Chapter 32
As soon as the doors opened, instead of greeting David's face met heavy fist. The sheer pain from the bleeding nose almost made the stars dance in front of the eyes.
"What are you doing here, Lightman?" David's speech was slightly slurred, courtesy of a split lip and a throbbing jaw.
"Desperate times call for desperate measures", Cal announced flatly, without even tiniest note of apology in the voice. Un-ceremonially he pushed past the other man and entered the apartment.
Truth to be told, when David heard the doorbell ring, Lightman was the last person on earth he thought would be on the other side of the doors.
"What a dump. And I always thought that Uncle Sam takes better care of the assholes he employs," Cal's voice was heard from the hallway.
"Something tells me you are not here to offer a redecoration services," massaging bruised face David closed the doors. The blood from the split lip left metallic taste in the mouth.
David tried to swipe it away, but instead only smeared the crimson liquid across the skin. Now it looked like unprofessionally applied Indian war mask.
Cursing under his breath he followed Cal who had invited himself to the kitchen. When David entered, Cal's head was in the fridge, but before he had a chance to ask what the hell was going on, Cal stretched holding a bottle of unopened vodka in the hand. Without another word David opened the cupboard and retrieved two glasses. Cal poured two generous shots. Both men sat down on uncomfortable stools eying each other like sworn archenemies.
Cautiously David took the glass. Cal's expression was complete enigma, as he swallowed the crystal clear liquid in one large gulp. David followed the suit, grimacing when the alcohol burned the split lip.
The fact that they were having something resembling civilized "conversation" instead of a continuous fistfight was unexpected, especially knowing Cal's explosive temper.
As soon as the glasses hit the table, Cal's flat tone broke the silence.
"We need to talk!"
It was already past midnight. Cal was standing outside Gill's house looking through the dimly lit window. Gillian was snuggled onto the coach, feet drawn all the way to the chest. She looked so small and fragile, like a delicate butterfly that had lost its wings and would never fly again. The fresh bandage on her forehead was soaked with blood, but Gillian either hadn't noticed it or hadn't bothered to change it. She was a total wreck. Cal still couldn't believe that ghostly pale and sickly thin woman was the same happy, radiant and gloving person he said good bye to only months ago.
The hurt and anger Cal carried around since the morning vaporised into thin air. All the accusations left died on his lips. Expression on her sad face spoke louder than thousand words. Gillian had already punished herself for both of them.
David told everything that had happened. Cal saw the pictures from the place where wreck of Gillian's car was found. Realisation that he had been inches away from losing the woman he loved, hit him really hard. In his mind's eye he saw the crash, saw Gill's body jolt forward and then collapse as the metal around shattered to pieces. Those images were engraved in his nightmares forever.
Thought, that she was hurt not only on emotional, but also physical level, made Cal's gut clench. The fact that he had only added to her suffering made him literally sick.
It was time to make everything right.
Hearing the crack of the opening doors, Gill lifted up. For a brief second genuine surprise ran across her face. She didn't expect that Cal would return after morning's fiasco. She knew man all too well. By this time he should have been drunk to a stupor.
"How are you?" Cal asked worriedly. He noticed that Gill turned even paler as she moved. Her gaze was cloudy and unfocused, motions a bit uncoordinated.
"I'm fine," Gill replied trying to hide the trembling in the voice. In reality she was anything, but fine. The headache from the fall was beyond terrible and if she wouldn't be so out of her shin, Gillian would have realised that she had a nasty concussion. But that was a minor problem in comparison to the fact that her heart was broken.
"Liar. You should see a doctor."
Gillian didn't reply. She couldn't find the courage to look at Cal, too afraid to see the contempt and condemnation in his expression. Her gaze fell on anything, but him.
Sensing that there would be no reply, Cal stepped closer.
"I can't say I don't feel hurt and betrayed. You would see right through it anyway," he started, but abruptly stopped ready to hit himself. It was not the opening he had intended. The man hadn't actually prepared any speech and now was struggling to find the right words. Why he always lost the orator's skills whenever it was something really important? Was it some kind of sick phobia?
At his words Gill closed her eyes and large tears appeared. She had been right. There was no way he would ever be able to forgive. She couldn't forgive herself, why would he?
The room fell into silence. With trembling palm Gill tried to whip away the tears that freely fell down the ghostly white cheeks. Her vision was so clouded by the salty liquid that she didn't see Cal's heartfelt expression as he rushed over and sat on his knees in front of her taking her trembling hands in his.
"Do you trust me?"
"What?" the situation and the question took Gill by surprise. She was ready for anger, screaming, accusations, anything, but this - him in front of her on his knees asking whether she trusted him. If anything, it should be another way around.
"Do you trust me?" Cal repeated the question in all seriousness. His tone laced with worry. Noticing the engagement ring on the nightstand, he took the shiny object in his palm and looked at it closely. It was a symbol. Symbol of their love and trust.
"You know I do," Gill quietly replied lowering her head. Fear clenched her gut. In a moment of insanity she had betrayed Cal, betrayed his trust in a worst possible way. Was there anything left to add? She had no excuses for her actions. None whatsoever! He was here to tell that they were finished.
Seeing her emotional turmoil, Cal's expression softened. There was no point denying that he still was mad, but it was something he had to deal with on his own. There was no way he would add more suffering and misery to the pot, especially considering Gill's clearly fragile state.
They would deal with this like they dealt with everything else in the world.
"Then trust me on this. We will get Lena back! That is a promise! First you are going to see the doctor and then we will get our girl and live happily ever after till the end of time," Cal wowed pulling unresisting form into tight embrace. Gill's eyes watered even more as he kissed her palm and gently holding her trembling hand put the engagement ring back on her delicate finger.
Right where it belonged.
"I love you darling more than I love the life itself. I can't imagine my future without you and Lena in it."
Hearing the words Gill broke down completely, burying her head in Cal's neck as she cried. For the first time in a long those were not tears of despair, but hope. Familiar scent helped to calm fried nerves. Finally Gill felt the fundament she had lost somewhere along the way, forming solid shape under her feet.
With Cal by her side she was ready to face any challenge the life threw their way.
Cal kept whispering reassuring words and endearments pulling her even tighter into an embrace. His right palm gently caressed light brown silky hairs.
It took them a long time to find each other, even longer to confess their feelings and now, when they finally were together, nothing could pull them apart. Together they were one.
Five years later
Dear Diary,
Sorry I have not written anything for so long. With everything that is going on, I simply didn't have time. I still play soccer, dance and take figure skating lessons after school. Besides I'm also elected as president of the student council, therefore you can understand how full my day is. Aunt Betty says it is good that I have so many interests, that they will help me later in the life.
Besides with all that I'm still the first in my class. Dad promised to buy me a car, if my grades stay as good when I graduate. I want VW Beetle, yellow or salad green. It is the cutest car ever.
Ouch, almost forgot! I have really big news I desperately wanted to share. My sister is getting married! Can you imagine? Mom is excited and dad, well, he still has to get used to the idea. You know how he is. Me? I'm happy for Emily, she deserves all the happiness in the world. Besides I love weddings, just as much as I love chocolate pudding and romance novels. It is a beautiful celebration of love and hope, plus there is a cake. Emily promised to have one where I could dive fully clothed! Life simply does not get any better!
I hope that one day I will find someone who will love me as much as dad loves mom and Eli loves Emily.
My real dad is visiting us today and we are going to movies. Me, him and mom.
I know that dad is not thrilled about these visits, but they mean so much to me. You see, he and my real dad don't get along too well. Not that they fight or anything, but I can feel it. I think it is because they both are crazy in love with mom.
I already told you that my real dad is undercover agent, he protects our country from bad people and therefore he can't be with me all the time, but that is ok. I have dad and mom who love me very much, although they are not my biological parents.
Sorry, I have to run, my real dad's car just pulled into the drive way...
As soon as the last word was written, the notebook was closed and left on the desk. The teenage girl with large joyful eyes and dark hairs taken into messy pony tail hurried out of the room and practically flew down the stairs. On the lower step she almost collided with the woman who was on her way up to get the unstoppable bundle of energy.
Golden letters on the leathered surface of already forgotten notebook shone under the rays of afternoon sun highlighting the inscription:
Do not open. Property of Lena Lightman.
Right beside stood framed picture that had captured unearthly radiant smiling faces of Cal and Gillian. Cal's face was pressed against Gill's neck. He looked like someone who had won the lottery of a lifetime. And Gillian, she was simply stunning. The sun gently played in her lightly curled hair, the long white tailor made dress perfectly curved her body as she returned the embrace of her newlywed husband. The picture was taken by Lena on her parent's wedding day. It had been incredibly beautiful and heartfelt celebration of trust, unconditional love and devotion, feelings that formed the foundation of their union.
The road to that day was long and the path pawed with fair share of suffering and heartache. Fight for Lena was tough, more than once the hope was almost lost. Both men had to bury the war axes and work hand in hand to dig to the truth. Thanks to combined efforts Cal and David brought down not only Adams, but more than one dirty official.
If only personal grudge didn't evolve into something gruesome,
if only one lie wasn't covered by other,
if only involved persons didn't have their own agenda and scores to settle,
if only the truth was told from the start
it all could have been avoided...
If only...