A/N: This is my ultra new Gallagher Girls story! No not the one from before but a new one. This one is not anyway connected to that story.


Me-I own Zach!

Zach-No she doesn't!

Me-Are you sure?


Me-Then I don't own Zach or any other of the Blackthorne boys that are mentioned in Ally's books, or any Gallagher girls! I wish I did though it'll be so awesome to create stories with them.

Zach-Sort of like you're doing now?

Me-No. Oh wait, yeah I guess.

Chapter 1: Prologue

Cammie's POV

It was basically going to be a normal day for us Gallagher girls, so I thought, so when I walked into the dining hall nothing was out of place and everything seemed alright so I didn't expect anything out of the ordinary. Before I get too ahead of myself let me introduce us. Macey McHenry is the daughter of the McHenry's; she got expelled from about five different schools and is the fashionista of our group. Macey came so late that she ended up playing catch up with our help. Bex's real name is Rebecca Baxter but if anyone called her that they'll be in the infirmary for weeks or even months maybe. She's the first non-American Gallagher girl and her parents work for MI6. Then there's Liz her name is Elizabeth Sutton. She's a super smart southern girl; she's as skinny as a toothpick and is on the research and development track. Her parents aren't agents but are dentists in her home state Alabama. Then there's me, Cameron Ann Morgan but everyone calls me Cammie or Cam. I'm on the Covert Operations (Cove-Ops) track and my codename is Chameleon. I blend into every setting when I want to and it's almost impossible to find me when I don't want to be found. We're all in our junior year and 17. My parents are CIA legends. Rachel Morgan-my mother-who is now Head Mistress, retired from the CIA when I was born. Matthew Morgan-my father-went MIA when I was 10, all that was found was his arm in a box coming from the Head CIA agent.

When Bex came and walked beside me, we were just walking into the dining hall. We took our seats beside Liz and Macey at our regular table with Tina-the school's gossip queen-at the end with Catherina, Dina and Tilah. We grabbed some food from the breakfast line with our 5 star chef's eggs and potatoes. I grabbed some orange too since I didn't have P&E right after breakfast today. Just then my mother walked down the aisle between the tables and stood at the podium with Joe Soloman-our CoveOps teacher-following close behind her. She cleared her throat to get everybody's attention and once all heads were turned her way she made her announcements.

"First, I would like say welcome to all of our freshmen and welcome back to all our returning students. Now, this year will be different from last for the juniors and seniors. You will not be here this school year; instead you will be part of an exchange between Gallagher and an all-boys school called Blackthorne. Blackthorne's cover is a school for juvenile delinquents." Then Bex raised her hand.

"So where do we come into this cover?" Bex asked the question that must've been on everybody's mind.

"We're going to be juvenile delinquent girls and we're possible going to make it a unisex delinquent school." This time I raised my hand.

"And we're going for what reason?"

"This is going to be a test trial and we're the test subjects." Bex, Liz, Macey and me shared a look and in that look we saw the same thing in our eyes. Excitement. "You'll need to be packed by 12 o'clock. It'll be a two-hour ride and school starts at 8 o'clock there. When you get there you'll get your schedule, books, uniforms, and anything else you'll need. They'll be testing you to see what level you're on and they take a special class there that you are NOT by any circumstances allowed to tell anyone who isn't in the program. Macey McHenry you'll be able to go as long as you keep up with your studies." Then she sat down and started eating. Bex turned around and we all started discussing outfits and what to bring.

"I think we should take our comms unit," Bex said, of course that's her first priority. Then Macey spoke.

"I'm going to pack our clothes. I'm taking the skirts, tank tops, sandals and shorts for when it's warm. I'll pack ¾ quarter sleeve shirts, jeans, and boots in case it's cold." Then Liz said something we all expected her to say.

"What books should I bring? What are they going to test us on?" Bex turned to face her and calmly spoke.

"Liz, chill out. They'll tell us if its something they think we need to know or don't already know."

"You're right Bex."

"Of course I am." Bex had so much confidence, Liz was so shy, Macey was extroverted and I'm introverted not a lot though. Together we all balance each other out perfectly.

"You guys we should go back to our dorms and pack and sleep."

"I agree with Cam, right Bex and Liz?" Both Bex and Liz nodded their heads at the same time.


Macey packed our clothes. Bex and me packed weapons and gadgets while Liz packed books. When we finished it was 7 o'clock and we had yet to get any sleep. I was just about to lie down and get some sleep; Bex called my name and said "Cam we got a message!"

"What does it say?"

"Come look at it!" I walked to the door and looked at the letter she was holding.

Dress in casual clothing. Meet at the front gates in 10 minutes. Every minute late is a lap around the school.


"Well what are we waiting for? Get dress and let's go!" It seems like the clothes we were supposed to wear tomorrow came in handy today. We made it to the front gates with 2 minutes and 17 seconds to spare, I don't care if we're early because I don't have to run laps around a building I never seen before. But I do want to know where we're going. "Where is everybody else at?" I turned to Macey when I asked this to see if she had an answer.

"Maybe still getting dress, I don't think they understand the concept of 10 minutes." I laughed because even though we were spies-in-training we were still girls and that made all the difference. Just then Soloman walked up and announced how many laps everybody had to do.

"Tina Bishop five laps, Niketa Hiles three laps, Jamina Gilers six laps," and he went on with the list for five whole minutes. Then he turned to Bex, Liz, Macey and me, "You girls get to chooses your tailee for being early," he turned to everyone else. "Being early could save you or your partner's life and in this business time means the difference between life and death. You'll learn that lesson today. Get in the van, grab a comms unit and look over the files on your seat. Bex, Liz, Macey and Cammie go choose your tailee."

Once we got in the van we looked through the files until we found the ones we thought would be the most challenging ones, except Liz she chose somebody on the R&D team. My file was on somebody named Zach Goode.

Name: Zachary D. Goode

Age: 17

Year: 11

Classes: Weaponry, Espionage, Countries of the World (COW), History of Espionage, History of Weapons, Swahili (Language currently taking)

Dorm Mates: Jonas Anderson, Grant Newman, and David Colates

Parents: Catherine and Charles Goode

Siblings: None

Codename: Shadow

He looks pretty easy but I know to never judge a book by its cover and I'm glad I didn't.