Title: Not the Other Weasley
Characters: Ron
Rating: G
Disclaimer: All characters belong to J.K. Rowling and publishers. No offense is meant by this fan fiction and this is made purely for fun.
Summary: Ron reflects on how he felt having quite so many siblings.
Day: Nov 28
"If you want accounting of your worth,
Count your friends."
-Mary Browne
There was a time when Ronal Weasley had felt like nothing but the sibling that had to live up to everyone else. Bill had been Head Boy, had outstanding grades (literally) and landed a job working for Gringott's. Charlie was the charismatic prefect, captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team who was a bloody brilliant seeker and even better dragonologist. Percy, despite his faux pas later on, had been an excellent student, prefect, Head Boy, never got into trouble and had landed himself a Ministry job. Fred and George might have given his parents hell but they were bloody creative and smart too, to come up with all those pranks and products, excellent beaters on the quidditch team and their grades weren't bad either. Ginny was the only girl in the lot and that automatically made her important since she was the only one for a few generations at least.
And then somewhere in there had been Ron.
Ron who had been sure that his brothers had basically done everything under the sun, who would never get the same sort of grades as Bill or Percy, who doubted he could coach a quidditch team or become Head Boy. He had been 'the other Weasley'.
But now, now Ron looked around himself and all the people that considered him their friend, looked at the smiling faces of his family, looked at Hermione grinning beside him. Clearly there was something about him that was just as outstanding, or excellent, or brilliant as his siblings if all these people cared for him and had put out the effort of planning this ridiculously elaborate surprise birthday party. He was not sure what exactly it was that they saw in him but he sure as hell knew that some of them would not be arsed to help with something like this if they did not care (people like Zabini for instance).
Ron was one of many Weasley's but he was not 'the other Weasley' as he had once thought. He was Ronald Bilius Weasley, and everyone before him appreciated that.