Hi guys. I have decided to completely redo this story. I hope you enjoy the new, better version of Home At Last. I do not own any of these characters; Richelle Mead does.

"Why do I have to go?" I asked my best friend, Lissa as she pressed the end button on her phone. She had just gotten off the phone with her fiancé. He was flying in from Montana with his aunt, Tasha. The wedding was a July wedding and it was only a month away so she wanted to fly in early.

"Because, I want you there, plus, I want you to try to make things better with her. Please, just come," she said.

I rolled my eyes and studied her. Her jade eyes were shining with excitement, because she was finally going to see her soon-to-be husband. Her pale skin made a great match with her platinum blonde hair. Her hair cascaded over her ears and onto her shoulder, and onto the strap of her baby blue summer dress that was set over her little 4 month baby bump. It had white flowers at the bottom, it reached just above her knees, and then there were only legs. Lissa was the tallest girl I knew. I looked back up to her expectant eyes, and sighed.

"Fine," I said, "I'll go, but I can't promise that I will even try to talk to her. Being in her presence should be an okay first step. Maybe. Also I'm going in my own car. I'm not going to be trapped in a car with her," I clarified.

"Thank you," she said grabbing her keys.

I walked out after her and got into my car. It was a twenty-first birthday present from my dear father. It was a Ruby Red Metallic Cayman Porsche. The interior leather was stone grey, with built in seat warmers. It was an extremely expensive car, but with his sketchy job, I wasn't surprised he could afford it.

I turned on the radio as I got onto the highway behind Lissa.

"-happy that they are back," The deep voice said.

"In light of the events they have gone through; can they really be trusted while they are here? They have been through some traumatizing events. Is there a possibility that something bad could happen," Said a second voice. I was confused as to what they were talking about. "Of course I hope nothing goes wrong, but these are the type of things we need to start thinking about."

My phone started buzzing in my purse. I reached over to the passenger seat and started digging for it. I found it in a side pocket and when I looked at the caller ID I rolled my eyes, and pressed the screen to answer.

It was Adrian, the multi millionaire my dad worked with, the guy that was hopelessly in love with me, and when I say "hopelessly" I mean it because he doesn't even have a sliver of hope to be with me. He was me and Lissa's friend of course, and I loved him as that only.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hey, Little Firecracker," he said in what I assumed he thought was a sexy voice, "What are you up to?"

"I'm on my way to pick up Christian, and She-Devil as the airport. What are you doing?"

"Oh. So Tasha's coming. How do you feel about that?" he said.

"You know what? I might be ready to get over everything that happened." I nodded to myself only half believing my own words.

"Huh," he said. "You have come so far. So willing to forgive."

I rolled my eyes. "I won't forgive you for wasting my time. Why are you calling me?"

Sighing he said, "Your father wanted me to check in on you. Make sure you were doing fine. He is stuck in a meeting so he couldn't call you. Speaking of that meeting though; I should probably get to it. I'm super late."

"Well, you can tell him I'm fine. He doesn't need to check in on me so much. I'm a grown woman, for God's sake." There was a beep signaling that there was another caller. "I have to go Adrian someone is calling me." I ended the call.

I saw that it was Lissa calling, but right when I was going to press the answer button the call ended.

"They are coming to the Philadelphia International Airport," The voice on the radio said. I heard the familiar name and automatically toned back in. The PIA was the airport we were picking Christian up from.

My phone started buzzing and I picked it up.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I heard on the radio that there is a group of soldiers coming to The PIA, and it's on the same flight as Christian. He must be so intimidated, with so many threatening people around." Her voice was laced with worry.

"Yeah, I bet." I said.

"I hope he's fine."

I laughed. "What do you think will happen? It's not like they are going to attack him. He will be fine."

"Well they said on the radio that this group was sent back because something really bad happened to them. Plus they have been taking connecting flight to connecting flight. They must be tired." I rolled my eyes at her useless worrying.

"Christian is fine. Don't worry about it." I got off on the airport exit. "Stop upsetting yourself; it's bad for the baby." I began my search for a parking spot as Lissa and I ended our phone call.

I got out of the car with my purse and found Lissa. We walked into the arriving terminal area. The brightly lit board signifying the accurate arrivals and departure informed us that Christian and Tasha's plane was here. They were probably in the baggage claim.

Lissa and I made small talk about some wedding plans as we patiently waited for them to make their way out.

"JASON!" Someone yelled. I looked to my right and saw a woman with a little girl in a pink dress standing next to her. The man dressed in camouflage dropped his duffel bag and picked up the woman in a hug, and kissed her. He put the crying woman down, and picked up the little girl and spun her around. She giggled and put her arms around his neck. "Daddy," she giggled into his neck. I smiled as I watched the seemingly happy family.

"ALBERT!" Yelled another woman off to my left.

Then a flood of people started coming out, and you could hear the choruses of random names being yelled out. I was watching a man cry with a baby in his arms, when I heard Lissa scream, "CHRISTIAN!"

I looked in the direction Lissa was looking and smiled. Christian was trying to come out of the crowd to get to Lissa. The smile was wiped off my face when I saw a happy Tasha walking next to him.

Christian ran at Lissa, and picked her up in one fluid motion. He kissed her, and I could see the tears pouring down her cheeks. I rolled my eyes; you would think they were away from each other for more than two weeks.

I heard someone laugh and looked to the direction the sound came from. It was Tasha. My nostrils flared. I thought I could control my anger around her, but as I looked at her I could feel the anger building up inside of me. It started from the pit of my stomach and left a burning trail up through my lungs. It slithered up my throat leaving a horrid taste in my mouth. Finally it reached my head making my eyesight go red.

Instead of going up to her like I wanted to I just took deep breaths and turned on my heel. I had to get away from her.

I passed an extreme amount of crying people. Most of them were with camouflage clad men.

I stopped in line at the small coffee shop inside the airport and looked around. My anger was dissipated bit by bit as I watched everyone around me who seemed to be happy.

When I was done making my order I looked around for any empty tables I could have a seat in. All the tables were occupied except for one in the corner. I quickly made my way over hoping no one would get there before I did. Luckily I made it to the small round table.

Finally as all my anger left my being I felt guilty for abandoning Lissa and not even greeting Christian and Tasha. But I just couldn't get over my hate for Tasha.

One summer she came down to Lissa's house and stayed for a couple of weeks. I had a boyfriend that summer, but it didn't last long. I thought I loved him, and I thought he loved me, but obviously he didn't. As soon as Tasha came I saw her eyeing him a little too much, but I didn't really pay much attention because I didn't think anything would happen. How wrong could I have been? The night before Tasha was leaving, Christian and Lissa were out at dinner, and my boyfriend was supposedly working late, so I decided to keep Tasha some company at Lissa's house. When I got there I let myself in with the spare key that I had. I walked into the living and gasped. There she was on the couch with her skirt lifted, and my boyfriend with his pants down on top of her. He looked up and opened his mouth; I shook my head, and walked right back out.

It had been a year since it happened, but I just couldn't shake it. Needless to say I stayed away from men during that whole year.

I was pulled from my thoughts as I saw someone approach my table. I looked up at his face and tried to raise an eyebrow; I failed.

"Sorry to bother you," he said, "All the other seats are taken. Is this one?" He gestured towards the empty seat across from me.

I studied the man. He was dressed in camouflage head to toe with a black duffel bag slung on his right shoulder and he had a cup of coffee on his hand. His tall form was skinny, but not lanky. His t-shirt was tight fitting and hugged his biceps in all the right ways. I wasn't shocked to see that his hair was in a buzz cut just like all the others. I looked at his clean face, and his chocolate brown eyes which made him seem innocent enough.

"Oh no, it's not taken you can sit." I straightened my posture and pulled in my legs to give him enough room. He sat down and set his bag on the floor next to him and his coffee on the table.

For a couple of minutes we drank our coffees in silence as we awkwardly avoided eye contact.

I cleared my through before I broke the uncomfortable silence. "So," I bit my lip. "I guess I should thank you for your service."

He met my eyes and gave me a tight lipped smile. "You are welcome."

It was then that I noticed he had a slight accent. I couldn't quite place it but I could not deny that it was slightly sexy.

"Okay," I started, not wanting to let the silence envelop us again. "My name is Rose." I stuck out my hand.

He accepted and gave me a firm handshake. "Dimitri."

I nodded. "It's nice to meet you, Dimitri."

Just as we were getting back into a more comfortable silence my phone started vibrating. I answered it knowing exactly who it was.

"Where are you?" Lissa's voice said into my ear.

"I'm at the coffee shop," I responded. I looked up at Dimitri hoping this wasn't too rude of me.

"Oh, okay we will be right over."

"No," My eyes widened. "Don't bring her-"

"Oh, I think I see you. Who are you sitting with?" She asked.

"Lissa do not bring her over-" I was interrupted once again.

"Are you guys in the mood for coffee?"

I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead. I started speaking close "Lissa, please don't-"

"Okay we are coming over." The line went dead.

I stared angrily at the phone and then watched all three of them walk into the shop and get into line. Christian waved at me and Tasha glanced at me and then looked way.

"Are you alright?" The stranger in front of me asked.

My eyes snapped to his and I nodded slowly. Maybe I was over reacting. I needed to get rid of that ridiculous grudge. I should not have been holding onto it anymore but it was difficult to let it go.

"Are you sure?" He pressed.

I tried to give him a reassuring smile. "Yeah."

From the corner of my eye I could see the small group making their way over to me with their drinks in their hands. They stopped at the table as Dimitri and I both looked up that them.

"Hi, guys." I smiled at them. "Chrissie." I greeted him. I ignored Tasha.

"Rosie." He smirked knowing how much I hated that nickname.

Dimitri looked at me then back at them. "Are these your friends?" Before I could reply he started to stand. "I can move it's no problem."

My hand shot out and grabbed his arm before he could fully get out of his chair. "No, no," I shook my head. "It's fine. You were here first." I looked up at Lissa. "Besides there aren't enough chairs for everyone. I'm sure there's an empty table somewhere." I gave her an apologetic smile hoping she would understand.

She was silent for a second. Then she looked around and spotted an empty table. She turned back to me. "Yeah that's true. Um, we can just sit over there."

"Cool," I said. "You know actually. I'll probably just go home after I finish this." I nudged my coffee cup.

She nodded and they all made their way to the other table.

I looked at Dimitri and realized that I still had my hand on his arm. "Sorry," I said pulling away. "Also, sorry about all of that."

He shook his head. "It's no problem." He paused. "Do you just dislike them or…?" He raised an eyebrow.

I laughed. "Just the black haired girl."

He sipped his coffee. "How come?"

I sighed "It's a long story." He nodded. "But if you have time…"

He smiled. "I do."