Chapter 10.

I realize I dozed off for a minute and wake up. I look around only to realize Tris isn't there. I stand up and frantically throw my jacket and shoes on. I run out of my room and head straight to the cafeteria. I hear crying and mumbling so I turn towards the Chasm.

"Tris?" I shout knowing she's there. I turn the corner and see Tris standing over the railing. She is gripping the railing with both hands, but is leaning forward.

"Tris, Tris, you don't want to do this. You're stronger than that." I shout trying to stop myself from running forward and grabbing her myself. It will only provoke her.

"No, no I'm not," she says before jumping off the edge.

I wake up and instantly feel around for Tris only to find the bed empty. I hope to my feet and look for my shoes.

"I haven't seen you get out of bed that fast in a while. What's wrong?" I hear a familiar voice come from the kitchen. I sigh in relief. I walk over to Tris who is making some coffee and wrap my arms around her. I kiss her head.

"Bad dream again? Tobias, don't worry. I'm not going to kill myself. I'm not a coward. I'm coping, I had a bad month. With my accident and Tori, but I'm fine. Tori's funeral was yesterday and I'm all cried out. I'm getting my casts off today, and I will be able to start working tomorrow."

Tris says to me, trying to reassure me and succeeding. I just nod my head and kiss her on the lips, gently.

"Any memories come back?" I ask Tris hoping for a response but instead she shakes her head no.

"I still haven't figured out who carried me home. Tell me what happened again," she asks me for the millionth time.

"I got to the hospital as fast as I could, and when I walked in you weren't there. I asked the nurse about it and she said she left the room and came back and you were gone. So I hitched the train back to the compound and found you laying there on the ground. You had fallen asleep and were shivering. And I picked you up and went inside." I tell her. And she nods again.

"Alright thanks," she says turning to give me a kiss. I smile under her lips. She pulls away and I pout. I try to pull her back.

"No, no, you have to work." She says and hands me a cup of coffee and walks me to the door.

"Goodbye," she says kissing me on the cheek. I turn around and she closes the door.


I have a feeling that the person who picked me up was Eric. I hope it wasn't. But who else would take me and just leave me there. But since he has access to all of the rooms, I would think he would take me home. But maybe that would make Tobias suspicious and he would figure it out. But then there is Caleb.

Caleb works at Erudite, but I haven't talked to him since the transfer. But it would explain me being on the ground. Caleb would look odd waking into Dauntless carrying and small girl.

I throw the problem aside and start to get ready for my lunch with Chris and Will. We are going to a little place at the top of Dauntless and then might go get some tattoos. I have been thinking about what I want and I want something to represent Tori other than her name across my arm.

I was looking at some books in the small dauntless library. I found a book of symbols. There is a symbol for breast cancer. It is a pink ribbon. I have a feeling that is what I will get. I want it on my hip or my shoulder.

"Decisions, Decisions." I voice out loud.

I walk out the door and run smack into the last person I wanted to see right now. Eric.

"I'd love to talk but I have better things to do." I try to sound like a smart ass to hide my fear. I push past him but he holds me back. Unfortunately he is stronger than me.

"Hey get off!" I raise my voice. I try to get out from under his grasp. He pushes me against the wall and covers my mouth with his hand.

"I didn't get to finish what I started in the hospital." He says. I scream under his hand. But I know it will be muffled.

"Come on baby don't be like that," He says pinning my arms down and starts to kiss me. I kick and thrash.

"Hey get off her," I hear Tobias shout before I see Eric fly off me. I watch Tobias jump on to him and punch Eric over again.

"Tobias. Stop. Well at least don't kill him!" I shout. Eric deserves to get the crap beaten out of him. But he does deserve to die.

I guess I got through to Tobias because he stands up almost immediately and rushes by my side.

"Tris are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Tobias asks looking all over me for any bruises

"I'm fine I'm fine. It's not the first time it has happened." I say and regret it.

"WHAT?" He shouts. Tobias turns around to head for the unconscious Eric again. I grab his arm.

"It was in the hospital. I thought it might have been the meds messing with my dreams, but Eric just said he didn't finish what he started in the Hospital. I wanted to tell you, but I don't know what happens when someone murders someone in Dauntless, and I didn't want to find out. And it went to the back of my mind when I heard about Tori." I said quickly. I took a big breath and slid down the wall.

"I'm sorry," I said putting me head in my hands.

Tobias squats down in front of me. "I'm not mad at you Tris. And I'm glad you didn't tell me right away. Because it's not pretty what happens to murders in Dauntless," he says to me petting my hair. I laugh at his comment and let Tobias wrap his arms around me.

"Um what happened here?" I hear a familiar voice call out. I unwrap myself from Tobias and stand up to see Chris and Will starring down at the still unconscious Eric.

"Long story, but I will have time to tell you over lunch." I say to Chris.

"I came back to get my keys for the training room. Bye babe," Tobias says before kissing my forehead and walking back into our room.

"Is he dead?" I hear Chris ask. I shake my head no. "Great," she says before bending down to punch him as hard as she could across the face.

She stood back up with a smirk on her face. "That's for making me almost fall to my death," she says still smirking.

Will and I laugh while Chris intertwines her hand with Will's. I start to feel like a third wheel but it passes.

"So tell me what happened, and I want all of it," Chris says looking at me. I smile and start to tell her...


"He kissed you? Twice?" Chris asks, with a stunned Will beside her. I nod my head.

"Wow, Tris why didn't you tell me? Chris says like she is offended.

"Well the first time, like I said I didn't think was real, or at least I hoped it wasn't. And I meant to ask the night nurse and ask Will if I could see the tapes, but with Tori. It just became unimportant." I tell her, like I had told Tobias.

"Well I am sure you don't want to talk about it. Let's move on." Chris looks at will, waiting for him to start a new conversation.

"So who did you get to work at the tattoo shop? You were the only other person who gave tattoos." Will asks me while taking a bite of his cheeseburger.

"This girl name Rachel, she said she had always been good at art and drew some stuff for me. She is really good. We aren't open the entire time. Only when I am there. She is helping me, so I guess we will be okay." I say to him and he nods.

"Are we going to go to get tattoos today?" Will asks.

I take a sip I my coke, "I don't know do you want to? I will give you yours, and Rachel might be doing some paper work and she could do mine." I say to him.

"Sounds good with me, I think I know what I want." Chris says to me.

I put money down for the bill, "Well, let's go!" I say standing up.