Title: "A Pirate's Breakfast"
Author: Pirate Turner
Dedicated To: My beloved, wonderous, and always inspirational husband Jack, for whom all my Wick stories are written and for whom this message was intended in a trying time for us - I love you, my darling, and will always love, follow, and trust you!
Rating: R for sexual content
Summary: Jack fears he's not been a good influence on his beloved Will.
Warnings: Slash, Drabble
Word Count: 300
Date Written: 5 June, 2012
Challenge: For the PotC100 LJ comm's weekly challenge
Disclaimer: Captain Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, all other characters and ships mentioned within, and Pirates of the Caribbean are ᄅ & TM Disney and any other rightful owners, neither of which are the author. Everything else is ᄅ & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Jack and Will were already up that morning when the rooster crowed. The bird's call was strangled as the cook snagged him. He'd be dinner, though, for breakfast was already being served. "Mmm," Will moaned in pleasure around Jack's hard staff. "My favorite breakfast. Pirate sausage!"
Jack jerked inside his lover's mouth as he laughed. He winked; his ringed fingers continued running through his brown locks. "I'm afraid, luv, I've not been a good influence on ye."
"Oh. Would ye kiss yer mother wit' that mouth?"
"I've far better things to kiss," Will returned, taking Jack fully inside and sucking hard.
The End