It's been long time since I wrote anything on fanfiction, having moved to Wattpad. I must apologise to everyone who read my works here, since when I did write them, I was no more than 13. Thus, I have decided now to rewrite them. I don't know how much time will this take, but if I can't write anything until my muses return, I can at least fix the stories and turn them into beautiful chronicles.

Thank you, everyone who has supported me and will support me from now on too.

My dream of becoming a writer is always fuelled when I am reading your reviews so once again, thank you!

Now, let's go back in time. Let's go back to the time when this story was glorious and let's rewrite it so it will bloom brighter than ever in the future. If you're reading this for the first time, know that this will be a polished gem, unlike the gem I first wrote…

Dark clouds were above Fiore, bringing fear to the magic-less citizens. Everybody felt the darkness of the sky, as if a hurricane was about to commence in their dear city of flowers. They couldn't have been more right…

Having accepted the job of searching the cause of this never ending darkness and destroy it, restoring the sun on their sky, the most powerful and yet the most hard to control team of Fairy Tail had begun their journey into the outskirts of the city, venturing even into the forest.

Team Natsu—that's how they were called. Natsu, Gray, Erza and the flying cat, Happy—these were the members of this team.

"Will we ever find anything at all!?" Natsu, the pink haired of the group shouted, his patience running out. It's been two days since they left the guild to investigate and till now, nothing seemed to point to the origin of the dark cloud that even the wind couldn't blow away.

"There's nothing we can do but continue searching. Don't complain now, Natsu," Erza said, but even she couldn't bear with simply searching nothing inside the dark forest that looked ever creepier now that the sun couldn't bless it with its rays. Her red hair looked even darker now and her armor didn't shine anymore.

"I hate saying this but Natsu is right. We can't just go around hoping something will fall from the sky. Let's just return to the guild," Gray added, frowning and messing his hair in frustration.

"You should first put some clothes on, Gray," Happy chuckled, seeing the man naked once more, as this was his habit.

"Ahh! When did this happen!?" The boy shouted and hurried to search for his missing shirt and pants. He didn't strip because he wanted to. He did this unconsciously and this was the most frustrating thing.

"You're right. Maybe we should just return and tell the Master that we couldn't find anything," Erza sighed, unpleased by this conclusion, but she knew she had no choice.

"Wait!" Natsu suddenly shouted, stopping everyone before they could make another step on the road back to the guild. They all looked at Natsu and were surprised to see him with a serious and yet suspicious look, observing everything around him. The boy was stiffing around, clearly having picked a certain scent with his ability. Having been raised by a dragon, he himself had these special sensorial organs, his body changing in order to adjust to his power.

"What is it, Natsu?" Erza asked, noticing that he didn't say anything.

"That way," he said, pointing to the south. Truly, the darkness there seemed to be even denser. "Something weird suddenly appeared that way…"

And as if following his words, thunder echoed into the sky while lighting randomly fell, setting trees on fire.

"It that thing you picked up the source, Natsu!?" Gray shouted while freezing the burning trees, stopping the fire from extending.

"I don't know!"

"There's only one way of finding out then," Erza declared and all of them nodded, running into the darkness.

Ghostly whispers filled the forest and all the birds that had their homes there flew away, terrified. The temperature dropped the deeper they ventured. They were prepared for anything, having their guard on. A shriek echoed between the trees, reaching their ears. A bright light alike lighting exploded and immediately, returning to the sky, dark smoke clouds flew, running away from the light. Some came the warriors' way, startling them as they couldn't even touch the black mist.

And then, silence filled the forest…

They immediately sprinted, passing through thorny bushes, stepping in muddy puddles. They ran until they came into an opening. And there, lying on withered grass, a girl surrounded by long blond hair alike an halo was found. She looked like an angel fallen from the sky, and as if proving such a statement, the mark of two wide wings burned the grass, starting from her back.

Her body was full of scars and open wounds. Her clothes were tattered and barely covered her body. And as they approached her, they could see that she was frowning, her lips twisting in pain.

"She's alive, isn't she?" Happy asked.

"Yes, she's alive. But she is gravely hurt. Just what happened with her…" Erza wondered, having taken the girl's pulse.

"Let's take her to the guild," Gray said and picked the girl in his arms.

"What about our mission?" Natsu growled a little, unhappy that this was all they found.

"She may know more about it, Natsu. It's a good idea to take her back to the guild, treat her wounds and wait for her to wake up. It's strange enough that we found her here, not to mention that all these creatures vanished. My guess is that she did something," Erza explained.

"Hmm, fine," Natsu finally agreed, looking at the girl. Then, something fell from what seemed to be her pocket. He kneeled down and picked the object. "Are these keys?" He mused, examining the key ring that carried more than ten golden and silver keys.

"There are a lot of keys…" Happy added too.

"Hurry up, Natsu, Happy!" Erza shouted to them, she and Gray having already departed with the sleeping beauty.

Everybody was surprised to see the golden haired girl in Gray's arms when the party returned to the guilt. But nevertheless, Wendy immediately begun tending to her wounds, healing them in the library. The sleeping girl finally seemed to be at peace, no longer feeling the pain from the open wounds.

"I wonder what happened to cause her so many wounds. Her skin was even burned in some places…" Wendy murmured once she knew there was nothing else she could do to her. Now, she and her white cat sat down on the chairs of the infirmary, watching over the girl's state.

"I don't know about that. But I cannot shake of the feeling that there is something really strange and dangerous about her…" Charla frowned, getting unpleasant vibes from the girl.

"What do you mean, Charla?"

"There is just something dark about her… I can't exactly tell what it is but… It would be best if we didn't associate with her, Wendy," Charla looked at her partner with determination, trying to make her beware of her warning.

They would have probably talked further if not for the groans of the girl, signalising that she was waking up. She raised from her lying position, frowning as she gasped. She caught her head with both of her frail hands, feeling a painful headache.

"Are you alright? Don't strain yourself too much," Wendy hurriedly said, jumping from her chair and coming closer to the bed. The blonde teenager girl only now seemed to notice that she wasn't alone in the room. She opened her chocolate brown eyes and stared at the blue haired girl, then at the walking cat and then started to look around the room.

Currently, she was trying to process everything that happened to her and where she was, but she couldn't piece everything together. Ultimately, she decided to ask the girl in front of her.

"What is this place and who are you?" She asked with a harsher tone than she initially wanted, startling the girl a little. Obviously, she was used with talking with authority.

"This is Fairy Tail's infirmary, miss. My name is Wendy Marvell. This is Charla. What is your name?"

The girl stared emotionlessly at her, thinking if she should present herself or not.

"Lucy," she finally said after a pause, throwing the blanket she was covered with away. She didn't have to say her full name after all."What am I doing here then?" She asked as she stood up, trying to maintain her balance for a few seconds before she started to take a few steps, looking around, examining the room.

"One of our teams found you in the forest and brought you back here. You were injured and I tended to your wounds. That's why you should take it easy for a while."

"I see, thank you. Do you know where my keys are?" Lucy asked with a bored tone, finally seeing that her keys were missing from her belt. In fact, she noticed her sad attire, her black robe tied around her waist with a belt being loose and tattered.

"Ah yes. Natsu did pick up a set of rings. There you go," Wendy said, having taken something from a drawer and handed the powerful objects to the girl. She seemed to relax once she touched them, a small smile appearing on her face. "Also, Mira-san brought you a change of clothes. I'll let you change. Just come out whenever you are ready, Lucy-san," the small girl added and then ran from the room with a smile on her face, accompanied by Charla, who watched the girl with suspicious eyes.

"Is this meant to be a joke?" Lucy eyes the short skirt and sleeveless shirt found on another bed. "Is this what humans are wearing nowadays? How… shameful…" She murmured, but a grin grew on her face as she did.

With this, I could easily disguise myself as a human. Nobody would expect me to wear something like this anyway.

She looked at the mirror on the wall, analysing her own traits. Grinning once more, she picked up the pair of scissors and cut into her long hair until it reached her shoulders. She then changed into the clothes given to her, throwing her old ones into the trash bin, together with the long locks of hair that adorned the floor. Twirling around in front of the mirror, she felt something missing from this attire of hers.

"I should look more childish, shouldn't I?" She murmured to herself and found a blue ribbon to tie a lock of her hair. But even this wasn't enough. Sighing, she looked at the mirror and as if putting on a mask, she widely smiled, as if she was truly enjoying herself.

"No more formal speech either then. Let's see. Name's Lucy Heartfilia. I'm a celestial mage. I don't remember anything else. That should cover it," she nodded to herself, just like a little child would. Taking on this persona would assure herself some more time to recover her weak powers, she thought.

Besides, I hear humans are such weak creatures that they would help anyone cute and even more than so, anyone having a body like mine. It shouldn't be too hard to make these humans protect me for a while until I regain my powers.

She opened the door to the guild hall, receiving everyone's stares. She faked a blush, trying to seem much frailer than she was.

"I am glad you are awake, finally," a single girl stood up, smiling and making her way towards the girl, extending her hand. "I am Erza Scarlet. I am one of these that found and brought you here."

"Oh, I see! Thank you for that!" Lucy smiled brightly and shook the red haired's hand. "I am Lucy Heartfilia. Nice to meet you!"

She then turned to everyone and smiled to them.

"Thank you very much for saving me! I hope I won't be a bother to you…"

Instantly, most members dropped their guard, charmed by this beautiful and cheerful girl, captivated by her innocence.

"Hey there. I see that the clothes fit you. I'm glad. Do you want a drink?" A beautiful white haired girl came carrying a tray, smiling alike Lucy. For a moment, however, Lucia's eyes darkened, sensing the power of these two girls in front of her. They were alike her in a manner, mostly the white haired.

"You must be Mira, right? Thanks for the clothes," the blonde said, quickly reclaiming her cheerful persona.

"Don't mention it," Mira giggled and handed her a lemonade for which she thanked, feeling the need of drinking something.

"These are Gray, Natsu and Happy. Natsu found you while Gray was the one to carry you all the way here," Erza said, bringing her to the table where the other three sat.

"I-I see… I hope I wasn't too heavy…" She blushed again, trying to seem as innocent as she could.

"Well, now that you mention it…" Gray smirked, obviously teasing her. However, she didn't pick up his sarcasm and for a moment, she wished to kill him for these insolent words. But she couldn't… That would give her away.

"Are you a mage? Are you strong?" Natsu asked, not even trying to present himself. These were the only questions he was interested in.

"Ah, yes… I am a mage. But I wouldn't say that I am strong…"

Of course I am, you insolent human.

"What magic do you use, Lucy-chan? Ah, is it ok if I call you as such? I'm Levy by the way." Another blue haired girl came to present herself to the new girl, curious about her.

"Yes, it is ok," Lucy smiled while she nodded.

It's Lucy-sama for all of you tiny ants.

Truly, the contrast between her true thoughts and her adopted persona was too great. One would wonder she could even play this act, given how she was in reality.

"I am a celestial mage. I believe you have seen my keys already."

"Eight golden keys, was it? That's really impressive at such a young age…"

"Ah, this is Master Makarov," Erza said, hearing his voice as he approached them. Lucy smiled to him, not even bothering to stand up. Normally, one would bow in the presence of a guild's Master, but that was too much of a humiliation to her, no matter how polite her persona was to be.

"A pleasure to meet you, Master."

"What were you doing in the forest, child? Also, what happened to you?"

"Honestly, that's what I also want to know. I… I can't remember much," she said, feeling ashamed in front of everyone who demanded an answer from her.

"You have amnesia!?" Wendy asked surprised, not expecting this while she examined her.

"I… I guess?"

"That makes things much harder than they should… And here I was hoping you would know something about the darkness around the city, since you were somewhere around its source," Erza sighed.

"Wait. Does that mean that you also don't know where are you from?" Gray asked, surprising everyone.

"Ah, yes… That's right. What should I do?" Lucy seemed troubled.

"It's not that much of a problem. You should just join the guild," Natsu said, smirking to her. Something about her fascinated him, but she wasn't able to point what exactly.

"Yeah, why not? You could stay at Fairy Hills," Cana, the girl that hugged a barrel of beer said, liking the idea of a new face around.

"Fairy Hills?" Lucy looked confused, having no idea what that was.

"The girls' dormitory of our guild," Erza explained.

"Oh, that seems fun."

"Join us then! You'll see that everything is fun around here," Natsu grinned, making her join him in his merry.

"Alright then. If it's alright with you all…" She nodded her head sheepishly, accepting their offer. Mirajana immediately came with the guild stamp.

"So? Where do you want it and in what colour?"

"Then, on my right hand? Ah, in pink please…" She gulped, not believing that she thought of this sole colour she hated to mark this human persona. But if the real her hated pink, the fake her would love it, so she thought.

"Here you go, Lucy! Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Mira stamped her hand, and with this, Lucy Heartfilia was officially born in this world.

Everybody raised a glass to cheer and party for the new addition of the guild, forgetting the sorrow they felt with the missing sun.

Well, I should close the Gates now…

And thus, even the sun returned on the sky of Fiore, making the whole city celebrate this day.

This was the day that changed everything in this girl's life…

This was the first day of her life…