Serena: Ok everybody! This is the last chapter! We enjoyed very much writing this and we wish to thank you for all your support.

Diana: Thank you everybody! It was a long way but we finally did it!

Lucy: Now remember that Serena doesn't own Fairy Tail. Enjoy the last chapter and enjoy my…

Diana and Serena (putting hand over her mouth) :Without spoilers! Thank you!

Chapter thirty-seven: Forever and always…

Tail stayed over night at Sitara's palace. They went to sleep but Lucy stayed a little more cause she had some paper work to do. "Kya! Who the hell send me these!? What should I do with them!?" she said and sighed. "Who would think that to be a queen is so hard…" she said and went back at sorting papers. Then she heard the door opening. "Luce?" It was Natsu. "Oh, hi Natsu! Can't sleep?" Lucy asked. He nodded. "I wondered what were you doing. So, what are all of these?" He said and looked over her shoulder. "Some paper work I have to do. To be queen is very hard." She said. "How did you find me? I don't remember showing you my room." She said then. "Of course I'll know where you are! I can find you very easy by your smell." He said and jumped on her bed. It was a white queen sized bed and it was very fluffy. "And how do I smell then?" she asked curious. "Like strawberry and vanilla!" he said like a little kid.

Lucy giggled and sat next to him. "Ne, Natsu… How did you remember me when everybody else couldn't?" she asked. He thought a little. "I really don't know!" he said and landed on her bed looking in the ceiling. Then he turned his face to her. "But I was very happy when I saw you again. I missed you, Luce." He said. She smiled and landed near him too. "I missed you too, Natsu. I have so many friends here but these weeks I couldn't see you hurt me. It pained me to wake up and to know you weren't near me. Natsu… I love you." She said and hold his hand in hers. Natsu smiled. "I love you too, Lucy. And I want to be near you forever. I don't want to let you go from me. I want to stay here and I want to protect you all my life." He said. "Natsu…" she said whit happiness tears in her eyes. Natsu touched her cheek. "Will you be my mate, Lucy?" he asked. She was felling very loved now. She too wanted to spend her life together with him. "Yes. I want to be your mate, Natsu. But will you be my king?" she asked. After all Sitara needed a king too not just a queen. He smiled. "Forever and always…" he said. "Forever and always…" she repeated. Both of them fell asleep soon after this. And both of them dreamed of the two of them together for all their life.


"Has anyone see Lu-tan?" Levy said. It was already 9 o'clock and either Lucy and Natsu weren't found. "We should check her room." Lisanna said. Then Erza asked a maid where her room was and soon they reached it's door. Nobody answered when Gray knocked so they just opened it. "Kya!" Mira squealed in joy when she saw Natsu and Lucy cuddling in her bed. "Lu-tan…" Levy said. "Flame-brain…" Gray said. Then a blue furred cat flew in Natsu's face screaming his name. That woke both of them and when they rubbed their eyes they saw the crown gathered in her room. Lucy and Natsu began to blush madly and the girls giggled at this. Wendy pulled the curtains and the light gathered the cream colored room. "You should have told us if you were dating!" Mira said and hugged Lucy. "Did something happened, Natsu!?" Erza shouted reequipping her Purgatory armor like a protective big sister. "Nothing! I swear!" Natsu shouted fanatically trying to avoid her hits. "Then it's ok. After all you have to wait until you're marring." Lisanna said. "But… we're gonna marry…" Lucy said while trying to pull herself from Mira's hug. Then in the room went a deep silent.

The girls began to squeal and they boys were murmuring things like 'How lucky did Natsh get!?'. Erza then went and greeted Lucy patting her shoulder. "She didn't do this with me…" Natsu whispered. "Thanks everybody…" Lucy said. "So? When did that happened!?" Levy asked. "Last night…" Lucy said. "And where is the ring? I can't wait to see it!" Lisanna said and took her hand but she didn't saw any rings. "Don't tell me…" she began. "He didn't buy you a ring!?" the girls screamed. "Quiet!" Erza shouted and everybody obeyed. "Why did he have to buy me a ring?" Lucy then asked. She didn't really know how the weeding things are. "It's a prove that he love you. Gray-sama will buy Juvia a ring too!" Juvia said and went daydream. "But I don't need a ring. He already loves me and I love him." Lucy said. "Kya!" Mira shouted again. "I don't care about rings and stuffs! Will you have drink at the weeding!?" Cana shouted. "Hehehe…" Lucy giggled nervously.


'I barely escaped them… Jeez… What's with the weeding stuff? I don't care about them… I just know I love Natsu. And I know he loves me too. And what's with the ring thing?' Lucy thought. She was now in a secret place of hers. It was in the bottom of the garden and it wasn't very accessible. But it was very beautiful. There was a fountain and some benches. It was very peaceful and the flowers around the place made you to feel very relaxed. It was her favorite place and from there you could see the stars night and the sun at dawn. That's because of some spells put on this place. She lay on a bench and watched the stars. All her spirits could come freely now without using power magic because of the field Lucy maintained on Sitar. However if they want to go in another world they will use their own magic or the magic of the summoner.

She almost fell asleep looking at these but then she smelt something which she loved. It was Natsu. Somehow he found this place and came after her. "So there you was!" He shouted and went near her. She smiled. "So you finally escaped them, hm?" she asked. "Yea…" he said rubbing his head. "How did you find this place?" she asked then. "Igneel told me about this. He said you love to come here and relax." "That old lizard. I should think at it. After all just he and Cosima know about this." Lucy said and pouted. Then she saw the confusion from Natsu's face. "Ah! Cosima is the universe dragon and the queen of the dragon realm. She's a very good friend of mine." Lucy said. "So? Why were you looking for me?" she asked remembering what he said. "Ah! Well… how should I… you know…" he began. She giggled. "Just say it!" She told him. He nodded and took a small box from his pocket. He eyes widened when he opened it.

"Lucy… would you… like to be… my wife…?" he said blushing. Lucy finally snapped out of it when he took her hand and put the ring on her finger. She looked at it and then she felt tears on her face. Natsu thought he did something wrong and began to panic. "Luce! Sorry! I shouldn't do this! I'm sorry!" He shouted not knowing what to do but then Lucy shook her head and looked at him smiling. "I'm so happy!" she said and hugged him. "So? This is an yes?" he asked playfully. She then kissed him and after a while she pulled away still smiling. "What do you think?" She asked him. He answered by another kiss and hugged her again. They were two lovers and now they were bounded for forever.

Two days later…

Every member of Fairy Tail and many others people were gathered at the palace. Today Queen Lucy will marry Natsu Dragneel. Everybody was happy for them. Members from Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, Mermaid Hill, Quatro Cerberus, Saberthooth (Yea, some came too when they remembered her), Edo-Fairy Tail, Crime Sorciere, Prince Jellal, Hisui and others royal persons from Earthland and many others people were gathered there waiting for the biggest day of Sitara. Wendy, Juvia, Levy, Erza, Mira and Lisanna were with Lucy helping her with the dress. She was wearing a white dress with flowers and the veil sparked. She had her hair free and the bouquet was of white and red roses. Then the door opened and revealed two girls. "Are you ready?" Asked Sherry. "Everybody is waiting!" Chelia said. Lucy smiled and stood up followed by the other girl.

The throne room was full of friends and the boys were all over Natsu. They were greeting him and were jokes about him. Gray and Natsu were almost to fight when the main door revealed. Natsu blushed when he saw his future wife coming to him. Chelia and Wendy were the flowers girl. Juvia and Levy were the bridesmaids. Gray and Gajeel were the best men and they stood near Natsu. Lucy was smiling and she was making her way to her future husband. She was very happy. But her happy grew when she saw her grandma along with an other blonde woman. He eyes widened when she saw her mother here. How did she-? Ok. She would ask them later. Now she have something else to do. Her Natsu was waiting for her and she will not make him wait too long.

She reached her place near Natsu and Master was the officiant. "We gathered today here to bless this couple to a bright future. May the stars hear them and may their life be full of joy. Lucy Heartfilia, Queen of Sitara, do you want to be together with Natsu Dragneel for how long you'll live and to help him at good and bad times?" Master asked her. "I do." She said smiling and determinate. "Good. Natsu Dragneel, Do you want to be together with Lucy Heartfilia for how long you'll live and help her at good and bad times? With this you'll become the first king of Sitara and you will take responsibility to take care of this kingdom and to help your people." Master asked him. "I do." He said smiling too. "Then I'll crown you as Quuen Lucy and King Natsu Dragneel of Sitara. You can kiss the bride now." He said and Lucy and Natsu kissed. Everybody cheered. "Now… Let's party!" Master said and everybody began to do this. Lucy and Natsu made the first dance and everybody joined too. Erza and Jellal, Levy and Gajeel, Happy and Charla, Gray and Juvia, Lisanna and Bickslow, Elfman and Evergreen, Mira and Freed and many others. Lucy was so happy that she almost forgot about her mother.

When she and Natsu took a break she went to Mavis and Layla. "Hello, Lucy." Layla said. "Is that… are you…" Lucy began. Layla nodded. "It is really me, sweetheart. I'm your mother." She said. "But… How?" she asked. Then her father came near Layla. "You see my dear Lucy. When you reorganized the universe Layla didn't have to die. We are in love and we care very much for you." He said. Lucy was speechless. "It is all your power, Lucy. You really did it this time. You saved everybody and you created a new universe. You should go now. Your husband probably try to make this place explode." Mavis said an pointed to Natsu who was fighting with Gray again. Lucy smiled and nodded and then she went to Natsu. "So? Shall we dance?" Lucy's father asked Layla. "It would be my pleasure." Layla said and both of them went to dance.

The years passed and the things changes. Juvia and Gray married too. The same goes for Levy and Gajeel, Mira and Freed, Elfman and Evergreen, Lisanna and Bickslow, Erza and Jellal and Charla and Happy. Wendy and Romeo are dating and Lucy is pregnant. The months passed and Lucy finally gave birth to a lovely daughter. While Lucy was resting Natsu was playing with his cute little princess. "Let's hope she takes the brain from Lucy." Gray said and many others nodded. "That's mean! And look! She have my hair!" Natsu said and showed the little girl with her eyes opened to everybody. "Wow! She looks exactly like Lucy!" Lisanna said. "That's right. The same eyes, the same face…" Erza began and the little girl laughed. "The same laugh…" Everybody said together.

The girl was named Nashi and she was the joy of the kingdom. Still she didn't show any powers she was playing with everybody. Now she had seven years and she really had Lucy's smart while on the other hand she behaves exactly like Natsu. "Nashi! Let's go to take dinner!" Erza shouted at her. "Coming! Aunt Erza!" The little girl said and run to Erza. Natsu came behind Lucy who was looking at her girl in the garden. "Like what you see?" Natsu asked. "We are exactly like a family." She said. "We are A family. Forever and always…" Natsu said and kissed her. "Forever and always…" she said again.

Serena: So? Did you like this!?

Juvia: Gray-sama and Juvia are married! Dreams really becomes true!

Gray: It's just her plot… This hasn't really happened, you know?

Lucy: Anyway! We hope you liked it! And if you do we hope you're going to vote for us too at the competition held by OoomputerFreakoO! We are waiting for your support from now on too! Thank you!