Hey guys! This is my first ever story. (That I uploaded). I know I'm not gonna get a million followers right off the bat, but I hope at least a few people pick up my story it would make me sooo happy. So please read enjoy and try to go easy on me.

Mistress Moon, Shine and Hearts


"Princess, please turn." Molly asked politely. Nodded as I turned around. "You must be very happy, since tonight is finally here." Utau said solemnly. I smiled at her. "Yes tonight is a big night." Rima said. Bringing a mug of Coco up to her lips, grasping it tightly with both hands. "YAYA IS EXITED FOR AMU-SAMA!" Yaya shouted. Utau stared daggers at her. Yaya glanced over to Utau, then yelped and hid under my silky bed covers. Utau huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

I stared at her, admiring her lovely dress that complemented her figure. Her dress was strapless black, velvet. She wore a velvety black choker with two charms stuck on it. One was a silver music note representing herself: Princess Utau of the Melody Kingdom division, the other was a black and white soccer ball. Representing her fiance Prince Kukai of The Sport Kingdom. The bottom of her dress went down to her ankles ending in a wavy pattern. I sighed. Utau was perfectly happy with Prince Kukai, she always had been ever since she had been matched on her coming night, two years ago.

Tonight was my coming night. What is a coming night? I was Princess Amu of the Many Kingdom, Utau was of the Melody Kingdom. Princess Yaya was of the Adolescence Kingdom and Rima was of the Comedy Kingdom all of us being Princesses we had arranged marriages. Most Princesses were matched early in life, when they are my age. Utau had been matched a year late due to problems in her kingdom. Yaya being of the adolescence kingdom would have to wait until she was 16. Rima was supposed to be match in the next three months. But the comedy kingdom loved pranks, even if they weren't funny. So they could have lied to her, poor thing might not even know until it was the night.

"Utau tell us what it felt like." I said. She scowled. "Why ask me? You were there!" She exclaimed. I looked at her pleadingly: "But I was to young to remember anything!" She continued to pout. Yaya bounced up from under the bed. Nervous about what I looked like all I could do was focus on how the other girls looked. Yaya had one of those old fashioned dresses. You know the kind, it had a puffy skirt like Cinderella. It was made completely of pink silk. It had bows and lace and many layers. Long sleeves and special for tonight, she wore pretty pink bows instead of red. Then I looked at Rima.

Her dress didn't suit her very well. It was made of that shiny plastic material I don't know the name of. It clung tightly to her body but, had two slits up the side of her leg so she could walk. She was wearing light blue eyeshadow and her hair was piled high on her head. Showing off every curl possible.

I was already nervous as it was, but tonight I was not allowed to look in a mirror. "I'm done." Molly said. I looked down. The top of my dress was like a hot pink tank-top. My sleeves were see through but, had more solid parts that created a design. I had a long skirt that was pleated so when I spun it unfolded and looked lovely. I looked at Molly and smiled. Hugging her I said: "Thank You...For Everything." She smiled, hugged me back and said with her thick southern accent: "Y'all are so welcome. Good luck Pryincess."

I let go reluctantly. Molly was 2 years older than me, she had taken care of ever since I was 5. She was like my sister. I had always been very close to her since, Utau, Yaya and Rima lived in whole different kingdoms. Molly though had always and, would always be right there, literally. "Let's go." I said. The girls nodded, and we made our way down to the Ballroom.