a little bit either )

'' i already tought you were in love with kate, kate-''

'' Hey rick you're early again i see '' kate says while walking down the stairs to stop her dad

'' Yes and i bought you coffee '' he answers with still a very red face

Thanks for reading, im not a good writer! tell me what you think! ;)