Quick, sound footsteps landed noiselessly upon the lush carpeted hall, betraying their owner's excitement. The creaking leather of black boots crunched as each lengthy leg deftly swung forward. Bated breaths pushed past parted lips; open in blissful happiness. The figure all but lost composure and raced down the long corridor. Rivers of onyx hair flowed behind the broad back swaying against lean hips. The large and battle-hardened hands were balled into pendulums by the figure's side. Creamy skin brightened as his mouth formed a smile.

As he approached the back guest suite his thoughts swirled. After three years of absence without telling a soul, she had returned. Just like that! A snap of the fingers and there she was on the security cameras. Walking casually along with the confidence of a queen she entered through the main gates towards the towering metropolis. He needed not to see her for her footsteps, their light touches on the soil of his city, informed him that it was indeed she at last. How he had missed hearing her delicate feet stroll his streets. But most of all he desperately missed hearing her within the walls of his palace.

He drew closer to the guest room door; His hand outstretched and ready to grasp the handle.

He paused though- he could smell her unmistakable scent from inside. Wispy tendrils of orange and clove filled his senses to euphoric heights. The pounding of his heart increased as he firmly turned the brass knob.

Hearing the lock of the door disengage, she slowly faced him. He had not changed in the past three years. His sightless face was devoid of age. Of course that did not surprise her. Demons aged much more slowly than mortals did, a tiny fact that she secretly envied. As he stepped fully into her room, her breath hitched in her throat; how could she have forgotten how beautiful he was?

The woman studied his tall frame—the broad shoulders and strong chest.

He closed the door behind him. The two of them simply stood in their respective spots. Neither moving towards the other. Keeping still, she spoke.

"It's been a while Yomi." Only she could cast aside formality in front of him and address him by his name. In all of his world, in all of his palace, she was the single being permitted to exclude his title of king.

Upon hearing his name come forth from her lips the blind demon rushed forward and swept her into a longing embrace. Feeling his solid form around her, his arms tight about her back broke the woman's reserve. Bringing her arms up she wrapped them around his neck, careful to avoid his many horns. His black hair was silky on her skin.

"I always knew you would return." His voice was soft against her hair.

She pulled back gently touching a finger to his lips. She quieted him, the only human to ever do so, and ran her hand over his face. The smooth planes of white flesh and sculpted bone, the arched brows and sharp nose, the angular jawline all felt so wonderfully familiar. Being the only woman to know the demon in this way, she treated this honor with such sacred care and feeling. He inhaled as her fingers traced his many ears. Their sensitive flesh shooting shocks of electricity into his mind. His fingers tightened on her waist now, lifting her closer to him. His mouth opened as if to utter words of devotion yet she stopped him.

"Don't speak anymore. There will be plenty of time for explanation later. Let me savor this time with you." The woman whispered.

Lacing her digits into his thick locks, she brushed her lips against one of his fore-horns. Despite being solid bone, the demon felt the warm sensations created by her mouth. He sighed as she moved to the other granting the horn the same careful ministrations. The blind demon took in her soft human body, so unlike a demoness. Female demons were all hard and unyielding. But she—she was supple and pliant.

He had yearned for this moment for three long years. He never knew that separation could bring such pain.

The simple fact that he felt this way towards a mortal girl astounded him. Centuries ago, he swore to only devour humans and cared not for their trivial lives. Never in his life did he imagine that he would be holding one so carefully, gently, lovingly in his arms.

The blind demon angled his head to her—wanting her mouth on his. Smiling, she brought her face close; resting her forehead against his.

"How long do we have like this?" The woman whispered with anxious hope.

She knew full well that, as king, Yomi had important obligations to attend to. It was because of those reasons that she had left him in the first place. As much as she loved him, she had her own life and duties to live and do.

Yomi's voice was soft and kind. "We have all night."