I don't know why I like this pairing so much, but I really do. Enjoy.
You all know by now that the show's not mine!
She was scowling as she landed.
"They actually believed I was going to stay in that horrible school, with that utterly repulsive breather that tried to blackmail me."
"That's almost as unlikely as you coming here," Jonno pointed out, and Ingrid huffed.
"I can leave, if-"
"No. No, I didn't mean that. Sorry, me and my big mouth, I just… can't believe you're here. With me. I can't believe my luck."
"Hm. Better." But there was warmth in her voice now, the defensive tone of moments ago now forgotten. "But I am here."
"Lucky me," Jonno told her again, and dared to reach up to touch her cheek. Often, around Ingrid, he found himself slowing his movements, as if he was approaching a wild animal. She was a lioness - one threatening move and she would rip him apart. Instead, she covered his hand with her own, leaning into the touch.
"Vlad's going to go spare when he realises he doesn't know where you are," he pointed out gently, but Ingrid only shrugged.
"Yeah, like he did when I was in Stokely alone for all those years? He'll live."
"Are you sure you want to cut them off?"
"Look. You want to get away from the Slayers, right? Even your mum?"
"Not want, exactly. But I have to start over, and mum's set on staying here."
"Right. Well, it's the same with me and my family. They've got their own stuff going on, they won't even notice for ages."
"And that guy you were with?"
"Piers? Please. I wouldn't have touched him with a bargepole. He'll get over being abandoned."
"His loss is my gain." Jonno smiled hopefully. "If you'll still have me."
"Oh, I definitely intend to do that." She laughed at his mortified expression. "No hurry. No pressure. I don't think either one of us is used to this… dating stuff. Not any more."
Jonno leaned in and kissed her, then, lingering over the action until at last he had to break away and catch his breath.
"Will I do?"
"Hm." She frowned as if she had to think about it. "I suppose I can put up with that kind of behaviour." But then she smiled, and it looked to Jonno like dawn breaking after a long, cold night. "Come on. Let's get out of here."
"One new life, coming up." He held open his car door for her, and she slid into the passenger seat. It was time for a fresh start.