A/N: I was sad when I finished my story A Regained Memory (you should read—AND REVIEW), so I wanted to write another Teen Titans fic. Yes, this is the first thing that came to my mind.

Honestly, Cyborg was worried when he and the other Titans left Raven alone at the tower. Not because he didn't trust her to be alone; no, he knew that she was more responsible than the rest of them. It was because, while she was sick and unable to help the Titans fight crime, Cyborg had been attempting to teach her how to make waffles. There was a reason why he was the only one to cook most of the time, sometimes letting Robin. Starfire always made some Tamaranian glorp, Beast Boy tried to make them eat tofu, and Raven was hopeless in the kitchen. And Cyborg's cooking lessons weren't helping that fact in the slightest.

He was frantic about getting back home after spending a while battling Red X, and really wished Raven had been there to help, instead of burning waffles that were probably already inedible. Maybe there was still time to save the precious waffles.

But when Cyborg ran into the common room, expecting to smell and see smoke everywhere, waffles lying pitifully black on a plate, he saw the one thing he didn't think possible. There was no smoke. No black waffles. The smell in the common room was as good—if not better—than it was when he made his special waffle recipie that he gave to Raven. Had she actually managed to do it? Had Raven finally made something that Cyborg could eat without fearing for his life?

"Evil beware," said Raven, smiling and putting a plate of the most beautiful waffles he had ever seen in front of him. "We have waffles." It was the happiest he had seen Raven in days, since she was so sick; she was even paler than usual, which Cyborg had not thought possible.

"You...you did it?" asked Cyborg in shock. "You were able to make the waffles?"

"I think so," she replied. "Not sure if I made them right. Taste them and see."

Cyborg sat down and tentatively grabbed a fork, hoping that the waffles wouldn't do the same thing to him that Starfire's Tamaranian dishes did to him. Then there would be two sick Titans. He jabbed the fork into one of the waffles and stuck the whole thing in his mouth. After a moment of chewing, he realized...they were the best waffles he had ever tasted. So good, that even a tear escaped from his one human eye.

Raven laughed softly, and coughed a few times. "They're so bad that you're crying? Sorry, I guess I'll have to try again."

Cyborg shook his head violently. It took him a minute, but he was able to swallow, and then said, "No! Girl, these are the best waffles I've ever tasted! How'd you manage to do better than Cyborg's recepie? It's the best in the world! And you can do better? Now you have to teach me!"

She shrugged. "I just followed what you wrote down for me. Maybe I accidentally added something, or left something out, or cooked it for a different amount of time...something like that. They're really that good?"

He nodded. "Whatever you did, you did it right!" Cyborg happily shoved another whole waffle into his mouth. For a moment—he wasn't sure if it was toward the wonderful waffles or toward their maker—Cyborg felt a small spark of the beginning of love.