Hey! I'm having a hard time finishing my first multi chaptered fanfic because I don't know how it will continue so I'm thinking very hard right now... but I still can't imagine how it will go. Bits of scenes appear in my head so I decided to write it down first.

I hope you'll like it! ^^

It was already five years after the fight with the organization, everyone already recovered from the shock it caused. It was also five years ago when Conan, or rather Shinichi, got over Ran, he didn't know how it happened and what caused it, he just felt... nothing. He still loves her, yes, but not romantically like he used to, more like a brotherly love. It also turns out that Ran also got over him but it was a year after him, she went to college and moved out of the agency, she's still visiting when there's occasions and weekends.

Since then, he had been living at his own house, since Subaru, who was really Akai, moved out and lived with his little sister, Sera. Oh, and he's still the little brat, Edogawa Conan, although he's not little now because he's a second year high school student, along with the others, their detective group still lives on with Genta as their self appointed leader.


Conan is currently in their club room juggling a ball while thinking other things and the three talking about their latest request about a lost project.

"I think someone with a grudge stole it" Genta suggested.

"Or maybe his clasmates broke it then hid it so he wouldn't know" Ayumi said.

"It really is a puzzling request" Mitsuhiko cupped his chin and started to think.

Thump, thump, thump. The sound of ball bouncing from Conan's feet.

Suddenly, Genta slammed his hand on the desk startling the three.

"Conan, don't kick the ball! It's distracting me, go outside if you don't want to help"

Conan glared at him after recovering from the shock. He picked up the ball he dropped and was about to open the door to go outside when the door knob turned on its own.

"Eh?" Conan stopped for a second, thinking if it's just his imagination.


Conan fell backwards, the ball rolled away, he rubbed his sore nose which banged first on the door. "H... Haibara!" he exclaimed.

Haibara also looked surprised, she looked at him and smirked. "You're in the way, move"

Conan glared at her before standing up and dusting his slacks, his nose still red. He looked at Haibara once more, she's now sitting at the long chair by the cabinet reading her magazines. He's still a beginner when it comes to feelings, but he's proud that he's making a progress, and he just realized that he likes Haibara. He like to be around her, he like the way she smirks, the way she ignores him and when they're debating over something.

"Edogawa-kun, are you going outside?" he heard Haibara's voice which snapped him from his thoughts.

"Eh, uh, yes"

"Can you tell those guys to leave?" Shinichi looked over his shoulder, he could see her fan boys waiting by the door.

He grinned at her, "sure" he walked out and closed the door.


"See you tomorrow!" Ayumi bade goodbye before separating from them.

"Ai-san, about the school play next month..." Mitsuhiko started explaining about it to Haibara, who allowed him to call her by first name.

"I think it's good, why don't you show me the script later so we could start the preparations tomorrow" Haibara nodded at him, "bye"

Mitsuhiko blushed, "ah... the... then, bye" he ran, excited about hanging out at Hakase's later.

"Bye! See ya' tomorrow" Genta ran after Mitsuhiko.

The two started to walk again, Conan was listening to the conversation secretly.

"You've become pretty popular aren't you?" he teased her.

"So are you"

Conan placed his hand behind his head, "so, Mitsuhiko's going to hang out at your place later?"

Haibara looked at him, "you're listening aren't you?" her eyebrow raised.

"I just happen to hear that part" he also looked at her before looking away a few second later. 'Darn, this is so annoying' a light pink stained his cheek.

"He is, we're going to talk about something so you better stay at your house later" she warned "or else..."

He just frowned.


Conan was sitting by the veranda of his room, he was watching Hakase's house and the people inside it. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned back on the chair. He was told to stay at his house or punishment awaits. He could see the two talking inside because before Mitsuhiko arrived, he made an excuse that he forgot something and moved the curtain so he could see the inside from his veranda. He could see Mitsuhiko holding a small book and showing it to Haibara while pointing to some points.

"Ai-san, Ai-chan, Ai, Haibara" he frowned, "why am I only one calling her by last name?" he leaned forward resting his crossed arms on the concrete railing. "It must be nice to call her by first name" Conan stared at her back.

"Ai" he chuckled, "that felt nice"

He was amusing himself by calling her first name, he was having fun, but was cut when he saw Mitsuhiko change seat. He sat beside Haibara. He glared at his back.

'That kid, I already told him a long time ago that she's not suited for him' he grumbled, he wanted to go there and interrupt, he wasn't afraid of her punishment. But he wanted to show her that he could follow orders. So he sat there grumbling about Mitsuhiko seating close to her.

It was already 10pm when he left, he could go down and annoy her again but he didn't feel like doing it that night. Maybe because he was feeling kinda sad watching the two for five hours. He stood up, and went inside his house. He took a bath and cleaned his blazer before preparing to sleep. He was still thinking about the two when the telephone rang.

He reluctantly walked towards the telephone, "hello, do you know what time is it?" he asked the caller not minding if he sounded rude.

"Already asleep?"

His eyes widened, "H... Haibara" he suddenly had the urge to ask her about the talk she had with Mitsuhiko but restrained himself. "What's with the sudden call?" he half hoped that she called because she was expecting him to come but he didn't, in short, she missed him.

"Hakase just finished a new invention, he wanted to test it as quickly as possible, he wants you to come over" then she hung up.


"I'll come over" he whispered before returning the receiver.


[Hakase's house]

Conan walked slowly looking at the living room, and the kitchen.

"Maybe she's already sleeping" he went to the basement to help Hakase.

"What did you finish this time?" Conan looked up and was surprised to see who was there, his heart started beating double time.

Haibara turned her swivel chair around, "you really came" she stood up.

Conan stared at her, she's already in her pajama's and he couldn't stop thinking how sexy she would look after she woke up. He shook his head, red spreading on his cheeks.

"I... I thought Hakase wan... wanted me to test his in-invention?" he stuttered.

"He did" she walked passed him, he could smell the soap she used, it smelled sweet, "here, new glasses" she handed it to him.

"Oh, thanks" he asked professor to upgrade it.

"What did he put in it this time?" Haibara asked.

"Oh... eh, I just asked him to upgrade the distance of the tracking system"

She just looked at the glasses before turning off the computer.

"Don't forget to turn off the lights, good night" she went ahead to sleep.

"Good night" he whispered.

More disappointed


There. What do you think? Is it good? Or bad? Just tell me by leaving a review! ^^