Trip 1: I am Normal

Hello everyone, I am the heroine. As one of the main characters, I think that it is important to have a self introduction in every chapter. Don't ask me why I am talking in this God like point of view, just read.

I am a very normal young woman that will soon have 21 years old. I have a very normal name, Elleira Evergreen. I don't have any siblings. My parents were deceased when I was 19 years old in a road accident. I am living in the not so normal city of U-S, Chicago, with my not so normal either best friend Violet Stevenson.

My current job is to dress as a hamburger and gives out leaflets on the streets for Burger King. My last job was to sell out handmade cosplay costumes in a cosplay shop (obviously). My before last job was to work as a secretary in a small clinic. Anyway, I did plenty jobs, but always got fired because someone better than me came or the company hiring me just shut down. As I said before, I am normal.

I know that using all the time the word "normal" is repetitive and quite annoying, but this is an important message that I want to pass. What I want to emphasize is that I am normal… I know, that's what I just said earlier.

But anyway, the only thing that makes me not so normal is my origin. No, I am not the lost child of some royal family, or some illegitimate daughter of some super rich man, or the descendant of some lost secret tributes that have some strange power, or the child of a human and an Alien, or anything that makes me not normal.

My parents are normal humans. They both have one head, two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two ears, one very functional brain, four limbs, and any other parts of body parts that a human have. All of this babbling on my own is just to show you how normal I am… except maybe the last part. I am a mixture (like a cake, hahaha…) of different race.

My dad's mom was a very pretty and gentle Russian woman that married my dad's dad, a super severe but good-looking British man that only shows his kindness toward grandmother. My mom's mom is a very beautiful Indian woman that married a super cheerful and handsome Japanese man, who became of course my grandfather.

Mom was born in China, so she knows how to talk Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, English and don't ask me why, but she knows Inuktitut too.

Dad was born in France, so he obviously knows how to speak French, Russian, English, but also Korean, Japanese, Greek, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic and Spanish (he love travelling and is a professor in university that teaches about languages).

Me, I am born in Canada and then went to U-S at 4 years old with dad and mom. So in conclusion of this long story about my origin is that my family members are all married and born in different countries, there is never one country that comes back.

Of course, this special situation leads me inevitably into knowing… all of the above languages (cough! More like it is because of my language maniac father...).

Like I said since the beginning, I am normal… if you would ignore this long list of how I came. So there is no way I am a secret agent or something and have double identities.

Now, I shall re-introduce you the not so normal city I am living in. It's Chicago and it's in the U-S. That's about all. Yeah.

And then, there is my not so normal best friend (I know, I repeat all the time) Violet Stevenson. She is a true rotten girl, and what she loves best is seeing two guys together… Every time she sees a pretty boy with another pretty boy, her eyes would shine like a hungry wolf and drag me with her to the "sacred quest of finding the relation of Handsome 1 and Handsome 2". Or she would bring tons of anime pictures of guys that are well drawn and pairs the characters up. Or she'll talks to me about how cute a guy she saw in the street is.

Sigh… I… am used to all of this. Really, I really am. Don't worry about me, I am not like her.

I, Elleira Evergreen, the mixture of all different kind of race, am a pure girl. Never had my first kiss, never had a boyfriend, never saw any adult rated movies, never go to bars, never… well you get the idea. I am totally the unique kind of young woman that's not part of the hypersexual world we are in.

But right now, I am no longer normal. No, it's not that I just had an arm grow out of me or anything. It's worst, much, much worse.

Partly because… I am on the verge of dying in the hand to five eye sparkling female wolves that are dressed in frilly maid clothes around me.

Wait… let me reformulate that. I am surrounded by five eye sparkling hungry maids dressed in their frilly maid costume that seem to have transformed into wolves looking at me as if I am a huge piece of delicious meat.

Just to put it simple, it is to say that I, the pure girl, the race mixture Elleira, will soon die in the hand of maids that are supposed to serve under me… sigh… no, I am not on drugs. Yes, I am talking gibberish. But that's seriously how it is.

Believe me, maids are scary.

How ironic it is for me to be in this situation between life and death just because I wanted to relax in Italy. I knew that my luck has always being bad, but be it to be this bad… sigh… anyway, that's about how it happened.

After I got fired (again) in my job of doing the walking hamburger, Violet told me to go play a bit. I asked her where, and she said that Italy is super cool. Yeah, she said cool.

Anyway, I went to this country that will change my life forever with Violet. But believe me, if I had known what will happen in about 8 days and a half from the departure, I'll never go there even if it takes my life. Never.

Wait a minute… I am going to die anyway in the hands of these demonic maids, so… whatever I choose is leading me to death?! …Sigh, let's just continue, shall we?

So it's just as they say, there is no medicine for regret in this world.

In any case, when we arrived in Italy, the first thing we did was to eat the delicious gelato, the delicious spaghetti, the delicious lasagna, the delicious cakes, the delicious pizza, the delicious everything, and then go shopping madly.

Now that I think about it… my saving from all the work just went out like water! But it has nothing to do with me anymore now, so never mind.

Back to the topic, Violet and I played like mad women all over the place, and then we decided to visit Sicily. That was the worst mistake I have ever done.

I don't know and don't understand exactly what happened, but all I know is that we went to a park there (don't remember the name of it). I lost Violet of sight for a split second, and then it when"shuuu" then, "shaaa" and then "shiiiin".

I know it doesn't make any sense, but that's exactly what happened. My eyes couldn't open because of a strong white light that appeared out of nowhere and these noises were all what I heard.

Seriously, this way of describing really resembles Yamamoto Takeshi explaining something.

Haha… Yamamoto Takeshi. How ironic it is. Because here I am, in the world of KHR without knowing why or how.

But one thing I am clearly sure about is… CURSE IT WHOEVER SENDS ME HERE IN THIS SH*TTY PLACE THAT EVEN BIRD WON'T POO! Why?! Why?! Even if I just crossover-ed randomly, at least send me to a place where there is computer, Ipod, games, cars, fridges, electricity, airplane, and all the advanced technologies… WHY IS THAT AFTER THAT FLASH, I AM IN A FOREST JUST LIKE BEFORE?!

Wait… this doesn't describe well my situation. Let me restart.


And not any Vongola… it's the Vongola's first family! Not the shounen manga teenagers Mafiosos that jumps all over the place, no! It's the super stern (and super handsome) looking adults Mafioso guys who created the Vongola family. To put it simpler, it's the first generation.

So now, you understand fully why I said that there is no computer, Ipod, games, cars, fridges, electricity, airplane, and all the advanced technologies here, do you?

I am in the handsome Giotto and his good-looking guardians' time, not in the cute Tsuna and his cool buddies' time!

But back to the topic, when I first came to this world, I had no idea where I was. I thought the light was an optic illusion. Because I thought that I was still in the same forest, I just decided to walk out of it and then join Violet outside.

But after about 5 minutes of walk, a bunch of super macho looking dudes dressed all in black just appeared out of nowhere and blocked my path. Then, I was rendered unconscious.

After I opened my eyes, I was in a super smooth, comfy, frilly, huge, expensive looking king size bed in a gigantic, shiny, gold everywhere, frill everywhere room that smells of money. Seriously, I could smell the money just from looking at my surrounding.

Wait, scratch that. It was so expensive looking and shiny that my eyes can't open fully. I actually needed to cover my eyes with my hands and make shadows so that I won't become blind… sigh… why are they making the room so shiny? I mean, are they using sunglasses everyday just to stay in the room?

Then, just as I am about to explore the shiny room, an old small man with a huge belly came in without knocking first (so impolite) with a bunch of dudes that look exactly like the one I met in the forest.

I stared at them (my eyes adjusted to the shininess due to shock) and froze in whatever position I am in.

The first impression I got on the fast guy is: "wow, that's a human in a pig's body." My second impression on him is: "he's really fat, and hairy… like everywhere."

No seriously, the guy is really fat, and really small, and really hairy.

I know I am repeating myself a lot, but there is no other expression that can fit him! Wait… there is ugly, oily, furry, piggy, spongy, wait, what was that?

But anyway, this man really disgusts me. His curly black hairs are shinnying from all the oil going out of his body. His round face is also shinnying. His hands are shinnying too. His clothes too!

What the heck is wrong with this place?! Why that is everything is so shinny here?! The room first, and now a living human being in flesh and blood (and fat too) are all shinnying like there is no tomorrow! Is that a new fashion sense of something?

Anyway, the fat man approached me slowly (guess he can't walk fast with all the fat on him) and made a smile… that's ugly that a grimace.

I mean, all the fat on his face just stick together and his eyes disappeared. It made him have a constipated look. Seriously.

Then, he said (with the sweet smile, according to him) something that made me almost die from heart attack. "My daughter, how happy I am to see you."

Is this a live TV show where they would film people's funny reactions? "Who… are you…?"

"My daughter, don't you remember me? I am your dear father!" the fat, small and hairy man squeaks in a disgusting voice.

"…" Am I supposed to remember a guy that I saw for the first time? And daughter? Seriously?

"My darling! Why are you staring at me like that? Don't you remember your adorable father?"

P-please stop! Someone please stop him! I'm going to puke now! No! Don't make that face! Don't make that disgusting face in front of me! Ah! I can see his curly nostril hair! Argh! They are curly! EWWW!

I seriously don't know what expression I made at the moment. But I am almost sure that because of his ugly face, my own one just caught a facial paralysis problem, which leads me to have… a beautiful poker face (no seriously, I can't feel the muscles anymore).

After my long mental puking session ends, I finally manage to squeeze a sentence without vomiting out for real and move my poor numb facial muscles, "W-who am I?"

I know who I am. But I just need to act out the "poor little daughter of this oily gnome that stink like hell until I can understand why I am here" thing.

Yep, it's lame and super often used in those cheesy dramas where the main character would forget everything about his/her past. Then his/her lover would come flying while crying on him/her and then starts tons of fluffy fake plots afterward. Yep, yep. But~~~ it's still a good trick.

I mean, before I can get a clear idea why and where I am, for my own safety, I need to put on an act. Who know if this guy kidnapped me (I am certain that I am kidnapped) because he wants but can't have a daughter (due to his fattiness).

If this old man says that I am his daughter, which won't be the case even in a few millions light years, then I am… before I understand fully well my current situation that is.

So, doing as if I lost all my memory is the best thing to do.

"My poor little darling!" And he jumps up in an attempt to hug me, which I escaped hurriedly. Hey, even if he really is my father and I love him and all, I would still choose to escape.

No kidding, who could survive this big flesh ball's hug attack? Scratch that. It's more a squeeze you to death until you're flat like a pancake attack than a cute hug attack.

"H-hum… are you saying that you are my father?"

"Darling!" No! No! No! No! Don't make this tearful voice and face! I am going to puke!

"S-sir, can you explain me the situation? I… don't think I remember my past…" ugh… I can't hold back any longer… hurry up and go away… My poor little stomach is doing big back flips right now…

Then an incredible thing just happened tight in front of my eyes. The previous oily man that looked like a total useless rich guy changes his face to an eerie scowl and turns his head to the men in black behind him. He then barks loudly and made his followers retrieve, leaving him alone with me in the room.

I don't know if it is my imagination, but the temperature suddenly seems to have lowered.

"Woman, do you like this room?"

W-what? Woman? Is he still the same guy who almost cried on me lamely because I don't remember him being my "father" and calling me non-stop "my darling daughter"?

Does this guy have some mental issue? Like schizophrenia or something?

But in any case, I need to answer him, and fast. It looks like he's on the verge of being mad. "Y-yeah… it's… not bad…"


"…" Hey, hey, hey! What's with the smirk!

"Woman, if you want to still be able to live in this luxury, then you need to listen to me and do whatever I say." Fatty (that's how I'll call him onward) says in a way that makes me really want to punch him… but guess it won't hurt him much consider his thick layer of fat under the skin would minimize the damage.

But no seriously, he's looking at me as if I am a lowly being begging for him to give me food or something.

It's not like I don't like this place, but I really need to go back. And to be frank, this room's so shiny that my eyes would definitively go blind one day if I stay there too long.

"Sir, I don't know why I am here, but can you please let me go?" Yeah, I'm not acting now.

"Hu... Huwahahahah!" Eww, even his laugh is super disgusting. "You idiotic useless woman! Do you think you can ask me any condition?! In your dream! Let me tell you. If you want to live to see tomorrow's sun, you're going to marry this stupid Vongola in place of my dead daughter!" Fatty yells with a crazy expression, sending by the way spits flying in my direction. "My daughter… this useless woman just like her useless mother! They are all trash! How dare she run away with this lowly life of a tailor! How dare she revolt against me! How dare she refuse to marry those Vongola trashes for my great glorious career?! How dare her!"

This man is insane. As he yells, his face become more and more cringed together and form an eerie smirk that only those mad men only seen in movies show. His black eyes shine in pure madness.

I need to get away from him, was the first thing that popped in my mind. But my legs and body fail to meet my expectation. I am so terrified that I can't move, only stare at him in horror as he continue to scream.

"She betrayed me! How dare this useless woman betray me! I let her live like a princess! I gave her all the money she wants! I am the most perfect man and father that exists! How dare she run away with this tailor!" Fatty pauses for a second to look at me, still on with his mad man like face, "And you know what? I killed her. I killed them both! I separated her darling's body in parts right in front of her! And then I did the same to her! To this ungrateful little fly! I can't believe she's my daughter! But it's fine now…" He stops and walks toward me slowly just like a predator in front of its prey, playing the cruel mental game of seen its victim suffer before dying. "It's all fine now… I destroyed what I created. Isn't this marvelous? Don't you think this is wonderful!?"

That's it, this guy is definitively insane. But what am I going to do? He'll kill me! "W-what are you going to do to me?"

"I said before, darling. You are my daughter. You are now Elleira Roven! Elleira Roven of the Roven family! And you!" He pauses in a dramatic way with his face twisted up by hatred and grabs brusquely my left arm to pull me until our nose almost come in contact, "you… are going make him fall in love with you… then kill him! "

I don't know exactly what happened after. Everything seems to move on its own before me, and I am sitting on the ground, still like a broken down doll, unable to move.

My supposed father left, then five maids came in. They undressed me without a word and pushed me to take a bath. After that, it was dinner, and then I once again fell on the fluffy, frilly, nice bed.

But nothing is the same anymore.

This once shiny and extravagant room that smells of money now looks like a gold prison to me, a prison of luxury that's going to push me to the death.

I think that I understand how the real daughter of Fatty felt. After all, it's way better to marry a poor than a stranger, not to say as a tool.

There are currently three choices ahead of me. First, I do as Fatty say, marrying a guy (forgot his complicated name) I never saw and then kill him.

Second, I escape from this place.

Third, I marry the guy and tell him Fatty's plan.

But one thing I know for sure is that I won't be able to live whatever my choice is.

Even if I managed to kill the guy, I'll die for sure too. Consider what Fatty did to his own daughter, I seriously doubt that he'll let me live. Just like they say, a corpse will never sell you out.

If I choose the second option, then it is instant death if I got caught (which will definitively happen) or I'll be dragged back here and everything will just restart.

The third choice seems to be the best one, but I am sure that he'll use me against Fatty, and then kill me too. Just like the first option.

Life really sucks. I just got kidnapped by a bunch of Mafioso (Fatty said Roven family, and I am in Italy. So it's logic for them to be in the mafia. Not to add that they dress exactly like those Mafioso in movies…), and then got involved in their dark scheme without knowing anything…

Sigh… I know that I am quite unlucky, but to be this unlucky… sigh… I just hope that Violet is fine. (At this moment, I still don't know that I am in another world.)

That was how the first day I arrived in this place passed.

I couldn't sleep that night, and after countless times of flipping and changing positions on the huge bed, I finally managed to fall asleep when the sun raises… but only for about 5 minutes or so, because the five maids who served me last night came in and literally pulled me out of the comfy bed. They once again undress me without my consent and gave me the morning toilet.

And just by the way, the clothes they made me wear looks so… so… I don't know… old fashioned? Naw, it's more like those super frilly (hey, everything is frilly here), heavy, and complicated long dresses that women in 18 or 19 century wear.

Who knows, maybe Fatty like those clothes? Eww!

"Miss Roven, please have your breakfast." Maid no. 1 says in a monotone way after I finally sit down in front of a table.

"…" You guys pulled me out of my hard found sleep just for this stupid breakfast?! And why the heck it is this early!

"Miss Roven, Sir Roven would like to see you after your breakfast." Maid no. 2 says in a... equally monotone way.

"Okay." What can I say other than this?

After the breakfast (I really don't want to admit it… but… it was good. Seriously.), the five maids lead me to a grand room that almost made my eyes go blind instantly.

It was 10 times worse than the room I stayed. There is gold stuff, silver stuff, diamond stuff, precious gems stuff, and anything that sparkle stuff everywhere.

I seriously don't understand what the heck is wrong with Fatty. I mean, does he want to become blind or something?

Why does he always put things that hurt normal human being's eyes the most as a decoration? I know that he's rich and all, but can't he at least be a little more discreet?

Although I only dare think this way. Who's going to say this out loud in this insane dude's face? And not to add that this insane dude is probably the boss of a powerful mafia family.

"My dear daughter, do you know why I summoned you here today?" Fatty asks in a fake tender voice.

"…No…" What am I, your brain? How can I know what's going on inside this fat filled head of yours?

He (tries to) smiles tenderly once again (and failed) in my direction and waves off other people in the room.

Still the same reaction from me, eww!

As the maids and black suits wearing guys back off outside and close the door, the (failed) gentle expression on Fatty's face disappears.

At this moment, there are two things that I am certain of.

1. Fatty seriously has schizophrenia.

2. No matter how I look at him, he still looks like a big pig to me…

I know! I know! You were surely expecting some really awesome deduction or foretelling. But that's really what I thought just now! Seriously! I swear!

Actually, my calmness really surprises me too. I didn't know that I could still have these kinds of ridiculous thoughts.

But it's just as Violet described me, I am a cockroach… in a good way…

I know you guy are all like "how can you be described as a cockroach by your best friend and still be so proud of it" kind of attitude.

I was really pissed too when she said that. But what she said next made me quite happy though. So I let it pass.

Violet said: "Jeez El! How can you still be so cheerful and all after being fired I don't know how many times. If it was me, I'll already be on the verge of depression."

And I was like: "But I can't do anything about it right? So why should I be sad about it?"

Violet: "…since when did you become a philosopher?"

Me, proudly: "since I was born."

Violet, hitting me with a cushion: "Yeah right! Dr. Cockroach pleased to meet you!"

Me, hitting her with another cushion: "Go die! You're a cockroach too!"

Violet: "What I am saying is that you can adapt to almost anything and your life force is insanely strong. You remember the small cockroach with WALL-E? It is still kick and jumping all over the place after being crushed flat by its master. I mean, it got up with a 'boing' as if nothing happened. And that's exactly how you look to me, girl. You just don't give up at anything. And that's just awesome!"

So that's how I became a cockroach… yeah.

But anyway, Fatty turns into his madman state and tell me roughly about my (supposed) past, my (already decided) present, and my (unfortunately already decided too) future.

That's what I learned:

1) My name will now change to Elleira Roven.

The deceased girl has the same first name as me! I wonder if it is a coincidence. I just noticed now even thought Fatty told me his daughter's name yesterday. Well, I was under shock when he said it so guess it's understandable.

And by the way, the last name just sucks! Who would have a family name that means "take something away by force or without the consent of the owner" in Dutch?

Just to say, I don't know how to speak Dutch, but dad once told me this word that he learned from a Netherland friend. And I just remembered… yeah…

2) Just like I thought, the Roven family (really lives up to its name, to literally rob the life of someone) is in the Mafia.

It is the strongest mafia family in Sicily right now. The second strongest family is the Vongola.

I don't know what's wrong with people these days, but why the heck are they giving strange names to their family? Isn't the name one of the most important things to decide?

I mean, who would name their family as "clam"? Seriously, clam. It is not a supermarket to buy clam to eat!

3) I'll be marrying in the place of the dead Elleira (wow, for the past 21 years of my life, I never got in relation with any guy. And now, I'm going to skip all the steps to get married… lovely, just lovely!) to the Clam family and then kill the boss.

Fatty said that they are progressing way too well. If they continue to level up (that's my own word), it'll be a problem to the Robber family.

I really don't know what I am going to do now. I mean, kill someone? I don't think I can do that.

Arghh! So troublesome! Guess I'll just see what happens and then move according to the situation.

4) Fatty told me that his daughter almost never goes out, so there is no way that the clam family would know I am a fake.

The last and none the least, 5) I meet Elleira Roven's mother, Annabeth Greenhill.

She was the daughter of a noble family of England. Mrs. Greenhill (I don't want to call her as Mrs. Roven) married Fatty for her family's purpose just like how I'll be.

I can see that she was once a very beautiful woman. But because of how Fatty mistreated her for years, all that's left to the once beauty is only bones and sickness. But her sky blue eyes are still shinnying strongly with a burning will to live on. And this is what I love the most about her. It's not like the light emitted by the decorations in this huge manor. Her eyes are clean and pure, nothing like the sly eyes of Fatty.

Her place is nothing like the other extravagant pieces of this castle. It is very simple; a one person bed, one small window, one tiny table and an almost broken chair. The whole room smells of poverty, but I like it better than any place of this huge gold cage because it makes me feel at home.

From the moment I looked into Mrs. Greenhill's eyes, I know that she will be the only person I can thrust in here. I just know it.

A few weeks passed since I came to this world. That's right; I now know that I am not in 21th century anymore. It seems that I somehow came to the 19th century.

I discovered this shocking fact when I got the permission to go out in the streets for the first time. Guess that I don't need to explain how it looked, you can just imagine.

But anyway, it took me quite some time to accept this horrible realization, but as a human cockroach, I am totally fine now.

Every day, I go to visit Mrs. Greenhill. We really get along well together. She's just like mom, always so gentle and caring for me. I really love it when she hugs me and pat me on the head.

But this day, just as I am about to go to her place, the five maids (yeah, still the same ones) came and pulled me away without a word… so… CAN SOMEONE JUST EXPLAIN TO ME WHY THE HECK THEY NEVER TALK?!

Anyway, that's the beginning of my long gibberish talk before when I said that five maid are transformed into hungry wolves and stuff, remember?

Well, that's about what happened which leads me to be surrounded by the five eyes sparkling wolves…

I screamed something like: "Noooo! I don't want to wear this!"

And it happened. Just like that. It happened.

…Yeah… just because I refused to cooperate…

But hey! It's not my fault! They would usually give me clothes that are not going to kill me to wear. But this one, just from looking at it makes me tremble. I know that women in this time would do anything crazy to make their waist look thin, but… this… is definitively going to kill me!

"ARGH!" That was me, when they pulled the strings to tighten the demonic corset on my waist. To be more precise, only one maid is pulling the strings, the other four grabbed my four limbs as if there is no tomorrow… which is totally the case for me.

After interminable minutes of tightening to cursed corset, my waist now looks like a stick… I think my ribs are broken, well at least that's how it feels like.

And that's not all, they are still not finished. Maid no. 1 took a huge pack of clothes and made me wear it. It was my dress.

"Miss Roven, this will be your clothing for meeting your fiancé tomorrow." Maid no. 3 says in a flat tone.

"…" So… are you guys saying that I'll wear this thing again?! I really wanted to scream again. But my ribs hurt so much that I can't move.

After a few moments, they undressed me and let me go. Because of this dress incident, I instantly hate my future husband.

It is all because of him that I'll suffer again! I curse him to chock to death by drinking water, to slip and die walking on a banana skin, to get followed to death by his fan girls (if he have any), to get drowned to death in his bath!

I curse you Mr. Whatever-your-name-is-dude!


In the streets, a blond man just sneezed, making one of his friends go in a panic state.

"I'm fine G, really; maybe it's just the dusts."

"Tch, you better not get sick, your dear fiancée is waiting for you. Are you going to make her become a widow before even marrying?" the red hair man beside the smaller blond snorts in reply.

"Maa~ maa~ G, don't say that." An Asian man smiles and pats gently his friend's shoulder.

"Tch. Anyway, take care of yourself, Giotto."

Boring. So boring. I can't go see Mrs. Greenhill because Fatty doesn't allow me to. What can I do now? I can't explore the mansion either.

Sigh… I'm bored. Hey! Maybe I should go out and play a bit! After all, I'll only meet that guy tomorrow… hum… Yup! It's decided then! I'll go out to the town!

"Maria! Let's go play outside!" I scream loudly in a very unladylike way to the door.

Then, a small maid opens the door with a blush, "s-sorry for the intrusion…"

Awww~ so cute! Well, that's Maria, my personal maid. She's only 16 years old. I meet her when she was bullied by other maids in the garden one day, and I asked Fatty to make her my personal maid.

Actually, I don't need someone to serve me. I just need someone to talk to apart from Mrs. Greenhill. And Maria is just perfect! She's my first friend here.

Maria is an orphan. Her eyes are emerald green just like me! And even though she said that she really hate the brown little spots on her nose, I think that it makes her even cuter! Her curly brown hairs also make her really, really cute! But that's not all, her round face always have a blush whatever the situation is gives her an adorable look that I absolutely love.

All in all, she's my cute little angel. Even Mrs. Greenhill really likes her.

I like to bring Maria with me wherever I go. Just like now, we are going in town to go shopping. But before that, I'll need to tell Fatty to get his permission.

After a while, we finally manage to get out. In this town below the small hill where the mansion is, there is nothing interesting.

I know that you are expecting some really extraordinary description from me about this place. But seriously, there is nothing that can catch my attention here.

Okay, I admit it, when I first visited this place, it was hell for the maids. No, I didn't try to run away or anything. It's just that everything is new to me, so I kind of ran all over the place like a kid… yeah…

But now, I know every corner of this town, so there is no reason for me to get exited again.

Still, I love here much better than the suffocating huge mansion (except Mrs. Greenhill's room). This place makes me feel free, even if it is temporary.

I walk hand in hand with Maria in the streets of this small town. Then, a guy bumped into my lovely little angel and almost made her fall, and that rude guy didn't even excuse himself! He just side glanced at Maria and gave out a "tch" before walking away.

Tch my ass! Me being… well me, Elleira Evergreen, will never tolerate anyone hurt my friend without paying back!

There is nothing beside me, so I take one of my shoes and throw it at him… It didn't hit… It didn't hit because that guy caught it at the last moment… And he looks royally pissed now.

"You stupid woman! What the heck do you think you are doing?! Do you wanna die?!" The guy yells loudly with my shoe in one hand.

He's looking quite… I don't know… strange? I mean, his hairs are flashy red and his face has a weird tattoo that's dark red.

I don't often see any person here with tattoos. Actually he's the first one. So I just stared at him without any word, and this makes him even more pissed off.

Just as he is about to come at me, a hand grabs his left shoulder and pulls him back, "Maa, maa! G, you shouldn't act like that. This lady will be scared." The guy that holds Reddy back is an Asian man. And he's really tall. His black hairs are attached loosely and he is wearing western clothing. But his face clearly shows that he is a pure Asian, not like me who's a mix.

Maybe he feel my stare on him, that man lift his head and gave me a sweet reassuring smile.

"Scared?! Her?! She just threw her fucking shoe at my head!"

"Stop G, everybody is looking now." then, a blond man comes and gently pats the red head's right shoulder.

Now that I look at them… they are really good-looking. Even if their clothes are not fancy like mine, they still gives off an "I'm cool, I'm man, I'm attractive so you girls come at us" aura.

Beginning with the red head. He seems to always have a scowl on his face, but just as the 21th century's women's logic says: "Women love bad men." I don't want to admit it, but he really is quite good-looking. The proof is that since a while, there are girls all around us who have their eyes transformed into heart shapes and are all almost drooling.

The Asian man has a really gentle look contrary to his red haired friend. He's the kind of guy that can make people feel comfortable just by staying near them. If he is born in my time, I am 100% sure that he'll be super popular as a movie star or whatever he chooses to be.

Then, this blond guy. I don't know why, but the first thing I thought by looking at him is: "he's even prettier than a girl." I am not joking! He's really pretty! I am sure that if he knows how I described him, he'll be really angry… I mean, which man in his right mind would like to be described as "pretty"?

But that's exactly how I see him! His face is so white unlike his two friends, his eyes are also quite big compared to other males I know of, and his skin just looks so smooth!

Aww, I am sure that he'll even look gorgeous in women's clothes, and that tons of male would run after him.

If Violet is here right now, she'll definitively shriek like usual and begins with her theory of who's under who… cough.

It… seems that I am still quite a bit affected by her.

But seriously, if Violet sees them together like that, her rotten girl system would definitively go to the maximum level and she'll literally transform into a living recorder.

And if I am not wrong, according to my dear friend, the blond guy is surely the one under. Yep, yep. Definiti- wait… something just popped up in my head… no… I don't think that it is something I would like to know… I seriously don't think that this is time for me to remember this… no…

"My darling El! Look at what I just found!"

This… is Violet's scream…

"Look! Aren't they super handsome!"

"What's the name?" This is me…

"Eh? You don't know? This is the newly super popular Katekyo Hitman Reborn manga!"

"Katekyo Hitman Reborn? Oh yeah, I already read this one. The name is interesting, so I remembered it. It was My home tutor the assassin Reborn. The story is not bad."

"Who cares about the name and the story?! I mean, look at them! Look at these handsome guys! They are just so good-looking!"

"Hum? Yeah, they are not bad drawn."

"What?! How can you say this! They are the master piece of humankind! How can you just say they are not bad?!"

"…That… is what you said at the guys in Nurarihyon no Mago a few weeks ago."

"…" Violet's face got bright red. "So what?! Nura is goo looking too!"

"Yes. Yes."

"Hn! Anyway, which guys do you like the most in KHR? I like Tsuna and Giotto the most! They are so cute!"

"Well, I don't know. I think that Chrome is good."

"Choose a guy! A guy!"

…This is definitively a nightmare. Impossible, impossible! There is no way that this can be true! It is impossible that these three guys in front of me are them!

Wait… Fatty said… Vongola, didn't he?

"Von… gola… family…"

He also said that I'll be marrying a Vongola, didn't he?

"Gi… o… tto…"

NO WAY! I need to calm down my poor little brain. Inhale, exhale.

"Miss, did you call me?"



As I look up, a pair of golden iris comes into view. I look a little bit higher, and see a bird nest like golden hairs that sticks up into the air. Then, before my brain can gives out the order, my body moved on its own.

I grab the man in front of me by the shoulder and look right into his eyes, "Sir, what's your name? Don't tell me you're Giotto, don't tell me that you are a mafia boss, and above all… don't tell me that you are of the Vongola family. I'm begging you, please, don't be the guy I just told you of."

"Miss?" Yes! He's confused! He don't know what the heck I am talking about! Yes!

Before this lovely gentleman can say another word, I quickly kiss him loudly on the cheek and run off with a petrified Maria while yelling something like "Yahooo! I am not in the KHR world!", and also something like "he's not Giotto! He's not Giotto!"

I have no idea how these three looked after I left, but I don't care either way.

That's right, I am not in the KHR world, it's just that they resemble some of the first generation's guardian in the manga, that's all there is to it. There is no way that fictional characters can be real.

I was so happy that I didn't notice I ran all the way from the town to the mansion with one bare foot. But who cares? I am happy right now, so everything seems to be just fine. Even Fatty looks less disgusting than usual to me.

This night, for the first time since a while now, it is a dreamless night for me.

But… just like they say, this is the calm before the storm.

The next morning, I woke up just as the five maids entered my room. This time, I didn't say anything when they put the corset and the heavy dress on me. After all preparation finished, a butler looking guy comes in and leads me to the meeting room.

In the corridor, I can faintly hear Fatty's voice and another man's smooth voice. Guess he's my fiancé that I am going to kill.

But… why is that this voice seems so familiar? Nah, it's just my imagination. I guess that I am a bit nervous at the idea of meeting that man that I am going to marry to, that's all there is to it. There is nothing to be afraid of.

"Toc, toc. Boss, my Lady is here." The butler says in a monotone voice while bowing down lightly to the door.

I seriously don't understand. Why is he bowing down when Fatty can't even see him? Jeez, I know that you guys are all loyal to him, but to this extent… sigh…

Anyway, the door opens slowly, revealing… him! And him! And him!

I don't know what happened after our gaze meet for the second time, but what I know is that my heart stopped for a few seconds until he opens his mouth and introduces himself with a faint smile that clearly didn't reach his eyes, "Nice to meet you, Lady Elleira Roven. I am Giotto Vongola, the boss of the Vongola family, your future husband."

Then, Fatty says something to him, and he replies, still with the smile on his lips. I can only see their lips moving, but no sound seems to reach my ear. I don't care either way. After a few seconds, everyone in the room turn around to look at me.

I don't know what happened exactly next, but the light suddenly closed and I felt into darkness. It was cold and my head hurts like hell. Just I am about to scream for help, something warm pulls me up and nudges gently my cheek.

Violet, she's still playing the annoying game of poking me until I wake up. Sigh… she's such a kid! As for this long nightmare where I dreamed that I'll be marrying her favorite manga character, that's all in the past. There is no way this kind of absurdity can happen.

"Slap!" Serves you right Violet! Who told to bug me when I sleep? Didn't you know that I hate it when people wake me up before I naturally wake up?

I open my eyes slowly, expecting to see a sulking Violet drawing circle in a corner. But what I see make me want to faint again.

"Did I just slap you?"

"Yes." The blond man replies me calmly with a red hand mark on his left cheek, making a huge contrast with his unhurt pale skin around the slapped area.

"Oh, I'm sorry then." That's what I managed to slip out before darkness pulls me down once again. But this time, I really want to thank Mr. Darkness to have saved me from this awkward moment.

That's how I know for sure that I just crossover-ed to the KHR world.