For disclaimers see first chapter.


Chapter 3

It has not been two weeks since the betrothal banquet had been deemed a success, and here were Mulan's family, once again summoned by the palace. Zhou had never been this weary in his life, he had been a soldier for most of it, had faced the most dangerous enemies, but he had never been this troubled… or nervous, well… not until he was faced to face with his now resting mother in law, when he himself had been betrothed to Li.

Fa Zhou and his family were brought to the Emperor's library to wait for the crowned prince who was the one who summoned them. Once settled, Ping had to hold his jaw at the vast room. He thought, the emperor's scroll collection will give the entire country's collection a run of its money – if scrolls have money that is. He was so engrossed in checking out this and that, he failed to notice a set of light brown orbs watching him from the shadow made by two opposing scroll cases.

The coughing sound made him turn his head to see Prince Mien actually watching him with smile on his lips, "I see, so Soldier Ping is quite a scroll worm?" he asked and his smile widened at the soldier's nod of his head. "I know one princess who is the same," he said before directing his gaze to the standing Fa Patriarch, "I apologize for my delay, I have some matter to straighten out," he said before motioning for the people in front of him to settle down on their seats.

"I hope I didn't make you wait long?" He asked Zhou who shook his head no.

"We've actually just arrive your majesty," he said with a curt smile.


"Fei yi," the prince called out and it was followed by mumbling sound from the corner of the library, "You did say you wanted to tour Ping around is it not?" he said smiling sweetly at his daughter who appeared before them.

"Yes father," the princess replied in between clenched teeth. She then turned to face the nervous looking soldier, and with a frown motioned for Ping to follow her. The two youngsters then walked out of the library.

A few moments of silence before the prince broke it, "I summoned you so we could discuss about the dowry," he said smiling.

"Your majesty…,"

Zhou's remark was halted by a palm out towards him, "Please Zhou, not because we are royalty means that we will not follow tradition, as a matter of fact, this marriage was conceived because of it."

Zhou bowed his balding head, "You are most generous,"

The prince took a deep breath, "The truth is, it is my great honor to give this dowry to my daughter, it's just that I wanted to make sure that you will be fine with it." He eyed the Fa family who eyed each other,

"Your majesty, my family is not poor nor we are rich, we have something to be used for d… pinjin(1), but I'm afraid it cannot match that of yours," Zhou said in humility.

That earned him a belly laugh from the prince, "Oh Zhou, it is not about that. I was just concern that your family may have a reason to dislike my gift to my daughter, for you see my gift would also involve your son." He saw the quizzical look on three faces, "There is this small island that our family owned; it has a small house in it, old but well maintained, me and my wife had saved that island for our Fei Yi, her being our youngest." He smiled. "It was my wife's parent's ancestral home and we would like for Ping and Fei Yi to make it theirs."

Zhou nodded his head, then looked at his wife and mother, "I am sure Ping would be delighted to know about that." His forehead scrunched, "I see no reason why we wouldn't like it,"

"Ah that my friend is because, this island we are talking about is about two weeks journey from the capital, and most of it will be by the sea." He grinned at the surprised expression on three faces which he anticipated. "I know, Ping might be your only son, or perhaps your only child and that he had just gotten back from being away because of this war against the Huns, but it was my wife's wish to give it to our daughter and I was obliged to follow through it." He sighed and bowed his head, "I do apologize…,"

"Your majesty," Zhou interrupted, "There is no need to apologize, as a matter of fact we should feel blessed that you and your wife had cared for your daughter so much to have planned her future. Three weeks maybe a long journey, but what is distance when we are talking about the ones we love? We could always sail to them when we missed our boy," he said meekly.

This brought light to the prince's face, "That is most kind of you Zhou. Of course, whenever you missed your boy and you have the need to see them, just come to me and I will make sure you go there in the fastest ship our empire has."

The whole Fa family smiled.

"Very well then, since this matter is closed, please join me at the dining hall. I shall have Ping and Fei Yi be escorted there as well. The emperor will be joining us as well."

"We are grateful your majesty," Zhou said then she urged his wife and mother to stand and follow the prince who was walking with light steps.

"I wonder what would Mulan say?" Grandmother Fa whispered to her daughter in law who just shrugged her shoulders.


While the older Fas and the prince were having a meeting, Fei Yi decided to bring Ping to the lake near the empire's garden. The princess loved this part of the palace since she could be alone in here, no prying eyes, plus she had learned from a fisher outside of the palace how to fish. In one of her quandaries outside of the palace, she had met this fisherman who failed to recognize her, he was a nice old man and he was really good with his skill, he said he had a grandson who had no interest in the hobby and a granddaughter too young to do with. So the princess decided to learn fishing.

The old man said she was good, that in time, she'll be better in fishing than him.

"This lake is probably the prettiest in the evening… with all the stars in the sky, the fire flies…," the princess looked at Ping who seemed to be taken into fantasy land and started mumbling mushy things. For a guy, he is too soft, she thought.

"What are you saying?" she said with a frown, "I didn't bring you here to go all mushy," she said before she started undressing.

Ping's eyes widened, "What the… what are you doing?!" he screamed, his voice a little bit too high for a guy, his face suddenly becomes flushed, his hands started trembling, and beads of sweat found his face.

The princess smirked, "What? I am going swimming, wearing this gown makes me feel so hot especially after a long walk," she looked back at Ping who was frozen in his place, "Get a grip Ping! Sooner or later you'll see me naked anyway! And don't worry, I'm not going totally naked, I'm wearing a shift!" she said as she continued undressing. When she stripped herself to her underclothes, she hurriedly plunged into the cool lake water, splashing the stupefied soldier.

Ping was pulled out from his shock by the cold water and angrily shouted, "You got to come back princess! You're father may think I took advantage of you and he'll kill me!" he said trying to step close to the edge, but decided to stop there.

The princess's smirked widened, "You're so prude for a guy! Get in here, the water is so cool!"

"But Princess…!"

"Besides, if father kills you then that means I don't have to get married, so it's better right?!" The princess screamed her answer.

She is joking… she is joking right? She watched the princess swam with glee in her eyes, "That's not fair!"

"All is fair in love and war!" The reply was out before the princess could stop herself…darn!

"That's the problem we're not in love!" Ping replied back smiling, "Unless you are in love with my charming personality already princess, then I accept the unfairness of it!"

That put a frown on the princess face, and to get back at the soldier, she swam near the edge where the soldier was and splashed him with water.

Ping had to count to fifty before he turned his back on the swimming princess and walked away from the lake. His ears though caught the belly laugh coming from the swimming royalty.


The Emperor was sitting at the head of the dining table. He was alone, and the servants had already arranged the plates for their guests. His head was on his granddaughter's dowry, which was a well built ancestral home owned by a rich merchant who had migrated to another country. He and his son were talking about Fei Yi's dowry and this came to their aware. The prince jumped in to the idea of actually settling his beloved daughter a bit away from the city, therefore arranged for the merchant to see them before he sets sail to his new destination.

An agreeable amount had been settled, and the Prince just had the 'play' right in his head and summoned for the Fa family. As to what he intend to tell them he didn't know, but he knew his granddaughter will not like it one bit.

The peace though would be welcomed.

His musing was cut short by his son and his guests' arrival, a soldier was talking to the prince in a whisper and whatever the soldier was saying was putting a crease on his son's forehead. The soldier bowed and left.

"Please have a seat," The emperor said, "Don't worry you weren't late, I was just early." He said smiling as the older Fas bowed their heads in respect before taking their assigned seats. The Prince sat beside the Emperor, "Problem?" the Emperor asked.

"I told the soldier to fetch Fei yi and Soldier Ping, it seemed my daughter decided to have a cold dipped on the lake with nothing but her shift, and Soldier Ping was there," he blew breath he was holding, "He should have stopped her!"

The Emperor laughed and shook his head, "You think there's anyone who could stop your daughter?" he looked at the Fa family who smiled at them while being served, "And from how Ping is, he's not one to do it."

"So what's the use of marrying him to my Fei Yi?"

"Well he isn't there to change her dear son, we never marry our women to change them, remember that."

Feeling castigated, the prince turned to his plate that is currently being filled, "I told the soldier to ask Ah Ming to fetch the two. She would be at least discrete,"

"If you're trying to know my opinion son, I say leave them alone. There is but just two weeks before the wedding day, let them settle their differences by themselves,"


"Ping is an honorable man, he will not do anything to Fei Yi that your daughter has no consent over."

Silence followed by the prince's nodding of his head. They turned their gaze to the elders of Fa family and began another topic for conversation.


When Ping returned, the princess was already off the water, still in her wet shift and cooking two large fishes over a fire. Ping's face once again reddened at the sight but he took a deep breath and stepped close to the wet royalty. Up close, he could see goose bumps scattered on the princess' skin so he took the royalty's dry, discarded clothes and stealthily lay it over the princess.

Fei Yi jerked at the sudden intrusion and looked back to see her betrothed looking everywhere but at her, then she felt the warm temperature of her discarded gown, "T-thanks," she mumbled and Ping nodded in reply. The soldier stepped close to a log in front of the princess and sat. "I caught two fishes, I hope you eat one?"

"I'm not picky with food princess," he said frowning, "You're going to get me in trouble, you shouldn't have done that, no proper woman will do that!" he said in reprimand, thinking of his own behavior before the war came.

"Hah!" The princess huffed as she arranged the gown over her shoulders, "You men all think alike, just because a woman could do something else other than sewing, cooking and giving birth, they are regarded as improper." Her voice was laced with harshness, "Maybe if you men get to be in our shoes, you'll know not to belittle the things we women could do… as a matter of fact, I know that I could live my life without a man in it! And perhaps I'll be happier that way!"

Ping just looked at the princess, if he could only say that he shares the same sentiment, he would but that would be giving away his secret. So instead, he lifted both palms out in the open air in a motion of surrender, "I didn't mean to upset you more, I was just saying I love my head on my neck is all," he said before sniffing, "But may I say, you catch good fish yes, but I don't believe cooking is your strong suit." He said looking around and smiling when he found some herbs he could use to make the fish smell palatable, cause from how it is at the moment, he doubts the fishes were edible. "I hope you cleaned the fish princess,"

At the thought, the princess eyes widened.

"Oh-oh, does that mean no?" Ping watched the princess shook her head no. Ping at once took the fishes out the fire, pulled a dagger hidden in one of his boots and started cleaning the fish. Good thing it hasn't been long since she tried to cook this! Ping thought as he worked on cleaning, then he stood, "I'm getting some herbs to put in here so stay princess," he said before disappearing.

The princess was just staring at the soldier. Okay so the fisherman taught her to fish but she had not learned what to do after it, the kitchen helpers were not so open in helping her out with kitchen works so… wow, a guy who can actually cook? Could he… really?

When Ping returned, he had different kinds of grasses in his hands and then he started mincing it with the help of the stream water, his dagger handle and some flat rock, then he stuffed some into the fishes and some were rubbed on it before he returned the fishes to the fire. "One of the galls ruptured, I hope the one I put in would negate the bitter taste of it," he said sighing in relief. He looked at the princess who was looking at him, "What?"

The princess shook her head, "You get embarrassed easily, you're mushy, you're a prude, and now you can cook… tell me…,"

Ping gulped, had he made a mistake of showing off something he shouldn't?

"… are you a sodomite or something?"

Ping's jaw dropped, what the sodo… me? "What?!"

The princess just smiled, "I was just thinking, cause it's either that or you're a woman, so are you going to answer me?"

The soldier frowned, "I am neither," he said crossing his fingers in his head, "I was taught the ways of the house, being a man doesn't exempt you from learning the basics of living, imagine if I were sent into a battle and got left alone in the wilderness, if I have no other skills than to fight and kill, then what would become of me huh?"

The princess smiled, "Naturally, you'll die of hunger, but as you say oh great one, how can you live if you can't fish?"

"Fish isn't the only food in the wilderness princess for your information. I'll bet my grandmother's tits you can't hunt even a small critter!" he said angrily when he saw the princess laughing hard, "What's funny?!" he asked.

"Now you're betting your grandmother's tits! Buddha bless you!" the princess said while laughing continuously.

"I'm glad I'd been an entertainment." He huffed.

"Oh Ping… that was precious! I don't remember when was the last time I laughed this hard!" she said panting.


"Look princess, the fish will be cooked in a short while, can we please go back to the palace after eating? I am afraid your father has his guards looking for us and when they find us, my life's forfeit." Ping said nervously.

"Pfft!" Fei Yi waved a hand in dismissal, "One of the guards had already found us and until now no one has come to get you and put you in the dungeon, so calm down."

"You say that, it's not your neck in line here."

"You're so dramatic!"



The meeting adjourned late in the night. Fei Yi and Ping returned before the discussion was over and the parents had set the date of the wedding. The first full moon of the coming month will be the day, it was roughly three weeks, and the preparation would be done mainly by the palace servants.

Zhou had asked the Emperor and the prince for the wedding to be simple, there would be not much people invited except for Ping's friends in the Army, his captain, and the princess' friends. The Prince wanted a large and grand banquet, but the Emperor had acquiesced, it's not every day that a family to be wed into royalty asked for simpler ceremonies, most wants the world to recognize that they are being made into one of the blue bloods.

The Fa's are different and if the Emperor wasn't impressed before, he is now.


[One week later]

Mulan was pacing in front of her bed, Mushu was lying on his side on the table in front of Mulan's bed that serves as her study, the dragon was inspecting a pen and watching Mulan pace, and this irritates the guardian more.

"If you don't stop that walking, you'll find yourself at least three feet below the ground, you'll make a hole in your bedroom so stop it!"

"Two weeks!" Mulan said while flailing her hands in the air and not stopping her movement, "Two weeks and I will be married to that snotty, spoiled princess!"

"Huh look who's talking!" Mushu replied before putting the pen down.

Mulan stopped and faced her guardian, "Who's side are you on?"

The dragon raised both hands in surrender, "Hey, I'm just saying, if you weren't spoiled by your father, you wouldn't be in this mess!"


"Yeah argh,"

"What am I going to do?!" She asked and started pacing again.

"Well for one, you can't back out so you have to push through with the wedding. If you even think about absconding, I won't be able to help you if the Prince decides to hunt you down like an animal."

Mulan stopped again, her shoulders slumped and she looked at the small dragon, "I know,"


"But what after the wedding?"

"What about it?"

Mulan's eyes widened, "MUSHU! The princess would demand to be in bed with me!"

The guardian laughed, "Oh come on Mulan, from the look of the princess, she won't even think about touching you, nor she would want to touch you even with a ten foot pole!"

Mulan's hand went to her waist and frowned, "Hey, I'm not that repulsive looking! For your information…"

The tirade was halted by a small dragon's hand on her face, "I wasn't saying you look repulsive, the princess just isn't the marrying type, so if it's about sex you are worrying about, don't." Mushu watched the different shades of red on Mulan's face accompanied by different kind of expression, "Unless of course it is you who wanted to bed the princess…"

"MUSHU!" Mulan said, getting some small trinkets on her side table and threw it at the agile dragon who laughed when the lady soldier missed.

"Anyway, I'm sure though the prince and the Emperor would want you two to consummate your marriage, then that would be a problem… operative word: would be…"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I think it's either we do what your grandmother advised or we could go see her,"

The Fa daughter closed her eyes, "I don't want to do that gypsy thing, who knows what it would do to me."

"True, so we'll go see her then?"

"I don't see how seeing Mei would help,"

"Tsk," Mushu stood and stretched out, a small fire puffed out of his mouth upon yawning, "I'm sure that woman could help, she probably has some secret solution to a problem like yours." The guardian smiled.

The lady soldier sighed, "Okay, but if she doesn't have any idea what to do, we'll leave at once okay?" she said.

"Okay," Mushu said grinning.

"Why don't I like that smile of yours?"

"You'll get use to it,"


Mulan was nervous as she and her "invisible" guardian stood before Mei's door. It was early afternoon, and if the voluptuous woman has work, it won't be until later, so Mushu deemed this is the right time for them to consult with the courtesan. Three nervous knock on the door by Mulan was rewarded by it's opening, and revealing a smiling courtesan … sans make-up.

"How good of you to come by… ahm," Mei greeted the blushing woman. She looked the woman from head to toe and smiled coyly, she liked what she's seeing.

The woman before her wore a traditional Chinese gown in green and white, her shoulder length, black hair, that's as black as midnight, (yes even darker than hers) were untied and left loose, her bangs was long and free flowing on her face, over all, Mei really liked how the woman looked.

"I wonder why you aren't married by this time, if you look so gorgeous even in your regular, everyday clothes." Mei said in a purr, obviously teasing the still blushing woman… who keeps on getting redder.

"Mei," Mulan called exasperatedly and went in as soon as the older woman side stepped to let her in, "Thank you," she said as she passed the other woman. She heard the door closed and the soft sound of it being locked followed. She turned around, "Look Mei I really am not here for that…,"

"That? Whatever you mean by that?" Mei grinned as she prowled slowly towards the nervous and backing away female soldier.


The courtesan stopped, "If you are not here to play, ahm… I don't suppose you want me to call you Ping? You aren't wearing the right clothes this time." Mulan smiled.

"Mulan," she said.

The older woman clasped two hands in front of her and her smile widened, "What a beautiful name, suits the owner." She said before stepping closer, "So Mulan, if you aren't here to play with me, then why are you here?"

The younger woman gulped, "Ahm, actually a friend of mine thought… er… he thought it's… er … I need help?"

Mei is enjoying this, tormenting the beautiful woman before her was fun. Not that doing other things is less fun, still, she thought just being with her is something to look forward to. "What help?" she asked despite having an idea what the help was about.

Mulan took a deep breath and sighed, I am so embarrassed I don't think I could ask her! She thought, which was interrupted by the older woman pulling her face forward so that the two women are now face to face.

"Can I have a wild guess?" the older. More experienced woman asked and laughed softly at Mulan's happy nod, "You need help on how you'll act with the princess on your first night?"

Mulan's eyes widened, she nailed me on the head and on the first try! Wow! I guess Mushu was right all along! A happy thought this time.

"Told you," Mushu's inaudible voice said to her.

Mulan nodded again in response to Mushu's I told you so comment, this was interpreted by Mei as another excited nod from her wild guess. "Will you…"

Mei slapped Mulan's firm shoulder lightly, "Of course silly!" she said as she back stepped from the other woman, "I did tell you to come to me if you need help didn't I?" she watched the female soldier nod happily once again, "Very well," she turned and walked towards a closed door then looked back at Mulan who was still standing still on her place, "What are you waiting for? Follow me,"

"Oh yes!" Mulan responded with a large smile on her face.

Mulan was led to a small closet by Mei upon entering her room. The older woman opened a drawer on the top most portion and playfully asked the younger one to dunk a hand in. Suspiciously, and with a frown she did as asked. She eyed the older woman as she watched her rummage through the said compartment.

The crease on her forehead deepened when she felt something odd… what she felt was akin to something velvety, soft and nice to the touch, as she inspect more, she also found it to be long. "What is this?" she asked without taking the said material out of the drawer,

"Take it," Mei said before turning around and leaving the younger woman on her own, for the meantime.

Mulan took the said velvety material and brought it down. Mulan may have lived a sheltered life, what with her being the only child of her parents, and that both parents weren't too open to discuss things only a married woman should know, but she isn't too naïve or ignorant to not know what a 'male' private part looks like. At the sight of the 'said' part in her hand, and away from a live male body to boot, she shrieked and let go of the now deemed offending stuff.

Mei could be heard laughing hard outside of the closet.

Mulan knew, her invisible guardian is doing the same.


The pout on the young woman's face hasn't left even after the courtesan explained that the material she took wasn't a real one taken from a man. Mulan argued that it is impossible for something like that to be had without actually taking it off a real guy, but the courtesan patiently explained it to the female soldier again and again until Mulan just gave up and accepted it.

"So why show me that?" she asked the more experienced woman.

"I thought you need help on how you'll play the part of the gallant male soldier without rising suspicion?" Mei asked.

Mulan raise one brow and looked at the stuff lying on the floor, in between her and Mei. She pointed at it, "That's the answer?"

Mei nodded with a smile, "Not that I had used that one, but I told you before you're not the only female I serviced before. There were female from foreign land that has come and visit our country who had interest in me, and I serviced them,"

"You mean…,"

"There are women in this whole world Mulan that likes to be serviced by another woman, so get over it and stop being so prude."

She nodded her head, well the princess thinks I am a prude, then she took a deep breath, "How did you get one?"

"There was this wandering female from a warrior clan who had visited us, she was the first one to have introduced me to this 'fake' male parts. It wasn't made from the same material, I remember it to be more rigid and made of leather, she said she uses it a lot since their clan were all female…,"

"All female?!" Mulan's eyes widened. "Wow,"

"Indeed," Mei laughed at Mulan's incredulous look, "Anyway, she stayed here for a long time, I guess due to a trading trip so she became my regular customer and a friend at the same time." She took a deep breath and smile in fond remembrance of time not so long ago. "She sent me this one," she said touching the velvety, phallus like stuff. "She said in her note that they had improved their 'fake' maleness and sent me a sample."

Mulan looked down at the material which Mei was now petting, "Wow… so this is the improved one huh?" she watched Mei nod her head.

"It comes with a leather strap,"

"Strap?" Mulan asked with a frown,

"To keep it in place,"

The frown deepened, the older woman knew Mulan was imagining it.

"Hard to imagine huh?" She saw the younger woman nod her head in the affirmative, then she grinned. "I can always show you how it is used,"

Mulan looked at Mei with wide eyes, her face once again turning deep red, but she nodded her head.

"Come," The older woman took Mulan's hand as she stand, then she pulled the abashed woman up, bent down to pick the 'fake' phallus and dragged the female soldier to her bed.


Mulan was on her back, her left arm bent over her forehead, she was breathing normally, her other arm laid on the back of the older woman who was now lying over her, Mei's head cradled on her unbound chest. She pushed her left arm up and then looked down. Mei's one leg was draped over hers, the 'fake phallus' erect and lightly touching the older woman's inner thigh. The leather strap hugging her hips,

"What have I gotten myself into?" She mumbled,

"Well… that one sure fits you." She heard Mushu's soft voice, she looked at her right side and saw the small dragon doing a thumbs up to her, "If I wasn't a dragon, I probably burned myself from the intense heat!" he said grinning at Mulan's blush.

"Mushu!" she said a bit loud, making the woman on her moved a little and mumbled some word.

"So again, I told you," he smiled, "Mei could help!"

"Yeah… that she did."

"Oh, so you left them unbound?" Mei teased as she slowly undressed Mulan.

She frowned, "It's not as if I'm walking as Ping right now." She replied, "Do you really need to undress me?"

"Yes, I don't know about you, but since I am to show you how this phallus works, we need to be naked."

"But that means the princess will see through my bound chest!" Mulan declared worriedly.

Mei smiled, "Oh my… you are smitten with the princess aren't you?" she teased once again.

Mulan's eyes widened and hurriedly shook her head to the side, "Of course not! The princess is one heck of a rotten, selfish, egocentric and spoiled girl!"

The courtesan laughed as she continued with her work, "Oh I see," she said but knew she had hit the mark. I would have been a lucky woman if I had you instead, but well…, she decided to kill the sentiment and went on with her work, finally freeing Mulan from her clothes. "Actually you could use this without getting naked fully, but I don't do half naked women, so," she grinned at Mulan's deep blush.

As soon as both women were naked, Mei started putting on the fake maleness into the leather strap and then put it on Mulan's hip. The younger woman's eyes were focused on the contraption now lying against her private part, erect and looking like the real deal.

Mei smiled at Mulan, traced the younger woman's arm from her clavicles to her hands before kneeling down.


"When you and the princess decided to consummate your wedding Mulan, I doubt she will kneel before you. I want you to realize that you will have to work hard to make this work, got me?" Mei said as she looked up at the female soldier's face, intent, listening and blushing. "I'm sure the princess will be a virgin, if it's her first time, the first thing you should remember is to lubricate this…," Mei said grinning before leaning forward and taking the phallus in her mouth.

Mulan closed her eyes at the vision, then shuddered, "How… I… if the princess," she said as she forced herself to concentrate on the lesson instead on the pleasure coursing through her, "I mean, you said she won't kneel… so I should…,"

Mei pulled away and looked up, one hand massaging the fake maleness, "No, it would be hard to do that while strapped on you, but if you can't find a better lubricant like oil, you could do this while it's not yet strapped, but then, it would probably dry out by the time you two are ready."

"So how?"

At Mei's grin, she stood and sat on her bed, pulled Mulan to herand lie down on her back, "That's where our first lesson will come in,"

"First lesson?"

"When we were at the palace Mulan, our first time?"

Mulan nodded her head, "Oh,"

"If you make the princess wet enough… this won't be too painful for her, and of course timing! So remember, foreplay is needed badly!" She said as she pulled the younger woman on top of her, leaned and capture the female soldier's lips with hers,

The next three candlemarks were full of lessons and fun.

"Hmmm," Mei groaned as she lay over Mulan. Both women were breathing hard from the orgasms they brought about. "If you perform like today, you'll pass for a guy with no problem. The princess wouldn't know what hits her."

Mulan laughed. "You think it will feel the same with her?" she asked,

Mei wanted to actually ask the soldier how she was feeling, but decided not to. She doesn't want anymore complication. Her feelings towards the shy soldier, though small as it is, is already complicating a lot of things for her, so knowing something she might or might not like would mean more trouble. "I can't answer that Mulan, only you can,"

Mulan nodded her head, "Thank you Mei,"

Mei smiled, "It's not as if I didn't get anything out of this Mulan, so no need for that."

"I still want to,"

The older woman tilted her head and looked at Mulan who was smiling, "This is it isn't it?" She watched the bewildered expression on Mulan's beautiful face, "I mean, we won't be meeting again?"

The younger woman frowned, "I hope not, I still want to be your friend." She made a coughing sound, "I mean just friend, I don't want you to think I'll be taking advantage of it,"

Mei laughed, "None of those thoughts Mulan," she said before once again resting her head on the chest below her, "But I think, it would be better if we stop seeing each other."


Mei laughed again, "You are too cute, too kind and too beautiful, it would be too easy for me to fall for you if we keep seeing each other… even without the benefit of sex," She waited for response but none came."Look, if the princess could see the real you, not the bambling Ping, I'm sure she'll feel the same way, just be yourself Mulan, there's no better way to face the world than 'your way', don't ever let the words or thoughts of another change you."

Mulan nodded again and then hugged the older woman tighter, "It would have been nice if we've meet in another time, probably before all of this began."

"If you didn't pose as a soldier Mulan, then I wouldn't have met Ping. I guess this is our destiny, for me to be your teacher and nothing more."

"And a friend,"

"And a friend." Mei agreed and then she placed a gentle kiss on one of Mulan's breast before closing her eyes in exhaustion.

At least, Mulan thought, whatever trouble she got into, she had found a friend she could rely on. It's not that her family was unreliable, it's just, Mei was at least close to her age and knew about her predilection, as Ping or as Mulan. She has no idea what Mei really wants, if she thinks not seeing her is better, she would abide, but she knew it would hurt to not see the woman again, she had helped her a lot and she wants to at least return the favor, if not now , then someday.

Mulan sighed and closed her eyes, she tied her worries for now and let sleep claim her again.

-End Three-

It took me a while to write how the mature scene would go… I know most of you would want to actually read the graphic , but the fear of me being banned at FFNET made me write it this way. Well, I'll be sure to write some graphic mature scene in the future, just not sure if I'll post it at ffnet.

Thanks to all who have favorite this story of mine!

And yup, unbetaed.