The intro for this story kept bugging and bugging my head when I'm trying to study so I wrote it down quickly and just post it here. I mean... Why the heck not, right? Now that it's all over and done though, I really need to study now...

Undying Seams

Broken Down

"My Lord, may... may I come in?"

"Yes! My dear! You may enter!" The sound of a metal door slowly creaked open revealing a dim room inside it. "I... I'm sorry to bother you, my Lord... But I just wanted to... tell you that she's coming here as we speak, my Lord..." A raspy woman's voice stuttered with fear as she whispered into the dim room. "So she's actually coming for it then... Excellent! Everything's going according to plan. Now my dear, please be a darling and make sure everything's prepared for our guest of honor, will you?" A silhouette of a man was sitting casually on an extremely lavish chair as he sat in front of a finely carved wooden table. A fancy tea set with richly detailed china was laid in front of him on the table. "Of course, my Lord..." The woman said nervously before she slowly closed the door. "By the way, my dear..." His soft and cheerful voice calling out for the woman. "Yes... What is it, my Lord?" The woman promptly creaked the metal door back open and stared at the silhouette. "When our esteemed guest finally arrives here, I want you to pretend that you're the one pulling the strings here." The woman immediately gasped in confusion. "But... But why would you ask me to do such a thing, my Lord?" The silhouette shrugged before he started chuckling to himself. "Oh for no reason at all, I'm just incredibly bored right now and I need some new form of entertainment. I implore you to put on your best show yet." "Uh... As you wish, my Lord..." The woman muttered before she continued to close the metal door. "Wait!" A demonic voice suddenly erupted from the man. "Y...Yes, my Lord?" The woman quickly opened the metal door out of pure shock. "I need to ask you a question of grave importance, my dear! Something that could determine life and death and the very success of my plan itself! Very important indeed!" The man exclaimed loudly, his demonic voice was strangely all but gone as his voice went back to sounding creepily cheerful, before he immediately leapt from the chair and onto the wooden table. The man kept laughing to himself hysterically as the table quickly fell to the ground from the sheer weight of the man. The fancy tea set on the table came crashing down onto the ground with it and was immediately smashed to hundreds of pieces. "Of... Of course, my Lord... What... What is... the question you speak of?" The woman nervously stuttered, seemingly ignoring the shards of glass china scattering across the floor. The man smoothly rolled towards the petrified woman as he landed on the ground before quickly standing straight back to normal right next to her. A wry grin crossed his face as he chuckled nonsensically before finally whispering into the terrified woman's ear, "Would... you... like... some... tea?" "...What?" He quickly burst out laughing at his own joke as the woman just stood there, forcing a nervous smile at the silhouette's oddly lame joke. It was then she immediately noticed a small glass china was hovering directly in front of her face, filled to the brim with warm tea. She was surprised to see the cup as she thought all of the china was already smashed to all kinds of bits and pieces on the ground. She gently grabbed the cup in front of her and held it close to her as a subtle but soft smile slowly crossed her face. The man finally stopped laughing before he glanced at the silent woman, a broad grin on his face before he cheerfully clapped his hands together and exclaimed excitedly, "My dear, things are about to get a lot more lively in this place! I simply cannot wait..."

Five weeks later...

"Dude, why are we here again?"

"I told you, man... We're just coming over to visit Marceline and see if she's okay. How could you not remember that? I mean... I just told you that before we left the Treehouse." A young boy fully clad in blue completed with a green backpack and a white hat with small bear nubs, exclaimed in disbelief to his yellow-colored pug companion as they were entering the familiar cave entrance. "I remember that, man... I'm just saying why are we even visiting Marceline? It's not like she got a life or something..." The pug stated loudly as he scratched his belly. The irony in Jake's statement is that Marceline literally does not have a life. "The hero boy known as Finn explained to his brother and companion, "It's not like that at all. It's just that Marceline hasn't been seen or heard of for a month now. No one, not even her ghost pals, knows where she is right now. PB and I eventually got worried about her... She wouldn't answer any of our calls or messages or anything... So I decided to come check on her and I'm bringing you along whether you like it or not." "Okay, man... Whatever you say but let's just do this quick, okay? I got a whole day of adventuring planned for us both and I don't want to waste anymore time in Marceline's place." Jake exclaimed excitedly before he ran forward to the familiar cottage. The sight of its pink walls and brown roof with its white picket fence greeted our heroes as they finally arrived at Marceline the Vampire Queen's house. "Marcy! Marcy! Are you in there?" Jake yelled loudly, his voice echoed throughout the cave, as he rushed towards the large deck at the back of the house. So far, everything about the house seems normal... Finn slowly followed his brother as he walked towards the deck at the back. "Marcy! Marcy! It's us, Finn and Jake! Open the door!" Finn saw his brother kept screaming loudly as he repeatedly pounded on the door. Finn just realized there was something wrong about the house. Where is Marceline's zombie dog and that creepy undead gardener? It seems strangely empty... "Dude, Marceline's not responding at the door..." Jake called out to his brother as he continued to knock on it. "Then you know what to do, bro..." Finn said softly as he stiffly crossed his arms. Jake nodded in an understanding manner before he turned back his attention towards the door. He quickly enlarged his right foot and promptly kicked the door down with great force. "Whoa, what the heck happened here?" Jake exclaimed in shock. "What is it?" Finn quickly rushed into the house to join his brother. He was shocked to see the living room of Marceline's house was literally torn apart. It was incredibly dim in the room but he could still see that there were sharp inane scratchings all over on the walls and the red couch was overturned and ripped from inside out into bits and pieces. "Whoa..." Finn muttered under his voice as he thoroughly surveyed the room. "What do you think could have happened here, man?" No sooner did the words escaped from Finn's mouth did a sudden loud bark erupted from the overturned couch, or what was left of it, and immediately caught the attention of the brothers. "What the croak is that?" Jake exclaimed out of shock as he slowly approached the couch... A white fluffy ball suddenly emerged from inside of the couch's remains and leapt into Jake's gobsmacked face. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Get it off me! Get it off me!" Jake yelled nonsensically as he tried to pry the fluffy white ball of his face. "Schwabl!" Finn exclaimed, pleasantly surprised to see him in all this mess. Schwabl, the fluffy white dog stared at Finn with a familiar look in his beady black eyes before finally leaping from Jake's face, kicking him down to the ground. "Ah! Piece of crud! Why I oughta-" Jake shouted angrily on the ground. "Hey, boy!" Finn interrupted Jake's angry shouts as he knelt down and patted on the poodle's head. The dog barked happily like it was relief to finally see someone else. "Do you know what happened here? Or to Marceline?" Finn asked the poodle whom was staring at Finn with an inquisitive look in his beady eyes. He seemed to understand what the hero boy was saying... Schwabl barked loudly at Finn before he suddenly ran away. "Schwabl?" Finn muttered, confused at the dog's sudden strange behavior. "Forget it, Finn... That dog is bonkers as heck!" Jake exclaimed angrily before he quickly picked himself up from the ground. The poodle continued to huskily bark at Finn without any apparent signs of stopping. Finn furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the poodle whom kept barking and barking loudly before he finally realized it... "...What? What is it, boy?" Finn immediately followed the dog as he went into the kitchen, which was surprisingly clear of any kinds of damage unlike the living room. The poodle led the hero boy towards the refrigerator before promptly pointing at the fridge's door with its black nose. There was a written note plastered on it... "Did you find something, boy?" Finn said as he carefully picked up the note from the fridge's door. "What did you find, bro?" Jake called out before he himself entered the kitchen. "I don't know, man... It's some kind of note written in blood... " Finn answered casually as he gleaned over the bright red letters. Blood written notes are kind of normal with Marceline... "Well, what does it say then?" Jake joined his brother's side before glancing at the note. "Okay... Listen to what it says..." Finn answered before he coughed to himself and read the note aloud...

To Finn and Jake or to whomever it may concerns,

I'm going to be gone from the house for a few days or so... I just got a lead for the witch that jerk-face Ash made a deal with for his stupid wand. I'm just going to go to her place and ask her very 'nicely' for what was rightfully mine. It shouldn't take a few days or so but I learned from the past that I have to write down where I'm going to go in case anything happens to me. The witch's place is at the back of this note but I think you guys won't probably even get the chance to read this note. Well... Whatever... Anyway, see you dweebs in a few days!

P.S. Don't kick down my door or sneak into my house again! You'll regret it later!


Finn promptly finished before quickly turning the page over revealing a very rough outline of the Land of Ooo. There was a large 'X' sign at the far bottom left of the page in the middle of nowhere and a random set of numbers at the top right of the page. "I think it's, what was it called again... Ah! Coordinates!" Finn exclaimed loudly as he waved the note around.. "Huh?" Jake muttered in confusion. "Jake! This will show where Marceline is exactly at!" "What's she doing all over in the Sea of Sure Death for?" Jake asked as he glanced over the rough map. "She said she was looking for a witch or some biz and she'll be back after a few days." "Well, that clearly did not happen." Jake retorted. "I think she's in trouble, man... And we need to save her..." Finn told his brother, a glimmer of worry and determination in his sky blue eyes. "But how are we going to go all the way down there, man? I can't exactly stretch my body that far... And the Sea of Sure Death is well known to bring Sure Death to anyone that dares to sail across it..." Finn seemed thoughtful for a while as he strokes his chin and quickly come up with a plan. He suddenly snapped his fingers as his eyes lit up with an idea, "It's simple, Jake! Remember PB's newest invention?" Finn smiled wryly as his plan was already coming together in his head. Jake raised his eyebrows in confusion, "The... The airship thing?" "Exactly! We're going to use the airship and fly all the way over there, kick the witch's butt and then save Marcy!" Finn explained bluntly to his brother, seemingly ecstatic about the whole thing. "So you're saying we start some kind of rescue squad and search for Marcy before kicking the evil witch's butt right into next month?" Jake muttered as he stroke his chin. "Well, I didn't think of the rescue squad part but... Yeah, man!" Finn shouted excitedly as he waved his skinny arms around the air. "Alright then, why are we still standing around here for?" Jake exclaimed excitedly, finally agreeing with his brother's plan. The sudden sound of a soft bark caught Finn's attention as he was jumping with excitement. He turned his head and saw Schwabl waggling its tongue and bushy tail, happy and relieved that his owner could finally return. Finn knelt down and patted on the poodle before whispering softly, "Thanks, boy... We couldn't have done it without you..." "Well Finn, do you know what time it is now?" Jake asked his brother as he was slowly standing back up, barely containing his own excitement too. Finn grinned at his brother as he outstretched his right arm into a fist. "I think I know what time you're talking about, bro!" Jake's fist quickly met his brother's before they both yelled excitedly in unison,

"It's Search and Rescue Time!"

Boy, were they going to be in the time of their lives...