One part of each chapter will be half in third person and then Ron's POV – just so you know.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the show and maybe, given the clues, you'll be able to figure out whodunit? Good luck! :)

Let me tell you a story.
One of lies, heartbreak and deceit. One of murder!
Some of it is gathered from my own experience but some from what I have later learnt. And let me tell you now, faithful readers, do not trust what is told to you, do not trust what you read. You can trust no one – I have learnt that the hard way.
Let me tell you a story of my best friend's murder; the murder of Harry Potter, the boy-who-didn't-quite-live.

It was a cold, dark mid-autumn's night that tragedy struck, changing the lives of those involved forever.
Rain lashed down drowning everything in its path; howling winds beat and crashed the castle relentlessly; thunder hurtled from the heavens detonating ear drums; and bruised angry clouds suffocated a murky sky. Death hung ominously.

Most students had huddled in the Great Hall with all professors present. This was the greatest storm that the school had ever witnessed, even the Whomping Willow stood in awe of its aggressive power. Part of the Astronomy tower had lost its battle with Mother Nature and, for safety, students had been chaperoned into the hall. They would be sleeping there tonight, memories of past attacks resurfaced.

Each Head of House took a register, Dumbledore's orders; Flitwick remarked that all of his students were present but Sprout just raised one index finger in response, Snape sneered and McGonagall pulled the headmaster to one side.

'I am missing five students!' She tried to hide the panic but three of the five belonged to the infamous 'Golden Trio' who seemed to hunt out trouble.

'Do not worry Minerva, I am sure all is well.'

'Oh,' she looked up to the hall doors which had sheepishly opened. 'Make that four.'

Ronald Weasley slunk into the back of the hall and raised a hand in apology to his Professor, yet she beckoned the lanky boy over.

'Who are you lacking, Severus?' Asked Dumbledore politely as Ron made his way to the teachers.

'Draco Malfoy,' his voice dragged out, Dumbledore just nodded in response.

'And I am missing Luna Lovegood.'

'Sorry-,' began Ron with his head down and his hands in his pockets.

'Where are the others?'

'What, miss?'

'Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley and Colin Creevy,' she read out as she flicked through her lists. 'Like you, they have not reported to the hall as instructed. I simply assumed you would have been with them.'

Ron's mouth dropped open.

'I haven't seen Hermione or Harry since this morning at breakfast, I spoke to Ginny just as the message boomed out and I have no idea when I last saw Creepy, sorry Creevy,' he said before McGonagall asked the obvious.

She dismissed Ron.

'Weasley.' She added as he turned and began to walk over to his dorm mates. 'Have you seen Malfoy?' Ron just shook his head. 'Off you go.'

'No, I've seen none of them,' said Seamus and those around him nodded in agreement. Ron had made his way over to Seamus, Dean, Neville, Padma, Parvati and Lavender who had gathered together.

Ron glanced up at a large floating clock and saw it hit quarter past seven and wondered where his best friends were, hoping they were all safe; why shouldn't they be?

Most of the missing students returned in the time that followed – well three of them anyway.
Draco swaggered in at eight o'clock with a Cheshire cat grin on his face; Ginny shuffled in looking more nervous than usual at nine; and at half nine, Hermione meekly crept in, large book in hand.

'Where you been 'Mione?' Asked Ron concerned.

'Oh, the library.' Ron didn't know what else he would have expected.

As time passed and clocks struck eleven o'clock, the gentle hum of conversation drifted down and became a whisper. To the anxious professors (and Snape) Dumbledore had said that all would be well and the missing students would, in their own time, make their way back to the school. So far his words had been true and only three students were yet to wonder their way into the hall.

'Alright Albus?' Called Hagrid as he lumbered his way into the hall. 'Sorry, me and Luna got stuck out in me hut,' he said with a laugh – that was another student solved. Dumbledore smiled at Sprout and Hagrid made his way over the other professors.

'Where is she now?' Asked Sprout as she looked behind Hagrid and saw no girl.

'Oh, she was behind me,' he turned and scratched his scruffy, matted beard confused.

They all watched as the doors of the Great Hall swung open and Luna walked in.

Her hands were covered in some red liquid.

The hall became deathly silent and shocked gasps filled the tense air.

And in her most normal, calm Luna-tone she absentmindedly announced:

'Harry Potter has been murdered.'

That's the moment my life changed forever.

Who knew five words could do so much?

Time seemed to freeze and then it hit fast forward.

Students rushed backwards and professors ran forward. Luna was hurried out of the hall. Hermione grabbed me and pulled me. Dumbledore ordered the hall still. But he let us follow; the great hall doors slamming shut behind us.

Luna seemed in no particular rush; Harry certainly wasn't going anywhere.

She led us to a small, thin corridor off the main hallway and turned down a sharp right corner and down some steps to a large window. There was a small faded blue window seat and either side rich blue curtains. Tucked under the bottom of the left hand curtain was a hand.

Dumbledore halted our small group and with a flick of his wrist, Hell was revealed.

Harry lay at a fallen angle, a green jewelled dagger stabbed directly into his heart; his green eyes filled with shock and betrayal. He hadn't expected it but he knew who had done it. When he did realise though, it was far too late to do anything.
But the Dead don't speak.

I froze. Everyone was still. Time paused itself again. Then reality crashed back down on me.

The professors gave stifled gasps and a single tear slid down McGonagall's cheek, even Snape looked sad – or was that just guilt?

Hermione screamed and collapsed to the floor, not daring to touch the lifeless teen. Tears gushed from her broken soulful eyes.

I froze.

I seemed to stop. I didn't cry, for some reason, I couldn't.

My best friend, my confident, my brother, my protector, my charge was dead.

I think I crumpled next to Hermione and put an arm around her to try and comfort her but what was an arm, my arm going to do? Nothing – that's what!

But I remember that I just couldn't take my gaze from Harry's eyes. I just couldn't. I held his look and I broke the silence.

'I'll find who did this Harry and I'll make them pay.'