That's right, guys. Emo/angst fic. I got inspired by an amazing picture on deviantART, by a certain awesome someone by the name of emerald-eyez333. Enjoy.

WARNING: There are spoilers for Kingdom Hearts 3D. But hey, everyone spoiled Xion's death from Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days… so…

Read with caution.

Light My Dark

A Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction

By Daisy8000

Chapter I

Where am I?

What's going on?

Why can't I feel… anything?

Why do I feel so empty?

There's nothing to do but sleep now…

So I might as well…

"Sora? Sora, where are you?" Kairi searched for her friend. He didn't answer her texts or calls, and Riku hadn't seen him since last week. Kairi tried calling Sora's parents even, and apparently, he was supposed to be with Riku! She searched throughout their "secret" island from when they were little. Maybe he's just off training, she told herself. Maybe something came up with King Mickey and the others. Maybe Riku forgot that he had something to do and Sora was actually more responsible than him for once. She laughed to herself at that last "excuse" she made. Maybe he's at our secret place…?

Carefully, she moved the thick palm leaves out of the way, and crawled into their secret cavern. All of the drawings from over the years were covering the walls. She looked at the one of them giving each other papou fruits and smiled. Even if we didn't give each other the destiny-binding fruit, our hearts are still connected… Right, Sora? Whoa, déjà vu. She realized, remembering to how she "met" Roxas. "I can't believe I ever forgot you, Sora," she whispered. She glanced over toward the door that led to… where? She never found out. It opened, and she faded away… her memory was fuzzy about that time. Well, why wouldn't it? I was pretty much asleep for the whole event…

"Kairi?" a voice murmured quietly, almost inaudible. "What's the point of all this?"

Kairi turned to see the spiky-haired brunette looking extremely out of character. He was sitting in the darkest corner of the cave, his eyes dull. "I mean, I keep saving the world, I kept Kingdom Hearts from showing up TWICE, I lose my body and heart, I think I lost some memories too, and I almost became a pawn for Xehanort!" he rambled. "And what do I get? I get deemed 'unworthy of the title Keyblade Master,'" he sighed.

"Hey, it's fine, Sora!" she attempted to cheer up her uncharacteristically unhappy best friend. "You're still the most amazing person I know!" she grinned honestly.

"Yeah right, what about Riku?" he snorted.

"He's nice, but nowhere near as amazing as you!" she grinned again. She stared at Sora. "What's gotten into you? Why are you so depressed all of the sudden?"

"Maybe Yen Sid was right… I'm not worthy of the Keyblade," he sighed.

"Okay, I call BULL CRAP!" Kairi shouted loudly. Sora glanced up at her. "I don't know what happened to you, but you're supposed to be the goofy, cheeky, adventurous, eternal optimist of the group! What the crap, Sora? Have you been taking anti-depressants this whole time? Where's the Sora that I… that I know?" she almost said, "That I love…" but stopped herself. Overwhelming him might make it worse… he might think I'm faking it…

"No," he responded. "I… what if this is a waste of time? All of it?"

"Okay. No. Just. No," Kairi retorted. "You're acting like some emo kid from an angst fan fiction. You're acting like Riku when he looked like Anse- Xehanort's Heartless. You aren't you! What's going on?" she questioned him, her face full of concern.

Silence filled the cave. She glanced around the cave once more. It's weird… I feel like… I know this sadness… but… I've never experienced this kind of… stress…right?

"You're right," Sora finally muttered.

"E-Eh?" Kairi asked.

"You heard me," he said. "You're right. I'm not me…"

"…What?" Kairi was honestly confused. "I-If you aren't Sora… then who are you? Where is he?" Do I even want to know?

"Well," he smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?" he finally let his eyes be seen.

They were bright amber.

"What the-? You aren't Sora!" she cried. "Sora" finally stood, and started to approach the Princess of Heart. "Gah! Get away from me!" she attempted to back away, but collided with the cavern wall.

No, wait.

There was something cool and smooth touching her back.

Oh crap! That door is right behind me!

"Sora! I don't know what happened, but you have to wake up! Sora, please! You've got to snap out of it!"

She blacked out.

Is Kairi hurt?

Did I do something to her?

…Snap out of it?

Snap out of what?

Why don't I feel worried for her…?

I suppose I'll just relax here some more...

When I finally came to, I was in darkness. The only light was a faint aura-like barrier around me… but that force field was slowly fading away, counting the seconds until my end…

"Hey, are you okay?" Huh? Who's there? Why do I know that voice? It sounds so familiar…

"I'm sure she's fine, don't worry!" The same voice seemed to be talking to itself… huh. Weird. "She is a Princess of Heart, after all!" this voice said optimistically.

"Why don't we just help her?" a female voice chimed in. "She needs all the help she can get… we all do, right?"

Do I look like I need help? Well, I guess I do… but still… "I-If you're gonna help me out, it'd be nice if you hurried up!" I tried to call out to them. I could've sworn I saw a hand reach out for me. When I tried to grab it, the aura of light faded from around me.

No! I have to save him! Why does it have to end like this?

Light enveloped me once again, a lot brighter this time, so I had to shut my eyes. When I could finally see again, I was…

Back on Destiny Islands?

No… this place seemed different. It looked the same, sure, but it just had this… feeling… that made it seem fake. It was too perfect, you could say. It felt like a sanctuary, a safe heaven… that's not right.

I walked around for a bit, until I found the tree where Sora, Riku and I used to hang out. There are people there! I realized.

I dashed down the bridge as soon as I noticed the familiar, blond-windswept-haired boy. "Roxas! What are you doing here?" I called out to him. He turned around and stared at me like I was crazy, which I probably was, honestly. That's when I noticed the two teenagers next to him.

One looked just like him, only slightly differently dressed. And the other…

Looked like me.

The only difference between her and I was our hair color. My hair is obviously auburn, while hers was a raven black. The three of them stared at me.

"What? You're looking at me like I have something on my face," I glanced down at my outfit. "HOLY CRAP WHERE'D MY OLD CLOTHES COME FROM?!" I exclaimed. Roxas laughed slightly. I was wearing my outfit from when, well, crap happened. Darkness and all that jazz. It was like time had turned back…

"Well, this is kind of awkward," the Roxas look-alike said.

"Where am I? Cause this definitely isn't home," I said sternly.

"We're in…" the girl started to say. "Wait, you aren't even going to ask who we are?" She pointed towards the Roxas clone and herself.

"Well, no, because you're obviously connected to Sora somehow!" I explained. "Though names would be nice…"

"Well, I'm Ventus!" the boy said. "Call me Ven"

"And I'm Xion," the girl smiled.

"Right, okay," I nodded. "So… where the heck are we?" The three of them glanced at each other and simultaneously shrugged. I facepalmed, of course. "You've got to be kidding me…"

"Well, if we told you…" Roxas said awkwardly. "…You'd probably freak out…"

"You're talking to me as if I'm a normal person and I didn't know what a 'heartless' was," I laughed nervously. "I don't think anything can freak me out any more…" The trio stared at each other for a moment.

"これ は ソラ の 心 です," they said simultaneously.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Y-You're kidding, right? There's no way that this is…"

"You asked…" Roxas apologized.

"W-wait. 心 as in 心臓 or 心髄? Cause there is a HUGE difference…" Thank goodness almost all of us are bilingual. Otherwise I wouldn't have understood.

"First choice" Ven sighed.

My mouth dropped. "Are you serious?"

"Well, yeah, but this is the only part that's light now," Xion answered. "The rest… well, you saw what happened. We're three of the people most tightly connected to him, even if he doesn't know us well, if at all." She seemed to be regretful when she finished.

"Alright… how'd it get like this?" I felt so confused.

"When Sora was about to get possessed or whatever by Xeanhort and almost became the 13th vessel, I was able to save him… barely. His heart was immersed in darkness, but I was able to keep it safe, then of course I got in trouble…" Ven tried to explain. "Then Riku came along and saved us, and well…" he was having trouble by now.

"Riku saved you and Sora," Roxas corrected. "You could say the three of us are your boyfriend's" I blushed deeply at that "guardians. So we had to make sure Riku could wake Sora up, and he did," he finished. "However, Sora's usually optimistic 24/7, right?" I nodded. "Well, that's because his heart is usually an eternal fountain of light. But when he got forced into darkness, he kind of lost that touch… he's been faking it up until now. I think there might be someone else here besides us and… well, you."

"That person might be influencing Sora deep in the depths of…" Xion thought. "Well, I dunno. But that guy or girl is clearing trying to possess him," I refused to say anything snarky at how redundant she was being.

"So, how do I save him? That's all I want to know," I asked once again.

They all shrugged. "私はばかにかこまれています" I sighed once more.

Who are these people?

What are they doing here?

That guy said I couldn't trust anyone, didn't he…?

Did that include Kairi?

He never answered my question…

I'll have to ask later, I guess…

Alright, first chapter's done and I lied.

It's not as emo/angst as I thought it'd be.

By the way, I used Japanese NOT because I'm a weeaboo, but because the game is from Japan and so I figured they'd all be bilingual for English and Japanese. I mean, what American or British kid is named "Sora" or "Kairi" or "Riku," anyways?

So, the Japanese used was the following:

これ は ソラ の 心 です= "Kore wa Sora no kokoro desu/dess"= "This is Sora's heart." Yeah… I figured that's what the place was at the end of KH 3D so… there's my plot hole filler ^_^

心 as in 心臓 or 心髄?= "Kokoro as in shinzou or shinzui?"= "Kokoro as in heart or spirit?" the Japanese kanji 心 can mean heart OR soul/spirit. So if they were in Sora's spirit, I would think that this was for a different series, like… Black Butler or Bleach or something.

私はばかにかこまれています= "watashi wa baka ni kakoma rete imasu/imass" = "I'm surrounded by idiots." Fitting sentence, wouldn't you say? I promise I won't use that much Japanese, because I know the kanji (those fancy symbols that will probably come up as question marks or blank boxes) doesn't work on some computers.