A/N: So i have decided to write another fanfic in my series Breaking Rule 12. You do not have to read the first two but it might help.

"Mom, what do you want?" A 17-year-old C.J asked through the phone.

"Where are you C.J?" Ziva asked.

"I'm out with Jess."

"You better not have sex with her."

"Mom! I would never do that." C.J exclaimed. "Can be alone with Jess now? Unless you wanna listen to our date."

"I'll leave you alone. Bye."

"Bye mom." C.J hung up his phone and turned back to Jess, "I'm sorry. She's a little over protective."

"It's fine. My dad is the same way." Jess smiled and leaned in. C.J leaned in and kissed her.

When Ziva hung up the phone she turned to Tony, "I love him but he's lying."

"About what Zi?"

"He said he wasn't going to have sex with her."

"Oh come on he's only 17."

"That's how old Sam was when she had sex with Brad for the first time."

"Mom, can I tell you something?" Little Tony asked.

"Sure. What is it?"

"You may want to sit down."

"Oh my god. You got a girl pregnant."

"No mom I didn't get a girl pregnant." Tony said. "Just can you sit down?"

"Yeah." Ziva sat down and Tony sat down across from her. Big Tony left the room. "Tony what's up?"

"Well I'm uh. Well I'm gay mom."


"You hate me don't you?"

"No Tony. I love you. I will support you no matter what."


"Yes." Ziva got up and hugged him. "So you know you can tell me if you find a boy cute right?"

Tony smiled, "Yeah I know mom. Thank you." Tony let go of Ziva and walked up to his room. Ziva went to find Big Tony.

"Tony. Where are you?"

"In my room mom."

"No your father. Sorry." Ziva found him in the bedroom with a can of whipped cream. "Really Tony?"


"You want to have sex while two of our kids are home?"

"Well when you put it that way."

"Not so much anymore?"

"No." Tony put the can down and looked back at Ziva, "Zi, are you okay?"

"Yeah but I need to tell you something." Ziva sat down on their bed and looked Tony in the eye.

"Okay. What's up?"

"Tony's gay."

"No I'm not."

"Not you. Our son."

"Wait Tony, the one who grabbed Sam's boobs when he was a baby."

"Yeah I know. The one who fed on my breast milk more than C.J." Ziva chuckled. "Yeah so please be supportive of him."

"Zi like I said when you were pregnant with them, 'I will love them no matter what'."

"Thank you." Ziva smiled and leaned closer to him and kissed him. The kiss deepened and Tony pulled her on top of him. Ziva pulled away, "Tony!" Ziva laughed. Tony pulled her down and kissed her. Ziva straddled his hips with her knees. She relaxed her butt on his thighs.

"Mom? I'm going out with a few friends. I'll be back later." Kate called from the hallway. She opened the door to Tony and Ziva's room "At least put a sock on the door knob." Tony and Ziva pulled away and Ziva looked over her shoulder and saw Kate standing there.

"Knock first next time." Ziva got off of Tony and sat next to Tony.

"Put a sock on the door knob so that we know when your making out with dad." Kate retorted.

"What's going on?"

"I'm going out. Can I have the keys to the car?"

"Who are you going out with?"

"My friends and Jake." Kate smiled.

"Jake huh? And you're driving?"

"Well I'm the oldest of my friends so yeah. Come on mom please let me take your car." Kate's phone was ringing. She answered it. "Hello…Yeah my mom won't give me the keys…I'm coming…yeah you too…see you soon bye." Kate hung up her phone.

"Who was that?"

"Jake. Can I have the keys now?"

"Yeah here." Ziva threw her the keys and she ran out the door.

Tony ran into Kate as she was running out the door. "T did you tell mom?"

"Yeah. She was really chill with it."

Kate smiled, "That's great!" Kate hugged him. "Now you have two choices. A, you can come out with me and my friends or, b, you can stay here and listen to mom and dad have sex."

"I'll choose A." Tony gave her a grossed out look.

"Good now lets go." Kate dragged him out of the house and into the car. "Do you wanna drive?

"I can if you want me too." Tony grabbed the keys out of her hand, "Where are we going?"

"Jake's then Tim's then Jen's we're driving."

"Are you and Jake a thing?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just wondering."

"You're gonna tell mom and dad aren't you?"

"I told them I was gay. Why would it be different that their little girl has a boyfriend?" Tony started the car and pulled out of the driveway. "Now, how hot is he?"

"He's very hot. Imagine how awkward this would be if C.J were here."

"Yeah I know. He's out with his girlfriend and I'm driving you and your boyfriend and friend to where ever you need to go." Tony began to mumble to himself, "Why am I the boring one?"

"Aw Tony, you're not the boring one."

"Really?" Kate nodded, "Then why am I going out with my little sister tonight?"

"Because you love me?"

"I do but you and mom are the only girls that I love." Tony smiled. "Where does Jake live?"

"Take a right on K." Kate looked up from her phone. "Ha K for Kate."

Tony shook his head. "You would think that Kate."

"Hey." Kate laughed.

Meanwhile back at the house Tony and Ziva were in bed cuddling. "Tony, that was so good."

"Mhm." Tony tightened his grip on her. Ziva placed her hand on his chest. She raked her fingers over his chest hair. "That tickles baby." Tony started to laugh and Ziva continued. Tony rolled over so he was on top of her, "I told you that tickled." Tony kissed her. Ziva wrapped her legs around his hips and flipped them over. Ziva pulled away.

"Shower." Ziva said.

"Yeah I need one…especially after sex." Tony smiled as Ziva walked into the bathroom naked.

A/N: Should i continue? Yes? No? Review :) By the way Tony and C.J are 17 and Kate is 16.