Fall was quickly approaching. The colors on the trees were changing, as were the feelings Rachel and Sam were having toward each other. When they weren't together, they were either talking on the phone or texting back and forth non-stop. From the time they woke up until the time they went to sleep, they didn't leave each other's thoughts. Not that either of them knew it.

Lizzie was even accustomed to seeing Sam around. A huge smile grew on her face anytime he came to the apartment, or anytime they met up for another play date. Sam had completely fallen in love with his daughter. And even more so, he was falling in love with Rachel.

Rachel, on the other hand, was becoming more and more focused on her career. Seeing the three of them turning into their own little family gave Rachel initiative to provide more and more for them. Yet she couldn't seem to land a job.

However, on a crisp Saturday morning, Sam received a phone call from the very girl that was haunting his dreams.

"Hello?" he asked, smiling as he answered the phone.

"Hi, Sammy. Are you up?" Rachel asked.

"I am now," he said with a laugh. "What's up?"

"Do you think you could come over within the next hour? I landed an audition! I called Quinn to babysit Lizzie, but she's gone back to Lima to visit. Do you think you could watch Lizzie for the afternoon?"

"Me? Just me?" he asked nervously.

"Of course! You can handle it. You are her father after all," she said, a warm smile gracing her face.

"Alright, I'll be over soon."

After twenty minutes or so, Sam arrived at the familiar apartment and strolled right in. Lizzie, who was memorized by the TV, looked up and squealed loudly.

"Sam!" she shouted, reaching her arms out toward him.

"There's my girl!" he said, scooping her up off the ground and kissing her cheek.

"Hi, Sammy," Rachel said as she entered the room. She planted a kiss on his cheek, making Sam turn red.

"Hey," he said, bouncing Lizzie on his hip. Rachel brushed past him, fixing her earrings as she did.

"You're sure you'll be okay with this, right?" she asked.

"Of course. How much damage can a one year old do?"

Rachel arrived a while later at the theater where auditions were being held. She had a strange sense of confidence; she had a good feeling about this one. She was auditioning for a reopening of the show Spring Awakening. She'd loved the show since she was a young girl, and was determined to land the role of Wendla.

She walked into the theater, looking around. She was early, as usual. And there didn't seem to be many people there yet. The girl's that were there, however, looked younger than she was. Prettier. More fit for the part. She fiddled with her hands, her nerves starting to get to her.

After receiving her audition number and filling out her paperwork, she sat patiently in one of the house seats. She felt her phone vibrate, and it made her jump. She pulled her phone out and opened the text she'd obtained. It was a picture message: Sam had Lizzie on his lap, they were both smiling like crazy.

"Break a leg, Mommy!"

Rachel smiled down at her phone, her eyes filling with tears. She had to nail this audition. For the three of them.

As Rachel walked back to her apartment, she could've sung at the top of her lungs with joy and not thought twice about it. In a matter of two hours, she completely annihilated her audition, and was immediately asked to come back the next evening for a read through of the part. She swore she could have walked on water.

She reached her apartment and fumbled for her keys. She unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"Sammy! Guess what?! I-"

She stopped, staring at Sam. And Lizzie. And a woman she'd never seen before in her life.

"Rachel!" Sam sounded as if he was a kid who just got caught stealing candy. The woman stared at Rachel like a dear in headlights. "Rachel, I can explain. This is-"

"Get out." Sam stopped, swallowed hard, and looked at Rachel with pleading eyes.

"Rachel, please let me explain," he said.

"I said get out. Give me my daughter," she said, storming over to Sam. "And get the hell out!"

Sam knew he was in deep trouble. He tried to get the words out, but Rachel kept screaming over him. The woman left in a hurry, leaving Sam behind to defend himself. Lizzie, in all the commotion, started to cry.

"Rachel, she-"

"Samuel James Evans get out of my apartment right now and never come back!" she screamed, tears falling from her eyes.

He knew he didn't have a choice anymore. He grabbed his keys, gave her one last look, and walked out.