I don't own Young justice

4:30 PM February 16th

Zoey rocked in the chair nervously "Can I go out?" she asked Alberto from the living room. He gave a nod "Are you sure you'll be ok doing that?" He asked full of concern. "Don't worry I'll be fine… and if it gets bad I'll just come back" She quickly jumped out of the chair and headed to the door narrowly missing Bianca and Milagro. "What's the rush?" Milagro asked looking shocked from the near collision. "I'm sorry, I was about to go for a walk and I guess-" "I'll go with you" Milagro said quickly. "Um, but I was-" "It's alright; you need to get used to my scent and stuff anyway right?" Zoey made a face "I'm not a dog, besides your scent is all over the house anyway".

It was too late Milagro had pulled her by her sleeve out the door "I'll take care of my homework when I get back" she called dragging her off the porch. "Wait, where are we going?" The small girl only smiled.

Milagro had successfully brought Zoey to a library "This place is normally pretty empty so you can breathe easy" She reassured. Zoey looked around at the surprisingly clean she took a relaxed breath. "Mom said that we had to take you to quiet places" she said presenting the library. She quickly led her over to a chair and had her sit down.

They sat there reading in silence for a while Zoey occasionally peaked over her book in wait. Milagro on the other hand seemed perfectly content; she just read her book without even the smallest hint of curiosity. "Uh, Milagro?" the girl's head popped up. "Can I ask you a question?" Zoey gave a nod "My brother, is he doing anything dangerous?" "I wouldn't really know, aside from a few files I read I only joined the team last night" The girl looked a bit disappointed "Are you strong?" she asked. Not sure how to answer that Zoey tried to sound reassuring "I can read that book you're reading from ten miles away and find out anything you even considered doing anticipate your movements and stop you before even had a chance to move" "But can you protect my brother?" Once again she didn't know how to answer. Seeing the little girl quickly becoming a wilting flower she got up out of the seat "I give you my word, I'll make sure that Jamie comes home at night and is there to greet you in the morning"

She gave a sigh of relief when Milagro smiled. "When Jamie got that beetle thing in his back he disappeared for a really long time and then Papi-" she cut herself off "Just make sure Jamie stays safe please?" "I'll do my best"

5:30 PM February 16th

Paco filled up the tank while Jamie and Brenda walked out of the gas station arms full of snacks "So why isn't she going to our school?" "She's not good with people I told you that already" "I'm just saying, isn't it weird even though you've never met her before that she's staying in your house?" "Yea but when the justice league says to do something you try to say no" they got into the car. "Yeah, I'm sure Hawk girl can pound you into a gooey puddle with her mace" "inconceivable the Nth metal is obsolete when compared to the scarab" Ignoring the Scarab he continued.

"For that matter she hasn't really said much to you either, she's probably hiding something" "There Super heroes there all hiding something" Paco added "Yea, when did you become such a conspiracy nut Brenda?" "I'm not; she's probably scared, lonely and will open up to you if you let her" Brenda huffed "and you live with her so you should know her better than anyone else" "Yea" he drawled munching on some cheetos. Letting out a collective sigh Paco dropped Jamie off and he walked up to his door convincing himself to try to 'make friends' with Zoey.

It wasn't that he had anything against her it was simply the fact that a girl was just dropped into his life with no time to adjust and it seems like everyone knew about it except the girl and himself.

The clock read 5:55; Bianca and Alberto greeted him from the living room. "I've got a biology test I've got to study for so I'll be in my room" he informed rushing up the stairs. Closing the door behind him he brought out his notes and books.

Roughly 20 minutes into his study session his door opened and there stood Zoey. "Uh, hi" she greeted. "Hey, do you need something" she fidgeted "Well not particularly; I thought we should talk…or something" he looked over at her. She definitely had that 'deer in headlights' look mastered, Jamie wondered how she could seem so calm and open like when she was talking to his mother and so awkward and nervous like well, now.

"You can relax" he offered a chair in front of his desk but she refused it. "What do you want to talk about?" looking more nervous she took a deep breath "My name is Zoey Jones, I'm 5'3, I weigh around 120lbs, my favorite color is blue I like coffee but not black, I-" "Whoa hold on" he said managing to stop the explosion on information. "Sorry, but I was thinking if we knew more about each other then at the very least we won't be strangers and given we we're so close in age" she made an awkward look.

Jamie gave her a smile "Yea, but we don't need to learn all that at once" she nodded "Sorry, in case it wasn't obvious I don't get out much" she relaxed enough to plop down on his bed. "They thought someone like Hawk woman would be a good match for me" "Yea, I meant to ask about that, someone as-" he tried to find the right word "They liked to use the word sensitive" he nodded "Ok, and someone so…not, as Hawk woman" he looked over to the girl. "That's why, to learn to be a hero I had to learn to fight and be tougher and Hawk woman just seemed to be a good fit for me" "Was the training hard?" she let out a laugh "You know that game 'Ninja fruit slicer'?" Jamie gave a nod not sure where it was going "Well let's just say I'm happy the bombs weren't real" "That doesn't sound so bad" "Oh no, they still exploded but not bad enough to kill me and I had to heal pretty quickly" She laughed leaving the room.

9:00 PM February 16th

Jamie entered the room with Zoey following behind him in her ninja outfit everything but her mask. The room was dark and all at once the lights flashed on and everyone yelled "Surprise!" and Zoey was definitely surprised.

"We thought it would be a good idea to officially welcome you to the team" M'gann smiled levitating a slice of cake over to her. "It'll be great having you here" Cassie said encouragingly. Feeling herself relax Zoey smiled. "To help you out I even cleaned the whole cave" M'gann added.

"You didn't have to do that" "Don't worry I helped" Night wing said handing her a large box. Opening it she discovered a katana and several small daggers as well as a pouch to hold them "We heard about a few of your training sessions and thought this would fit you best" they shared a smile "Along with your new gear you get a mission I want you, Bat Girl, Robin and Beetle on a an infiltration mission" Zoey looked over the other three that had been called "So soon?" "You have no choice training is over, it's time for action" She gave a nod.

Night wing brought up the giant translucent screen "We have reason to believe that a new villain that has popped up has ties to both Lex Luthor and the Kroloteans; we need you four to find any information possible for our investigation and if possible capture this new person" "What do we know about the newbie?" Batgirl spoke up. "All we know is that it's supposed to be a girl" "What do you mean 'supposed' to be?" Night win sighed "It's" he paused "She's a shape-shifter so there's not really a way to pin her down" A collective groan was let out "So where are we heading?" Zoey questioned "Metropolis"