Iron Man – Harper Stark

Chapter one

This is a little drabble I did at 4AM out of boredom. Please excuse any typos. I haven't written anything in a while. If anyone likes this I'll continue to write it. This is just just a little preview. I know its VERY short!

"Good morning Miss Harper." The voice of the computer filled her head, startling her awake from her pleasant sleep. Groaning, she rolled over as the automatic tenting of the windows started fading away, letting the sun come shinning in on her face.

"It's seven AM, the weather in Malibu is seventy-two degrees with scattered clouds, the surfs are fair. With waist to shoulder high lines, high tide will be at ten fifty two..." Jarvis rambled on as she reached for her pillow tossing it over her head.

"It's early Jarvis!" She groaned rolling over onto her back taking the pillow from her head and tossing it across the room at the wall.

"I do apologize Miss Harper, but this is the time Ms Potts has scheduled for you to wake." Jarvis answered back as the young teen with the milk chocolate colored hair slowly sat up in her king size bed that was clad in purple sheets.

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Harper sat there, her blue eyes still cloudy from the sleep. "Why this early?" Harper whined using her palms to rub her eyes.

"Ms Potts has it scheduled that you are to accompany your father on his business trip too-"

"Right right-" Harper cut Jarvis off. "-the weapon's presentation today." She groaned slowly rising from her bed . Walking over to the chair next to her large walk in closet, Harper picked up a pair of loose fitting sweatpants and slid them on over her underwear. "Those things are so boring." She groaned to herself also changing from her sleep shirt into a comfortable black tank top, and quickly tossed her hair up into a messy pony tail.

"I believe Ms Potts has it quality time between you and Mr Stark. A sort of father-daughter bonding." Jarvis' voice showing slight amusement.

Harper couldn't help but laugh softly. "I love Pepper, but after all these years you'd thing she'd learn that dad and I don't do that whole father-daughter thing anymore." She laughed walking out of the room down the steps, Harper's mind suddenly wondered back to when she was a child. She and her father were extremely close. Pepper called them "Two Peas In a Pod" or something like that.

A small smile came to her face remembering pizza and movie night. Her father would come home from New York after a meeting and bring two large New York style pizzas home. Then the two of them would do nothing but sit on the couch and munch on pizza and other random snacks while watching one of Harper's many favorite Disney movies.

As she got older Harper and spent more time in school, her father spent more time in his office. Pepper was now their line of communication most of the time. The two got along fine,it was just neither were in the same place at the same time, so Pepper always tried to schedule these little trips to get them closer.

Trugging herself down the steps, Harper was thrown from he thoughts but a new voice scouting the house. Rolling her eyes Harper tenses up. "Trash day..." She muttered crossing her arms over her chest as she tried to sneak her way past the intruder into the kitchen.

Operation "Avoid The Bimbo" was a success! Harper made it into the kitchen and saw a bowl of her favorite cereal waiting on her with a glass of milk waiting next to it, along with a large cup of coffee. "I love you Pepper." She smiled sitting herself on one of the large bar stools gripping the milk glass and poured it across her cereal. Picking up her spoon Harper almost had it in the cereal before the voice of intruders appeared behind her.

"You must be Harper Stark." Harper's blood ran cold. One thing she hated was people assuming their knew her.

Turning around in the bar stool Harper was face to face with a blonde woman. She was cute, cute enough for one of her father's many one night stands. Harper raised an index finger and pointed at the woman. "You must be Vicky?" She asked mocking the lady's sarcastic tone.

Frowning the lady crossed her arms over her chest, that's when Harper noticed the girl was wearing her father's shirt. "My name isn't Vicky." She snapped back.

"Oh?" Harper asked with face shock. "Last week it was Vicky." she fired back dully before spinning back around to her breakfast.

Much to her dismay the lady strolled around the other side of the bar looking dead at Harper. "How's it feel?"

"Hows what feel?" Harper asked turning her eyes down to her cereal.

"That Tony, your father, helped produce weapons that's murdered millions of people?" She asked clearly trying to get a rise out of Harper. "People even your age." The blonde added leaning on the bar top on her elbows and her head in her hands.

Harper's blue orbs shot up looking straight dead in the woman's eyes. "I guess it must feel the same as your mother felt knowing she gave birth to a woman who just became another notch on a billionaire's bed post and is still gonna walk away empty handed." Harper smiled sweetly before pointing to her bowl. "Cereal?" She offered in her best sweet voice.

The woman tensed up and opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by some one in the door way clearing their throat. "I don't mean to interrupt, but I have your clothes." Peppers calm voice filled the room as Harper just smiled. "They've been dry cleaned and pressed, and there's a car waiting out front that will take you anywhere you want to go." She smiled as the lady walked around bar and took the hangers from Pepper.

"You must be the famous Pepper Potts." Harper rolled her eyes.

"Indeed I am." Pepper replied smoothly faking a smile, but Harper could hear the annoyance in Pepper's voice.

"After all these years Tony still has you picking up the dry cleaning?" The blonde asked with a sarcastic attitude.

Harper bit the inside of her cheek to keep from tossing the bitch out on her ass.

"I do anything and everything Mr Stark requires." Pepper replied staying professional. "Including occasionally taking out the trash." Harper let out a low chuckle and slid off the bar stool picking up her bowl. "Will that be all?" Pepper finished off leaving the woman speechless.

Harper slipped out of the room before she heard anymore stupid comments from her father's latest lay, and headed down into the work shop, her father's loud music filling her ears.