CC101: Okay, I promise I'm not dead nor is this story. This is a small update but I hope that you'll take it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.

Chapter 29: Queen England

The Queen contemplated this before purring out. "A-alright. I want this, but I need you to want this as well." He leaned over his lover, a small smile on his face. "Do you want me to fuck you?"

The King smiled. He almost laughed at the nearly innocent look that his Queen gave to him. Only the very impatient heat between his legs kept him from giving any retort. "I have my legs spread and my cock is at attention. How much more proof do you need?"

England raised an eyebrow, and with a smirk, he grabbed the erect member belonging to his King and started to stroke. "I don't know, America. Perhaps you should show me?" He was careful to make sure his grin was light.

The younger male groaned, his toes curling at his Queen's actions. He bucked into the touch, slightly panting already. "Please?!"

"Please whot, dear?" England asked teasingly as he blew lightly on the hot erection. "You're not being specific."

"Ah! More!"

"Darling, I'm confused." Faking innocence, England sped up his hand. "I don't know whot you want.

America moaned loudly. He could barely think much less speak with how England was doing that! "I-I wan-" He bucked his hips harder.

"Want whot?" The Queen removed his hand to grab something on the nightstand nearby. Grabbing the vial of oil, England quickly coated a few of his fingers before facing his lover again.

"You!" Giving his Englishman a steaming passionate look, America spread his legs as far as he could. "All I ever wanted was you." He managed to get out between pants. "Just you."

England captured those swollen lips in a passionate kiss as he moved to situated himself correctly, hand poking into the King's entrance cautiously. One finger slipped in without any resistance, not causing the younger any pain. The thrusts were almost timid in it's speed and power.

American gave a high-pitched whine to encourage the other to go harder on him. "E-England! I'm not going to break. I don't mind the pain."

The Queen added another finger with a roll of his eyes. "Ever so needy, aren't you, luv?"

America smirked as he trust his hips to meet his lover's fingers. "If it gets you to hurry up!" He quipped back, as his skin slowly started to turn red, sweat already building up on his skin.

England thrust his fingers upwards harshly, simpering at the reaction. "I'll get you to shut up before you get me to hurry."

The taller gave a loud cry at the thrust. Damn that hurt! He hadn't stretched himself in a while. "Ya-Ya wanna bet, Queenie?"

"No." The older pecked his King's head, attempting to find that sweet spot inside of his lover as another finger made its way inside. He paused so America wouldn't have to feel too much pain at once. "Relax, poppet, I'm not going to hurt you."

The other nodded and tried to force himself to relax. He just stayed there unmoving while England stretched him. Patience was the key. 'In and out, in and out.'

"Feeling better yet, luv?" England eventually asked, hearing the taller go quiet. His fingers spread out widely, scissoring in a constant motion. "There I think you're ready. Want my cock deep inside you?"

"Yes," America gasped out, "Yes to both."

England kissed the top of America's head, and then the swollen, lips before dragging his fingers out carefully, a tiny bit of oil coming out along with it. "Well, you'll be feeling even better in a few seconds." He started to slick up his prick hastily, watching America the entire time.

Blur eyes watched in anticipation. Oh how long he has waited for this moment!

England climbed back on top of him, and stared into sapphire eyes. "If it starts to hurt, you tell me."

America frowned at his Queen's hesitance. "I don't care if it hurts. All I want is you, I told you."

"Well I do." He once again kissed America strongly, rubbing his arms and guiding himself inside. He broke the kiss once he was captured and enveloped by the extremely tight depths, and gave an unearthly moan into his shoulder.

America groaned, pain shooting up his spine. England wasn't exactly small. "Ha…" His cock twitched at the pain. "Oh…. England…Goooood…"

England layered kisses on his cheeks and temples. "I know it must be uncomfortable, but I promise it'll get better, I promise." However when he registered what America just said, he was almost shocked and felt paralyzed.

"Just move!"

England smacked the side of America's head and started at a furious pace, their skin slapping against each other noisily. England's nails dug into the American's tan skin. "America…" To say that the younger male was tight was an understatement. He felt as if he was drowning in pleasure as the tight heat surrounding him tried to keep him from moving. "America," he gasped.

The younger let out a moan of England's name. America kept letting out small whimpers of pure pleasure. He loved this! How rough England was with him! How his lover pounded into him! He could feel how stretched he was and how the rough thrusts were jolting his body. "K-Kiss me!"

The Queen laughed rather loudly and pulled his King's head back, smashing their mouths against each other, still maintaining the fast pace. He battled his King's tongue, trying to gain entrance.

America eventually forced his way into England's mouth. Both were let out moan after moan, getting lost in each other's touch. Their body's were both covered in sweat as the room felt super charged with heat, like they were making love in a sauna. "Love you!"

"I love well, oh gods-" One of the Queen's hands traveled down, and gripped his lover's exposed cock as he found that sweet spot inside of him. "Come for me," he ordered with his Queen voice, knowing that he would soon follow his husband.

"ENGLAND!" America screamed as his body was ravaged by blinding pleasure. His body almost convulsed as his muscles tightened and relaxed "Again! More!"

If it was possible, England pounded into him even more, and leaned forward to nibble and suck on his neck. He wanted to see the King come undone. He wanted to see America's face as he orgasmed.

The taller whined as he was kept in this insane limbo of pleasure: unable to cum but not able to care. "Oh gods! England! So good!"

"You're mine," he huffed, pecking his lips before going back to his neck again. "Forever mine. You belong to no one else."

America clawed at England's shoulders, fingers digging in so much that he broke skin. "And you are m-mine! Always and for-forever!"

"Exactly." England smiled wide despite the pain in his shoulders.

"England...I want something!"

"I'll give you anything, dearest."

"Harder! Or I swear I will sleep with France!" America threatened as he thrusted his bottom half back, trying to get more of his lover. England was holding back, he knew it and wasn't going to stand for it. "Then China and Russia! Fuck me harder!"

England growled, this time biting and holding onto America as he went as fast as he could, this time slamming into him at a speed he didn't even know he had.

America screamed in satisfaction. "Yes! England! Yes!" this is what he wanted! The feeling of being so loved, having it so rough, and so passionately. He was going to be in pain tomorrow but he couldn't care right now. The power that England used was blinding.

"Is this fast enough?" England panted into his ear, licking along the shell of his ear before sinking his teeth into it.

"YES!" The younger screamed, his ear burning which only brought him closer to his end. America could feel his end coming with every harsh thrust. some of which hit his prostate head on. "Oh gods England. You're perfect! I'm so close."

The older chuckled, leaning forward to take his lover's red lips in a rough kiss once more before he gave a few more thrusts and a hot liquid poured into his hand.

America's voice was so horse that his scream only came out as normal talk. "England!" His whole body tensed before relaxing. His toes curled as he rode his orgasm to its end. The pleasure wave left his body slowly, the numbness filling America's body. He felt so tired he didn't open his eyes.

England groaned as the inner walls of his King tightened around his prick, and he spilled his semen into the other before he collapsed against him, exhausted. He groaned as he felt his body move up and down with the King's breath.

America smiled as he came down from his pleasure high. "Oh, England..."

England smiled, pulling out of him with a sigh and started to place kisses all along his face. "Did I pleasure you?"

The taller frowned before smiling again as the shorter pulled out. "I am happy."

The Queen settled beside him with a content sigh. "Rest on your stomach, luv. Your rump will be aching horribly in the morning."

The King rolled so he was half on the bed, half on his Queen. "I don't mind. I like the pain..." America admitted, slightly blushing at his words. "Its a nice pain really."

"Heh; isn't that a little masochist?"

Blue eyes connected with green. "Is there a problem?" The younger male didn't want this to repulse the older. It was just something he liked.

The older shook his head with a hum and a smile. "It just means there is more for me to love."

The two cuddled together, the taller moving his head to kiss his Queen's chest. America began to trace patterns on England's pale skin again, connecting his freckles. Like most royals in the Black Chess Kingdom, England shaved his chest hair off. America did the same, agreeing that hair belonged in three places only: on the top of the head, eyebrows, and around the private parts. He briefly remembered that Arthur's people didn't follow this custom. "Mmm, promise me something?" He asked after a few more minutes of silence.

England hummed, twirling a hand inside of his caramel locks. "Of course. Whot is it?"

"Stay inside me next time. I like it when you are deep inside me."

He chuckled. "Of course. I'll try to remember that." He pulled the other closer to his side. "I prefer to hold you in my arms."

America laughed loudly, happy that England wasn't weirded out. "You can do both at the same time!"

"It's easier this way."

"Next time though?"

"Definitely, dearest."

America yawned, his whole body tensing and then relaxing. "You tired me out. Sleep?"

England smiled. "Only with you."

"Who else? Freedom?" America asked mockingly, giving England a look.

The Queen laughed. "Yes! Because I would definitely bring a beautiful bird such as her to my bed!"

America whistled quickly and the eagle dropped down from her nest in the room. She landed on America's leg, letting out a soft squawk. Her claws didn't pierce his skin but it did make him test.

The older male smiled at the bird. "Hello, dear. Want a fuck?"

The eagle pecked England's leg softly before quickly flying over to land on his bare chest.

England gave an uncharacteristic scream, followed by a laugh. "Okay, too close!" However, Freedom made herself at home and laid down on his chest to rest. Her beak rested on Alfred's hair. He sighed. "If I knew better, I would say this bird was your twin as a bird."

"Freedom? Nah, she acts more like that Sealand kid that comes to visit you."

"Don't even mention that little brat," he sneered.

America frowned as he started to stroke Freedom's head, his finger petting down the fluffed up feathers. "I thought you like him..." He kissed England's chest. "I do."

"He's annoying. Sometimes, I can tolerate him, but most of the time..."

Freedom pecked England's chest again. America laughed. "See! She agrees with me!"

"You," he jabbed his finger at the King, "are an idiot. And you," he looked at the eagle, "are too aggressive."

The bird pecked England again, this time breaking skin near the Queen's collarbone before flying off to her nest.

"Ow, f-" He grunted in pain and broke away from America to grab a cloth and clean it. "Damn it..."

America squeaked. "I'm sorry!" He took the bottle of alcohol and dapped some on the cloth. Then he carefully cleaned the wound. Hopefully, an infection wouldn't settle in. "I'm, so sorry. I didn't think she would attack you. Usually she likes you."

"It's fine, it's fine." England stated as he pat the other blond's head. "You're not the one with a beak."

"B-But she is my bird..."

"Yes, and?"

America frowned. "According to the rules you created in the Kingdom, masters are responsible for their pets."

"An exception to my lover."

America kept frowning then smirked. "Then my... punishment will be on the morrow!" He quickly turned so he was facing away from England.

England huffed with a roll of his eyes, but then he smirked wide. "You mean your...punishment being no kisses from your dear lover?"

"Nooooo!" The taller whined, rolling over again. America rested his head on Englad's chest again. They stared at each other for a minute before America continued. "Deep down, I know you're a kinky bastard. I give you plenty of opportunities! Why don't you take them!" His face was etched into a large pout.

The Queen chuckled, stroking the top of his lover's head and pecking his forehead. "I was only teasing, Alfred. I've already planned whot I'm doing tomorrow night with you, and I know you won't disagree with it."

America pirked up. "Really? What?!"

England smirked; "I can't spoil it for you, otherwise it won't be punishment."

America pouted again.

"Don't pout, my dearest love. It'll be satisfactory for you tomorrow."

"Fine..." America nuzzled into England's chest again. "Night"

"Goodnight, my dearest love. I'll love you for all of time and beyond." The emerald eyed man kissed the younger male's forehead.

"And I you."

"Forever it shall last."

The King smiles into the Queen's skin. "Mmmm..."

England returned the smile and fell asleep soundly.

His King was not far behind.

Arthur and Rachel, after pleasuring each other until dark, ordered a large dinner platter to be brought to them. They talked of simple matters, and the future, feeding each other and enjoying the other's company. The Queen gave his lover a bit of meat before starting to speak again.

"Yao returns tonight," he informed her, serving himself some vegetables.

"Great! So is he going to be in trouble?" She asked sucking on Arthur's fingers as he fed her shrimp.

The Queen shook his head. "I won't reprimand him, if that's whot you mean. He was with his lover, and I can't get angry at him for that." Sure the Jack not being there caused a lot of paperwork problems but Arthur managed to shift it between himself, Isabel, and the King.

Rachel smiled. "I agree." She lay back down on Arthur's chest. Still nude, her breasts pressed against his own chest.

He gave a smile and gently raised her off. "Not now, my lady. I need to prepare for the Jack."

"I was just resting," she responded, a smirk on her tiny face.

He chuckled as he got up and started to redress himself into something casual yet professional. "Oh yes, luv, you were just placing your breasts against my chest. Because that is completely innocent."

Rachel rolled her eyes and snuggled into a pillow. "I only wanted to sleep on you. You are very comfortable."

"Mudclaw and Illumi think so as well. It's no surprise to find them curled beside me at night." He pecked her forehead, and then connected their lips for a bit longer. "I'll see you later, my dear."

She smiled. "I love you my Queen."

"I love you as well."

Rachel simple got under the covers and went back to sleep.

Arthur left the room and made his way to the courtyard not far from where he was. Already, several servants were also waiting as well for the Jack to return.

Soon, a group of horses was seen in the distance. The group traveled fast and ended up in front of Arthur within minutes. The Chinese Jack was the third in the pack, looking ill as well. His face was pale but it showed no serious grief.

The servants brought the horses to a halt, instantly taking care of them. Yao stepped down from his horse, and Arthur pulled his friend close to him. The Jack sighed and returned the embrace gently.

"I fine, aru..."

"It doesn't matter," he mumbled. "I know hard for you."

Yao nodded. "I heard Alfred sick?" The older got out of the hug.

"It's..." Arthur shook his head with a simper. "He's in a Wakeless Sleep. It's strange."

"Can I see him?"

The Queen nodded as they walked up the stairs to the castle. "Of course."

Yao quickly moved to the Medical Ward. Several servants expressed warm welcomes to the Jack. He greeted them lightly and friendly, and asked for permission to examine their King. The doctors moved out of his way, bowing and greeting their Queen as well.

Alfred still lay there, as still as death. Yet his chest, when inspected, rose softly. Yao took some tests and talked with the doctors. "He very deep, aru. What happen?"

"He was found by Toris, his usual servant," one of them explained. "He was on the ground by his door, slumped onto his side. He appeared to be in a sleeping state, and it looked like there was nothing wrong with him."

Yao paced around the room. "I have not dealt with this..." He put a hand to Alfred's head. "He wake up, aru?"

"This morning, he did for a fraction of a second," Arthur admitted quietly. "Though I wouldn't call it 'being awake'. His eyes opened just a few measurements before closing again."

The Chinese man nodded, feeling Alfred's pulse. "Okay... Has he eaten?"

"The nurses feed him for every meal. It's mostly been soup, and they say that he has taken to the that well."

Yao nodded. "Have you moved him at all?"

"We haven't moved him," another doctor stated. "He has been here since he was found."

The Jack's face became fear-filled. "What?! For how long?"

"Just yesterday."

Yao visibly calmed. "From now on, he is to be flipped every three hours."

"He should be waking up tomorrow." The Queen of Spades looked to the doctors hopefully. "R-right?"

"I hope aru..."

"It is possible," the doctor nodded. "Yes."

Yao nodded before walking out quickly.

Arthur watched his friend walked off, and waited for the medically trained men to leave. The doctors flipped Alfred onto his stomach and then left after ordering more broth. Arthur lay down beside Alfred, smiling as he was finally where he deemed safe. "Hello again, dear friend."

"A-Arthur..." Alfred seemed to mumble.

The Queen's heart stopped, before picking up a fast pace again. "Y-yes, I'm here, Alfred." He intertwined their hands. "I've been right here."

A pained look flashed across Alfred's face, his fingers twitched on top of the sheets. "...Arthur..."

"Don't fret, my dearest friend. I'm right here." Arthur assured the King as he leaned over to lightly peck there younger male's forehead. "Can you hear me? Alfred?"

The along started to shiver slightly. "A-Arthur..."

"Alfred..." He gently shook the other blond's shoulder. "Alfred, wake up!"

Alfred gave a pained grunt before going completely silent.

"N-no, Alfred!" Arthur panicked, remembering the Spades Blade wound. "Gods damn it! Alfred! I'm sorry!"

Alfred it seemed, went back to sleep.

Arthur let out an exasperated sound, resting his forehead against Alfred's. "You'll be the death of me." His forehead hit an empty part of the bed. There he lay for an unknown amount of time before the sound of an opening door appeared in the healing room.

"My Queen?"

The Brit didn't bother looking up at the speaker; the deep voice was familiar to Arthur. He had heard it since birth but hadn't seen the person in a while. "Whot..."

"Is something wrong? Well besides the King in the Wakeless Sleep."

"I thought Alfred was awake finally. He didn't stop saying my name..." The Queen sighed. "He might have been dreaming."
Arthur felt a hand in his shoulder.

"It's okay little brother. It will all turn out fine."

Arthur flinched, and looked up at who had touched him.

His older brother, Andras looked at the Queen with pity. He looked like Arthur's older, brown-haired twin. Same green eyes and kinder spirit. Of all of Arthur's siblings, Andras treated Arthur the best. It wasn't perfect but they had a nice balance when Andras didn't play pranks.

"Andras?" Arthur moved to his side to better look at his brother, but made no other movement. "Whot the hell are you doing here?"

"No hello or how are you?" the Welsh man asked, a smirk on his face. "You forget your manners, brother. I feel so loved."

The emerald-eyed blond sighed. "Hello, how are you, Andras?"

Andras smiled at the proper greeting. "I am well and yourself?"

Arthur looked to Alfred, still sleeping peacefully. "I'm fairing, I suppose... It's hard to do well when your best friend is in this Wakeless Sleep."

"It's will be fine brother."

"Easy for you to say. He's so dear to me." The Queen reached over and stroked his King's hair, smiling weakly. "To not be able to talk to him every day...with how clsoe we've become, it's taking its toll on me. I thought he died."

"I thought that you didn't love him anymore?" Andras looked confused. It was easy to see earlier that his little brother loved the King but he noticed that the look vanished recently.

"I don't love him as a lover, or to be in a romantic relationship. Rather, I love him as my best friend. And...maybe one day, I'll be able to love him as a love interest...but I can't risk having my heart broken again." Arthur groaned out

Andras rubbed his shoulders. "You'll be fine little brother. Despite what our siblings say, we do care a bit. If you need us to call the banners, we will."

"Banners?" Confused, he looked up at his older brother. "Whot for?"

"For you, little brother. If he treats you wrong, the Kirland honor is at stake."

"I don't think it will ever escalate to something that extreme. Besides, it would be my battle to fight, not yours. You all need to see that." Arthur insisted, waving his hand at his brother.

"The King will need to know that you are serious though."

"Whot do you mean 'serious'?"

"Oh for the love of the gods!" Andras sent a glare to the American. "He has turned you stupid!"

Arthur's eyes flashed a dark green and he stood up from his spot to face his brother. "He has not turned me stupid, and don't you even think about insulting either me or Alfred, brother or not! I'm still smarter than you ever will be, and our King is just ad intelligent as you!"

Andras calmly stared at him. "Then why couldn't you follow the conversation. You messed up twice."

"I was simply asking for clarification, brother. That does not mark me as dull-minded."

"Fine, once your King wakes up, tell him I await him in the Silver Stag bar."

The Queen snorted, and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Why should I?"

Andras smirked. "Because he ordered me to talk to him."

"Hmph." Arthur didn't look very convinced. "I'll tell him of this but don't expect him to be there right away, and don't expect him to go alone either! I don't trust you or our brothers almost as much as I trust Francis."

Andras frowned, "And here I thought you liked me best. Very well, I love you too, little brother." He turned and walked away. "Shame you don't realise that."

Arthur scoffed, and looked to Alfred. "Can you believe him? Do you think I'd let you go on your own to a bar with my brother?"

Only silence answered him. Arthur looked at the windows. It was midnight. Rachel would expect him back to sleep.
But Alfred was expected to wake up tomorrow. He didn't want to miss that for anything. However, Rachel would be furious if he didn't go back. e gritted his teeth together; this was an internal struggle that he didn't want to put up with. Perhaps he could ask her if he could stay there. Plus, it would be suspicious if he wasn't with Alfred as he awoke.

Although, Alfred was avoiding him like the plague. Perhaps it would be best to not be here. Arthur, with a pained smile as he recalled their situation, gave a small kiss to Alfred's temple. He would give him space when he awoke; he would have to wait until he invited his Queen back. He could do that.

With that Arthur walked away slowly, hoping that he might hear his name again. Once he knew that it was not possible, Arthur strode towards his room and to Rachel. He slipped into his room quietly, hoping not to disturb anyone nearby. He dressed into simple undergarments, and slipped into bed. Rachel was already there, and waiting for him.

"Hello, poppet," he greeted her with a forced yet warm smile.

Rachel lay in a silk gown and was reading a book. Turning around, she smiled. "Arthur! Is he awake yet?"

The Queen sighed and shook his head slowly. "No, I'm afraid not...hopefully, he will be awake tomorrow. And then we can all stop fretting over him."

Rachel shut the book and set it on the table. "Why don't we sleep? It makes the night come end faster."

He nodded, eyes already closing shut from exhaustion. "That is best for us both..."

Rachel giggled a bit. "Yes my Queen." She held his hand and fell asleep.

Arthur was just as quick to slip into his dreams.

As soon as Arthur opened his eyes, he could tell this was a magic dream. For one, there was a light feel to the atmosphere that was surprisingly serene. He wasn't in the same attire; instead, he was decked in his Royal robes, clean and untouched by dirt. He was confused; what was happening?

He looked around but saw no one. "Strange," he mumbled. Turning around though, he found himself looking into a mirror. His reflection however did not show the colors that he wore. The reflection was wearing

However, whenever he moved, his reflection didn't mock him the same. The reflection even blinked at a different time than he did. "Whot the hell..."

His reflection smirked. "Hullo, Arthur."

"Bloody hell." He reached out a hand, but then dropped his hand. The only thing he could think of was the Queen that a still dear friend had fancied very much. He gulped; "H-hello. You must be Queen England."

England nodded, pleased that Arthur was able to figure out who he was. "Yes." England gestured to a table with tea and biscuits. "Would you like to join me for some tea? America said that you love it."

The Queen of Spades smiled at the offer though on the inside he was very tense. To send someone a magical dream took serious control and power. In fact, Arthur refused to try it in fear that the cost would be too much for his body to handle. "Of course, I'd love to. I heard from America that you enjoy it as well."

England sat down at the table and poured his 'twin' a cup of tea before pouring his own. "We have much to discuss."

"Okay." He smiled weakly, and took the cup with a polite thanks.

The Queen of the Black Chess Kingdom studied his counterpart, picking up his tea cup and plate. "Are you scared?"

"No, not really." He took a small sip of his still hot tea before responding. "Just a bit nervous, since I wasn't expecting myself to be here."

"I see... Do you know why you are here?"

Arthur shook his head thoughtfully. "No. I suspect it has something to do with America and I, correct?"

"No," England said, slightly annoyed. He didn't want to be reminded that America and Arthur had 'relations'. "This conversation is about our Kingdoms."

"O-oh." The purple clad male looked away from the harsh gaze of the other Queen. Now he knew what it felt like to be a victim under his glare.

"I apologize for my assumption."

"I have decided to make an offer of an alliance," England declared, not saying if the other was forgiven. He took a bite of a biscuit before finishing the treat.

Arthur took another sip from his tea. "Hm. That's a good idea." He hoped that England didn't sense his nervousness. "Whot about?"

"Well, I think the first area would be military, then trade, and after what ever we wish."

The Queen of Spades nodded. "Alright. But, why are you telling me this in a dream? Couldn't you have come to see me?"

England laughed. "We are coming to see you. The 'pirate' ship that 'attacked' Hearts was us trying to pass through Hearts' sea territory."

Arthur nearly dropped his tea cup. "Y-you're whot?!" England and America were coming here! Or, rather, to his kingdom. But either way, he was going to be able to see America! "This is amazing!" The smile that graced his face was so large that Arthur's muscles hurt. He missed the King so badly.

Yet England sent him a rather harsh glare. "Understand, I do not trust you. America, however, has put in several goods words for you. I warn you. If I even suspect a reason why we shouldn't be allies, I will leave and never come back." England took a sip of tea. "We have a large war galley, with 100 men to feed. Can you accomodate us?"

Arthur nodded, trying to calm down his rapidly beating heart. "O-of course, I understand. We can definitely accommodate you; we have enough spare rooms for them, we have two spare wings for them. and America wouldn't mind sharing a room on my floor, would you?"

"That is fine," England answered. "I would also warn you to notify your whorehouses. My men have traveled far for almost six months. We have our own coin but we will gladly trade money so you can use it to buy supplies from the Black Chess Kingdom."

"O-oh, alright." The purple Queen nodded firmly. "Yes, I'll make sure that gets done right away for you. I would definitely like to trade money with you, but I'd like to talk about with our Jack first- not because of anything personal! He deals with finances and such, and I want to clear it with him before doing so. Ah...anything else that has to be done?"

"We can talk about the terms of the alliance when we get there."

At that point, a long and uncomfortable silence ruled over the Queens. England stared his clone down.

"You are not fond of whorehouses?"

Arthur grimaced, and looked away with a pained look. "I don't find them very profitable... I've always preferred sex as being something you should share with someone that you trust with your whole heart, and no other exceptions."

England blinked then started to laugh. "If only..." He smiled. "If the world were filled with people like you, the world would be a better place. However you are wrong on the profitable part. Whorehouses create lots of revenue. Put a tax on it, even a very small one, and you would get tons of extra money to spend on the Kingdom."

"I suppose you have a point. Would you like anything else to be done in preparation for your arrival?"

"I will need an escort as your Capital is in the middle of the country. The rivers are too small for my warship." England set his teacup down. "Oh, yes, one more thing."

"Yes?" Arthur looked at the other Queen in patient wait and anticipation.

"Stay away from America! He is mine!" England threatened.

And with that Arthur woke up.

Having been disturbed from sleep, Arthur's eyes flipped open and he gasped into the hours of daylight.

The early morning air was cool. Arthur shivered a bit as he got more underneath the covers. Rachel was peacefully sleeping next to him, still holding his hand.

He smiled warmly at the slumbering maid, and scooted closer to her so that he could leech more warmth. For some reason, he couldn't remember why, there was something important that was supposed to happen, but he didn't want to get up from bed just cuddled into him and he fell asleep again.

It was around miday when Alfred awoke. As he tried to speak or open his eyes, he was filled with pain.

He gave a light groan and tried to move his hands or arms, but found his body too heavy to do so.

So he ended up in a kind of limbo. He could hear though, yet it seemed there was nothing to hear. Alfred had only heard a slight click, but after that, it was all silence.

The King settled into the blankets, trying to backtrack and remember where he was, and what he had been doing last. Was he alone? With Arthur?

He couldn't hear Arthur though, and the Queen always talked.

But where was he last time? He couldn't remember what he had been doing, or how he had ended up in such a position.

It was then he heard a voice. "Well, well, well, look who finally awoke!"

Alfred turned his head to the sound of the voice, and weakly forced his eyes open. Smirking widely showing sharp teeth, his demon floated above his bed.

Okay so I promise I'm not dead. I'm just not feeling in the mood. Hopefully, I'll regain some drive. I got a job though.

Guest Reviews:

Dear KimWackySnacks,

Thank you so much for the kind words. Alfred and Arthur's relationship is always a difficult thing. Rachel understands this very well. I also hoped you liked the England and America smut. It was different but nice to rp.



Dear Philippines,

Don't worry. I'll continue the story. Thanks for the birthday wishes.



Dear PandaSilver,

Alfred likes the cookie. Thanks for the review.



Dear Guest,

A reminder to at least give your self a name but also don't kill yourself.



Dear PirateBirdie,

You'll just have to wait and see.

