Just forewarning Standard disclaimer. Sailor Moon is not mine, the idea and the show belong to people much richer than I. Please don't sue!
Dimmer however is mine… of course if someone wants to use him or any of his transformations for ANY reason "thbbt" go ahead. You have my complete and total permission. I only request you tell me… Hell, I don't care if you don't tell me, it's not like I could find you anyway.
Warning: mild language, also this is my first fic. Violent scenes, no worse than most action movies, but they actually sound worse when described…
The fic starts here.
"Jeez dude, all these damn re-runs on Sailor Moon are getting old, when are they going to translate the ones with Pluto and all them anyway?" Mike was getting tired of watching the first episode of sailor moon, again. It must've been the 5th time they restarted the season this month alone. So he had asked the same question to the taller, black-haired guy sitting on the old ratty couch beside him entranced by the television, that he'd asked about 12 times through the first 10 minutes. This time was different though his friend actually heard now that the commercials came around.
"Shuddap and enjoy, Mike we live on Cape Breton Island remember? NO one remembers we exist anymore, we're lucky to be able to get cable let alone translations of anime. Hell, were lucky enough to even know what anime is, this is top of the line stuff for us so get used to it for at least another 2 years when you graduate you can join that anime club in New Brunswick you keep going on about."
"That place sounds too cool Dimmer you really got to read about it"
A grunt was his only response as the show came back on.
"Ah well, like you say, it could be worse", a shudder ran up and down his spine as the thought took him. "No anime at all."
Mike was fourteen nearly seven years younger than his best friend beside him. His lengthy but not quite so long as his friend's, black hair fell down covering his eyes making him seem a very lonely sight. Pulling his long bangs back away from his eyes to simply covering his cheeks now. He sighed again as he ruffled around in his now trade mark, plain dark blue coat he always wore even inside and only took off when he went to bed. People thought he had to be hot under all those layers of clothing, but truthfully he had gotten used to it a while ago.
"I am Sailor Moon, Champion of justice!" Dimmer chuckled as he watched one of many of his favorite shows. Not that his favorite shows had high prerequisites, if it was anime he liked it, no matter what. In fact he made a point of it. He was a strange person; he could never get bored of the same old things like everyone else. He just couldn't get tired of something he loved. Dimmer and his friend Mike were both artists. But Mike was a hell of alot better at it than he was. When Mike drew something he took more time and he couldn't compare with the amount of detail. While, Dimmer was a master of half an hour drawings and loved to turn everything anime.
Dimmer's own hair fell over his eyes, only his hair managed to reach his shoulder before he too brushed it back out of his line of vision. Taking some pride into mind about loving his, shoulder length, black hair. He had to fight for that. His parents were completely against it, along with the rest of his family. He wouldn't allow them to take it away. It was like trying to drag him away from anime he latched on to; in other words it wasn't going to happen. Little known to them, Dimmer would give up that fight as soon as he would his never-ending quest for anime. To him it was the same, you see. All male anime had either weird spiky hair or long hair. He would take what he could get.
The show was over, the v.c.r. stopped recording and Dimmer had to go. "Later Mike. I'll see ya tomorrow, eh?"
"Later Dimmer, see ya then." Mike watched his friend go as he let his dog out.
Mike couldn't help but laugh as Dimmer once again started to yell at the mockingly dark streetlamp. Hence his name Dimmer. Whenever he walked down a lighted street at least one street lamp would turn off on him, therefore making everything a little dimmer.
"Everything a little Dimmer?" he repeated to himself, and mentally pictured a bunch of evil Dimmer's bouncing around on the streets. He ran back in his house slamming the door, fleeing the horrible images.
The Next Morning:
Arkand yawned as he got up. His eyes opened wide and he shook his head abruptly chasing out the scary image of his real name rushing into his mind. He mentally shuddered at the most horrid of the tortures that had lead his life thus far, and he had more than a few. He walked down stairs to his living room in jeans and no shirt. Picked up a playstation controller and played a game. He wasn't awake long enough to know what the game was. It didn't matter; he was pretty good at all of them. An hour later his vision finally stopped being so blurry so Dimmer could see what he was doing, or in this case what he wasn't doing. He wasn't playing a game; in fact it would look to most onlookers like he was trying to play Sailor Moon. He shrugged put down the controller and set up to watch the re-run.
That was when he heard a large crackling sound. His tired looking eyes still were not quite up to taking notice of the changing scenery in anything more than a lot of confusion.
It was probably because of the searing pain running up and along his entire nervous system.
"Heart attack?" He muttered questioning himself, as he felt his body slip from under his feet. "gotta cut down on the McDonalds…"
No, it was something more it had to be. It felt like his skin was ripped of his entire skeleton and reattaching itself. Than as abruptly as it came, it went away leaving a refreshing, strong wind blowing through his hair. He smiled relishing in the fact the pain was gone... before coming to a small realization.
"Strong Wind?" He opened his eyes and screamed. The clouds split apart as he flew through them at a speed he was certain people had no right to be going. His eyes watered from the pure speed as gravity was in full effect. All he could see was a blurred city beneath him before the G-force knocked him out. His last conscience thought was "Of all the ways to die I was not expecting this."(Well, there was another one but "This is gonna hurt" wasn't really said in a sane frame of mind and therefore we can ignore it)
"What the…?", He opened his eyes. Looking around he could see tall buildings stretching high into the air, but most of his surroundings were obscured some what by the 6 foot deep hole he was standing in. "Where am I?". There was some guy speaking too quickly for him to understand stretching his arm down as if offering him a hand. He took the hand grateful for the assistance. Stepping out from the crater he watched as a crowd of people standing around at the busy intersection, staring at him in awe. He didn't understand what was going on, so he turned to the man that helped him out and asked where he was, but the guy might as well have been speaking a different language for all he understood him.
Shaking his head, he turned away from the now babbling man trying to get his bearings. As he looked to the neon signs about the streets, he found he couldn't read them. The thought occurred that maybe that babbling guy really was speaking a different language, but right now he wasn't even sure what language he spoke. Why was he in a crater? How did he get here? Where was here!
End Notes:
Hi people. This fic is under revision. This is the new and improved, revised prologue. Due to the huge amount of continuity errors for later on in the fic I have decided to revise this mess up before continuing further. (in mild hopes this will destroy the small case of writer's block I have. Peace.