Hey guys, here I am again.

I'm writing this more because I've decided to spend my time writing a lighter plot so I don't have to keep thinking about all the suspense and stuff that's in TBTF.

I'm enjoying it actually, and it's not going to be a giant fun fest, there is a plot and there will be drama, but it'll show up in due time. Like...this chapter. Maybe.

Disclaimer: I don't own Tegami Bachi or Selene

Chapter 4: How to eat Beef Jerky

"And so that's why it is totally possible to eat beef jerky sexually." Bree concluded, waving her chopsticks around dramatically,

Zazie slammed his hands on the table, "This is bullshit."

Mary whacked up the side of the head, "Language."

"Yeah, no need to fucking swear." Bree snickered in response, earning her a look from Lag.

"Well, I say we keep this case unsolved until we see it in action." Lag declared, making Bree and Zazie grin

"So…you mean until we see someone eat beef jerky sexually?" Neko asked almost nervously


At Lag's confirmation, Bree snatched the restaurant menu from Mary and scanned the snacks section, her eyes lighting up when they reach a certain point.

"Selene! Wave down a waiter!" Bree giggled excitedly, Selene was confused, but did as her friend said. The waiter hurried over and smiled at Bree as she quietly told him her order, and then burst into a violent fit of giggles as he left.

"What did you order?" Selene asked, Bree just shook her head and grinned wider.

The waiter returned, bearing a plate of the one and only beef jerky.

"You're kidding." Lag all but sighed at the sight. Zazie burst out laughing, Neko stifled his own laughter, Selene just stared at the jerky and Mary just…she didn't even bother.

"Alright, well then…who's going first?" Neko asked, picking up a piece of beef jerky in between his thumb and forefinger and studying it.

"Lag." Decided pretty much everybody at the table. Lag glared at them in response


"Ooooh~ look he's got his grumpy face on!" Bree snickered, Zazie reached over the table to Lag and used his chopsticks to pull Lag's mouth into a smile, making the others, except Lag of course, giggle like idiots.

Lag remained silent as his friends teased him, until Bree got bored.

"Fine, if he wants to Mr Grumpy-pants, I'll go first." Bree declared, eagerly snatching a piece of jerky from the plate and grinning

"Whoa, hold on there, girl, I don't know if the world is ready for that." Zazie put his hands up in a sign of surrender.

"I am so going to use your name as my stripper name, Zazie." Bree threatened, making Mary choke on her drink.

"You have such a bright future ahead of you, Bree." Mary smirked

"Especially with that sweet ass name." Zazie added, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, hey! I meant to ask you guys…are you ready for the shindig?" Bree then put in, looking dead serious.

Selene frowned, what 'shindig'?

Zazie's eyes widened, "I forgot about that!"

Lag looked off into the distance, "Me too, I wonder what it'll be like…"

The group drifted off into their own thoughts, Neko casually taking a bit out of his beef jerky and swallowing.

And choking.

Very violently.

Bree laughed.


Sylvette smiled sheepishly at the table in front of her. He was late, not that it was surprising, he was always late.

"Did I keep you waiting?" A low, smooth voice murmurs in Sylvette's ear, making her tense.

"No, I just got here." She stammered her reply and quickly glanced around for Nelli, who promised to stay for moral support. She spotted the short-haired girl sitting alone a few tables away, circling her finger around the rim of her drink.

"That's good." The man standing behind Sylvette took the seat across from her and grinned, "How have you been, Sylvette?"

"I've been well." Sylvette smiles and rests her hands in her lap, "And you, Moc?"

Moc rolls his eyes, "I've been given more overtime. I swear if my boss doesn't give me the next day off, I'm going to start writing my letter of resignation."

Sylvette raises her eyebrows, pretending to be interested, "Is that so? She really should be more considerate."

"Definitely! That's why I like you, Sylvette, you get it." He smirks and she smiles a little in response.

She didn't get it at all, all Moc did was complain.

Silence fell over the two as Moc sipped his drink, seeming bored, and Sylvette wracked her brain for something to use in conversation.

Then her phone buzzed.


[From: Bree]

[Neko's in hospital. We're there with him


{Sent: 7:48 pm}

Sylvette's eyes widened. Neko was in hospital?! Her shot up and looked frantically for Nelli, who looked back at her in confusion when their eyes met. Sylvette waved her over in a panic,

"Sorry, Moc, but I have to go." She apologized as Nelli grabbed her chair and began backing her out of the maze of tables, "My friend is in trouble!"

Moc stared blankly as his girlfriend was steered out of the restaurant and away.


"Anyone wanna bet whether or not the automatic doors at the front of the hospital will open fast enough for Sylvette?" Zazie grinned from his spot next to his brother on the bed

"I vote that they won't." Bree replied immediately, without looking up from her hand-held game.

"Why?" Selene asked

As soon as that word left Selene's lips, muffled and distant frustrated yelling could be heard.


The door swung open revealing a very worried Sylvette as her wheelchair skidded into the room.

"Neko?! Are you okay?!" She all but screamed

Neko looked from where he sat on the bed and smiled at the wheelchair-bound girl.

"I'm fine, Sylvette. I just choked."

"He stopped breathing and everything!" Mary added, making Sylvette's face pale

"That detail is unnecessary."

"But funny."

"Not as funny as trying to explain to the doctor!" Bree giggled

"Why? What did you say?" Sylvette frowned, finally calming down

"He asked what Neko was eating and why, so…" Lag began but then trailed off with a grin.

"Well? What did you tell him?" Sylvette demanded, her hands on her hips

"We were eating beef jerky because we thought it would be sexual."




See if you can guess my ships~

Review, please!
