Dynasty Warriors: Fight for True Love

Chapter 1 of a new Dynasty Warriors story, hope you enjoy it.

Main Pairing: Liu Shan/Xingcai

Disclaimer: Dynasty Warriors belongs to Koei.

Chance Meeting

"I don't get it, why are you being so stubborn?!" The large man asked, the woman standing opposite him on the other side of the table shook her head, "I'm stubborn, you have no right to say something like that, dear husband."

The man glowered at his wife and grunted. The man was a giant in height and bulky with muscle, he had short spiky brown hair and a short thick brown beard and moustache and brown eyes. He was clad in armour with shades of green and gold as the predominant colours, although there were highlights of red and black on the chest plate and a gold circlet. The armour left his arms and his right shoulder bare, save for a single gold and black armoured band around his right wrist and a red cloth wound just below his left elbow. His wife was much shorter than him, coming only level with his chest, she had long black hair and black eyes and was clad in a dark green robe of fine silk.

"You have some nerve to accuse me of being stubborn Zhang Fei." The woman stated to her husband, "After all, we all know that you are the most stubborn man in the land."

Zhang Fei groaned and shook his head.

"Never mind that, we're talking about something important here." He replied, "I don't get why you can't accept my choice."

His wife glared at her husband and replied haughtily.

"You couldn't care less about Xingcai, as far as you're concerned she could marry some common swine." She shook her head, "Our daughter is a woman of high class, she deserves to marry the best, a man of high blood with either good fighting skills or people who serve him with great skills."

"Xingcai should have a say in this, don't you get it!" Zhang Fei yelled, "I want our daughter to be happy, we should let her marry whoever she wants, whoever makes her happy!"

With that the arguing continued.

Xingcai sighed and shook her head; she was getting sick of this.

'Just once I'd like my parents to spend one whole day not arguing.' She thought to herself.

Xingcai was a beautiful young woman in her late teens; she had shoulder length raven black hair, parted on the right and black eyes. She was clad in a green and silver armoured dress with gold plates. The skirt of the dress reached down to just above her knees and had a slit up each side, almost up to the waist. She wore white armoured gloves, a pair of black stockings which reached midway up her thighs and silver knee high armoured boots finished the outfit but she wasn't wearing them at the moment. As part of the official government the Emperor of Han, Emperor Ling, had decreed that each regional lord was to come to the Capital of Luo Yang, or be represented by some of their retainers. The reason for the visit was to deliver reports of the condition and income for each province. Zhang Fei was a retainer and sworn brother of Liu Bei who was the Regional Lord of Xu Province. He was accompanying Liu Bei's representative, Xu Shu, on the trip. Ever since her sixteenth birthday her parents had started arguing about Xingcai's future and, more prominently, marriage. Her father always doted on her, contrary to his fierce appearance, and was happy for to marry whenever she was ready and had a suitor she loved. Her mother on the other disapproved of many things, the fact her father taught her how to fight, the fact Xingcai enjoyed battle, and Zhang Fei's stance on Xingcai's future. She felt Xingcai should marry someone of high blood, with great position and prominence. She groaned and stood up, her parents were still arguing and she couldn't take it anymore. She pulled on her stockings and boots and left the house, desperate to escape the noise.

Out on the streets of Luo Yang she was able to breathe freely.

'Honestly, why is mother being so unfair?' She thought bitterly, 'At least father is letting me marry who I want, and when I'm ready, she's trying to force me to marry someone, simply because she wants money.'

It was true that her mother's favourite choices for Xingcai's husband were all rich. Deciding to put all thoughts of her family's arguments out of her mind she continued down the street, finally she reached a small pavilion. She leaned against the railing as she gazed over the lake. She was so lost in her thoughts she didn't hear the footsteps until the person was right behind her, she spun around.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

The figure was a young man around her age; he had short black hair and brown eyes. He was dressed in dark green robes with white fur edging and floral and dragon designs on them. He also wore brown pointed boots, and a yellow headpiece.

"Who are you?" She asked cautiously; he smiled serenely, "I am Liu Shan, son of Liu Bei."

It was then Xingcai recognized him.

"Wait, I remember, of course, I've seen you at some of the feasts back home." She replied, bowing. He shook his head, "Please, there is no need for formalities. I remember you too; it's Xingcai, isn't it?"

She nodded, he smiled again but then he frowned as he noticed her preoccupation.

"Are you okay?" He asked, "You seem worried."

Xingcai sighed and shrugged.

"It's my parents." Liu Shan looked surprised, "Master Zhang Fei and his wife, what's going on?"

Xingcai smiled at his concern and, feeling strangely drawn to him and feeling she could trust him, she opened up and told him about her problems. By the time she was done he was shocked.

"Unbelievable. Xingcai…I may be speaking out of place here, but your father is right. You shouldn't be forced into anything." He stated, "You should be free to make your own choice…If you have any trouble, please, don't hesitate to talk to me. I'll gladly help any way I can."

She smiled at him.

"Thank you Lord Liu Shan." She replied, "I am truly grateful…It's getting late, I should head home, my parents should be asleep by now."

"Farewell Xingcai, I will be returning to my dwelling tomorrow." He replied and they parted company.

As she returned home she could hear that her parents were still surprisingly up. What's more the arguing was still continuing and someone else was present. She stopped and peeked into the room through the ajar curtain. Standing next to her mother, and obvious on her side of the argument, was a tall man with black hair, a short black beard and moustache and black eyes. He was dressed in blue and silver armour with gold plates and a golden circlet with blue ear guards.

'Uncle Xiahou Yuan,' She thought surprised, 'Why has mother called him? I can't take this anymore, I'll just go to bed, I'm exhausted.'

Xiahou Yuan, her mother's brother and a retainer for the regional lord of Yan, Cao-Cao. She couldn't fathom why her mother had called him into the argument. Deciding that she would ask her father about it tomorrow Xingcai removed her boots, stockings and armour before pulling on the green silk robe she wore to bed. After climbing into to be she sighed as she heard her father's raised voice again.

'Why can't they just see father's right? It would make things so much easier and stop all these arguments.'

Tuning out the sounds of the argument she drifted off to sleep, hoping that by tomorrow, things would have improved and that she would get some answers.

End of chapter, what do you think? Hope you enjoyed it. Read and review please.