Tony sat at the bar in his penthouse, 'drinking his sorrows away' as Pepper would call it, if she were still here. But now she was gone and Tony had other things to drink to and forget about than just the absence of her. He'd called the team here and a few civilians to party with him, though he now sat alone at the bar having tended everyone's quota of drinks and he nursed his bottle of whiskey while tearing at the label in frustration.

Steve begrudgingly entered Tony's penthouse, he hadn't really wanted to come but he had no idea what kind of party it was and didn't want Tony to take offence if his absence was noticed. He looked around, not finding anyone he recognized until his eyes fell on the obviously lonesome character at the bar. Steve fiddled with his hands as he walked towards Tony, he knew he couldn't predict Tony's mood when he'd been drinking but wanted to show the host that he at least did turn up.

"Evening Tony." The Captain said in a casual, friendly manner as he took a seat beside Tony. He didn't know what else to say, everyone knew why Tony was drinking and he didn't want to mention Pepper leaving him and the company.
"Steeeeeve!" Tony slurred as he rotated on his stool, swaying more than he would think.

"Have a drink with me." Tony flirted and winked, causing Steve to frown slightly, was Tony hitting on him or was it a drunk joke? Steve shook his head and politely declined.
"You know I can't get drunk, Stark." Steve reminded him. Tony nodded, he remembered, but he said nothing, he didn't want Steve to know that he remembered every tiny detail about him and how those details played on his mind far too often.
"For the taste?" Tony looked him dead in the eyes, his jaw set hard and refusing to swoon over the beautiful blonde.

Steve studied Tony as his voice became the tiniest bit softer, as if he was being sincere, for once. Steve couldn't say no to that face, not when Tony looked him directly in the eye and gave him a genuine offer.
"Sure." He said after a while, he realized he'd been staring into Tony's eyes, memorizing the tones of deep brown they held and Steve wondered if they'd just had 'a moment' like he'd seen in some films. He shrugged away the idea, he was certain he wouldn't tell a soul about the slight desires he had for Tony, especially since he knew Tony would never feel the same. This wasn't like a crush you held in as a kid and finally one day blurted out in the hopes of not being rejected, this was a secret. Steve hoped his feelings for Tony would go away, stop teasing him, and filling his dreams.

Tony grinned as Steve accepted and he walked around the bar, holding the sides for support as he stumbled. He hadn't expected Steve to show up, much less keep him company so he had no reason to stay sober to keep his intoxication from embarrassing himself. Now he was under pressure to act sober, to not slip up and say something he'd regret.
"Pick your poison." Tony said as he smiled at the searching look on Steve's face, it was clear he didn't know where to begin.

"Vodka? Or bourbon? Or whiskey, or scotch, or absinthe, or-"

"Vodka will be fine!" Steve exclaimed before Tony could list every bottle of alcohol under the sun, Steve already believed Tony had it all.

"Good choice." Tony smiled as he poured Steve a shot and slid it over the counter towards him.

Tony poured himself another shot as he watched Steve eye his own cautiously. Tony waited with the shot in his hand until Steve had his at his lips, they downed the drinks at the same time. Tony grinned, he'd always wanted to give Steve alcohol, even if it was just for the taste.

The Captain finished his shot and watched as Tony poured himself another, swaying as he did so.

"How much have you had to drink?" Steve eyed Tony warily. Tony ignored the question, he didn't need to be hounded to stop drinking so much from yet another person.

"Tony?" Steve asked, he hated being ignored and Tony would have to try harder than that to avoid anything Steve asked him.

"If you have to ask, then I would say not enough." Tony smiled and held his shot glass in the air as if for a toast then quickly drank it back, as he avoided Steve's eyes.

"Maybe you should ease up a little." Steve said with sincerity in his tone, maybe he could get Tony to stop without realizing that Steve cared, he was drunk enough.

"Go and be a buzzkill somewhere else, Cap." Tony snapped, he'd heard it all before and it was not something he appreciated. The bottle in his hand tipped to the side, landing heavily on the counter and rolling towards the edge, Tony cursed under his breath and his sloppy aim caused him to knock it off the counter instead of picking it up.

Steve was at Tony's side before Tony had even realized, grasping the bottle firmly and placing it on the counter. Steve didn't expect a thank you and was pleasantly surprised when Tony replied with a gruff 'thanks'.

"Now, should we get you to bed?" Steve said gently as he placed a firm hand on Tony's shoulder to steady the genius. Tony had already proven that he was too drunk to function and Steve just wanted him to be safe.

"I don't need your help." Tony said grumpily, he didn't want to be treated like a misbehaving child and half shook Steve's hand from his arm.

Steve noticed the feebleness of Tony's movement and he smiled, that simple action showed him that Tony did want him to be there but was too stubborn, or too drunk, to admit it.

"Everyone's pretty much gone, I think it'd be a good idea." Steve said in a hopeful tone as he tried to convince Tony, though it was his intention to put Tony to bed anyway.

Tony didn't reply, he glanced around at the dwindling number of party goers and realized Steve was right.

Steve lead Tony to his bedroom, trusting he would follow though he'd released the grip on his arm. They walked in silence for the most part, with Tony occasionally sighing and mumbling to himself. The couple stopped before Tony's door, Steve stood awkwardly as if to say 'well, here you are'. Steve opened the door as Tony seemed reluctant and he entered first, beckoning for Tony to follow.

Tony smiled as he looked up, he could get used to the sight of Steve in his room. He stumbled to his bed and flopped down ungracefully and let out a huge sigh.

"Goodnight, Tony." Steve said finally and turned to leave before admiring the brunette's figure sprawled across his bedspread for a moment.

"Waiiiiiit…" Tony moaned for Steve to stay.

"Yeah?" The super soldier asked as his hand lingered on the door handle.

Tony suddenly became nervous from the gaze of the blue eyed angel.


Dammit Stark, get it together. Grow some balls, say something to make him stay. He lectured himself.

"Can you get me something to throw up in?" He said quickly, then cursed.

Good one Tony.

Steve laughed as he closed the door, Tony was ever the charmer.

"From the bathroom." Tony waved his hand to the general direction of his ensuite.

Steve nodded and headed obediently to the bathroom. He instantly found an empty waste basket and picked it up. He checked his hair in the mirror for a moment, smoothing it back into its simple style. Steve blushed as he realized he was fixing himself to impress Tony Stark, of all people.

Tony smiled as Steve re-entered the room now disrobed and snuggly under the covers, he kept his eyes on him as he placed the basket by his side. Neither knew what to say.

"Do you need me to stay?" Steve offered after a while "I mean I don't want you to throw up in your sleep and choke or something." He screwed up his face.

"Sure." Tony said, relieved he didn't have to request Steve to stay and rolled over, indicating Steve could sit beside him. Steve gently sat on the bed and Tony's heart began to beat faster with the closing proximity. Tony sat up, swayed a little, then rested his head on Steve's shoulder. The two of the sat there, enjoying the moment, the close touch, without the other knowing it. Tony was cozy from the warmth of Steve's body, he nestled closer, much to Steve's surprise.

"Tony? What're you.." Steve said but he didn't back away. He let Tony move closer as he too enjoyed the warmth of another.

Tony bit his lip, he was going to try something, to take a small drunk, baby step, and prayed he wouldn't be rejected. Tony rested his hand on Steve's chest, their eyes locking together as Tony gently pushed Steve backwards onto the bed. He sighed in relief as Steve complied. They now lay on Tony's bed, eyes still glued together. Tony smiled at the slight pink color that began to creep into Steve's cheeks, and snuggled into the Captain and resting his head on his chest. Finally, Tony had achieved the basic intimacy he had craved with Steve.

This was all happening so fast for Steve, Tony now curled into his side, with his head on his chest? He could hardly believe it. Maybe Tony couldbe capable of sharing the feelings he had for him. Or maybe he was just too wasted out of his mind to know what he was doing. Either way, he welcomed it. Steve slowly draped his arm around the other who was clearly dozing off. He kicked off his shoes and shimmied under the blankets to join Tony who only too willingly accepted the closeness. With his free hand, Steve stroked Tony's hair gently and when he was sure he was asleep, kissed his head.

Tony gently drifted into a drunken dreamland, at last he was in the arms he had craved and far more content than he had been in a long time.