House of Flesh: The Series

The Tenderness 2.0


A/N "The Last Chapter to this Saga of mine, Thank you to BigStuOU for your continued support and to everyone else who has been following this story since it's beginning."

Chapter 69: Best Wishes

New Year's Arc

Sheppard Home, Living Room 11:00am

(Alex, Everyone)

Stepping inside of his home after a very long trip from Arizona, Alex almost fell back when he walked inside of his living room to a big surprise from his mother, girlfriend and friends.

"Welcome Back Alex!" they all said out loud in unison. Alex dropped his house keys and smiled, "Wow…wha…what is this?" he said in joyous disbelief"

"What, did you really think I forgot that you missed out on movie night on Saturday, spent no time with me Sunday and completely left me in the dark on Friday. Well let me tell you something Cowboy…." Said Jade as she went walking up to Alex, he stepped back abit, his spurs making those famous 'kachink' sound.

Jade closed the distanced between them at last, "I can forgive all of that if you plant a big one right here…right here" she said so sweet and innocently, Alex took off his Stetson and threw it on the couch. He wrapped his arm around Jade as she wrapped her own around him, they kissed passionately and lovingly in front of ex boyfriends, friends and family members.

Watching them kiss, Cat brought some red velvet cakes fro everyone, she took one and poked it on the faces of Alex and Jade. Their was no breaking up their reunion for anything, not even for red velvet cake. She shrugged her shoulders and went back to grab something for Alex.

Alex and Jade separated lips and laughed like they just heard a really funny joke, Cat came with a present for Alex, "Hey Alex…I got you something" cat said from the sideline.

"Oh! Thank you Cat…I'll open it after I take a shower."

Tori went up to Alex with open arms, "Hug?" Alex told her. "Yeah, I really loved your present." Alex smiled as he hugged who he felt could have been his older sister in a different universe.

"well, it's still very early…I still have to get my Son presents, anyone want to accompany me to Toy's R us?" his mother jokingly told everyone, "Mom! I'm not fourteen anymore…sheesh!"

Alex went up to his room with Jade following behind.

Author's Speed Card

Alex Sheppard, September 1, 2013

"My name is Alex Sheppard, I am sixteen years old. There's not much to know about me, unless you want to get to know me. I feel very grateful to have Jade West, an eighteen year old girl as my girlfriend and best friend in my life. I made some wonderful friends while in High school, Beck Oliver is a quiet individual with so much to share. If anyone can crack him or get him to open up to them, they might be in for quite a surprise.

Robbie Shapiro, once just your average student with a bit to a weird side, now a teenage heart throb with his whole jersey look. He might have change just to be with Trina, but if one does things out of love; you can't blame them.

Trina Vega, I have no doubt that she's going to make it big in this city that makes stars, she can be quite the rebel…but that's what makes her…Her.

Andre Harris, an amazing person and a very talented lyricist and singer. Their's a bright future to a star who can shine brighter than the Sun, at first I though he may not like me, but it was me who approached him with some apprehension.

Tori Vega, I can't describe what I feel for her, in one world she can be my girlfriend, in another she's my sister…indeed every school has it's students who will be immortalized for not just their talent and contributions, but for being the most real and most trusting person. Like Michael before her, Tori is as pure as the white on his suit.

Then their's Jade West, I know by the time I finish writing these notes…she will be out of Hollywood Arts, and Me? I'll still be here, trying to leave my mark. hopefully I'll join the ranks of Michael and Tori, But until then I'll continue to do all my work, continue seeing Jade until she leaves for College. I pray and hope the future isn't as uncertain as most people make it out to be."

Alex grabbed his book bag and other belongings and took the long road back home from the Hollywood sign. As he left, a figure appeared on the spot where Alex was sitting on. It was Michael, wearing all white he looked behind him at the sign and smiled. The word "LAND" began to slowly join the word Hollywood, just as it was in 1923. To Michael, Los Angeles never changed, it was still the Beacon of the Pacific Coast. their will always be people who will need him even when they don't know it, especially in the city where everyone has something to hide.

(!) "END"