It had been roughly two months ago when an outrageous sum of coin appeared before the head of the Takeda clan. Naturally, the Tiger gazed at the offering, a dark wooded chest filled by means of silks and gold, with a stern façade. However, it quickly froze utterly rigid when the sender turned out to be The One Eyed Dragon. His giant fists tightly clenched as Sasuke meticulously counted through the carefully prepared package. The entire time, Shingen's back stood tall and straight. His shoulders were another story. They had grown tense in addition to the muscles in his thighs. When the final coin had been accounted for, a long awkward silence permeated the entire audience chamber.

To the Young Cub, the atmosphere of the situation spoke for itself. As such, he patiently waited by his lord's side. He easily caught the solemn look in Shingen's eyes, but appropriately chose not to speak of it. While his curiosity had been peaked, his interests came after those of the Takeda clan's leader. After some time, he heard Sasuke speak. Although it was subtle, the ninja's voice was laced venom.

"It's a breeding request. He's even cocky enough to send the amount for a female."

Initially, Shingen remained silent, but a long string of hot air suddenly came blasting from his flared nostrils. He wore the expression of an angry bull quite well. The situation, on the other hand, turned puzzling and uncertain.

Yukimura wasn't a complete stranger to the concept of a breeding request. The women of Kai had once been desired due to their tenacity. In recent years, however, the scales had tipped to favor fertility over personality. Children with the tiger women of Kai were by no means difficult, noblemen simply wanted heirs faster. They turned to the lands mainly inhabited by dogs such as Mikawa and Omi—sometimes even going as far as Tosa. Consequently, offers became few and far between. However, there was a side of the situation he didn't understand.

The Battle of Sekigahara had left countless bodies to rot on the battlefield, but with its passing came a time of peace. The country was no longer locked in a power struggle for unification, so its people quickly moved to rebuild what had been destroyed over years of constant conflict. Unfortunately, Kai found itself quickly sinking into poverty. Yukimura had not been aware the treasury lay barren, and it had been quite a shock once the news reached him. While it was a far stretch to say the breeding request would fix the province's current monetary trouble, it would at least keep them afloat for a bit longer. So, in knowing this, why did The One Eyed Dragon's proposition go unsupported?

"Forgive me, but I don't understand." He had begun carefully. The cub knew he didn't possess the right mentality to think of matters outside of battle; however, he truly felt he was looking after the people of Kai's well being when he spoke up, "This offering would immensely help our people, so why are you two hesitating? Surely any woman of Kai with a heart would-"

"This money is not meant for a woman of Kai." Sasuke curtly replied.

"Then-" The ninja gave him a look sharp enough to cut his entire spine in half. Much to the brown haired man's dismay though, Yukimura persisted with his question, "then why would Masamune send us a breeding request if he does not wish to have a woman of Kai bear an heir!?"

"FOOL!" Shingen's mighty voice boomed throughout the Takeda estate, causing the cub to flinch on instinct.

Although the Tiger of Kai was still recovering from a crippling disease, Yukimura knew better than to underestimate his mentor. He had been tussled and banged around by the Takeda Can leader throughout his life. Thus, the reflex of moving to shield his face while bracing for a set of powerful knuckles built itself over years of bruises and broken limbs. Surprisingly though, the cub wasn't sent flying through the fusama or impacted against the courtyard wall. When he opened a cautious eye, he merely met a gruff expression on the aging warlord's face.

Shingen turned his attention back to the stockpile of money. In his eyes laid an emotion that could only be described as grief, "Madararui are not strictly limited to breeding with females. This request is obviously for you, Yukimura."

The words sunk in slowly. Eventually, their impact took root, overwhelming the poor cub. The money was for him? Masamune Date, the unruly warlord of Oshu, was asking for a man to carry his heir? Surely that wasn't possible.

"If this is some kind of joke," Yukimura heard his own voice quiver, "it is not funny."

Sadly, there wasn't an outburst of laughter from either of the two men; no action to indeed prove this was some juvenile prank. Shingen continued to uncharacteristically eye the offering while Sasuke seemed unable to find the right state of mind to approach it.

"You were saying a woman of Kai with a heart for her people would accept this offer, correct?" In comparison to his earlier comments, Sasuke's attitude retreated to something more reserved.

"But I am no woman of Kai!" Yukimura yelled frantically, "I'm a man who burns brightest on the battlefield!"

"Masamune obviously doesn't see you as such." Sasuke sighed as two fingers went to one of his temples. They rubbed the tender patch of skin in small circular motions, "You obviously understand the state of affairs we're in, but we won't force you to do something so intimate against your will."

A certain kind of numbness had taken a hold of Yukimura then. It was true; Sasuke and Shingen weren't forcing him to accept Masamune's offer. In fact, they stood abhorrently against it. However, his only desire was to help the Takeda clan and the land of Kai as much as he possibly could. Perhaps if I had been born a woman, Yukimura thought before rigorously shaking his head to rid the idea. Man or woman, such a matter would not have changed anything if The One-Eyed Dragon was true.

"No, I'll do it."

He swallowed the decision with a lot of difficulty, but, luckily, the thought of being able to stave off hunger and sickness from the people of Kai made it feel considerably easier. Even if he hadn't accepted the request and buried the memory away, his conscience wouldn't forgive him so easily.