Hello! This is my first story and yeah!

Hope ya enjoy~

Ma Bestie helped write this so it's pretty frickin awesome ;D

I'm Yuki, and she is Yume~ :3



If I did, there would be a LOT of Twincest :P

Besides that!~

ENJOY!~ :)

I wake up to my alarm ringing stating it's time to wake up. I stare at the fluorescent green lights that read 6:00 am. I groan, slowly getting up out of my nice and soft bed. I stand up and walk to a mirror. I stare at my reflection.

My blonde hair barley covers my extremely light blue eyes. My eyes gaze all the way down my hair, past my shoulders and ends and my unmistakable c-cup breasts. I stop staring at my reflection, and change out of my pj's. I put on a loose white t-shirt, a baggy gray hoodie, dark blue baggy pants, and tennis shoes. I pull the hood over my head and tighten the straps. While walking downstairs I go through the same routine I went through back in America. As I hop down the steps, I was lectured by my dad on how I should quit my job and be daddy's little princess.

Q1I ignore him like usual, my dad isn't one of those stiff rich dads he's more playful and joking type when he's around me anyway. My handsome butler waited at the chair pushed backwards for me to sit in; once I'm perfectly seated he gently pushes the chair forward.

I eat pancakes with warm delicious maple syrup and crispy bacon on the side. Once I finish I head out toward the car door but before I could reach the handle my butler stops me.

He says "Ma lady, you almost forgot your backpack". I thank him and rush to the car hoping I'm not late for my first day of school, at Ouran academy. My dad is a super wealthy man, even wealthy men look up to his so called 'greatness' or so he tells me. In all he's very respected. I try very hard so people don't know I'm him daughter. The reason is because I don't like how people treat me I just want to be treated normal. So I keep it super hidden so even hackers or computer geeks can't find my files. We finally stop at the amazing Ouran academy.

As I walk up I hear girls chatting about me but I just ignore them. I'm handed a schedule from the kind lady in to front. "I'm totally lost" I mutter to myself after seeing nobody around after about 30 minutes after the bell.

So much for being on time for the first day of school, I finally see a girl with brown hair and ask her for directions. "Oh I was just heading there! Follow me!" she says smiling brightly. I followed her down many twists and turns and finally ending at a room.

" I found our lost student, Yuki!" She says a bit too excitedly. Our teacher greeted me in a friendly manner; she had brown short hair that went down to her shoulders. She had hazel eyes and she appeared to be pretty young to be a teacher. She sat me next to a super handsome boy named Hikaru. He sat beside, of what I think would be his twin. I had all the same classes with them; it was just probably because we were both first years. In one of their class there was this brown hair boy, named Haruhi. They were very open to him.

But usually they only talk to each other. When the last bell rang I walk out into the hall wondering if any clubs would let me join. I walk down the hall, finally stopping at a music room. Remembering I could very well play the piano, I gently push the doors open to the 3rd music room.

A ridiculously bright light shines in my face as red rose petals flow gently through the air. "Welcome" I hear a group of boys say in unison.

A tall blond swiftly walks up to me with a smile on his face. "Hmm how weird, it is very unusual to get a guy here" he says with his smile turning into a frown.

"He's in all of our classes, he's also very quiet and keeps to himself", Hikaru and Karou say in perfect unison. The blond boy moves closer to me putting his finger on my chin pushing it slightly moving like he's about to kiss me. I push him away, sadly sending myself into a priceless vase. It shattered into a million pieces.

"You're going to pay for that somehow", a scary looking raven haired guy said with a mysterious smile.

"Ummm…uhh" I stutter, knowing I would have to ask my dad of all people for money, which in all my life would never do. The raven haired guy looked at the twin. They grabbed me and shoved me in a conveniently placed dressing room. They toss over a boy's uniform from the top of the dressing room. I sigh slightly annoyed then proceed to take off my clothes, and instead slide on the soft, silky pants. Just as I buckle the belt on my new soft, silky pants, Hikaru and Karou walk in holding a different size shirt.

They say "We brought you a diff-"they stop staring at me. I only had the boy pants on, with my white laced bra. They both were staring straight at my breast, not even bothering to mask the bright red hue staining their cheeks.

I quickly cover my breasts with my arms as my own faces flushes red. "C-can you-u hand me the shi-irt" I say in the most angry voice I could muster at the second.

They stand there shocked, "You're not going to be able to be a host with breasts that big!" they say in unison with the same devilish smiles.

"Well can you get out than!" I shriek, wanting more cover than I have at the moment. After a few seconds they swiftly walk out of the dressing room with the same devilish smile on their face. I put my original clothes, and slowly walk out of the dressing room still slightly blushing and casting my eyes down towards the ground. The whole host club was gathered at a table talking silently. Once I take a few more steps they all start staring at me. I wondered what they were thinking and if I should walk towards them.

Than I was snapped out of my thoughts when Hikaru called me over towards him. I slowly walked to them wondering what they would possible want to talk about; I also hope that they didn't say anything about what they saw. I make it to them but before I could speak they hand me a fluffy, yellow banana looking dress. "You're going to be a female host since obviously you can't pass by as a male host" says the raven hair boy as he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"How am I supposed to be in your club If I don't know any of your names", I say hoping they would just leave me be.

"I'm Kyoya" said the raven haired boy, typing away on his computer.

"I'm Tamaki" says the tall blonde as he sort of looks at me in a dumbfounded expression.

"And we are Hikaru and Karou" said the twins in unison.

"My name is Haruhi. It's a pleasure to meet you," says the brunette I remember seeing from earlier. He was extra polite but something about him seemed very different.

"Call me Honey" a cute little boy chirps as he waves around a fork with a piece of cake stuck on it. "And this big guy is Mori!" The boy named Honey says, pointing to a rather large guy who stood behind with one hell of a poker face. I sweatdrop, and wave weakly to them all-looks like I was gonna be part of this club if I liked it or not.

Then I head back to the dressing room to change into the banana looking uniform-it fit fine but they seriously couldn't have a regular school girl uniform?

The boys are in groups talking to squealing fan girls. I sit with Kyoya and wait for the club to end. Once it ended, Karuo headed towards me, a faint red dusting his cheeks as he approached. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the mysterious Kyoya who paid no attention to me. Karuo pulled me away and out into the hall.

"Umm Yu-uki I wanted to ask you something", he said stuttering and blushing slightly.


"Well I was wondering…"

Please Review!~ This story runs on them!~

And if you do...


(By the way, Yume wrote the Author's Note because she's done this before~ :3)

But anywho!~

Hope ya enjoyed!

To Be Continued...
