This story my brother suggested. So, don't read, unless you HATE Justin Beiber!
Camp Half-Blood was getting ready for war. Yes. War. With whom, you say? Why, only the most obnoxious person in the world! JB! Well, JB and his fans, which it surprises Nico and Percy that he has any.
Annabeth hates him, along with everybody at Camp...except the Aphrodite girls. They claim that they're related to him, so they HAVE to help him. Ugh! They should be helping Camp, not some guy who supposedly writes songs. Try writing them in Greek!
Nico, even though he shouldn't be one to judge, says he has such a high voice, that he thought he was a girl. Percy agrees with him. Here is how they feel: Nico thinks Beiber has NO talent what-so-ever, and thinks he should die. Because he THINKS he has talent. Percy feels that he is has NO athletic ability what-so-ever. And that he DOES deserve to die for thinking he does. Nico agrees with this, and would like to add that he is SO UGLY that he needs to go back to Canada, and die in a hole. Percy sends his regards to Nico, but also says that what Nico said was a tad bit too harsh and aggresive. Nico says that Percy was correct, although what Nico said was true. Nico would like to add that he should go get beaten up by some thugs, and then go get run over with a Ford F-150. And that he looks like a Beaver, rather then a midget Beiber. Percy agrees with both statements, although Nico is a little too young to talk about those things, even if Nico is a son of Hades. Percy would like to say that, after he gets run over by a truck, he should go sell himself to some undying fans to get rid of himself. And that he should then go drown himself, and then get eaten by a sea monster. A sea monster commanded to do so by Percy. Nico would like to say that he should like to have all those things happen to Beiber, and then he should go get digested by the sea monster, and then go to Tartarus. Because he deserves it. Percy says that we should cut this part out, so that the fans don't kill them.
This is how Justin feels about these two people. Justin says that they are just jealous of his fame and fortune. And of his beautiful voice. At this point, Nico would like to add that Justin Beiber sings just like Hannah Montana. Justin says he sounds NOTHING like Miss Montana, and that Nico is a stupid kid that shouldn't insult Justin. Nico says, fine. But he also says that Justin HAS to agree that Justin sings like Alvin and the Chipmucks trapped in a blender. Justin says that Nico is a rude little boy. Nico agrees with Justin, and says that Justin should read Nico's earlier conversation with Percy. Then he can judge. Justin says that Nico is such an awful individual because he said those things. Nico would like to say that all those statements were true. And that Beiber SHOULD go back to Canada. Also die in a hole. Justin Beiber says that Nico is 100% wrong. Nico would like to add that Nico is 109,567,980,315,568,257% correct. Justin says that isn't even an option. Nico says that it is. And that it beats Justin. Justin says that he HATES Mr. di Angelo, and that he is so aggresive, and violent, that Justin isn't surprised Nico is a son of Hades. Nico would like to remind Justin that Nico can set some skeletons after Justin Beiber, and that he can MAKE Justin die. Nico also says that Nico's middle name is awesome. Justin would like to say that this statement made my Nico is impossible. Nico would like to say that Justin should check Nico's birth certificate. Justin says that this birth cerificate is invalid in Canada. Nico would like to add that Nico was born in Washinton, D.C. Not Canada. And that Canadian hospitality has no appearance in Justin. Justin says that Nico is hostile. And that Nico is very weird. Nico would like to say that Nico is leaving now, and Percy is in his place. Justin says hopefully Percy is better than Nico. Percy says that Nico is awesome, and that there is no reason for Justin not to like Nico. Justin says there is. Percy says there isn't, and that Justin is a horrible person. And that Justin needs to get a life. Or a REAL job. Because Justin's job isn't realistic. Justin would like to say that Percy is as mean as Nico was. Percy says that that's the point. And Percy also says that Justin OBVIOUSLY isn't strong enough to be a demigod. Justin says he would like to see Percy die. Percy says not as much as he would like to see Justin die. Nico would like to add that neither of them would like to see Justin die as much as Nico would. Justin says that Nico is a *censored* and should stop trying to*censored* say things like that. Nico says that Justin has a potty mouth. Percy agrees. Justin says that he doesn't *censored* care, and that if he *censored* cared, he would *censored* say so. Nico says that he wishes that Justin didn't have to set such a bad example for children. Percy agrees with Nico. Justin says that well he's *censored* leaving. Nico says thank you. Because he doesn't wish to hear Justin speak like that. Percy agrees 100% with Nico. Nico says, no. Percy agrees 109,567,980,315,568,257% with Nico.
THAT is how the war started.
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1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapter 56. Chapter 6