Chapter 7


Nick was scared. Why wasn't Greg saying anything?

"Greggo, come on buddy, say something. God, I know it's my fault and I can't blame you if you never want to talk to me again, but…just say something right now, please."


"Greg I'm so sorry for what I did if I can't say it enough. I understand that this must be it for our friendship and that you hate me so…I'll just head out."

Just as Nick was about to walk out the door, Greg finally spoke.

"Nick, no; I don't-"

Nick turned around and looked at the younger man with tired eyes. Greg sighed and wiped a hand down his face.

"I don't blame you, man."

"Well you should; maybe if I hadn't been such a dick to you that day, we wouldn't even be in this situation right now." Nick sat down and looked at the younger man seriously.

"Nick, you're a dick to me every day," Greg joked with a weak grin, trying to lighten the situation but failing. "That just happened to be the wrong time…and I get you're still hurting after Warrick; I know I could never replace him as your brother or your best friend.

Nick was stunned; Greg thought he meant nothing to him? God, what did he do?

"Dammit G, that's still no excuse. I was so pissed and absorbed in missing Warrick that I completely forgot that I still have you. I don't wanna lose you Greggo and don't think you mean nothing to me, because as far as I know, you mean a hellova lot. Yeah, you may not be able to wear 'Rick's shoes, but you're pretty damn close. You're my best friend, my little brother that I should be looking after, not making you feel like crap."

Greg swallowed thickly and looked down at his hands. His trembling hands. Nick moved closer and grabbed them, squeezing gently.

"I am so, so sorry G. If I could take it all back, I would. If I could take your place, you bet that I damn would. I wish to god you didn't have to go through this…it should've been me, not you.

Greg finally looked up at the Texan with tears in his eyes.

"Nicky…shut up. I don't blame you so please stop berating yourself, okay? Please."

Greg's broken voice tore at Nick's heartstrings and the next thing both the boys knew, Nick grabbed Greg by the shoulders and pulled him to his chest. For a moment, since his brain was still fuzzy from the drugs and the fever, Greg was stunned. But when he realized what was going on, he lifted his arms and wrapped them around his big brother's torso. Tears threatened to fall so he squeezed his eyes shut in attempt to block them.

"I'm okay, Nicky. It's okay."

"I know G," Nick whispered, rubbing circles on Greg's back. "I know."

Ten minutes later found Greg asleep and Nick resting uncomfortably in the chair, his hand tremendously close to Greg's curled fingers. A huge weight had been lifted off his chest; he and Greg were- almost- back to normal.


1 Week Later

"Can we leave now?"

"Now hold on, bud, I think the doctor needs to agree before you're discharged."

"I'm fine, I don't need the doctor to see me," Greg grumbled.

"You still have a 99 degree fever plus your breathing sounds horrible, man; I don't see that as fine."

Greg sighed and wiped a hand down his face. "I'm fine, I'm just really tired."

"All the more reasons for you to stay here one more night."

"Nick, I'll kill myself before I can make it out of here; this place is friggin' torture."

"It is not," Nick scoffed and folded his hands across his chest, watching his friend fidget in the bed.

Greg looked over and raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Alright, maybe it's not all great, but what if you go into relapse?"

"You sound like my mother."

"Whatever. Greg, it's for your own health; I don't want to see you get sick again." I wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Fine, I guess one more day couldn't hurt," Greg sulked, crossing his arms.

Nick rolled his eyes in amusement. "Look, if the doc says you can go home, I'll bring you to my place."


"You're not staying alone, G, hell no. Like I said before: what if you go into relapse?"

"So…you're worried about me?" Greg said with a smug grin.

"Shut up," Nick chuckled, lightly punching Greg on the arm.


"Oh come on, that didn't hurt."

"You're right, you hit like a nine year old girl."

"What? I'll have you know I was the star athlete on my boxing team, so don't go calling me weak."

They both laughed until Greg started coughing and was forced to stop. "Thanks Nick."

"For what?"

"Just…for everything."

Nick patted Greg on the shoulder. "You're welcome, bud. Now let's see what the doctor has to say about you leaving."


"You got off lucky," Nick mumbled. Personally, he thought Greg should've stayed in the hospital at least another day. If he had the authority, it would've been another week. Greg didn't look as well as he wanted the kid to look, but if the doctor said he was fine, then he figured it was the truth. All Greg had to do was rest, eat lightly, drink lots of fluids, take it easy, and take the prescribed antibiotics. Seemed easy enough.

"I told you I was fine."

"Yeah, yeah."

Once Greg was in his new SUV, he got into the driver's seat and started the car.

"So, I'm starved; what do you feel like eating? Nothing big though."

When he received no response, he frowned, a spark of fear coursed through him. When he looked to his friend who was sitting in the passenger seat, he smiled and relaxed. The kid was exhausted; his forehead plastered on the window and his breathing, though scratchy, was deep and peaceful. Nick chuckled as he dug out his cell and dialed Catherine.

"Hey Cath….better. He's…" Nick looked over to Greg before finishing. "He's doing better, too. His fever is still high, but doc said it was okay for him to go home…no, I'm bringing him to my place right now. Doc said he didn't want him on his own just yet." Lie. I don't want him on his on his own. "Okay bye, Catherine. Let everyone know Greg's okay and y'all are welcome to come see him if you want… alright…bye." Hanging up, Nick checked on Greg once more before focusing on the road ahead of them.

"Greg…Greggo wake up. G!" Nick huffed when Greg didn't move. He was somewhat worried and confused to why the kid wasn't waking up. He placed a hand on the younger man's forehead and pursed his lips. It felt really warm and he wondered if the kid was just conked out or really sick…again. "Come on man; don't make me carry you."

Still no answer.

"Fine, have it your way."

Nick jumped out of the vehicle and went to the other side, opening Greg's door. Luckily the kid's seatbelt was on or he'd of fallen right out. Nick would've caught him of course. He took Greg from underneath his arms and carefully dragged him out. Once he brought Greg's right arm around his neck and bringing his own arm around the slender waist, he kicked the door closed and slowly made his way towards his apartment.

"Hmm, what's going on," a sleepy voice said.

"Nice of you to join me, dude; geez you need to eat, I feel like I'm carrying a little girl."

"Shut…up," Greg said with a small smile as he managed to help Nick a little by picking up his feet.

Within ten minutes, Greg was fast asleep in Nick's guest room after taking the meds. Nick really wanted the kid to eat first, but Greg said he wasn't really hungry. He promised he'd eat after he slept and Nick was gonna hold him to that. He made his way to the kitchen and opened up the fridge. Sitting right there was one last bottle of beer; it was tempting, but he remembered his promise to his little brother. Once in a while it wasn't bad to drink, but he already crossed the line this time and he decided he should wait a bit before he drank again. He grabbed it, popped the cover and poured the liquid down the drain. For Greggo.

Sighing in content, he threw the bottle in the trash and wiped both hands down his face. He was beat and he decided he was going to check in early tonight. After taking a sleeping pill, he trudged down the hall to his bedroom. When he passed the guest room, he thought he heard a groan and he frowned worriedly. He creaked open the door and peeked inside to find Greg sleeping peacefully. Just his imagination. Greg shifted a bit under the covers, his forehead creased a little, but other than that…well maybe he should just check his temperature. Quietly, he moved over next to the bed and placed his hand on the younger man's forehead and immediately grimaced.

"Dammit G." And just when he thought the kid was getting a little bit better. He quickly ran to the bathroom to get the thermometer and when he got back, he wasn't prepared for what he was about to see. Greg…he wasn't moving...well of course he wasn't, he was sleeping. But his chest; it was immobile.

"Greg?" He rushed over to the man's side, throwing the device onto the floor and put his fingers to the cold neck. No pulse.

"Son of a bitch; Greg!" He shook the man's shoulders violently in attempt to revive him. When that didn't work, he dragged him to the floor and began CPR.

"Greggo do this to me, please Greg don't!" And every time he went to listen for a heartbeat or a breath, nothing had changed. Greg was gone. What the hell had happened? God he knew Greg should've stayed in the hospital longer.

"Greg," he sobbed, cradling the limp body in his arms. "Greg!"

"Greg!" Nick bolted up from the couch and was met with darkness. His breathing was harsh and he could feel sweat pouring from his face and onto his t-shirt. He looked around and found that he was in his living room. When did he fall asleep? It had all been a nightmare? Had it? He jumped off the couch and ran to the guest room, praying that what he had endured in the dream was just that…a dream. A very terrifying one at that. He swung open the door and ran to the bed where his friend was- hopefully- sleeping.

"Greg! Greg, wake up!" He shook the man's shoulders in hopes that his dream had just messed with his head.

"N-Nick? Wha's going on?" Greg groaned tiredly.

"Oh thank god," Nick whispered, sitting the man up and wrapping his arms around his shoulders tightly.

"Ow, Nick what the hell? Are you okay?"

"Yeah buddy, I'm fine."

"Then why-"

Nick pulled back and cleared his throat. "You tell anyone I did that, I'll kill you."

Greg smiled and rubbed his eyes. He had a guess as to why Nick had suddenly almost pulled him out of bed and nearly squeezed him to death. Nightmare. God, the shit the man must've went through while he was in the hospital.

"You okay?" He said, not wanting to bring up the subject for the Texan unless he really wanted to talk about it.

"Yeah, I'm good man. Just go back to sleep."

"Alright," Greg yawned as he sank back into the pillows. Almost instantly, Greg was out cold and Nick could finally relax.

"Damn." He wiped a weary hand down his face before bringing the covers over Greg's shoulders and leaving the room. That was a close one. He trudged to his bedroom and collapsed onto his bed tiredly; that had taken a lot outta him. He rolled his head on the pillow and looked at a picture that was on his nightstand. He smiled as he picked it up. It was a photo of him, Warrick, and Greg at a sports bar, because they felt like Greg needed some guy time after the beating. He was still sporting some fading bruises, but he looked happy to be there. They had bought him hot wings and they had a contest of who could eat the most wings without water. He lost after five and that left Warrick and Greg neck and neck. Warrick ended up losing after thirty leaving Greg as the winner. He'd been so ecstatic and he bought them all rounds of beer. I think it was the best night of his life since the horrible incident. And since that incident, Nick realized one thing: Greg was his responsibility, he was his little brother and he'd never forget that. He placed the frame back on the table and fell into a relaxed sleep.

2 Years Earlier

"I can't believe you won, G!" Nick smiled.

"I can't believe I lost to you," Warrick grumbled.

"Why is that so hard to believe? I mean I am the best at everything," Greg grinned smugly.

Nick pushed Greg's head playful as all three of them laughed, tipping their heads back as they drank their third beer.

"You know, I never thanked you guys. This…this really helps. After…you know…I didn't think anything would go back to the way it was. But I forgot that I have you guys; my dysfunctional family."

"You know we'd do anything for you, Greggo," Nick said, becoming serious. "I hate that you went through that and from now on, you're my responsibility; you're my little brother, man."

Greg smiled. "Thanks."

"Alright, enough with this gooey-mushy love shit," Warrick cut in, signaling for the bartender to give them more beers. Nick and Greg shook their heads while rolling their eyes. Leave it to Warrick to 'ruin the moment.' But that's why they were brothers. When the drinks came, Warrick raised it for a toast.

"To us."

"To us," both Nick said in unison. With that they clicked their bottles together and drank. While doing so, Greg realized how much everyone on Team Grissom meant to him; especially his two 'brothers.' Where would he be without them? He smiled to himself and toasted in his head.

"To my brothers; my family."

The End.

Hoped you like this last chapter, and thanks a bunch to EVERYONE who faved/alerted/reviewed to my story! I love you guys! Now onto True Blood Brothers (thanks for everyone who reviewed on that as well ;)) and finishing up Mauled for those of you read that :) Thanks!