A/N: I am so sorry

The ride to Julietta's house was uncomfortable to say the least. Jane was fuming, and Barry was sitting there trying to think what to say to her. Jane was staring straight ahead, trying to get those words that Maura had said to her out of her mind. Why did she say that? Why is she so interested in that girl? A criminal? She tightened her grip on the steering wheel, as she took her foot off the accelerator, too slow down. She pulled over to the curb in front of Smith's building, and shut down the engine. She breathed in and out slowly, trying to calm herself down before she actually did something she would regret.

"You want me to take the lead, Rizzoli?" Barry asked, snapping Jane's attention from her own. She turned her head and looked at her partner.

"I'm fine," She grumbled, taking the keys out of the ignition. She opened the door and got out of the car, shutting the door behind her with a thud. She took another deep breath and took her badge from her holster. She walked straight past the doorman, whom was trying to object.

"Detectives Frost and Rizzoli, Homicide Unit," She heard Barry telling the man, as she made her way through the door.

Jane flew up the stairs as she took two at a time to get to Julietta's door. She reached it in no time, only holding her fist up to the door for a few seconds before banging on it.

"Julietta Smith open up!" She barked, as she continued to bang her fist. Her inner-voice was telling her that she needed to calm down, to be professional. She had no actual reason to be angry - she was just jealous of this woman. The door flew open, and Julietta stood in front of Jane with a snarl.

"What do you want now? I told you I didn-," She started, but Jane cut her off, by pulling her handcuffs out of her back pocket. Julietta's snarl turned in to shock, as she stepped forward. There was no use trying to fight Jane as she could tell by the look on her face, that if she did something to resist, Jane would make this a lot worse for her.

"I didn't do it," Julietta tried once more, but this time a lot softer, as if she was in complete shock.

"Julietta Smith, you are under arrest for the murder of Marc Austin. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law," Jane paused only to tighten the handcuffs around Julietta's wrists.

"You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?" Jane finished, unaware that she had continued to tighten the cuffs, even as Julietta was strugglingly against her.

"You're hurting me," Julietta winced, causing Jane to look down to see drops of blood dripping from her wrist.

"Shit," Jane swore, loosening the grip on the cuffs, enough so they weren't pressed against the woman's skin. She looked back at Frost, and gestured for him to take hold of their suspect, so she didn't do anything else.

"I swear I didn't do this Detective, I was with Ashley. Have you spoken to her? Have you asked her? We came back here after the club, her fingerprints will be in my bedroom, she was here, I wasn't lying-I didn't do this," Julietta pleaded, even though she knew it was a lost cause.

"You have the right to remain silent - I suggest you practice this right and shut up," Jane snapped, motioning to her partner to take her away. He did just this, and headed towards the stairs with Julietta in tow. Jane sighed as she turned to shut the woman's door. Julietta looked generally surprised that she had been arrested - even her demeanour was completely different from what Jane had seen this morning. But yet, all the evidence pointed to Julietta. Didn't it? Jane rubbed her temple as she began to walk towards the stairs herself. She descended down them as she watched Frost and Smith turn the corner.

When Jane and Frost got back to the precinct, Jane went straight into the bathroom. She made sure there was no one in the cubicles before she stood in front of the sinks and in looked into the mirror.

"What the hell, Rizzoli! Get it together," She said aloud to herself. She turned on the tap and splashed some water onto her face. She let out a large sigh, as she walked over to the paper towels.

Meanwhile, Maura had gotten wind of the fact that Jane was back with Julietta, so she went upstairs into the precinct just in time to see Jane push open the bathroom door. She was about to follow her, until she saw Frost and Julietta walk past her. She looked down to her handcuffed wrists, and gasped loudly when she saw the cuts they had made. Her eyes widened and she looked at Frost, who had paused to see react to Maura's gasp.

"Jane?" She asked quietly, looking up from Julietta's wrists to Frost again. He nodded, then shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he no idea what was up with his partner. Maura looked towards the bathroom door, then back to Julietta, and then to Frost again.

"I'll go get the first aid kit," She told him, which he nodded in return and continued into the elevator to take Julietta up to the interrogation room.

All this time, Julietta had been silent, looking down to the ground, thinking about every bad thing she had done. It was ironic that the one thing she didn't do was the one that could mean the most prison time. She couldn't believe that, that man was about to ruin her life again.

Maura hurried back downstairs into her office, and got her first aid kit out from her drawer. She quickly made her way back up to the precinct and into the interrogation room, to see Julietta handcuffed to the table again. She poked her head out the door, and looked at the officer who was assigned to guard her.

"Officer Stanley, do you mind uncuffing Miss Smith? I need to tend to her wounds," Maura asked the man, who nodded in return and walked into the room. He uncuffed Julietta, and then returned to his post outside the door.

"Thank you," Julietta said quietly, as she rubbed her wrists slightly. Maura said nothing as she walked over the table, grabbing the chair opposite Julietta has she did so. She said down next to her, and put the kit on the table and gently took Julietta's hand into her own to examine the cuts.

"What happened?" She questioned, getting a small wipe from the kit, and gently tried removing the died blood from Julietta's wrists.

"She just over tightened… I don't think she likes me much," Julietta responded with a small laugh, trying not to wince in pain, as the wipe touched her cuts. Maura frowned, as she continued to make the area clean. She put the wipe down and got a small dressing for each arm to put over the cuts to stop the fresh blood from oozing more. She started wrapping a gauze around one of the wrists before she looked back up at Julietta again.

"I'm not sure what's going on in her mind right now, but I assure you, she is not normally like this," Maura told her quietly.

"I think she's confused right now - I'm sure you haven't gotten past the fact that you both have similar…attributes," Maura questioned, putting a small clip on the end of the gauze to stop it from unwrapping. She grabbed a second gauze and started on the next wrist, gently beginning to wrap it around her.

"I haven't stopped thinking about it all day," Julietta stated. She had never thought about looking for her original birth family when she turned eighteen - she had a hatred for them ever since the moment Marc started touching her. She blamed them for putting her into the system. She blamed them for leaving her when she was born. She blamed them for every thing she did growing up, because she had no choice but to fend for herself at times. But ever since she laid eyes on Jane, she couldn't help but wonder if they were related. Maura was putting it bluntly when she said they had similar attributes. They had the same colour eyes, the same colour hair, the same little dent in the middle of their chin. They had to be related right? The way that woman reacted when she saw her in the cafe, that had been the second weirdest thing for Julietta for the day. She too, had mistaken Julietta as Jane, and the woman looked like she had seen a ghost when she laid eyes on her.

"Thank you," Julietta smiled as Maura finished wrapping her second wrist. She looked at the woman opposite her, and smiled again as she looked into her eyes. No one had treated Julietta with this much kindness before, it was new to her. She looked at Maura, and saw more than just lust towards her, which was normally the only feeling that Julietta had for most women. She looked at Maura and saw an angel, someone who had come to rescue her in one way or another.

Maura blushed when she realised that Julietta was looking at her in a way that men usually do - with admiration. She looked away from Julietta, and played with her hands, something she hardly ever done, considering she usually knew what to do in these situations. However, this time she did not.

"I need a lawyer," Julietta stated, clearing her throat to change the subject. She was aware that she was making Maura uncomfortable, and that was something she didn't want to do.

"I need one of those court appointed ones…," She added, embarrassment creeping into her voice.

"But not a homophobic one - I've had one of those, and I ended up in jail for two years. Considering that I was with a woman last night, I don't want anyone to judge me," Julietta told Maura, leaning back on the chair slightly.

Maura looked up from her hands, and smiled at Julietta, excited about the fact that she could actually help her.

"I know a female firearms instructor whose wife is a Lawyer. Her name is Abbey Hermann. I will call her for you," Maura declared, about to stand up, but was stopped when she felt Julietta's lips on her cheek.

"Thank you," Julietta murmured, her hand moving forward to take on of Maura's hand.

The door flew open in that moment, and an angered Jane moved quickly towards Julietta, and before anyone knew it, she had grabbed hold of Julietta's shirt and forced her towards the back wall with a thud.

"You keep your filthy hands off her, you disgust-," Jane started but was interrupted when Maura put her hand on her back.

"Jane! Stop it! Let her go," Maura pleaded, tugging at the back of Jane's shirt. Julietta had he head turned away from Jane, as if she was expecting a punch to the face. Jane, still holding Julietta's shirt very tightly, turned her own head and looked at Maura. Her face was angry, but at the same time, Maura could see that she was hurting.

"She didn't do anything wrong, she was just thanking me," Maura stated, trying to calm Jane down. She looked at her with pleading eyes, which made Jane loosen her grip slightly.

"It's all right Doc, I get this all the time from Ladies' Misters. She's jealous," Julietta indicated, a slight sneer in her voice. If this was anyone else, she would have defended herself with her own fists - but Jane was a detective. She didn't want to be charged with assault on a police officer, as well as a bogus murder charge.

Jane turned, glaring back to Julietta, her grip tightening once more. Her other hand turned into a fist, and was about to raise it when the door flew open once more.

"RIZZOLI!," Lieutenant Cavanaugh barked, causing Jane to finally release her grip on Julietta.

"Take a walk Rizzoli," he ordered, his voice reeling in authority. He was not a happy man. He had heard about the cuts on the suspects wrist, and was coming down to tell Jane that she was off the case, only to see her about to assault the woman.

"Take a walk," He repeated. "Before I suspend you for misconduct," he warned.

Jane growled slightly before letting go of Julietta's shirt. She shoved her back away from Maura's touch, and walked past them all, punching the door on the way past. She had to get her anger out, someway or another, and that was the only thing she could think of doing, that wasn't a person. She had been watching Maura and Julietta from the moment Maura had finished attending to her cuts. She was going to go in and start interrogating Julietta again, but she was curious to see what the interactions between the two were going to be. She didn't know why her heart was feeling like it was getting dragged down into her stomach, but when she saw Julietta kissing Maura's cheek, she had seen enough. Anger had taken over and her sub-conscience that was telling her to let it go was silenced.

Maura looked from Jane, to Cavanaugh, to Julietta then back to Jane again. She was so shocked by the situation that she didn't really know what to do. Julietta had pulled her crumbled shirt down, and sat down at the table again. She looked at Maura, watching her as she watched Jane walk out the room.

"Good to know I'm not the only one with issues," She muttered under breath. Maura heard her however, and looked back at Julietta.

"I'm so sorry, like I said before, she's not normally like this… I don't know what's gotten into her," She told her matter-of-factly. Julietta merely shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't worry about it. Like I said, she's jealous," She replied. Maura bit her lip slightly, and turned to walk out after Jane.

"Tell Rizzoli I want to see her in my office, after she's calmed herself down," Cavanaugh said, knowing that Maura was going to see her. She just nodded, gave a small smile to Julietta, then hurried out of the door to catch up to Jane.