Series - Pirates Of The Carribean

Rating - PG 13

Warnings - None.

Pairing - Elizabeth X Norrington

Disclaimer - A mouse owns more than I do. How sad is that?

Summary - What if Norrington had upheld the law instead of giving the pirates who took everything from him a head start?

Author's Notes - It seems this story has a small but loyal following. As such, it is my duty to keep writing. I appreciate the reviews and words of encouragement.

Word Count -

"Where are we going?" Will asked, his voice hurried and breathy as he spoke. "The docks are back that way."

"That is precisely why we are heading this way." Jack answered as they made their way down the back alley, boots clanking briskly upon the tightly packed cobblestones.

"We need to rescue Elizabeth first." Will started anew as he hurried behind the older, unkempt pirate. "We can't just leave her with him."

Stopping suddenly, Will watched as Jack turned to face him, the highlights of his featured edged in the blue glow of the dawning hours. "If this is going to work between us at all, I'm going to need you to listen to me and do exactly as I say." He heard Jack begin as they stood in the alley, both pausing to watch as a stray cat ran past. "We are going to rescue the lovely Miss Swann, but in order to do that, we are going to need to get back my crew and my ship, savvy? Unless you are under the impression that we two can take on the entire Royal Navy by our lonesome, in which case, you are, delusional."

Crossing his arms defensively, Will responded. "Your crew is heading for Tortuga at this very moment, we are unarmed, have no ship, no money and we are fugitives from the law. How exactly do you suppose we catch up to them?"

"Like I said earlier, just do as I say, exactly, as I say and all will be well, is that understood boy?"

Not exactly sure of what to make of this demand, Will looked into the eyes of the only man left in the world who he considered to be a man of his word. He had brought him this close to Elizabeth in such a short time, why stop trusting him now?

He nodded in silent agreement before they continued on their way, turning down one row of houses after the other as they became seemingly lost in the ocean of bricks and mortar surrounding them. Eventually they emerged from the back ways and came to stop in front of a rather abandoned looking shopfront.

"Wait here." Jack said as Will watched him open the door, apparently unlocked, and enter the dingy looking space, leaving him behind out on the street.

Moving towards the small window of the shopfront, he could scarcely view the inside. There were random pieces of furniture throughout that had seen better days, but other than that, he could not make out much. The poor light of the waking hours, the filthy, thick glass and the layer of morning condensation all served to conspire against his vision.

His sense of sight failing him, he leaned an ear against the pane of glass, hoping that his sense of hearing would not do the same.

"Jack! Where have ya been all this time? I've been waiting for you." Came the low voice from within the store. Was it a male or a female voice? He couldn't be certain. With that, he pressed his ear closer, straining desperately to hear more.

"It's been a long time hasn't it?" Jack asked in a rather upbeat, glib voice. The kind of voice that Will had come to learn usually meant that Jack was working up to a deception of one kind or another.

"Too long, I'm afraid." The voice was definitely that of a female this time. 'Perhaps that of an older lady.' Will thought quietly to himself.

"Where did we leave off? Oh yes, if my memory serves." Will could not see Jack putting the moves on this mystery woman but he could certainly hear it. The giggle, the sounds of her hands no doubt batting away Jack's own as he took a mile long liberty with this lady. Oh yes, it was certainly a woman he was talking to, of that fact he was now certain.

"Now, Jack, business before pleasure. Rumor has it that you finally found what you was lookin' fer."

"Yes, I believe I have and to think that I sailed all around the world trying to find what was right here in front of me this whole entire time." More giggling and a few shuffled steps followed as Will's eyes nervously darted around the vacant street, his mind not letting him forget his criminal status.

"Always the gentleman but I know the truth. You've located the isle haven't you? Take me, Jack, take me with you!"

"Sure, I'll take you." Will jolted as he heard what he was certain was a heavy handed slap across Jack's face, followed by the loud crash of some type of metal inside the building.

"You know what I mean Jack Sparrow. If you want to borrow my gold so you can go chasing after that cursed ship than I demand you give me something I can use as collateral."

No doubt having righted himself, Jack replied. "Darling, you know why I can't take you along with me. On the other hand, I understand your position, so what say you to staying here and letting me send for you once I have done what is necessary?"

"What guarantee do I have that you will not just leave me here then?" Came the unknown woman's reply.

To that, Will could vaguely see Jack point in his direction, causing him to look around only to find himself still alone among the desolate block. He turned back to the glass only to see Jack heading towards the door. He leaned one arm against the building, feigning innocence and not really wanting Jack to know that he was eavesdropping on him. Why he did that, he did not know, it just seemed somehow, wrong, to invade another's privacy.

"Come along now." Jack urged as he shook the tiny bag of coins that the woman had given him in front of Will. "You were listening in on me, weren't you? Own up to it."

Sheepishly, Will tugged his hat further down his face in a vain attempt to shield his guilty blush.

"You're an honest lad. So was your father." Jack said, earning a look from Will, eager for any word of his absent parent. "That's what got him killed. You would do well to remember that."

Will only continued to follow Jack down along the winding street, turning his head back to see if the woman would make herself known. As they reached the end of the road, he saw only her shadow as she left the tiny shop and headed off in the opposite direction. For a minute, he wondered if she had ever known his father too, before dismissing the idea as they carried on.

To where they were heading, only Jack knew.