Ai: Hey Guys! I'm here with my first COMPLETED story. :3

IV: Wanna tell us what it's about?

Ai: No...Not giving out any spoilers. Besides, it's short. It's actually the answer from one of my roleplays, since I roleplay as none other than...


Ai: I'm making you sooooo OOC right now. But yeah, for this to make sense, I had an anon on Tumblr ask my IV what happened to his mother. Enjoy guys!

That question hit IV like a ton of bricks. What ever happened to his mother? A horrible fate, that's what. IV was two years old, and he still remembers is, clear as day.

A younger IV was holding his new baby brother. He was so happy, he didn't think anything could ruin it that day. He couldn't be more wrong….A while after, he noticed the absence of his mother.

"Tou-san, where's Kaa-chan?"

His father bowed his head. This confused the young boy. Again, he asked, "Where's Kaa-chan?" The silence continued. IV wasn't sure why both his father and older brother couldn't answer his question. He just wanted to know where his mother was. He had something to say to her.

Finally, Chris spoke up. "Kaa-chan….is in a better place, now. We won't be seeing her for a while." This statement had dampened IV's day, but he didn't know the true meaning behind it. That day was very enjoyable, but only if he knew what had really happened.

IV had held onto that message. He waited for his mother to return home every day for the next few years, but she never did. Years later, he finally realized what had happened when he saw his father and brother visiting a cemetery while he was outside at the park with III. The horrible truth had hit him like a ton of bricks, but he refused to cry.

A day came when IV was nearing his rebellious age, and he snuck off to the cemetery his mother was buried in. The rain poured on him, but he didn't care. He drew a heart in the mud with his finger, tears beginning to pour out of his eyes. He took out a small pocket knife and carved something into her tomb-stone.

The next day, people were all wondering about a message that was carved onto a tombstone in the cemetery. The message had said: Thank you for being my mother, and giving life to my baby brother.

The present-day IV was holding his tears in, but with difficulty. This was one of his worst memories, and he had hoped that he would never be reminded of it again. Again, he was wrong. Taking a deep breath, he repeated something that was told to him years before.

"Kaa-chan….is in a better place, now."

She truly was in a better place than she was living. No place was better than IV's heart.