Someone left a review requesting this chapter "Can you do their reaction to when they find out percy and annabeth are in TARTARAUS? Thanks.", I did the best I could. I hope you guys like it. Sorry for any mistakes.
I was grading papers. Usually this would make me happy, I loved reading what my students thought. I liked getting a glimpse of how the material impacted them. But today I had woken up with a bad feeling. Things hadn't been easy since Percy disappeared. Each day felt harder than the last, but this morning both Sally and I felt like something horrible had happened. There was a hurricane warnings everywhere. Sally said that only happened when Poseidon was very upset. One was nothing to worry about, but there were multiple hurricanes, all over the world.
I hadn't felt like coming into work, even though work was my only escape.
Annabeth had informed Sally and I that they had a lead on Percy, but that was the last thing we had heard, and it had been days. That was not like Annabeth. I had thought after the message from Alaska Percy would be home any day, it didn't seem to be the case.
I am not a foolish man, if Annabeth hadn't contacted us yet, it meant there was no good news to tell.
I couldn't focus, I needed a breath of fresh air. My mind was going to dark places, I wished that I hadn't read so many Greek myths, they were all so awful. There were so many horrendous possibilities
All the students were on their lunch break, it was a nice day, so naturally they were all outside. I wished that Percy was out here with them. His disappearance hadn't gone unnoticed. I knew that even now he was a topic of conversation, both with the students and the faculty, it was my fault partly, I had no clue what to tell them. Lying had never been a strong suit of mine.
Eventually, when Camp Half-Blood was unable to find Percy, Sally and I had been forced to officially report Percy missing. I groaned at the memory. The police had so many questions, like why we had waited so long? I had to lie. Percy's past did make it easier though. The police and the school believed he runaway a lot. I wished he could explain how big of a hero Percy was. Instead the world believed he was a delinquent. I doubt they looked very hard for him.
I sighed, the fresh air didn't seem to be enough to get my mind off of my troubles.
I just wanted to know where Percy was, and that he was okay. Percy deserved to have some happiness. But I dreaded that this was to big of a dream.
I walked back to my office, I didn't want anyone to worry about me anymore.
Hazel kept glancing at me, everyone was staring at me. And as usual it pissed me off. But being the son of Hades, it was something you had to get used to.
I felt so stupid, it was my fault that Percy and Annabeth had fallen into Tartarus. I was the only one who knew just how bad that was. Three days in that literal hell hole almost drove me crazy. I had no clue how long Percy and Annabeth would be in there, or how long they could survive. If they survived.
I hated still feeling weak. I watched as the rest of the demigods talked. They were probably talking about me.
I watched as Jason came over to me. He was the typical golden boy. He wasn't that bad, but I was sure that he didn't trust me.
"How are you feeling, man?" Jason might have meant well, but I was not in the mood.
"Fine" I huffed. I was hoping that he would leave me alone so I could feel guilty.
"That's good." Jason said.
I could tell that he was already uncomfortable.
"The rest of us were wondering if you could fill us in on exactly what happened." Jason finished.
"Annabeth and Percy are in Tartarus and there chances of survival are almost impossible." I said harshly. Gods, Percy was there.
"Um...I know this is hard, but is there anything you can think of that can be helpful." Jason said. All the others were huddled around me. I knew they heard my last outburst.
"I got out because Gaea wanted to use me." If I hadn't been so stupid Percy and Annabeth would never have gone looking for me. "As for them getting out, I don't know of a way to get out. Anyhow that isn't there biggest problem."
"What do you mean?" Piper sounded surprised.
"Percy put half the monsters in Tartarus there and the other half were sent by Annabeth, those two are going to be hunted the second they hit bottom, if they survive the fall." I was so close to tears. The two of them had saved my life. Percy never gave up on me. Annabeth was always so nice to me. They didn't deserve this.
I wasn't the only one who thought that. I could tell by the looks on everyone's face they were horrified for there friends.
"Oh Gods, what are we supposed to tell Sally?" Piper said.
I hadn't even thought of that. "Wait, is she expecting news?"
"Annabeth told her that they were going to Camp Jupiter." Piper stated. "Sally is expecting an update."
"What about Annabeth's parents?" Hazel asked.
I knew that Annabeth's family didn't expect any contact till the end of the summer, so they wouldn't be worried. "They won't expect news till September."
"There's no way we can risk letting anyone at Camp Half-blood finding out Percy and Annabeth are gone" Jason said.
"Why?" I demanded.
"The tensions between the two camps are already at a high, how well do you think everyone will react to this news?" Jason had a point.
I still didn't feel right though. Someone should tell Sally and Paul. They had to prepare themselves for the worst. Nico knew how hard waiting for news was. He remembered when Bianca went on her quest. He spent every night waiting for news.
I walked away from the group. I wasn't strong enough to shadow travel, but I had to tell Percy's parent's something though.
Paul and Sally needed to know.
I went to my room and slammed the door. I didn't need people to search for me. I locked the door and found a gold coin. I had no clue on where Sally would be at this time of day, but I knew where Paul would be. It would be easier to face Paul. And just like that I summoned the goddess. I hoped that Iris would still take my request. Even with everything being so screwy.
I pictured Goode high school, Paul sitting at his desk. And before I knew it I was seeing Paul. Thank god no one was around.
"Paul" I yelled.
"Mr. Blofis!" I repeated, maybe he wasn't use to hearing his first name at school.
Paul turned around and saw me,, his jaw dropped.
"Nico!" It was time to start the hardest conversation of my life.
I couldn't believe it was Nico.
"Where is he?" I said with excitement. Even though it was just an Iris message Percy could be waiting to surprise me. Then I noticed how Nico looked. Gods that kid looked like he had been to hell and back. My heart sank. No he couldn't be...could Nico really tell him that Percy was gone.
"Paul, we need to talk, fast." Nico said. "Iris messages aren't stable anymore. Things are out of whack."
"Please Nico is Percy okay." I asked. The waiting was agony.
"I don't know. Look Paul this is something I wish I didn't have to tell you but you have to be prepared. Percy and Annabeth are in..." Nico looked like the very thought of this was killing him.
"They are in Tartarus." Nico finished.
I had read enough myths to know what Tartarus was. The Greek equivalent of hell! I felt like screaming, even when I was think of the worst possible scenarios, this wasn't part of the list. Percy was just a kid. Annabeth didn't deserve this!
Suddenly I had to lean against a table.
"Look Paul I came because you deserve to know the truth, I would want to know, but don't lose hope." Nico said. "Percy and Annabeth together can be unstoppable, they have done the impossible before, they can again."
"No one has ever made it out." I mumbled. I wished I didn't know that. I could see that Nico was just trying to convince me. I could see the dread on his face.
"I have, it can be done." Nico stated.
Right away Nico's appearance made sense. His tone, the agony in his eyes.
"Gods, you..." How was I supposed to comfort a child who had been through more than anyone could ever imagine.
"Paul, I wish I could stay and talk but I have to go, Percy would want you to know the truth. Don't give up on him, I know that he is fighting to get back to you."
I could see the Iris message begin to shake.
I realized that Nico was going through an emotional ringer right now. He had always seen the bond he had with Percy. Nico idolized Percy.
"How did this happen, if I can ask." I just wanted to know what to tell Sally.
"Paul, Annabeth was going to fall and Percy was holding onto her, and he..."
I could here the guilt in Nico's voice. I was sure that somehow the poor child blamed himself.
"He wouldn't let her go alone, I am certain of this, Percy won't regret that choice." I hoped that would help Nico. I hoped it would help Sally. I knew that Percy would never let Annabeth go it alone.
"It was my fault." Nico said. "I wasn't fast enough, I wasn't..." Tears were streaming for the poor childs face. I wished I could hug him, comfort him somehow.
"I promise you that neither Percy or Annabeth blame you. I know you did everything you could. And no matter where they are, they do to." I wished he would believe me. Even though I didn't know him that well.
Nico trembled, and nodded slightly. They were all children, they shouldn't being going through this. "Percy once told me, the fates are cruel, you can't fight that though, bad things happen, you can't stop it, but that doesn't mean it's over, you have to keep fighting. He was talking about not failing a math test, but I think the sentiments hold true."
Nico let out a breath. "Sounds like something Percy would say."
"You are right Percy and Annabeth won't stop fighting. And neither will I, I promise that I will do everything I can to get them out." Nico said. "I was supposed to be comforting and telling you that."
I smiled slightly, "I am the adult, you should be the one being comforted."
I don't think Nico knew that.
"Don't risk your own life though, Annabeth and Percy wouldn't want that." I added.
"I wish I could stay and talk, but I have to go." Nico said, not say anything about staying safe.
"Be safe." I said, and just like that Nico disappeared.
I knew that I was supposed to prepare myself. I was supposed to realize that Percy was in hell, but I knew that he was alive and that was something, I had never felt more terrified, yet I knew that Percy would fight. I had seen him taken on Titian's, I knew that he had fought Gods, so I had faith. I still believed in Percy. I knew Annabeth was the strongest demigod out there, those to would take care of each other. I believed they could get out of Tartarus. They had too.
I went home that day with a heavy heart. How was I supposed to tell my wife that her son was in Tartarus? How could I hurt her in that way? No! I thought to myself I had to keep believing there was hope. There had to be hope.
Sally was sitting in the kitchen. Every time I opened the door I could she the hope, she wanted it to be Percy, and every time I saw her disappointment my heart broke a bit more. I would give anything to take the pain away.
"Sally" I said softly.
"What's wrong Paul?" Sally asked. She stood up. I knew she could tell by my expression that I was sad.
"I heard from Nico today." I said.
Sally sank back into the chair. "Oh Gods"
I went to her, I held her hand and looked her in the eye. They were breaming with tears.
"He is still alive." I said, I couldn't let her think that her baby was dead.
"Where is he?" Sally whimpered.
I took a deep breath. "In Tartarus."
I watched as Sally process this information. I could see the panic and pain in her eyes. The first sob came and it was like a knife to my heart. "My baby, what happened?"
I held onto my wife, I felt her trembles, it was like I could hear her heart snapping. "Annabeth was going to fall...Percy would never let her go alone."
"Oh Gods, not Annabeth too." Sally screamed. I could see her anger. Sally loved Annabeth like a daughter.
"Nico said there is a way out, they are strong they will make it." I tried to comfort Sally, but I couldn't hold back my tears.
I don't know how long we just held each other. I just knew that our world was breaking, without Percy there was a whole that couldn't be filled.
Sorry i just the review today, I finally updated my e-mail for fanfic, so i will get notified when someone reviews now.